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Synergies between Farming and Rural Tourism: Evidence from Flanders   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Support for rural development and agri-environment measures is often defended on the basis of the contribution of farming to the attractiveness of rural areas and the growing rural tourism sector. Farmers may benefit from the presence of tourism by offering accommodation or selling farm products to tourists. We analyse rural tourism data for Flanders to determine whether agricultural amenities contribute to the price rural tourists are willing to pay for lodging at a farm. We find that farming practices do indeed influence the attractiveness of an area for tourism and have an impact on the prices that can be charged for accommodation. Amenities from agriculture such as permanent grassland have a positive influence on rental prices. However, the presence of intensive agricultural and livestock farming and associated polluting activities decrease the attractiveness of rural regions for tourism. Farm tourism is found to make an important contribution to the farm income and economy of a rural region. Farm tourism constituted more than 30 per cent of the farm income of certain farms. Overall, our findings support the idea of major synergies between farming and rural tourism. Strengthening this relationship may therefore be a good strategy for countryside management and rural development.  相似文献   

目的 文章基于2000—2019年辽宁农业灌溉用水相关数据,将农业灌溉用水压力、效率、用水价格、种植结构等因素纳入农业灌溉用水需求模型,估计各影响因素对农业灌溉用水需求的影响,更好地保障粮食和水资源安全。方法 利用时空地理加权回归模型研究辽宁各地级市农业灌溉用水影响因素作用的时空差异性。结果 (1)不考虑影响因素作用的时空差异性,用水价格和农村居民人均收入变动对辽宁农业灌溉用水需求的影响特别小。(2)考虑到影响因素作用的时空差异性,除了朝阳和大连,其余各地级市农业灌溉用水需求的价格弹性在2014年前后呈现出负向增大的态势,水价改革还有较大的效力空间。(3)辽宁农业灌溉用水效率和种植结构的回归系数在空间上呈现出中部低,四周高的特点。(4)城镇化程度对农业灌溉用水需求的影响呈现出由东北向西南逐渐递减,由正向较强逐渐向负向较强的演变。结论 依据辽宁农业灌溉用水的各影响因素的作用强度,种植结构、用水效率和城镇化程度是影响辽宁农业灌溉用水需求的主要因素,合理制定城镇化规划对该因素回归系数呈显著上升趋势的地级市尤为重要。  相似文献   

政策性农业保险作为中国发展三农事业的重要措施,因其独特的风险属性和潜在的利益冲突受到学术界的关注。本文基于主体博弈模型,引入农产品价格波动因素,分析农产品价格波动如何对政策性农业保险主体行为产生影响。研究发现:引入农产品价格波动变量使政策性农业保险主体博弈均衡象限发生了变化;政府补贴为农户和保险公司应对农产品价格波动提供了重要保障。基于2007—2017年政策性农业保险省级面板数据,建立PVAR模型实证判别农产品价格波动对政策性农业保险的影响。研究发现:农产品价格波动对政策性农业保险需求存在促进作用,对农户增收短期内有负向冲击,而未来3—6期则将产生正向效应;农产品价格波动、农户收入与政策性农业保险需求存在动态交互效应。本文的研究结论,能够为防范农产品价格风险和发展政策性农业保险提供科学依据和数据支持。  相似文献   

目的 破解农业碳排放问题是全面推进农业绿色转型发展的关键举措,探索农村产业融合对农业碳排放的影响,有助于为推进农业可持续发展拓展新途径。方法 文章基于2008—2020年省级面板数据,通过构建中介效应模型和空间杜宾模型实证检验了农村产业融合对农业碳排放的影响机制和空间影响关系。结果 (1)农村产业融合对农业碳排放存在显著的“减碳效应”。(2)基于投入要素视角,农村劳动力外流、土地规模化经营和农业科技进步发挥了中介作用,即农村产业融合可以通过优化劳动力、土地、技术等要素间接实现“减碳效应”。(3)农村产业融合与农业碳排放均存在显著的空间集聚特征,且具有正向空间溢出效应。(4)农村产业融合通过空间溢出效应对邻近地区农业存在显著的“减碳效应”。结论 充分肯定农村产业融合对农业碳排放的重要作用,继续发挥好政策、资金和技术的保障作用,深化农村产业融合进程,助推低碳农业高质量发展。  相似文献   

