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谭深 《开放时代》2009,(10):81-95
本文通过对家庭、社区两个层面,以及妇女、儿童、老人等群体的研究,分析了流动是如何对农村的不同层面、不同群体发生作用的,它对于贫困和不平等有什么样的影响。分析认为,农民工流动的积极作用集中在与经济和发展相关的那些方面,如绝对贫困大幅度减少,生活水平普遍提高等;而其消极作用多反映在社会和文化方面,如社区凝聚力的减弱,功利价值观的泛滥等。同时,对于不同的地区、同一社区内的家庭、家庭中不同的成员,这些积极的或消极的影响的程度是不一样的。如家庭中权力关系的改变对于年轻人来说是积极的,而对于老年人来说就是消极的。从时间上看,流动在早期对于冲破城乡壁垒和消除原体制下的身份不平等是有作用的,但是在持续的流动中,不平等不但没有消除,反而扩大了。相对于非贫困户和年轻人,贫困户、老年人更边缘化了。  相似文献   

Conflict among multiple groups is a major source of difficulty in environmental conservation. People are often divided into various groups that have different social factors, sometimes leading to differences in the degree to which they cooperate in environmental conservation. This obstructs the social consensus needed to solve the environmental problems. Here we study the coupled dynamics of human socio-economic choice and lake water pollution, and examine the magnitude of the difference in cooperation levels between two groups. In the model, many players choose between a costly but cooperative option and a selfish option. The former results in a reduced phosphorus discharge into the lake. Each player's choice is affected by an economic cost and social pressure. Social pressure is a psychological factor that promotes cooperation: it becomes stronger when more players in the society are cooperative (conformist tendency) and when the problem at hand is a greater concern to society. In the model, two groups sometimes show large differences in their cooperation levels even when both have exactly the same social factors. However, cooperation levels are more likely to differ between groups that have different social factors. Enhancement of the cross-group conformist tendency is the most effective way to minimize differences in cooperation levels and to mitigate conflict between groups.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a qualitative valuation method to elicit stakeholders' intensities of preferences for a complex environmental issue and multiple social groups. Environmental valuation studies have shown that in any complex environment with a diversity of environmental services, stakeholders have difficulties using a monetary valuation to make trade-offs between different environmental services. Stated preference methods such as the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) have been criticised for their individualistic format and assumptions of commensurability between environmental criteria. To alleviate both of these criticisms, we propose a qualitative valuation method. The method contains a discursive step to allow stakeholders to discuss and construct a list of environmental criteria and alternative plans. The list of criteria and plans is subsequently used by a group of experts to formulate an Impact Matrix (IM), which is to be used in the succeeding individualistic steps of the methodology. The first individualistic step consists of asking the stakeholders to rank Alternative Impacts (AIs) in the IM for each single criterion. The stakeholders are then asked to express intensities of their preferences through pairwise comparisons between the AIs of the constructed rank order on each single criterion. These intensities are expressed on a qualitative scale. Subsequently, to provide social intensities of preferences, a social preference (social rank order) is first determined for each single criterion. We propose to use the median value among the intensities of preferences as the social intensity of preference by assuming interpersonal comparability and taking into account stochastic monotonocity. This is a pre-processing step, which allows us to reach social intensities of preferences in the Lar rangeland (Iran), where several social groups have conflicting interests on rangeland services, leading to conflicting preferences on environmental criteria.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the measurement of social distance, clustering, or polarization between workers of a given society. This concept is fundamentally different from that of inequality and thus cannot be measured by any Lorenz consistent index. Similarly, it cannot be additively decomposed into within - and between -group components using classical techniques. A new decomposition method is proposed and applied to Italian workers. The method provides an index that can be used both to calculate the distance between social groups classified according to worker characteristic and to track changes across time. The new method also reveals the factors that are reshaping the wage distribution and allows us to identify precisely where these effects are having their greatest impact.
JEL classification: D30, D63, I32.  相似文献   

基于社交媒体视角,将顾客参与划分为信息提供、人际互动、用户创新3个维度,分别研究其对中小企业创新绩效的影响,以及企业社交媒体导向和社交媒体能力的调节作用。通过对208家中小企业实证研究发现,信息提供、人际互动、用户创新对中小企业创新绩效均存在显著正向影响;社交媒体导向在信息提供、用户创新与创新绩效的关系中存在正向调节作用,在人际互动与创新绩效的关系中存在倒“U”形调节作用;社交媒体能力在信息提供、人际互动、用户创新与创新绩效的关系中均存在正向调节作用。  相似文献   

