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进入21世纪,全国掀起了古村落旅游热潮,古村落成为旅游开发的重点。寻求古村落遗产保护和旅游发展的双赢之路、探索古村落旅游可持续发展成为旅游学术界和业界的共同任务。本文在库(Ko)构建的旅游可持续性评估理论框架的基础上,展开了古村落旅游可持续性的评估模型及其实证研究。古村落旅游可持续性评估模型包括人文系统和生态系统两大部分,其中人文系统包括社会文化发展、经济发展、古建筑保护状况、社会政策、旅游服务与质量等5个维度,生态系统包括总体环境感知、生态系统质量、环境政策与管理水平等3个维度,总共有32个具体量测指标。利用该模型对世界文化遗产宏村进行了实证研究,结果表明:①从整体上看,宏村旅游发展处于潜在可持续状态之中,旅游开发活动并未危及其健康持续发展;②从具体指标的旅游可持续性水平上看,宏村目前绝大多数指标均处于潜在可持续以上状态,仅在社区参与与管理水平、利益分配的公平性两个指标上处于潜在不可持续状态,由于这两个指标不是环境、生态等基础性因子,可以通过调整政策和管理模式来进行优化。  相似文献   

古村落旅游客源市场分析与行为模式研究   总被引:43,自引:4,他引:43  
冯淑华 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):45-48
本文重点研究了古村落旅游吸引力、旅游客源的特点,以及客源地与旅游地之间的关联度,为古村落旅游客源市场的定位与开发提供了依据。并通过对旅游者行为模式的研究,揭示了相同条件下,不同旅游者的行为特点,为古村落旅游产品设计开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

乡村旅游开发中产权置换不公引发的空间正义性问题尚未引起社会各界的足够关注。文章基于原住民“我者”的主体感知视角与列斐伏尔的社会空间概念,运用Fraser社会正义尺度理论以及结构方程模型的因子分析方法,结合江西省婺源县篁岭景区案例,对产权置换型古村落旅游空间正义性感知测度指标体系进行建构与实证。研究结果表明:(1)社会空间语境下,空间正义亦即社会正义,产权置换型古村落旅游空间正义性的感知测度,大体可由承认、分配、参与正义3个维度及其13个指标进行表征;(2)篁岭村民的旅游空间正义性感知为不正义,其中,参与正义维度均值最低,而私人老宅、村集体资产的旅游吸引增值收益几乎未被承认和兑现,文章据此提出了启用旅游吸引物权以及“追索权”等制度化组合矫正路径。  相似文献   

国内乡村旅游研究:蓬勃发展而有待深入   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
何景明 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):92-96
从现有的研究资料看,我国目前的乡村旅游研究主要集中在以下五个方面:乡村旅游概念;乡村旅游开发意义、条件和模式;乡村旅游规划与设计;乡村旅游存在问题和发展策略;国外和台湾乡村旅游发展的经验借鉴。虽然我国乡村旅游研究近年来发展迅速,也取得了不少有价值的研究成果,但整体上研究水平不高,许多方面都有待深入。  相似文献   

王健 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):11-12
一、旅游发展与旅游立法 旅游是市场经济的产物,而市场经济是法制经济。旅游立法作为一项专业性较强的立法工作,在旅游发展中发挥着至关重要的作用,集中体现在以下几个方面:通过旅游立法对国家旅游发展实行宏观调控;规定国家旅游发展的根本方向和总的政策原则;规定对旅游者合法权益的保护;  相似文献   

中山大学旅游发展与规划研究中心从成立之初,本着立足自身、相互学习、平等交流的原则,大力推动中国旅游研究的国际化,  相似文献   

生态旅游与"三农"利益保障机制探讨   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
梁明珠 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):69-72
生态旅游是21世纪的一种旅游时尚,是符合科学发展观的旅游开发新趋势。在我国,生态旅游开发方兴未艾。一方面.旅游的扶贫效应日益显现;另一方面,在一些地方也出现农民利益在一定程度上被忽略,由此造成了生态旅游发展与“三农”利益的不协调。本文依据“实现主体利益持续互动均衡”的原则.就关乎生态旅游成败和农民生计的土地补偿、利益分配、培训与就业、社区参与等问题,提出了建立“三农”利益保障机制的设想。  相似文献   