Provision of landscape amenities produced by farmers, in addition to their economic function of producing food and fibre, has contributed to a reassessment of the role of agriculture in society. In this paper, we examine whether agricultural landscape provision really responds to a social demand as is argued by those in favour of multifunctionality. Thus, the aim of the present work is two-fold. First, we evaluate rural landscape preferences of citizens from a range of choices in the mountain area of the Alpujarras (south-eastern Spain), and second, we estimate their willingness to pay (WTP) to enjoy each of the landscape characteristics existing in the area. For the empirical analysis, based on a survey of public preferences due to the good public characteristics of landscape amenities, we applied two stated preference methods: Conjoint Analysis (CA) and Contingent Valuation (CV). Three landscape attributes were considered for this analysis: type of vegetation layer, density of rural buildings, and level of slope. Several levels were also considered for each attribute: abandoned fields, dryland farming, irrigated farming, and natural lands were included for the vegetation layer; three levels (low, intermediate and intense) were considered for the level of slope and three levels (none, little and intense) for rural buildings.  相似文献   

[目的]在土地流转加快、农业适度规模经营不断推进背景下,研究种植大户农业社会化服务的需求状况及其影响因素对现代农业发展意义重大。[方法]文章以江汉平原水稻种植大户为研究对象,采用排序模型重点考察土地流转、规模经营因素对农资服务、技术服务、信息服务、农业贷款、基础设施、农业保险、加工销售等7种农业社会化服务需求的影响。[结果]江汉平原农业社会化服务需求总量还有进一步提升的空间; 土地流转年限、土地规模对农业社会化服务需求有着积极影响; 土地流转价格、土地细碎化程度对农业社会化服务需求产生消极影响。[结论]建议政府加快农业社会化服务供给侧结构性改革,完善土地流转市场,规范土地流转方式,降低土地细碎化程度,推进适度规模经营。  相似文献   

Environment, Land Use and Amenities – the New Dimension of Rural Development
While agriculture, environmental conditions, and rural development are concerns common to both sides of the Atlantic, their interrelationships are viewed quite differently. For the EU, agriculture is seen as a means of sustaining the countryside; keeping it attractive to tourists and prospective residents. Farmers are stewards of the land and as such a key to rural development. For the US, agriculture and the environment are seen in potential conflict. Most of the expenditure on conservation goes to keeping environmentally sensitive cropland out of production. At the national level at least, the appeal of the countryside is not seen as a means to rural development, so that conservation programs tend to be seen as a threat to rural development by reducing the use of local off-farm services. Part of the difference in viewpoint may stem from the greater socio-cultural significance of agricultural landscapes in the EU. However, recent research in the US suggests that landscape is important in attracting new rural residents and visitors and there is growing recognition on both sides of the Atlantic that the natural environment helps shape rural growth. More research is needed on the relationship between the environment and rural development as unsupported assumptions seem to underlie policies in both regions.  相似文献   

随着中国国内市场经济的发展,农业愈来愈迫切需要市场信息的扶持.文章以新疆10个县28个乡为调查研究区域,使用二元logistic模型从户主特征、家庭特征、地区经济发展水平和其他特征研究影响农业信息服务内容供求结构性失衡的因素.研究表明:不同经济发展水平的地区信息内容失衡程度差异显著,经济发展水平越高,对降低农户所需要的农产品价格、供求方面的信息失衡有显著影响;汉族、年龄大、受教育程度高和家庭社会关系越多,对降低信息服务内容失衡有显著影响;手机、联网电脑等新兴媒介对降低农户信息服务失衡无显著影响,而传统媒介电视仍在农户搜集信息方面起到重要作用,但作用有限,合作社和农民信息协会在失衡影响因素中表现并不显著,这表明现有信息服务体系仍不健全,政府应根据农户特殊需求建立有效的信息服务平台,并提供更加完善的服务.通过分析发现:政府需要在欠发达和不发达地区加大信息供给强度,引导信息服务市场化;完善农户信息需求表达机制,针对农户的需要提供真实有效的信息;丰富服务方式,完善手机、电视、网络等平台为农户提供信息;完善农村信息供给渠道,增强合作社、农民信息协会提供信息服务的功能等建议.  相似文献   

