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Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) are to be introduced into Australia’s Northern Prawn fishery in the near future. Total allowable catches (TACs) are to be set with the objective of maximising economic efficiency in the fishery. Under ITQs, vessel owners have the ability to adjust their fishing activities to maximise profits and changes in fleet structure resulting from management changes need to be considered when determining TACs. A restricted profit function for the fishery was estimated to determine the optimal vessel characteristics and output levels as a guide to how the fleet may adjust under an ITQ system. Vessels were found to be currently close to their optimal size given average historic prices and current stock conditions. However, higher tiger prawn stocks are expected to result in the average size of vessels increasing, with rising fuel prices also likely to result in capital being substituted for fishing days. Optimal average vessel‐level catches of the main species are lower than current average vessel catches for a wide range of input and output prices. These changes in vessel characteristics and behaviour need to be incorporated in the derivation of the optimal TACs if economic efficiency objectives are to be achieved.  相似文献   

We present the first ex post study that quantitatively analyses the effects of a licence buy‐back and enhanced quota trading on the profitability and productivity of individual vessels in a fishery. Using firm‐level data and a profit index decomposition method, we find that small and large vessels and three different trawler fleets all experienced substantial productivity gains in the year immediately following a licence buy‐back and the establishment of a quota brokerage service. The apparent ongoing benefits of the buy‐back and increased quota trading over the sample period are in stark contrast to the generally unfavourable long‐term outcomes commonly associated with vessel buy‐backs in input‐controlled fisheries.  相似文献   

A model with nonlinear discarding costs is developed for a fishery with an individual transferable quota (ITQ) program. The model shows that limited hold capacity and ITQs provide incentives to discard fish. The model is applied to the Icelandic ITQ-regulated cod fishery to test for highgrading and to predict the discarded quantities of different grades of fish. The results indicate that vessels are involved in highgrading, but there is no evidence of quota price-induced highgrading. The predicted total discarded quantities are 4.7% and 2.7% of total landings for gillnet and longline vessels, respectively. These correspond well with official biometric estimates.  相似文献   

Japan's fishery harvest peaked in the late 1980s. To limit the race for fish, each fisherman could be provided with specific catch limits in the form of individual transferable quotas (ITQs). The market for ITQs would also help remove the most inefficient fishers. In this article we estimate the potential cost reduction associated with catch limits, and find that about 300 billion yen or about 3 billion dollars could be saved through the allocation and trading of individual‐specific catch shares.  相似文献   

Overcapacity (OC) and excess capacity (EC) are serious obstacles affecting the sound management of commercial fisheries around the world. The use of individual fishing quotas (IFQs) has been proposed as a promising management tool to cope with these challenges. However, the empirical evidence on the efficacy of this instrument is scarce. Drawing on a stochastic distance frontier analysis, we investigate the impact of the US Gulf of Mexico red snapper IFQ program on fishing capacity, capacity utilisation (CU) and OC. The paper also offers an alternative approach to compute species‐specific capacity measurements for multispecies fisheries. Our findings show that following the introduction of the IFQ program, fishing capacity decreased, primarily due to the exit of a large number of fishing vessels. CU increased marginally indicating modest decreases in EC. Conversely, we find that OC remains high. Our estimates suggest that about one‐fifth of the actual fleet could harvest the entire quota.  相似文献   

Applying a difference‐in‐difference approach with propensity score matching, we examine the impact of participation in the Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) scheme on cereal farm incomes in eastern England. We assess the extent to which impacts are related to a) the source of income affected – whether only from agricultural or total business income; b) the channel of the impact – through land use and/or labour input; and c) the level of impacts through time. In addition, we assess the appropriateness of the level of the ELS payment. We find that: a) entering the ELS scheme could negatively affect cereal farm incomes – in particular, the total business income; b) that negative impacts arise primarily in relation to the use of land resources; c) that impacts may diminish over a relatively short period of time; and d) that the ELS payment broadly compensates for losses without providing over compensation. Given the diminishing negative impact over time, the level of ELS payment might need to be reviewed in the longer term, although policy evaluation should consider the wider implications for efficiency of alternative payment levels. We also discuss some limitations of the approach and potential extensions.  相似文献   

