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近期,“油价攀升”、“发改委油耗公示”等几个高频词可谓唱响了汽车界舆论的主旋律,一时间油耗问题似乎被无限扩大,成为衡量一辆车好坏的唯一标准。对此还需理性看待。尽管在高油价日寸代,追求燃油经济性乃是天经地义之事,但是离开技术的支撑而一味的强调节油,却是“捡了芝麻、丢了西瓜”。 相似文献
有业内专家指出.国Ⅲ标准的实施,对整个重卡行业技术水平的提升将起到积极作用。同时,它也将深刻影响中国卡车客户的运营模式与利润结构。 相似文献
在全球能源价格高企的时代,各国日益认识到新能源汽车的开发和应用是实现经济结构转变、实现绿色环保的关键。相对燃油汽车百年的发展史,新能源汽车还处于起步阶段,各项技术未达到成熟,如何保障安全是发展新能源汽车过程中需要优先考虑的课题。西方发达国家注重从安全标准、安全法规、安全技术和安全培训等方面确保实现新能源汽车安全永远第一。 相似文献
各国制度环境、历史文化传统的差异性,产生了多样化的公司治理,通过对美、日、德公司治理特性的比较,探究各种治理的缺陷、漏洞与转型趋势。在借鉴国际经验的基础上,结合中国国情,推动公司治理转型过程中职能定位、资源能力与治理环境的匹配。 相似文献
综合经营对保险业经营效率影响的比较分析——来自欧、美、日、中国台湾的经验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
金融业综合经营成为理论与实务界的焦点之一.本文以18家不同赘本构成和组织形式的金融集团的保险业务为研究样本.基于数据包络分析方法计算了样本企业的成本效率、配置效率、技术效率、纯技术效率和规模效率;利用M氏指数求解了行业的生产力变动趋势.结果表明,保险资本为主的综合经营保险公司和日本、中国台湾的金融控股保险公司的效率最高.根据国际保险集团企业的发展经验,中国应当重点发展保险企业集团,积极推动保险集团的综合化经营以及中小银行参股保险公司的试点. 相似文献
近年来欧美、日本、韩国跨国公司在华发展显著,由于对市场理解和自身背景不同,这些跨国公司的经营战略思维和在华市场战略呈现出较大差异,表现在对华整体战略、投资战略、人才战略以及本土化进程等几个方面.通过比较研究欧美、日本、韩国企业在华市场经营战略的特点,进一步探讨跨国公司在华持续经营的对策. 相似文献
美元日元欧元的走势及对人民币汇率的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
人民币在被要求升值的国际压力下选择怎样的汇率政策?从美元、欧元、日元的走势和中国的经济实力看,人民币温和升值和剧烈升值的时机都不成熟。应对升值压力的策略应放在适度放宽人民币汇率的波动幅度、适时适当地调整汇率和积极完善人民币汇率形成机制上。 相似文献
《International Business Review》2000,9(5):613-624
We have compared the licensing agreements of Korean firms with Japanese, North American and European (British and Continental European) licensors. In view of contract length, Continental Europeans and North Americans show longer period than Japanese and British. Considering the brand accompanying the technology licensing, we can observe a difference between the Anglo-American countries and the others. The outcome corresponds with the existing literature that opportunism is greater in the Anglo-Saxon culture than elsewhere. 相似文献
《Journal of World Business》1999,34(3):267-286
Empirical research on the European operations of 19 American and Japanese multinational companies (MNCs) suggested, first, that the strategic importance of the region did not translate into an enhanced role for regional headquarters, and second, that American and Japanese MNCs are “unbundling” their European operations as a means of enhancing their flexibility. American MNCs preferred to carve up regional tasks for delegation to local subsidiaries, with coordination assured increasingly by “councils” bringing top European managers together. Japanese MNCs have not altered the formal organizational structure; but the recent internationalization of basic research labs in Europe has forced them to modify their previously monolithic approach to European subsidiaries. 相似文献
David L. Mathison 《Business ethics (Oxford, England)》1993,2(2):97-100
Recent research shows interesting differences and similarities in attitudes and priorities of CEOs in various parts of Europe and in the USA. Professor Mathison is Chair of the Department of Management in Loyola Marymount University's College of Business Administration, Los Angeles. 相似文献
Robert Phillips 《Business ethics (Oxford, England)》2008,17(1):69-73
Integrating Belk's (1988) notion of the “extended self” with van Gennep's (1960) framework of “liminal transitions,” a model of symbolic consumption activities and psychological phenomena that occur during major life transitions is developed. In an initial investigation, the transition from high school to college is used to explore the nature of the liminal experience, the role that symbolic consumption assumes in the process, and the effects of both on consumers' psychological states. The results suggest that certain negative psychological consequences are indicative of existence in a liminal state. Further, consumers in transition appear to rely on possessions that symbolize the past, as well as those that represent the new role, to help facilitate a major life transition. Directions for future research are offered. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Nick Huls 《Journal of Consumer Policy》1992,15(2):125-142
In this paper the author discusses some aspects of the problems and possibilities concerning the introduction in Europe of elements of the Fresh Start doctrine for consumers as embedded in the US Bankruptcy Code. He describes the USA as a society with a restricted social security system and a rather radical Fresh Start policy (discharge of debts, exemptions, etc.). By contrast the West European countries have a well developed system of social security and a lifelong liability for debts. Because many people in Europe are facing debt problems, several governments have been looking for American-like solutions to overindebtedness. After describing the political underpinning of this project, the author discusses some recent developments and perspectives.
Earlier versions of this paper were presented in June 1991 at the Damwoude Conference on Critical Legal Thought and the International Conference of Law and Society in Amsterdam.
The author wishes to thank Duncan Kennedy for his comment in Damwoude and Hanneke Ackermann for editorial assistance. 相似文献
Amerikanische Einflüsse auf das europÄische ZahlungsunfÄhigkeits-Recht bei Privat-personen
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag schildert die Doktrin des völligen Neuanfangs als typisches Element des amerikanischen Insolvenzrechts und diskutiert die Möglichkeit seiner Einführung auch in das europÄische Recht der Konsumentenüberschuldung. Die Doktrin des völligen Neubeginns ist gekennzeichnet durch (a) ein rechtliches Verfahren mit dem Ziel, dem Schuldner seine Schulden zu erlassen, (b) die UnpfÄndbarkeit einzelner Besitzgüter des Schuldners sowie (c) das Verbot der Diskriminierung von ehemals überschuldeten Personen.Der Autor kennzeichnet die USA als eine Gesellschaft mit einerseits einem lediglich eingeschrÄnkten System sozialer Sicherheit, andererseits aber mit der Möglichkeit eines gÄnzlichen Neubeginns nach einer überschuldung, wogegen die westeuropÄischen Staaten ein hohes Ma\ an sozialer Sicherheit haben, Schuldnern allerdings eine lebenslange Haftung für ihre Schulden aufbürden.Angesichts der wachsenden Schuldenproblematik in Europa erwÄgen die Regierungen eine teilweise übernahme des amerikanischen Ansatzes. Der Autor, seit 1988 selbst in einem niederlÄndischen Forschungsprojekt zu dieser Frage engagiert, diskutiert die politischen Argumente und die neueren Entwicklungen der Gesetzgebung nicht nur für sein eigenes Land, sondern auch für Deutschland, Frankreich und Gro\britannien.
Earlier versions of this paper were presented in June 1991 at the Damwoude Conference on Critical Legal Thought and the International Conference of Law and Society in Amsterdam.
The author wishes to thank Duncan Kennedy for his comment in Damwoude and Hanneke Ackermann for editorial assistance. 相似文献