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王芸芸 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):155-155
商标异议制度是指自然人、法人或者其他组织在法定期限内对经商标局初步审定并公告的商标提出反对意见,要求商标局对该商标不予核准注册的法律制度。商标异议程序设置的原始初衷是为了将商标局的商标审查工作置于利害关系人和社会公众的监督之下,以利于保证商标审查的公正性,增强商标审查工作的透明度,防止出现商标审查失误,  相似文献   

商标被境外抢注是我国企业走入国际市场的绊脚石,给国内企业和我国的对外贸易造成了严重的损失。我国企业应积极申请商标国外注册和国际注册,扩大商标境外保护范围,以防商标被境外抢注。对商标被境外抢注,应对方式有三种:双方协商谈判;向注册国商标局申请撤销抢注商标;驰名商标还可依国际公约(《巴黎公约》、TRIPS协议),得到国际保护。  相似文献   

李苗 《中国外资》2010,(14):193-194
商标法是为加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产、经营者保证商品和服务质量,维护商标信誉而颁布实施的。在当今以科技和经济为核心的综合国力竞争中,商标战略、商标维权在企业发展中占有至关重要的地位。而如何规避商标注册和使用的风险;如何将商标作为企业维权的“利器”成为企业把握自身优势,维护自身合法权益的必修课,  相似文献   

论市场经济下的企业商标管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何在当前市场经济条件下强化商标的作用 ,利用商标这一无形资产的价值 ,为企业创造经济效益是企业所面临的一个重要问题。本文主要论述了商标管理在企业管理中的重要性 ,商标管理的主要内容 ,并对企业在商标管理工作中存在的主要问题进行了分析与总结。针对我国加入WTO后企业所面临的形势 ,结合新修订的《商标法》对企业商标管理工作提出一些建议。  相似文献   

针对竞争对手的商标提出异议,为竞争对手的商标注册制造障碍,推迟竞争对手享有商标专用权的时间,正是跨国公司商标战略中的重要内容。  相似文献   

案例 2008年11月,某商业银行在日常商标监控中发现,某信托公司使用并提起注册了与该行行徽近似的图形商标,且申请注册类别与该银行相同,均为第36类金融服务、金融业务类别。获悉此情况后,为了充分维护商标权益,该银行向国家工商行政管理总局商标局(以下简称“商标局”)提起异议程序,商标局以信托公司图形商标与该银行商标构成近似为由,裁定不予核准该商标注册。信托公司对商标局的裁定不服,向商标评审委员会(以下简称“商评委”)提起异议复审程序。商评委审理后认为,信托公司图形商标与该银行商标不构成近似,并裁定准予注册。该银行不服,进而向北京市第一中级人民法院提起商标行政诉讼,主张信托公司拟注册的图形商标具有攀附银行商标的主观故意,且客观上易造成金融消费者混淆误认。该银行的上述主张得到法院支持,最终判决撤销商标评审委员会的异议复审裁定。  相似文献   

试论驰名商标的域外保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国加入WTO,对外贸易发展迅猛。一些拥有驰名商标的企业利用自己的商标信誉在国外开拓了市场。但由于我国许多厂商对出口商品商标保护意识不强,我国的许多知名品牌时常遭到“抢注”。我国的企业为防止商标在国外被抢注,应当实施及时在国外进行商标确权、办理商标国际注册等策略以加强对驰名商标的域外保护。  相似文献   

商标法是为加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产、经营者保证商品和服务质量,维护商标信誉而颁布实施的.在当今以科技和经济为核心的综合国力竞争中,商标战略、商标维权在企业发展中占有至关重要的地位.而如何规避商标注册和使用的风险,如何将商标作为企业维权的"利器"成为企业把握自身优势,维护自身合法权益的必修课.  相似文献   

文章分析了闲置商标(权)的价值内涵、闲置商标的价值构成及影响因素,并就闲置商标的评估方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张灿  姜鹏 《时代金融》2014,(6Z):27-27
商标是商业活动的产物,其主要功能是帮助消费者识别商品或服务的来源。我国新商标法首次将声音商标纳入商标权客体范畴,这是我国本次商标法修改的一大亮点。同时,为方便声音商标的使用、管理和检索,完善我国商标法体系、保障消费者和生产、经营者的利益,需要进一步明确声音商标的保护范围以及声音商标的认定审查标准,制定可操作性的配套规范。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a firm's dynamic decisions: i) whether to issue a callable or non-callable bond; ii) when to call the callable bond; and iii) whether to refund it when it is called. We argue that a firm uses a callable bond to reduce the risk-shifting problem in case its investment opportunities become poor. Our empirical findings support this argument. We find that a firm facing poorer future investment opportunities is more likely to issue a callable bond than a firm facing better investment opportunities. In addition, a firm with a higher leverage ratio and higher investment risk is more likely to issue a callable bond. Finally, after a callable bond is issued, a firm with a poor performance and a low investment activity tends to call back a bond without refunding; a firm with the best performance and highest investment activity tends to call back a bond and refund its call; and a firm with mediocre performance and investment activity tends to not call its bonds.  相似文献   