基于社交媒体视角,将顾客参与划分为信息提供、人际互动、用户创新3个维度,分别研究其对中小企业创新绩效的影响,以及企业社交媒体导向和社交媒体能力的调节作用。通过对208家中小企业实证研究发现,信息提供、人际互动、用户创新对中小企业创新绩效均存在显著正向影响;社交媒体导向在信息提供、用户创新与创新绩效的关系中存在正向调节作用,在人际互动与创新绩效的关系中存在倒“U”形调节作用;社交媒体能力在信息提供、人际互动、用户创新与创新绩效的关系中均存在正向调节作用。  相似文献   

作为社会企业重要战略选择,社会创业导向能够促进跨界搜索以获取灵感和动力,从而推动社会企业双元绩效提升。因此,基于组织搜索理论,遵循“态度—行为—结果”研究范式,将市场环境引入社会企业创业导向、跨界搜索与社会企业双元绩效关系模型,基于问卷数据验证社会创业导向对社会企业双元绩效的作用机制及外部影响。结果表明:①社会创业导向对社会企业经济和社会绩效具有积极影响;②跨界搜索在社会创业导向与社会企业经济和社会绩效间起部分中介作用;③市场环境作为关键外部环境因素,正向调节社会创业导向与跨界搜索的关系以及跨界搜索与社会企业经济绩效的关系,负向调节跨界搜索与社会企业社会绩效的关系。因此,整个模型能够回答社会创业导向如何推动社会企业双元绩效增长问题。此外,市场环境的技术动态性和需求不确定性促使市场逻辑在社会企业跨界搜索行为中占据主导地位,因而社会企业需要高度重视自身使命和价值共创,促进经济效益和社会价值实现。  相似文献   

农民工社会保障“广东模式”与“上海模式”研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,农民工的社会保障问题,是一个极其重要的社会问题,中央和社会各界对农民工社会保障问题高度关注,各地方政府在探索解决农民工社会保障问题的实践中形成了各具特色的农民工社会保障模式,其中最具代表性的是"广东模式"和"上海模式"。文章通过分析这两种模式的其本特点、优点和局限性,提出了改进城市农民工社会保障问题的建议。  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of a judge’s objective function on the type of sanctions used for enforcing environmental standards. We focus on the difference between monetary and non-monetary penalties. We examine the extent to which judges take social costs of sanctions into account when making judgments in court in the context of environmental violations. We also conduct an empirical analysis to test the main findings of the theoretical model using court data from several Belgian jurisdictions. We find that besides minimizing environmental damages judges also take social costs of sanctions into account in their decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper examines the possible factors that affect the time allocation decision of youth between delinquency, schooling, and work. Based on a joint decision model, evidence from Montreal shows that influences from different social institutions such as family, church, school, peers and the workplace are important determinants of how young people decide to spend their time on various activities. The findings provided here take into account the joint decision nature of the problem and therefore provide more precise estimates than those of the existing literature.  相似文献   

The importance of referral hiring, which is workers finding employment via social contacts, is nowadays an empirically well documented fact. It also has been shown that social networks for finding jobs can create stratification. These analyses are, by and large, based on exogenous network structures. We go beyond the existing work by building an agent-based model of the labor market in which the social network of potential referees is endogenous. Workers invest some of their endowments into building up and fostering their social networks as an insurance device against future job losses. We look into the manner in which social networks and inequality respond to increased uncertainty in the labor market. We find that larger variability in firms’ labor demand reduces workers’ efforts put into social networks, leading to lower inequality.  相似文献   

Members of a given social group often favor members of their own group identity over people with different group identities. We construct a trust game in which the principal delegates the decision about an investment into a receiver to an agent who either favors the principal's or the receiver's group identity. When choosing the agent's group identity the principal faces a trade‐off between a loyal agent and an agent who might increase the receiver's willingness to cooperate. We solve for the principal's decision in a subgame‐perfect nash equilibrium for the two scenarios of a risk‐neutral and risk‐averse agent, respectively.  相似文献   

无论是中国还是其他国家,都在不同的历史背景下建立了不同的社会体制,这为研究当代中国社会体制积累了丰富的经验。中外思想家在各自的历史条件下,对社会体制的理论和逻辑进行过深入探索,得出了很多重要结论。基于对历史和逻辑的认识,文章提出,社会体制的形成是一个历史过程,因此需要从比较长的时间来观察其变化,尽管一些突变和历史事件会对现行社会体制产生影响,但是社会体制根植于长期的历史发展之中,这其中包括人们对一些根本问题的认识也需要一个由浅到深的过程。研究当代中国的社会体制,只有与其他国家或地区开展比较研究才能深入下去。  相似文献   