吴文智 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):49-53
针对目前在旅游可持续发展上存在的一些理论和现实问题,本文以安徽古村落(宏村、西递)为实例进行分析,首先讨论旅游地系统的资源状况,在此基础上,运用一系列方法和模型,分析旅游地的保护和开发状况,揭示其演进的一般模式,进而在理论与实践上为旅游地的有序发展提供一些可资借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

正近20多年来,可持续旅游已成为各国政府与国际组织极力支持和推崇的旅游发展理念和行动。随着绿色经济、生态经济与低碳经济等可持续经济发展形式的相继出现,绿色旅游、生态旅游与低碳旅游也陆续成为发展可持续旅游的重要形式。发展低碳旅游是旅游业应对全球气候变化与能源安全、生态文明建设与产业节能减排的战略选择,它以可持续发展与低碳发展理念为指导,采用低碳技术与材料,合理利用资源,实现旅游业的节能减排与社会、生态、经济综合效益最大化的可持续旅游形式。一、低碳旅游是促进生态文明建设的可持续旅  相似文献   

森林是具有生态美学价值的旅游景观资源,森林乡村是乡村的重要类型,科学认识国家森林乡村的空间分布特征及其影响因素对乡村生态文明建设、乡村旅游可持续发展及乡村振兴目标的落实具有重要意义。本文以中国首批3 947个国家森林乡村为研究对象,借助数理统计方法与ArcGIS空间分析方法揭示国家森林乡村的空间分布特征,结合地理探测器技术探讨其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1) 国家森林乡村在空间上呈典型的集聚型分布,总体分布不均衡,以胡焕庸线为明显分界,呈“东密西疏”的分布特征。(2) 国家森林乡村呈现“多核心集聚,连片分布”的特征,形成了太行山豫晋冀交接连片区、苏浙皖交接连片区及粤赣闽交接连片区3个辐射范围最广的高密度集中连片区。(3) 地形地貌、河流水系、森林资源禀赋、人口规模、经济发展水平及交通区位条件是影响国家森林乡村分布的主要因素,受自然环境和社会经济因素的影响,国家森林乡村主要分布在平原丘陵地区、河网密布地区、森林覆盖率高的地区以及人口稠密、经济发展水平高、交通发达的地区。  相似文献   

旅游是传统村落遗产保护与乡村振兴的有效方式。本文以山西省为研究对象,构建传统村落旅游响应评价体系,运用熵权TOPSIS法、ArcGIS和地理探测器等方法,探析不同空间尺度的传统村落旅游响应空间特征及其影响因素。研究发现:(1)山西省传统村落旅游响应度总体呈现东部高于西部,中部、东南部高于北部的空间特征。(2)县域尺度上,旅游响应度差异明显,中等响应度县域约占80%;地市尺度上,呈现了传统村落数量较多的晋城市、晋中市与传统村落数量最少的太原市旅游响应度较高的非均衡特征;区域尺度上,太行、长城、黄河3个旅游板块的旅游响应度表现为依次递减的空间分异特征,而汾河流域旅游响应度则呈现出中游>下游>上游的空间分异规律。(3)不同尺度传统村落旅游响应度的主导影响因子具有差异性,传统村落集中度、旅游发展水平和区域景区优势度对县域尺度的影响明显;旅游发展水平与接待规模对地市尺度的指示性较传统村落集中度显著;从区域响应度影响来看,除传统村落集中度外,传统村落历史价值和区域乡村旅游组合对3个板块响应度的支持力明显,区域旅游发展环境对流域旅游响应的作用显著。(4)综合不同尺度影响因子发现,传统村落旅游响应度对传统村落资源禀赋、区域资源组合和旅游发展环境较为敏感,区域经济发展环境影响较弱;传统村落集中度对旅游响应度的影响具有普遍意义。研究结果可为传统村落集中连片区和乡村旅游重点区域旅游开发空间布局提供参考。  相似文献   

