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The aim of this presentation is to introduce some new frameworks that have been under discussion in developing university studies in the field of home economics or family and consumer sciences in Finland. The empirical data is derived from students’ contributions during their university studies in the degree program for home economics teachers at the Master's level. The main data is based on students’ opinions and conceptions about strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) of their university discipline and field to meet the future challenges. All students are at the level of advanced studies (mainly 4th year), and the number of students is 34. All have some school experience as a home economics teacher and most also have some other work experience in the field of home economics, family and consumer sciences. The research questions were: (1) How do the students see their field according to the SWOT analysis? and (2) What type of developments do they pose for the future? There was also an implementation section. Students were asked to produce their own ‘action plan’ for the next few years. The preliminary data analysis reveals that inside the discipline and the field there are several empowerment elements, but also that they are not used as efficiently as they could be. In conclusion, most students have a very realistic view of their studies. They can analyse them in diverse ways, and reveal important qualifications. They are aware of the various challenges that face us in both the present and future societies. Students also see that home economics not only gives them tools that are relevant in present school situations, but the subject includes such future potentials that can be used in directing the school towards the more open learning environments. Home economics has its place inside the education system. Both the idea of ‘home economics teacher as a researcher’ and ‘home economics teacher as an educator’ were seen as important aims to maintain in the university degree.  相似文献   

This article focuses on some new frameworks that have been under discussion in developing the university studies in the field of home economics or family and consumer sciences in Finland. The empirical data were derived from students’ contributions during their university studies in the degree programme for home economics teachers at the Master's level. The aim of this research is to find out students’ present understanding of home economics and its challenges to complete its different functions. All students are at the level of advanced studies (mainly fourth year), and the number of students is 34. The data were collected by essays using SWOT analysis as a method. Students produced a very rich and multisided data that can be analysed in diverse ways and for many purposes. In general, one can say that most students have a very realistic and positive view of their studies. They can analyse them in diverse ways and reveal important qualifications. They are aware of the various challenges which face us in both the present and future societies. Students’ views are critical and they posed several questions outside the course material. They introduced examples from their working experiences and from studies in other departments and education institutes. The empowerment elements were recognized but these should be used more efficiently in attaining further progress in the field. New frameworks and approaches developed in Finland seems to be relevant in the current situations society finds itself.  相似文献   

Which aspects of their school experience of home economics do housewives find most useful? Does this experience modify ways of caring for a home and family between successive generations? Are there marked differences between housewives in different social classes in their regard for home economics? This paper compares the responses to these questions and infers there is a need to give explicit recognition to the relationship between home economics education, social policy and the quality of home and family life.  相似文献   

Ann Maree Rees, the founding editor of the Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, had a great interest in students of all ages, developing their research skills and fulfilling their academic potential. She believed strongly in encouraging a life-long learning culture and providing opportunities for people to develop an interest in the field of consumer studies and home economics. She was herself an accomplished author. The Editorial Board has decided to establish an essay competition in memory of Ann Maree Rees. The competition is open to people of all ages within the field of consumer studies and home economics. The paper should be a maximum of 2500 words. The paper can be on any aspect of consumer studies and home economics. The judges will be looking for the following points in the paper:relevance and interest to consumer studies and home economics professionals;potential to stimulate a lively debate;cogent argument and clarity of expression;written for presentation.The winning paper will be published in the December issue of the IJC. The author of the winning paper will receive £250 towards the cost of attending the XIX International Consumer Studies and Home Economics Research Conference being held from 2 to 4 September 1999 at the University of Ulster and will also receive a cash prize of £100. Entry forms for the Prize Paper competition are available from:  相似文献   

This paper examines questions concerning consumer education in relation to consumption and household management. It is based partly on literature studies and partly on a current pilot study, also on studies carried out in the classroom and developmental work in schools and on teacher training courses. The pilot study on consumer education is being carried out in Denmark and is funded by the Danish Ministry of Business Affairs. Another part of the study concerns a qualitative investigation of pupils’ understandings of consumption and its meaning in their lives, but this is not reported here. The key research questions relate to the way in which the young consumer is educated, both formally and informally, and what the possibilities and perspectives are for consumer education. Introductory research is discussed, followed by a presentation and discussion of key issues for consumer education, such as household management, consumption, home economics and education. Finally, three examples are described and discussed which demonstrate how the advocated principles of consumer education and empowerment can be put into practice. These examples are based on developmental work carried out in lower secondary schools and teacher training courses.  相似文献   