An analysis of the drivers of agricultural land use is important for policy makers as the issues of climate change and food security become increasingly prominent in the political landscape. This paper analyses the role of prices, total land holdings and climate on land use in Australia. The analysis relates to a unique comprehensive coverage of commodity types at a regional level. An explicit treatment of missing data and the novel use of cluster analysis is employed within a partial adjustment framework for modelling land allocation. The majority of commodity types across regions exhibit significant degrees of slow partial adjustment for land allocation, the frequency of slow adjustment is greatest with crops and livestock and weakest for vegetables. In general, relative own and cross prices, total land holdings and rainfall only have a minor impact on short‐term land allocations, however numerous individual commodity/regional combinations have identified significant short‐run impacts.  相似文献   

Two significant management changes have affected the British Columbia Pacific halibut fishery. The first was the implementation of the British Columbia individual vessel quota (IVQ) program in 1991, which tended to increase ex vessel prices. The second was Alaska's decision to follow its own individual fishery quota program in 1995, which tended to decrease British Columbia ex vessel prices. In a previous journal paper, the market driven ex vessel price increases for the British Columbia IVQ halibut fishery was estimated for 1991–1994. This paper examines the price‐ induced effects from 1995 to 1998 and quantifies how much of the previous price‐induced IVQ increases remained after Alaska went to IFQs. Results indicate that approximately one‐half of the price advantages of the British Columbia IVQ system was lost after Alaska went to the IFQs. However, a substantial revenue advantage remains, with the revenues estimated to have been $16.1 million higher during 1995–98 than would have occurred if both the British Columbia and Alaska had not put the individual quota programs into place. This brings the estimated total eight‐year British Columbia Pacific halibut revenue increase due to IVQs at $39.5 million. Deux grands changements de gestion ont bouleversé le secteur de la pêche du flétan du Pacifique en Colombie‐Britannique. Le premier a été la mise en place, en 1991, du contingent individuel de prises par vaisseau (IVQ) qui a eu pour effet général d'accroître les prix du poisson au débarquement. Le deuxième a été l‘adoption par l'Alaska en 1995 de son propre programme de contingent individuel de pêche, qui a eu en général un effet négatif sur les prix des poissons débarqués en Colombie‐ Britannique. L'avantage du programme IVQ était qu'il permettait de mettre en marché un produit de meilleure qualité durant la presque totalité de l'année. Dans un article précédent, nous examinions les effets des prix résultant du programme IVQ pour les années 1991 à 1994. Nous examinons id les effets pour les années 1995 à 1998 et nous quantifions la pan des accroissements d'IVQ générés par les prix qui subsistait après que l'Alaska ait adopte son propre régime. Il semble qu'approximativement la moitié de l‘avantage de prix obtenu par le régime IVQ de la Colombie‐Britannique ait été perdue avec l'entrée en application du régime de l'Alaska. Il reste encore, cependant, des avantages subtantiels, comme en fait foi le niveau plus élevé des revenus de la pêche du flétan, qui ont été de 16,1 millions de dollars canadiens plus élevés dans la période 1995–1998 que si aucun des deux regimes de contingentement n'avait pas été mis en place. L'accroissement global pour la Colombie‐Britannique des recettes tirées de la pêche du flétan du Pacifique depuis l'adoption du IVQ en 1991 s'établit donc à 39,5 millions de dollars canadiens.  相似文献   


This paper explores the linkages between structural adjustment and the liberalization of agricultural marketing in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). It examines the nature of structural problems, which have been manifested in stagnating output and balance of payments difficulties. Policy responses are described, in terms of short term macroeconomic stabilization and longer term growth‐oriented adjustment policies. The process of structural adjustment in Africa is surveyed, and policies and stages in the liberalization of markets are considered. Debates on agricultural marketing in SSA are reviewed. This leads into an analysis of the specific issues which arise while marketing policy reform proceeds as an integral part of structural adjustment strategies.  相似文献   