影响京郊旅游业持续发展的主要产业环境问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京郊区是当前扣未来北京旅游业发展所依托的最重要地区。随着郊区旅游业与经济社会的快速发展,一系列正在危害郊区旅游业持续发展的环境问题凸现了出来。概括起来,主要有三方面。一是长期对郊区旅游业发展将形成制约的关键资源供给短缺厦由此引发的资源矛盾问题,二是已经扣正在对郊区旅游业发展构成危害的郊区非旅游产业不同环境效应所导致的各种资源厦环境问题,三是不客忽视的郊区旅游业自身所存在的许多不可持续性环境问题。  相似文献   

This paper represents part of a programme of research into the development of indicators that can be used to monitor movement of the tourism industry with reference to more sustainable positions. In order to determine the potential for implementing such indicators this paper asked senior representatives of the UK tourism industry what factors influenced the degree of responsibility shown by their organisation. The research also asked what factors respondents felt would trigger any change in the actions of tour operators in the future. The research reveals that while many in the industry see industry structure as the constraining force, the potential for market advantage or the fear of negative PR also determines company actions. The research utilised elite interviewing for 35 senior representatives of the UK tourism industry.  相似文献   

The precautionary principle is an emerging norm of international environmental policy affirmed in many treaties and laws. The principle, congruent to the ideal of sustainable development, is a controversial future-focused planning and regulatory mechanism which mandates that to protect against threats of serious and irreversible damage, precaution should be exercised even before harm can be scientifically demonstrated. The intent of this paper is to provide a literature review of the precautionary principle, examine the fundamental concepts underlying the principle and present an introductory discussion regarding its applicability to the tourism industry. Time and again numerous direct and indirect impacts are produced by the tourism industry, yet the potential for integrating precaution into tourism planning has not been examined. The authors consider the critical elements of the principle (uncertainty, risk, costbenefit analysis and science) in relation to the tourism industry, and provide examples of reference to the principle in the policy documents of non-governmental tourism organisations. An adapted framework is proposed for incorporating the precautionary principle into better tourism-industry decision-making. The precautionary principle is predicated as a viable tourism development tool and planning mechanism that safeguards environmental and human health by anticipating and controlling for future impacts of tourism.  相似文献   

Tourism in ancient villages and towns represents a typical form of heritage tourism in rural China. It has always been regarded as an effective way to promote cultural heritage protection and rural community development. However, this type of tourism involves many stakeholders with different interests and demands, which sometimes results in conflicts. In the process of protecting against heritage and tourism exploitation, tourism in ancient villages and towns can face numerous challenges. Among these is the mode of ticket pricing, which directly relates to the interests of each stakeholder, and problems of competing demands that may become the focus of disputes. Through field research and inductive analysis of the ancient villages and towns in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces, four kinds of ticket pricing is identified: (a) the fully enclosed charge mode with a single-ticket ticket system for whole scenic spots; (b) the half-closed charge mode with binding ticket system for some consumption items; (c) the half-opened charge mode with limited ticket system for some self-operated scenic spots; and (d) the fully opened charge mode with a free ticket system for the whole scenic spots.By comparing the similarities and differences of typical ancient villages and towns that have adopted differing charge modes, we conclude that resource grade, local condition, tourism market factors (e.g., size, range), product orientation, business value, participation of residents and profit model are the potential influencing factors for these modes. Resource grade and regional condition are two objective factors. The remaining five factors are subjective and are connected with interests of the four main stakeholders: the tourists visiting the ancient villages and towns; external merchants; community residents; and companies that are responsible for tourism management.From the four related stakeholders' behavioral responses to different ticket charge modes, we can see that the enclosed charges will affect tourists entering the ancient villages and towns, thus impeding foreign merchants' participation and strengthening each local company's dependence on tickets. Open charges will be more convenient in allowing visitors to enter the ancient towns and villages, and will attract foreign merchants to join in and thus increase cooperation with residents. The various stakeholders therefore have an influence on ticket charge mode, and the final choice about the mode is the result of balancing their competing rights and interests. The implications of each is discussed.  相似文献   