[目的]农业作为国民经济的基础产业对区域经济的发展至关重要,两者之间存在相互影响和相互制约的耦合关系。文章通过对作用于农业生产活动的主要因子对区域经济的影响研究,以期筛选出两者相互作用的关键因子,为规避或降低农业生产风险、协调经济发展提供理论基础。[方法]通过选取作用于农业生产活动的36个作用因子,对农业生产风险因子对区域经济的影响程度进行综合评分,采用层次分析法分析各指标对农业生产与区域经济影响的重要程度。[结果](1)市场需求量、农民人均纯收入、农业机械化总动力、市场价格动态、农作物种类和面积、农药化肥施用量、农田有效灌溉面积、单位耕地面积粮食产量、干旱、温度、洪涝、农业机械自动化、交通运输条件、农业信息化、农业技术推广程度等是重要性排序为前15位的风险因子。(2)随着农业机械自动化、农业信息化和农业技术推广程度的进步,干旱、温度和洪涝等风险因子对农业生产造成的产量风险随之降低。而市场需求、市场价格动态等对农业生产的作用风险在扩大,特别是在区域经济发展不稳定、发展不平衡的情况下更为突出。(3)政府财政对农业的投入、投资的规模和结构以及对农产品价格和流通的干预则影响到农业生产经营、地区生产总值和GDP的增长速率;且农业资源利用程度、栽培环境的保护以及农业环境污染的保护和治理则是区域经济可持续发展的重点。[结论]通过测度不同评价指标对农业生产的影响程度,指出作用于区域经济的关键风险因子,对降低和规避农业风险,协调农业与区域经济的稳定、可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]休闲农业作为都市居民休闲旅游需求多样化及社会快速发展的产物,涉面广、带动性强,休闲农业的发展对于加快传统农业升级、优化农业产业结构、促进农村经济发展、提高农业发展层次具有重要作用,对休闲农业进行评价,探讨其发展潜力,以期为区域休闲农业及区域协调发展指明方向。[方法]通过主成分分析法,以长株潭地区为例,对其休闲农业评价指标进行分析。[结果]社会支撑能力、休闲农业需求增长力、参观价值、文化价值及土壤质量在各主成分中载荷较大,从不同角度反映了长株潭地区休闲农业的发展潜力,对休闲农业的发展影响较大。此外,长株潭休闲农业发展潜力指数从2007年的0.048 2增加到2016年的2.541 1,整体呈上升趋势。[结论]在发展潜力指数的基础上,未来长株潭地区休闲农业发展定会继续稳定向前发展。在优势休闲农业资源的基础,协调全面发展休闲农业,保障长株潭地区休闲农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on income and price elasticities of demand and supply of agricultural exports from developing countries, on the basis of (a) a consistent and fully specified supply and demand model, and (b) statistical estimation procedures not frequently used in the estimation of agricultural export functions. Estimates of price and income elasticities of demand for aggregate agricultural exports for all developing countries taken together — as distinct from individual exporting countries — are found to be low; moreover, export price as distinguished from non-price factors plays a relatively insignificant role in increasing export supply. Hence, an attempt by all developing countries to expand traditional agricultural exports with low price elasticity of demand may not yield rising earnings for all; but in fact may result in falling export revenues. Insofar as individual exports of all developing countries (not individual countries) are concerned, income and price elasticities of demand for such tropical commodities as tea, coffee, cocoa and bananas are also found to be low, except for new, non-traditional exports like pineapples. This indicates the importance of diversification of agricultural exports as a vehicle for their future growth.  相似文献   

Peri-urban areas around urban agglomerations in Europe and elsewhere have been subject to agricultural and land use research for the past three decades. The manner in which farming responds to urban pressures, socio-economic changes and development opportunities has been the main focus of examination, with urban demand for rural goods and services representing a driving factor to adapt farming activities in a multifunctional way. Working within the peri-urban framework, this review pays particular attention to the relevance of multifunctional agriculture. Academic discourses and empirical insights related to farm structure and practices beyond conventional agriculture are analysed. Diversification, recreational and environmental farming, landscape management and specialisation, as well as direct marketing are all taken into consideration and discussed within the context of landscape functions. The provision of rural goods and services is contrasted with societal demands on peri-urban agriculture. This review finds that multifunctional agriculture has been commonly recognised in peri-urban areas – a phenomenon that includes a large variety of activities and diversification approaches within the context of environmental, social and economic functions of agriculture. In response to the post-productive, consumption-oriented requirements of the urban society, peri-urban farmers have intensified their uptake of multifunctional activities. Nevertheless, not all multifunctional opportunities are being fully developed when one considers the large and growing urban demand for goods and services provided by agriculture carried out near the city. This paper discusses policy and planning approaches to support multifunctional agriculture in peri-urban areas.  相似文献   