许恒  肖昕楠  华忆昕 《技术经济》2023,42(9):106-120
不同国家的制度差异使跨国企业供应链所涉及的不同节点企业的社会责任程度产生差异,抑制了跨国企业在地区间的价值溢出功效。通过建立经济学模型,基于跨国企业供应链的东道国供应商社会责任对品牌价值的溢出与消费者的反馈,分析跨国企业社会责任在全流程披露机制的动机和实践路径。研究结果表明,消费者对品牌社会责任的感知使跨国企业产生了通过社会责任强化相对竞争力的直接动机,供应链社会责任全流程披露机制刺破了“品牌面纱”,打通消费者对品牌产品的供应链社会责任信息通道,形成跨国企业在供应链内部的社会责任激励机制。基于理论结果,提出了促进企业社会责任信息披露由主体披露向流程披露转变、引导跨国企业在供应商合同中植入社会责任条款、培育和强化消费者社会责任意识等具体建议。  相似文献   

By comparing the philosophical foundations of Mill and Hayek’s theory of liberty, this paper shows that some similarities in the economic theories of Mill and Hayek are actually based on different rationales. It follows that any attempt to find a common thread in Mill and Hayek to provide reasonable guidance for social policy can be promising only if we can find the common ground from their social philosophy. While analyzing the rationales behind their opinions regarding the role of government and taxation policies, this paper will focus on exploring the role of two philosophical ideas, liberty, and justice. This will clarify the relationship between social justice and liberty as well as their status in relation to the ultimate principle of rules in the philosophy of Mill and Hayek. This paper will offer an explanation why, in Mill’s utilitarian philosophy, the pursuit of social justice aligns with the real freedom of everyone, but in Hayek’s philosophy, it is a hindrance.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects of borders on the making of trade union policies and on their capacity to act. It takes as an entry-point the reform of Luxembourg's system of family allowances and financial support for students in 2010, which redefined the group of beneficiaries and partly excluded cross-border workers from neighbouring countries. This led to heated debates in Luxembourg and in the Greater Region (comprising Luxembourg, Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Lorraine and Wallonia) during which trade unions played an important part. The author explores the contradictory logics of both competition and cooperation within the Greater Region. These lead to a gap between integration as a discourse and what it means for local populations, in particular regarding labour market competition. The debates within trade unions on the issue of social entitlements for cross-border workers offer insights into the dynamics of this dichotomy and into the everyday fabric of cross-border social relations.  相似文献   

生产力是不断发展变化的。不同的历史时期,生产力的形成范围及内涵是不同的。建立在国际分工基础之上的国际生产力是社会生产力发展到跨越国家、民族的界限的阶段才形成和发展起来的,它本质上是一种开放力、国际集体力和先进生产力。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** :  Cooperative development in Africa can be said to have traversed two main eras: the era of state control and that of liberalization. The first era lasted up to the early 1990s and saw the origin and substantial growth of cooperatives on the continent. During that period, different models of cooperative development were introduced on the continent. We distinguish a unified cooperative model, a social economy model, a social movement model, a producers' model and an indigenous model. But in all cases, cooperatives were engulfed into state politics. However, little is known about the impact of liberalization measures on these models. Our research in 11 African countries reveals that cooperatives in Africa have survived the market forces and continued to grow in number and membership. We see a slow but sure erosion of the unified model and the adoption of a social economy model. Cooperatives in Africa are re-examining their organizational forms and diversifying their activities in response to members' interests and needs.  相似文献   

蒲艳萍  顾冉  成肖 《财经研究》2018,(5):121-139
文章主要回答了社会资本能否降低劳动力工资扭曲的问题.根据CFPS2010数据,采用随机前沿分析方法(SFA)测度出微观层面的劳动力工资扭曲程度,扭曲均值约为33.2%?45.7%.实证研究发现,社会资本能够显著降低工资扭曲,平均而言,社会资本每扩大1%,工资扭曲程度降低3.42%;社会资本降低工资扭曲的影响作用对工资扭曲程度较低的劳动者更大,一定程度上将扩大不同群体的工资扭曲差距.伴随着市场化程度的加深,社会资本修正工资扭曲的作用不断被削弱.文章基于中介效应模型的传导机制分析显示,社会资本通过部门进入效应、晋升效应和信息效应对工资扭曲产生影响.文章研究对深入认识中国劳动力市场的收入分配具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Altruism and the Economic Values of Environmental and Social Policies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Altruism is a type of non-use value which can have different definitions depending on the type of goods entering the utility function of the altruists and their expectations about the contributions of others. The purpose of this paper is to measure the trade-offs between different types of altruist values originating from social and environmental policies. Environmental policies are concerned with reducing health effects from a power plant while social policies involve both the attainment of public facilities for education and leisure and an increase in the income of the affected population. The empirical application utilizes a choice experiment technique which allows for valuation of multiple goods. Health effects are decomposed into the values of the risk of becoming ill, the duration of the episodes and the limitations imposed by illness. Altruist values are elicited from a population that is not affected by pollution. Results show that altruism is significant for policies directed to reducing health effects and improving the income level of the affected population, whereas there is egoism for a policy aimed at improving public facilities in the polluted suburb. The value of altruism is significantly influenced by the expectations of net benefits to be received by the affected population.  相似文献   

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