汶川地震后中国旅游形势分析与判断   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
汶川地震及其他一系列不利因素给2008年中国旅游业的发展带来了很大困难.对地震之后中国旅游形势的判断应该在综合考虑各种因素的基础上进行.本文通过回顾30年来中国旅游业遭遇到的7次冲击,为科学分析这次地震对中国旅游业造成的影响提供了参考和借鉴.通过具体分析入境旅游和国内旅游市场的结构特征和影响市场发展的主要因素,对中国入境旅游和国内旅游面临的形势做出了判断.  相似文献   

基于地方实践的旅游发展与乡村振兴:逻辑与案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国长期以来存在城乡发展不均衡和乡村发展不充分的问题。新时代背景下",乡村振兴"战略直面乡村社会发展困境,以乡村的多维发展重塑合理的新型城乡关系。文章基于对旅游发展推动乡村振兴内在逻辑的探讨,借助傣族园村寨、双廊村、天龙村、落水村和明月村等多案例研究,具体分析旅游推动乡村在不同维度上的振兴实践,研究认为:旅游发展为乡土空间重聚发展主体,将各类经济生产要素注入乡村,实现乡村在经济层面的产业结构多元化和空间多功能化,文化层面的物质文化保存与修复和精神文化的调适与再造,治理层面的内生自组织治理优化和网络治理的构建与深化,有效缓解甚至逆转乡村多重危机;同时,旅游发展在推动乡村各层面发展的过程中释放乡村居民的自主性,构建地方和外部力量的互动场域,共同推动乡村实现"新内生性发展"和持续振兴。研究有助于进一步理解旅游发展与乡村振兴的多元内在关系,为我国乡村地区尤其是西部地区的乡村振兴和贫困消除提供指导。  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the local, or regional, guide as a social mediator between a host society and tourists, as a means of sustainable tourism development in developing world locations. The debate illustrates how previous studies have neglected this social aspect of mediation by tourist guides and partly absorbed it into the concept of cultural mediation. Empirical illustrations are offered from the context of small tourist group visitations to local villages in rural areas of Madagascar, where collective social norms still play an important role. A qualitative approach based on personal interviews with guides and on field trip experience and observation is employed. Empirical findings indicate that the inclination of the host society to welcome accompanied tourists is facilitated by the capacity of local guides to develop relatively strong social ties with the host society. It is suggested that the increased use of local guides with good social relationships with the local communities as against the mere employment of non-local accompanying guides working for centrally located tour operators can enrich the mutual experience quality in the encounter between visitors and hosts and support local sustainable development by enhanced local involvement. Implications for sustainable tourism practice are discussed.  相似文献   

受乡村旅游和乡村振兴双重动力的推动,城郊融合类村庄的新兴产业不断从传统产业中脱颖而出,并逐渐取代传统产业成为主导性产业,其产业的发展演变呈现出明显的阶段性和规律性。基于Structure-Conduct-Performance分析范式,城郊融合类村庄的产业演进可以分为4个阶段:农业单一主导阶段、农旅二元萌芽阶段、多元协同发展阶段和多元融合创新阶段,这4个阶段的发展演变受到居民自我发展意愿、乡村能人介入、企业驱动等内生动力的大力促进,也受到旅游产业发展、城镇化快速推进、居民消费升级等外生因素的积极影响;浔龙河村的案例印证了城郊融合类村庄产业演进具有典型的阶段性,且每个阶段都受到内生动力和外生动力的协同作用,每个阶段主要动力的表现具有差异性,这为城乡融合类村庄乡村振兴提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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