[目的]随着农村产权制度改革的不断推进,农地市场处于初步发育阶段并存在诸多缺陷与现实困境,严重制约着我国现代化农业进程,边疆欠发达多民族地区由于其固有的特殊性与受限性,构建适宜、高效的农地经营权流转市场运行机制已是必然选择。[方法]采用实地调查法,对新疆呼图壁县农村土地交易市场试点实施情况进行深入调研。[结果]当前呼图壁县农地经营权市场化流转面临少数民族聚居村庄农地流转后农民陷入边缘化、农地流转呈低供需水平下的供过于求状态、合理的市场价格机制尚未建立、市场化中介条件不理想、二、三产业拉动力不足、农民再就业市场发育不成熟等现实困境。[结论]以继续做好农村土地确权颁证工作、稳定农村土地承包关系为前提,以合理市场价格机制为核心,完善市场化中介组织条件为助推器,培育农地流转供求机制,进而促进农地流转市场竞争与价格调控为内生动力,强化政府宏观管理调控为保障,构建农地经营权流转市场有效运行机制。  相似文献   

The development of rural tourism is regarded as a promising diversification strategy especially for lagging and mountainous areas of the European Union. Research concerning the demand and/or supply of rural tourism services has been limited within the agricultural economics domain despite the significance attached to rural tourism by various rural development policy measures and initiatives. The article examines the expenditure behavior of rural tourists within a framework of demand for composite (heterogeneous) goods. The proposed framework captures the quality of the tourism experience as the commodity's unit value, a quantifiable economic variable, examines its effects on expenditures and allows for the estimation of elasticity in prices regarding expenditure and quantity. Empirical analysis is facilitated by a survey recording the expenditure behavior of 465 tourists in two rural and lagging areas of Greece. The quality of the tourism experience is significantly and positively affected by the income, the source from which information about the trip is retrieved (Internet, newspapers as well as general press and special travel press) and by the amount of information sought by the consumer prior to the trip. In turn, the quality of the tourism experience is the major endogenous factor that positively influences expenditures for rural tourism. Further research is needed before evidence provided in this work can be used to draw policy conclusions and recommendations.  相似文献   

本文立足于我国农业农村发展的内外部环境,深入讨论了六个重要问题,一是外部环境更加深刻影响农业农村经济运行,二是"四个平衡"(供需总量平衡、粮食和主要农产品的结构平衡、自给和进出口平衡、主要农产品产销平衡)增加农产品供给调控的难度,三是城乡收入差距缩小趋势能否确立,四是城镇化是"三化同步"的关键和枢纽,五是农村改革要趟土地和金融制度的"深水区",六是强化对大国农业本质特征的认识。  相似文献   

Several iconic coastal and fjord landscapes in Northern Norway have undergone natural spontaneous regrowth of abandoned agricultural areas and pastureland. At the same time, recent public discourse has assumed that such regrowth may taint tourists’ and outdoor recreationists’ perceptions of rural areas. Consequently, this in situ multilingual study in the archipelago of Vesterålen investigated this assumption. The results revealed that tourists’ and visiting recreationists’ foremost interest was in pristine rural areas that seemed devoid of human presence or activity. At the same time, roughly half of the visitors enjoyed seeing working farms. The enquiry displays preference ambivalence about the combination of “cultural” and “natural” elements of the rural landscape. The investigation also illustrates a disparity between foreign tourists’ desire for lush deciduous vegetation and Norwegian visitors’ fondness for a more open agricultural seaside with grassland and shrubland and just a few scattered trees, as the study area had appeared some decades earlier. Moreover, some implications of land use policy are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]休闲农业是实现乡村产业振兴的重要途径,其提档升级关键在于产品创新、体验增值、服务宣介等价值体系的提升。信息化是现代技术传播与扩散的重要渠道,更是产业价值体系提升的核心力量,探讨信息化对休闲农业企业创新产出绩效的影响,将有助于挖掘休闲农业创新的新要素。[方法]基于北京市三星级以上休闲农业园区(企业)的调查数据,文章构建了包含知识支撑、基础设施以及技术应用3个维度的休闲农业园区(企业)信息化评价指标体系,进一步采用超效率DEA-Tobit模型分析了信息化对休闲农业企业创新产出绩效的影响。[结果]信息化是休闲农业企业创新绩效的重要动力源泉,信息化对休闲农业产出绩效的增长具有正向促进作用,符合"增长论"假说,信息化水平每增加1%,可促进企业创新绩效增长2.692%。[结论]对于处于较低创新绩效水平的企业而言,可通过提升自身的信息化建设水平获取绩效的增值。  相似文献   