Following the abolition of the milk quota in 2008, farmers in Switzerland strongly increased the use of concentrate feed in milk production. Against this background, the Swiss government introduced the voluntary grassland‐based milk and meat (GMF) programme in 2014, which combines economic incentives with feeding restrictions to reduce the reliance on concentrate feed and increase the use of grass feed. We analyse the economic and ecological impacts of the GMF programme at the farm and at the sector level in the short‐ and long‐run. We use a difference‐in‐differences approach (ex‐post) and an agent‐based simulation model SWISSland (ex‐ante) to construct counterfactual states to evaluate the programme's impacts. We find that the GMF programme reduces the use of concentrate feed and increases the use of grass feed in Swiss milk production. Whereas the programme has a positive effect on economic indicators such as the farm income, we find no effect on ecological indicators such as the N surplus. Our analysis suggests that feeding restrictions on concentrate feed are not enough to achieve a reduction in the N surplus. Additional feeding restrictions on grassland are necessary. Furthermore, the GMF programme has a dampening effect on sectoral milk supply, and leads to a higher milk price.  相似文献   

In 2000 and 2001, the West Virginia Department of Agriculture administered a pilot transport subsidy program to demonstrate the feasibility of moving surplus poultry litter nutrients to areas with nutrient-deficient soils. Three subsidy program goals were evaluated ex post : (1) attracting first time buyers; (2) subsidizing economically feasible litter use; and (3) encouraging environmentally appropriate litter use. The first two goals were met with 62% of participants being first time users and 89% of the subsidized litter being an economically feasible replacement for commercial fertilizer. Under the third goal, environmental protections provided by program participants were found to be comparable to those practiced by poultry growers. While the program met these goals over the short term, most participants did not become committed users of litter without continued transport subsidies.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to assess the direct and indirect impacts of the agricultural extension system of Uganda, the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) program, on household agricultural income. Data from two rounds of surveys of Ugandan rural farm‐households conducted in 2004 and 2007, as well as different program evaluation methods and model specifications, are used to estimate impacts and compute a rate of return. The direct and indirect impact of the program is estimated at 37–95% and 27–55% increase in per capita agricultural gross revenue between 2004 and 2007 for households participating directly and indirectly in the program, respectively, compared to nonparticipants. The rate of return on the program's expenditures is estimated at 8–49%. The program has been relatively more effective among male‐headed, larger, and asset‐poor households, as well as those taking up noncrop high‐value enterprises and living further away from financial services, all‐weather roads, and markets or located in the Eastern and Northern Regions. Policy implications of the results are drawn.  相似文献   

Rising world prices for fuel and food represent a negative terms‐of‐trade shock for Mozambique. The impacts of these price rises are analyzed using various approaches. Detailed price data show that the world price increases are being transmitted to domestic prices. Short‐run net benefit ratio analysis indicates that urban households and households in the southern region are more vulnerable to food price increases. Rural households, particularly in the North and Center, often benefit from being in a net seller position. Longer‐term analysis using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of Mozambique indicates that the fuel price shock dominates rising food prices from both macroeconomic and poverty perspectives. Again, negative impacts are larger in urban areas. The importance of agricultural production response in general and export response in particular is highlighted. Policy analysis reveals difficult trade‐offs between short‐run mitigation and long‐run growth. Improved agricultural productivity has powerful positive impacts, but remains difficult to achieve and may not address the immediate impacts of higher prices.  相似文献   

For adoption of variable rate technology to increase, more knowledge of how crop yields respond to inputs is needed. As the necessary agronomic research involves approximating site‐specific yield response functions, data used inherently lend themselves to spatial analysis. We discuss the different types of spatial analyses that may be appropriate. Then we present a taxonomy for the discussion of the economics of technology and information, and use it to review studies that have contributed significantly to the literature over the past few years. We contend that longer‐term, multilocation agronomic experiments are needed for the estimation of site‐specific ex ante optimal variable input rates, and of expected profitability of variable rate technology and information.  相似文献   

