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There are a growing body of theoretical work, wide anecdotal evidence, and a few large-scale empirical studies supporting the view that business firms quite rarely change their organizational structure, a phenomenon usually referred to in the literature as structural inertia. The present paper aims to analyze empirically the determinants of structural inertia and organizational change. As far as we know, this work constitutes the first attempt to directly address such issues through econometric estimates based on a large, longitudinal dataset at plant level. For this purpose, we consider changes of the organizational structure within a sample composed of 438 Italian manufacturing plants observed from 1975 to 1996. More precisely, we specify and test a duration model of the likelihood of an individual plant changing the number of hierarchical tiers after a spell r, provided that no change has occurred up to T. We also analyze the direction of change, distinguishing increases from decreases of the number of managerial layers. We consider a set of plant- and industry-specific explanatory variables that are expected to induce or oppose organizational change. The findings show that the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies and new human-resources management practices favors organizational change. On the contrary, the presence of sunk costs and the extent of influence activities figure prominently in explaining structural inertia of business organizations.  相似文献   

基于多轮开放式与封闭式问卷调查研究,探索企业招聘网站内容的内涵与结构,考察企业招聘网站设计因素(内容、结构和视觉因素)对应聘者求职意向的影响及其中介机制.实证研究结果显示,招聘网站内容包括组织文化与背景、组织政策与环境、组织薪酬与福利和岗位职责与要求四个维度;招聘网站内容和视觉对应聘者求职意向有显著积极影响,网站结构对应聘者求职意向无显著影响;组织信任感在招聘网站内容和视觉与求职意向之间起中介作用.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between a number of organizational characteristics and the decision to outsource HR. Determinants of the outsourcing of four categories of HR are examined: HR generalists activities (e.g., performance appraisal), transactional activities (e.g., payroll), human capital activities (e.g., training), and recruiting and selection. HR executives in 432 organizations provided data on outsourcing levels and organizational characteristics. Reliance on HR outsourcing was associated with idiosyncratic HR practices, strategic HR involvement, positive HR outcomes, promotional opportunities, demand uncertainty, and pay level. As predicted, however, the impact of organizational characteristics varied among the different types of HR activities outsourced. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文以801名企业员工为样本,使用结构方程模型和回归模型研究了组织政治知觉对职业倦怠和组织公民行为的影响以及真实自我在其中的中介作用.研究结果表明,组织政治知觉与职业倦怠是显著的正相关关系,而与组织公民行为是显著的负相关关系,真实自我在其中起部分中介作用,论文最后提出了减少组织政治知觉对员工负面影响的对策和建议.  相似文献   

李宁忠 《物流科技》2007,30(1):151-153
企业的薪酬战略应该与企业的组织结构相匹配,在不同的组织结构下应实施不同的薪酬战略.本文首先对组织结构进行了分类;然后对薪酬战略进行了分析;最后探讨了薪酬战略和组织结构的匹配机制.  相似文献   

Organizational change efforts can bring about a range of outcomes: some intended, such as organizational survival and profitability, and some unintended, such as heightened levels of organizational change cynicism (OCC) among employees. This article focuses on processes for managing OCC: we examine the role of information sharing and involvement in decision making as ways to lessen employee reports of OCC. While both of these strategies have the potential to be effective, they rest on a significant assumption—namely, that employees will enthusiastically embrace any opportunities to become involved. In this research, we investigate this assumption through an analysis of the relationship between an employee's willingness to become involved (”active orientation”) on employee reports of their OCC. We find, using data from 1,214 public‐sector employees, that an active orientation toward involvement plays a significant role as a moderator in reducing employee reports of OCC. The findings suggest that HR practitioners concerned about OCC should encourage their line managers to adopt a participatory style of management (information sharing, involvement in decision making), especially in those workplaces where employees are more likely to embrace the opportunities for involvement. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在当今全球化经济迅猛发展的时局下,组织的结构不断出现趋同化的现象。文章从对组织理论发展的研究着手,分析组织与环境之间的关系,得出这种趋同现象背后的原因主要是制度要求以及市场竞争趋于完全性。  相似文献   

ASQ的未来研究识别出八大变革力量。我想就这些因素对企业管理和组织质量的影响,谈谈自己的看法。同时,我还总结出3个首要因素(overarching factors),在此先作简单介绍,然后再分析它们可能带来的影响,最后就可能出现的结果与大家分享。首要因素我认为,这三个首要因素是:复杂性、灵活性、道德及社会责任感。复杂性:经济、商业与社会体系的复杂本质,将对组织的生存和发展能  相似文献   