A new programme of general family and consumer science for all high school students that can contribute to career education was proposed. The programme had three sessions: ‘single life’, ‘family life’ and ‘retired life’ from the typical three main life stages. Students were challenged to think about their future with regard to real life issues such as housing, location, budgeting time and finances, and family issues. Students were able to consider their future life concretely and specifically from various viewpoints after taking part in this programme. Students also found value in home economics education in developing life skills and knowledge, in considering their actual life and in considering their future life.  相似文献   

This article explores how Bubolz and Sontag's seminal work on integration in home economics and human ecology can inform contemporary home economics practice. They argue that the human ecology perspective can be used to view the whole of home economics, and the subprofessions (specializations) within the whole, as diverse yet unified. This article employs a spider plant as a metaphor to illustrate the value of embracing the notion of home economics as an integrated, holistic system.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper concludes a two-part study on a content analysis of Canadian university consumer studies courses offered in human ecology, home economics or related programmes. Phase 1 of the study profiles the programmes, professors, students and the results of a content analysis of these courses. This companion research examines the inferred level of learning associated with consumer concepts in the course outlines. Instructors were choosing verbs associated with knowledge and comprehension rather than application, analysis, synthesis or evaluation. Implications regarding the appropriateness of these courses to prepare graduates for consumer-related careers are discussed. Lessons to be learned from the Canadian experience are tendered, especially the need for critical theory, a systems of actions perspective and an ethical, value-based approach in consumer studies courses.  相似文献   

A recurring theme amongst teachers of home economics has been their insistence on the necessity of relating the content of home economics and their teaching methods to the reality of the conditions in which children live. This paper considers the views of professional workers in the fields of health and education welfare concerning factors affecting competence in caring for a home and family and the contribution that home economics can make towards improving the quality of family life.  相似文献   

The study of the consumer interest in higher education is currently represented by departments, program areas, and curricula with a wide variety of titles (e.g., “consumer economics” and “consumer affairs”) and emphases (e.g., consumer purchase decisions and public policy formulation. This diversity of titles and emphases is indicative of the current lack of agreement concerning the focus, scope and direction of the field as a whole. The authors propose a disciplinary rationale which integrates the many approaches to consumer-interest study while distinguishing it from the traditional disciplines to which it is most closely related: economics, home economics, and marketing. It is argued that consumer-interest study has a distinct content focus and distinct dimensional properties which qualify it for separate disciplinary status. The authors further propose that the emerging discipline be known as “consumer science” since that title appropriately encompasses both the field's current characteristics and its anticipated development.  相似文献   

This article discusses the problem of which group—business teachers, social studies teachers, or home economics teachers—is more consumer oriented and thus a more appropriate choice for the teaching of consumer education. In this study, each of these three groups of teachers was surveyed to determine which was more consumer oriented in attitude and which was more consumer oriented in terms of their appraisal of the educational relevance of consumer issues.  相似文献   