Real estate investment portfolios of financial institutions have seen dramatic changes over the last three decades or more. Historically such property investment decisions have been seen within a portfolio diversification paradigm that has sought to balance risk and return. This paper considers the role of the supply of assets in the determining and constraining the UK institutional portfolio. The supply of real estate assets not only expands during property booms but has also been transformed by a long term urban development cycle as cities adapt to cars and the ICT revolution that has brought new property forms. The research examines long term trends in investment change by disaggregating into ten property forms rather than the usual three land use sectors. It then assesses to what extent investment patterns can be explained in terms of portfolio theory, short term net returns of individual sectors or driven by the supply of real estate assets. It concludes that the supply of real assets is an overlooked explanation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of individual transferable quota regimes on technology choice, such as choice of vessel size, by using the laboratory experiment method. We find that even if vessel sizes change over time, the quota price can converge to the fundamental value conditioned on the vessels chosen. We also find that subjects choose their vessel type to maximise their profits based on the quota trading prices in the previous period. This result implies that the efficiency of quota markets in the beginning period is important because any inefficiency in quota markets may affect vessel sizes in ensuing periods. Moreover, we find that the initial allocations may significantly influence vessel sizes through two channels: first, a higher initial allocation to a subject increases the likelihood that the subject invests in a large‐sized vessel; second, the quota price may be higher and more unstable under unequal allocation than under equal allocation; thus, whether the allocation is equal influences subjects' choice of vessel type.  相似文献   

Food insecurity is extensive throughout the world and hunger and malnutrition are expected to remain serious humanitarian and political concerns, both in the short term and for the foreseeable future, particularly in low income developing countries where many rural and urban households are both income and asset poor. In those countries, domestic agricultural production is expected to be especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change over the next 30 years. Thus international markets for staple agricultural commodities, which have become increasingly important as sources of nutrition for both developing and developed countries over the past 60 years, are likely to become even more important in the future. Free trade policies allow countries to exploit their comparative advantages in economic activity, increasing average per capita incomes, longer term growth rates and a country's capacity to fund social safety nets for the poor. However, many countries abandoned those policies in favor of domestic protections in their efforts to mitigate the effects of short run food crises. The policy challenge is therefore to resolve the tension between optimal long run policies and short run initiatives to address food security concerns.  相似文献   

Africa's social cash transfer programs target the most resource‐constrained households, unlikely to expand supply in response to transfer‐induced demand. We propose a local economy‐wide impact evaluation model and use it to evaluate local spillovers from Lesotho's Child Grants Program. We report Monte‐Carlo confidence bounds around impact‐simulation results. We find significant spillovers to nonrecipient households and significant real income multipliers, although the latter are dampened if factor supply constraints generate excessive inflationary pressures. Our findings raise questions about how to measure the impacts of cash transfers. Evaluations focusing only on eligible households are likely to significantly understate program impacts.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the investment behaviour of Russian farms during the period of economic stabilisation that followed Russia’s financial crisis of 1998, and is the first to apply the error‐correction investment model to describe farms’ investment behaviour in the transitional context. Additionally, the paper employs the error‐correction and the adjustment‐cost model to test for differences in the investment behaviour between various farm categories. The results show that in general Russian farms exhibited an error‐correcting behaviour in the period under investigation. From 1999 to 2005 the output–capital gap was closed by an average rate of 10% per year. Estimates of the adjustment‐cost model show that Russian farm investments are very sensitive to the sales–capital ratio, suggesting that Russian farms exhibit increasing returns to scale and positive expectations about future revenues. Yet, such farm characteristics as ownership structure, access to input markets and also regional specifics were found to be decisive for farm investment not only in the short but long term too. Finally, the results show that the adjustment‐cost model is adequate for the evaluation of differences in short‐term investment behaviour, whereas it is noticeably less powerful for investigating differences in the farms’ long‐term investment behaviour.  相似文献   

[目的]城乡融合对当地种植业发展的影响,因存在内生性问题而难以度量。撤市(县)改区是旨在推进城乡融合的行政区划改革,可以视为城乡融合对县域种植业的外生冲击,文章以2002年发生在广东省佛山市三水区的撤市改区作为政策自然实验,估计了城乡融合对当地种植业产值的影响,并分析影响机制。[方法]运用合成控制法研究城乡融合对三水区种植业产值的影响,采取置换检验、安慰剂检验对估计结果进行有效性检验,并使用双重差分法进行稳健性检验。最后探讨城乡融合对种植业发展的影响机制。[结果]城乡融合对三水区种植业产值仅产生短期负向冲击,从长期看,三水区种植业产值并未落后于合成控制组。在影响机制层面,该文认为短期负向冲击主要来自涉农支出短期“偏移”,长期无效应源于生产效率提升与种植结构调整。[结论]通过对三水区的个案分析,该文探讨了城乡融合与种植业发展的和谐共生模式,为处在城乡一体化进程中的市(县)提供了种植业发展的经验启示。  相似文献   

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