To Come of Age: The Antecedents of Organizational Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The twin ideas of organizational learning and the learning organization have recently fired the imagination of many academics, consultants and practising managers. There is, however, a pressing need for empirical research to examine the origins and development of these closely related concepts. The qualitative research underpinning this paper was conducted over a three-year period (1994–97) and involved detailed examination of organizational learning aspirations and practices within the UK operations of five major manufacturing companies. Sixty-six interviewees were classified into three groups – strategy, human resources, and research and development – and the data gathered were analysed using the conceptually clustered matrix technique. This led to the identification of a set of six antecedents which together explain the rise to prominence of organizational learning. These six antecedents are: the shift in the relative importance of factors of production away from capital towards labour, particularly intellectual labour; the ever more rapid pace of change in the business environment; widespread acceptance of knowledge as a prime source of competitive advantage; the greater demands being placed on all businesses by customers; increasing dissatisfaction, among managers and employees, with the traditional, command-and-control, management paradigm; and the intensely competitive nature of global business. A model is unfolded which explains the ready acceptance and rise to prominence of the organizational learning phenomenon. A valuable feature of the model is that it demonstrates the interplay of thoughts and feelings between management practitioners and theorists.  相似文献   

Developments within social and exact sciences take place because scientists engage in scientific practices that allow them to further expand and refine the scientific concepts within their scientific disciplines. There is disagreement among scientists as to what the essential practices are that allow scientific concepts within a scientific discipline to expand and evolve. One group looks at conceptual expansion as something that is being constrained by rational practices. Another group, however, suggests that conceptual expansion proceeds along the lines of ‘everything goes’. The goal of this paper is to test whether scientific concepts expand in a rational way within the field of organizational behaviour. We will use organizational climate and culture as examples. The essence of this study consists of two core concepts: one within organizational climate and one within organizational culture. It appears that several conceptual variations are added around these core concepts. The variations are constrained by rational scientific practices. In other terms, there is evidence that the field of organizational behaviour develops rationally  相似文献   

The Fragmentation of a Railway: A Study of Organizational Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
abstract    This paper considers pathways of organizational change within British Rail (BR) during its long period of commercialization culminating in privatization. The Laughlin (1991 ) and Parker (1995a ) frameworks are used to demonstrate how a new interpretative scheme supplanted the previous interpretative scheme within BR between the 1970s and privatization in the mid-1990s, leading to a fragmented organization. BR did not survive and privatization of Britain's railways remains controversial. The study demonstrates that without the earlier changes in interpretive scheme from 'social railway' to 'business railway' to 'profitable business', and the associated changes in design archetypes and sub-systems, privatization would have been both less tempting and less feasible. It is intended that the approach developed here to analyse organizational change in BR should be applicable to the study of other privatizations and to other forms of organizational change in both the public and private sectors.  相似文献   

Recent research on management innovation, i.e. new managerial processes, practices, or structures that change the nature of managerial work, suggests it can be an important source of competitive advantage. In this study, we focus on management innovation at the organization level and investigate the role of leadership behaviour as a key antecedent. Due to its prominent role within organizations, top management has the ability to greatly influence management innovation. In particular, we focus on leadership behaviour and examine transformational and transactional leadership. Additionally, as contextual variables like organizational size may influence the impact of leadership, we investigate its moderating role. Findings show that both leadership behaviours contribute to management innovation. Interestingly, our study indicates that smaller, less complex, organizations benefit more from transactional leadership in realizing management innovation. On the other hand, larger organizations need to draw on transformational leaders to compensate for their complexity and allow management innovation to flourish.  相似文献   