In Finnish secondary schools, nutrition education is integrated mainly in home economics and health education lessons. The aim of this research was to describe the content and pedagogical style in food‐ and nutrition‐related texts in secondary school textbooks. Textbooks are important learning tools in education in so far as they reflect current pedagogical thinking and the objectives set in the national core curriculum. The study data consisted commonly used home economics (n = 4) and health education (n = 3) textbooks. Nutrition contents of the textbooks were compatible with the national core curriculum. The scope of nutrition education in health education textbooks was health centred, whereas home economics textbooks considered also cultural and environmental aspects of nutrition education. All textbooks considered adolescents' current nutrition issues. The pedagogical style was usually participative in exercises and neutral informative in a plain text; however, a considerable amount of text was written on using a persuasive style. Overall, textbook pedagogical style supported the constructivist idea of learning, and textbooks can be a positive agent for change as we strive towards a better nutrition health in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Economic activities of families have important influences on processes of family development and family change over time. Knowledge of these special relations has expanded in recent years, as has the literature on the economics of family life as a general field. As a result, scholars and professionals in consumer studies and home economics need conceptual frameworks that organize areas of specific findings and identify specific issues for research. A conceptual framework which identifies four economic activities performed by families and six fundamental family development and family change processes is proposed. Then, a matrix of testable hypotheses is formulated, emphasizing economic activities as independent variables in family development and change. The matrix portrays the central roles economic influences play in contemporary family life, and suggests a complete, holistic understanding of these influences. The matrix also provides a conceptual guide to the design of empirical research and synthesis of findings on the economics–family development interface.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the ways in which consumer complaints reflect the trust relationship between consumers, payment cards and banks from the consumers' point of view. The empirical data consist of consumer complaints from Finland and are analysed with qualitative method. The data show that consumers use payment cards in various places for different purposes at home and abroad at least until something unexpected and problematic happens. According to the consumer complaints, in problem situations, the banks blame the consumers and categorically deny their responsibility. Negligence on the part of the consumers and questions concerning technology are the major reason for distrust concerning the reliability of payment cards. These findings provide bases for practical guidelines to increase trust in payment cards and, finally, implications for consumer education are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumerism is part of living in the contemporary post‐modern world. It is claimed that schools and consumer education have a rather marginal impact on the consumer behaviour of young people. This qualitative study explores adolescents’ ways of consuming in three different worlds: home, school and peer groups. The aim is to understand how the adolescents experience border crossings between these worlds. What do they think about consumerism and consumer education? Finally, the pedagogical challenges of consumer education are discussed. The qualitative data was collected through mind maps, written questionnaires and semi‐structured group interviews. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. The data was collected from 59 teens (between 14 and 15 years of age) from Vantaa, Finland. According to the results, the adolescents’ way of consuming in each world differs from each other. However, border crossings occur with natural strategies and smooth transitions. The adolescents feel that ‘real’ consumerism does not begin until adulthood. Then, it is time to act like responsible consumers. Their motivation to study consumer issues at school is poor, because they feel the substance of consumer education not corresponding to their lives. Because of this, consumer education needs pedagogical renovation based on the needs of the adolescents and the special features of their consumerism.  相似文献   

消费品作为人类生活必需品,其化学安全已引起广泛关注。各国相关机构高度重视消费品中有害化学物质暴露引起的健康问题,研发了一系列消费者暴露模型,包括常规模型和计算机软件模型。而我国由于起步较晚,在模型研究领域还处于初级阶段。基于我国对消费品中化学物质有效暴露模型的迫切需求,本文概述了暴露评估方法及暴露模型在暴露评估中的作用,综述了国内外暴露模型和消费者暴露模型的研究概况,以及现有的暴露模型和参数设置。以期对我国相关暴露评估人员在进行消费品暴露评估时在模型选择及模型构建方面提供参考和指导,推进我国在消费者暴露评估领域的发展。  相似文献   

Environmental education, with its aims of promoting an awareness of and responsibility for the environment, should be a lifelong process in order to protect the environment now and in the future. As home economics education takes place at all levels and in all kinds of schools throughout the world it can be used to demonstrate practical consequences and to motivate personal responsibility. Multiplierc in home economics (professors, teachers, etc) therefore have to integrate environmental education into home economics education and training. It is very important not just to enter into the so called ‘technical protection’ of the environment (water cleaning, reduction of waste, etc.) but to integrate environmental issues into a global view based on a holistic concept. Environmental education in home economics in different countries will be analysed but the main example will be the environmental education in the Federal Republic of Germany (F. R. G.). At the same time questions of content and aims will be discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the competency of persons teaching consumer education in Oregon's public schools. A 50-item instrument, based on concepts outlined in The Oregon Personal Finance Education Guide, was developed and used for the assessment. A comparison of competency according to teachers' subject-matter backgrounds (business, home economics, mathematics and social studies) was made. Item difficulty indices calculated on 185 completed instruments revealed a need for teacher upgrading in each of the four subject-matter background groups studied. No significant differences were found in the total mean scores of teachers in the four groups. However, a significant difference between groups was discovered in the concept area dealing with money management.  相似文献   

The study found significant correlations between the culture dimensions of Confucian work dynamism, human - heartedness and moral discipline and the brand image dimensions of online search engines. It was also found that several significant relationships exist between the biographical variables of age and education and the brand image dimensions, and that culture and bi- ographical variables have a linear relationship with brand image. The findings highlight that culture and biographical information can influence Chinese consumer perceptions of an international or local brand. Organizations thus need to align their brands with the culture and biographical profile of their target markets.  相似文献   

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