[目的]乡村旅游形象是提升乡村旅游竞争力和实现乡村旅游目的地营销的有效途径。发展乡村旅游对拓展农业功能、调整农村产业结构、建设现代农业具有重要的作用,对培育新型农民、促进城乡统筹、实现乡村可持续发展有重要意义。[方法]选取合肥大圩镇为案例地,基于一手调查数据,在文献梳理的基础上,运用因子分析和结构方程模型方法,构建城郊型乡村旅游地游客感知形象与行为意向关系概念模型,探索并验证了游客感知形象维度与结构,并深入分析各形象维度及以旅游体验和满意度为中介变量对行为意向影响的内在机理与关联特征,从而为提升乡村旅游地形象,实现乡村人地关系和谐共生提供借鉴。[结果]城郊型乡村旅游地游客感知形象包含乡土文化与氛围感知、乡村环境与设施感知、乡村产品与服务感知、乡村景观与建筑感知4个维度;各维度对旅游体验影响路径系数分别为0.25、0.17、0.38、0.25,对满意度影响路径系数分别为0.34、0.17、0.25、0,对行为意向影响的路径系数分别为0.25、0、0.15、0,旅游体验和满意度对行为意向影响路径系数分别为0.17、0.63,旅游体验对满意度影响路径系数为0.49。[结论]各变量影响路径系数并不相同,乡土文化与氛围感知和乡村产品与服务感知维度对旅游体验、满意度和行为意向的影响高于其他维度,旅游体验和满意度作为中介变量间接影响行为意向,旅游体验以满意度为中介变量显著、正向影响行为意向。应加大重视乡土文化与氛围感知和乡村产品与服务感知对乡村旅游形象提升的作用,注重挖掘乡村本土文化资源优势、传承乡村传统文化,创新乡村旅游产品和优化乡村旅游服务质量,进而有效提升乡村旅游游客满意度。  相似文献   

This article highlights the main changes observed in Brazilian agriculture and analyzes the connections of the observed changes in global agriculture. My approach to the analysis focuses the main drivers of changes, where institutions play a central role. Three driving forces are are considered: first, the effects of global demand for food, fiber, and energy; second, the sustainability debate; and third, the bio‐energy paradigm. Each driver presents both local as well as global effects. The article does not emphasize the impact changes in Brazil had on the global agricultural landscape but argues that the impacts run from local and global changes, which cannot be discussed separately.  相似文献   

Publicly available statistics regarding rural demographics, rural society and land use are presented and analysed using Geographic Information System (GIS). Our aim was to provide a quantitative basis for discussion of rural policy issues such as urban encroachment. Productivity (tonnage) of crop agriculture has increased by about 230% over 40 years while that of livestock (expressed as livestock units) has remained constant. Agricultural consolidation and intensification seen in southern Ontario has not translated into economic sustainability where on-farm income declined from 1991 to 2000. However, on-farm income in southern Quebec and municipalities adjacent to Toronto increased, perhaps due to the niche markets created in these regions. The increases in agricultural activity throughout southern Ontario have occurred in regions that have been designated as sites for innovation clusters, thus providing a foundation of resources for bio-based industries to expand and innovate. Reflecting on trends of demographics and production systems we conclude that rural policy should orient its geographical delineation to regional and inter-provincial scales. Our analysis indicates that rural populations and communities are sustainable but agricultural enterprises have changed radically; they have maintained or increased productivity but lost profitability. Applying a rural landscape design to the entire region would help address the sustainability of agriculture and rural communities.  相似文献   

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