Is gold a hedge, defined as a security that is uncorrelated with stocks or bonds on average, or is it a safe haven, defined as a security that is uncorrelated with stocks and bonds in a market crash? We study constant and time‐varying relations between U.S., U.K. and German stock and bond returns and gold returns to investigate gold as a hedge and a safe haven. We find that gold is a hedge against stocks on average and a safe haven in extreme stock market conditions. A portfolio analysis further shows that the safe haven property is short‐lived.  相似文献   

The presale contract is a popular property selling method that allows a buyer to default on the remaining payment and/or a developer to abandon a project. Using a simple two-period game theoretical model, we derive a closed-form pricing equation for a presale contract that explicitly accounts for a developer??s abandonment option and a buyer??s default option. Although a developer has an abandonment option under either a spot sale or a presale method, the option is more valuable under a presale contract because of an additional cash inflow from the presale downpayment. A presale also provides a buyer a default option, which is valuable in a real estate market with uncertain demand and price risk. We analyze the implications of the abandonment option on a developer??s construction decision and choice of selling method, as well as the implications of the default option on a buyer??s purchase decision. Furthermore, our model framework has implications to the pricing of futures contracts that involve both stochastic revenues and costs.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence that sheds new light into the dynamic interactions between risk and efficiency, a highly debated issue. First, we estimate three alternative measures of bank performance, by employing a directional distance function framework, along with a cost frontier and a profit function. As a second step, we calculate a Merton-type bank default risk. Then, we employ a panel VAR analysis, which allows the examination of the underlying relationships between efficiency and risk without applying any a priori restrictions. Most evidence shows that the effect of a one standard deviation shock of the distance to default on inefficiency is negative and substantial. There is some evidence of a reverse causation. As part of a sensitivity analysis, we extent our study to investigate the relationship between efficiency and default risk for banks with different types of ownership structures and across financial systems with different levels of development.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic model for the wealth of an insurance company which has the possibility to invest into a risky and a riskless asset under a constant mix strategy. The total insurance claim amount is modeled by a compound Poisson process and the price of the risky asset follows a geometric Brownian motion. We investigate the resulting integrated risk process and the corresponding discounted net loss process. This opens up a way to measure the risk of a negative outcome of the integrated risk process in a stationary way. We provide an approximation of the optimal investment strategy, which maximizes the expected wealth under a risk constraint on the Value-at-Risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimality of an insurance strategy in which an investor buys a risky asset and a put on that asset. The put's striking price serves as the insurance level. In complete markets, it is highly unlikely that an investor would utilize such a strategy. However, in some types of less complete markets, an investor may wish to purchase a put on the risky asset. Given only a risky asset, a put, and noncontinuous trading, an investor would purchase a put as a way of introducing a risk-free asset into the portfolio. If, in addition, there is a risk-free asset and the investor's utility function displays constant proportional risk-aversion, then the investor would buy the risk-free asset directly and not buy a put. In sum, only under the most incomplete markets would an investor find an insurance strategy optimal.  相似文献   

This paper develops a perfectly competitive general-equilibrium model of a small open economy with production of private traded goods and of a public good which is financed by revenues from trade and domestic taxes. Within this framework we consider the effects on public good provision and on welfare of the following tax reforms: (i) a producer-price-neutral reduction in export taxes and a corresponding increase in production taxes, (ii) a consumer-price-neutral reduction in tariffs and a corresponding increase in consumption taxes, and (iii) a partial tax-revenue-neutral reform in trade and domestic taxes.  相似文献   

商业银行集团客户信贷风险管理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
肖永杰  霍东平 《金融论坛》2006,11(12):39-44
近年来,一系列集团客户先后爆发债务危机,给银行信贷资产带来重大损失和负面影响。本文针对集团客户的风险特征和我国商业银行的管理缺陷,指出集团客户信贷风险的成因。文中指出构建完善的集团客户风险管理体系主要在于:一是建立集中的信贷风险管理体制;二是建立集团客户风险管理长效机制,包括基础信贷风险管理制度、风险联动监督机制、风险信息预警提示制度、差别化的客户管理机制、有效的风险预警指标体系、双轨互动的风险管理机制、账户资金收支监测分析、内部风险评级体系建设等;三是构建社会监督机制,主要包括行际信息沟通机制、社会信息监督平台及完善银行同业协会功能等。  相似文献   

This paper models the effects of a banking crisis, and in particular distinguishes between a short-term crisis, such as a banking panic, and a longer-term crisis, such as a banking insolvency. Using an optimizing framework, it shows that depositors shift from deposits into cash in both types of crises, which results in an increase in the interest rates on deposits and loans, and a contraction in output and consumption. However, when the crisis is resolved in a finite time period, there is an intertemporal substitution of consumption, and consumption is postponed until the crisis is resolved. This in turn results in a further decline in the demand for money, availability of credit and output.  相似文献   

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