Places and Spaces: The Role of Metonymy in Organizational Talk   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Cultural meaning making as reflected in, and constituted by, organizational talk is an established field of interest in organizational analysis. However, the discursive mechanics of the process whereby this cultural meaning making is created and maintained are less well understood. The premise of this paper is that taken‐for‐granted assumptions embedded in organizational talk can be explored through the analysis of metonymy, a trope which is under explored in the linguistic turn in organization studies. This lack of focus on metonymy is, we believe, related to the fundamentally conventional nature of the trope in use, which expresses ideas, values and relationships that seem natural, normal and routine but which are culturally bound. We address this gap and carry out a metonymical analysis of organizational talk about physical places and spaces in one organization, to show how cultural norms and meanings are reflected, maintained, and potentially changed in these figures of speech. We show how metonymic chains based on buildings can reflect, reify and simplify the symbolic order of the organization, how these symbolic meanings can be transferred on to other inanimate objects and the constructions thereby spread, how people can be constructed within this symbolic chain, and how these metonymic chains can be invoked to potentially confirm, challenge or change the organizational order.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to study the role of labor reallocation between production and organizational tasks within a firm in movements in measured TFP in Japan. Allocating more labor to organizational tasks strengthens the financial relationship with financial intermediaries and helps firms to mitigate a widening in credit spread during financial difficulties. However, doing so reduces the labor allocated to production tasks and hence the measured TFP. Our quantitative analysis indicates that labor reallocation contributes to the observed procyclicality in measured TFP. We also find that this mechanism amplifies and propagates the effects of exogenous shocks on aggregate activity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The capitalist and socialist societies of the twentieth century assigned firms different roles within their economic systems. Enterprises transforming from socialist to market economies thus face fundamental organizational restructuring. Many former state-owned firms in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe have failed at this task. These firms have pursued primarily defensive downsizing, rather than strategic restructuring, as a result of both internal and external constraints on restructuring strategies.
Building on the organizational learning and resource-based theories, we analyse strategies available to management in privatized, former state-owned enterprises in transition economies to restructure their organization. Both internal forces promoting or inhibiting the restructuring process, and external constraints arising in the transition context are examined. A model and testable propositions are developed that explain post-privatization performance. Implications of our research point to the ways in which firms should manage and develop their resource base to transform to competitive enterprises.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of the social context on the relationship between psychological contract breach (PCB) and perceived organizational support (POS) in two studies. We build on the premise that psychological contract breach (i.e. the organization's failure to fulfil the obligations employees believe they are owed) signals to employees that they are not cared for and valued by the organization (i.e. reduces POS). In support, a longitudinal study of 310 employees shows that PCB at Time 1 explains significant variance in POS at Time 2 (beyond that explained by POS at Time 1). Building on this result, we advance the argument that employees' perceptions of organizational politics serve as a heuristic for the overall benevolent or malevolent character of the organization and its agents. Accordingly, we expect that when employees perceive PCB and high levels of organizational politics, they will be more likely to hold the organization responsible for PCB and thus report lower levels of POS in response to breach. This line of reasoning received support in a second study of 146 employees which showed that perceptions of organizational politics moderate the PCB–POS relationship. Our results suggest that the social context in which psychological contract breaches occur matters and that managers should consider the organization's perceived political landscape when anticipating how employees will respond to broken promises.  相似文献   

abstract We develop and extend social capital theory by exploring the creation of organizational social capital within a highly pervasive, yet often overlooked organizational form: family firms. We argue that family firms are unique in that, although they work as a single entity, at least two forms of social capital coexist: the family's and the firm's. We investigate mechanisms that link a family's social capital to the creation of the family firm's social capital and examine how factors underlying the family's social capital affect this creation. Moreover, we identify contingency dimensions that affect these relationships and the potential risks associated with family social capital. Finally, we suggest these insights are generalizable to several other types of organizations with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been associated with positive organizational outcomes and with higher managerial ratings of employee performance. However, concerns have been raised about the possible personal costs of performing such activities. This paper examines the relationship between OCB and emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict and explores the moderating role of job performance in shaping those relationships. In a time‐lagged field study of customer‐contact center employees the research found that one particular dimension of OCB—conscientiousness—was associated with higher emotional exhaustion and with work‐family conflict. The study also revealed that conscientious employees who performed their in‐role job responsibilities at a high level experienced greater emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict than conscientious employees who performed their in‐role job responsibilities at a low level. Our findings suggest that organizational pressures to increase the level at which both discretionary and formal role obligations are performed can carry negative consequences for employees. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

吕子剑  黄洋 《价值工程》2011,30(13):136-137
市场环境和组织内部环境变化日益加快,企业的成长是否具有可持续性愈来愈成为战略管理的理论与实践所关注的内容。分析了战略选择与组织适应能力互补互动对企业的可持续成长的重要影响。  相似文献   

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