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《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(2):161-172
We consider the valuation of European quanto call options in an incomplete market where the domestic and foreign forward interest rates are allowed to exhibit regime shifts under the Heath–Jarrow–Morton (HJM) framework, and the foreign price dynamics is exogenously driven by a regime switching jump-diffusion model with Markov-modulated Poisson processes. We derive closed-form solutions for four different types of quanto call options, which include: options struck in a foreign currency, a foreign equity call struck in domestic currency, a foreign equity call option with a guaranteed exchange rate, and an equity-linked foreign exchange-rate call.  相似文献   

This study uses Cox-Ross analysis and dynamic programming techniques to price foreign currency call options. We show that, under certain conditions, the American call price will exceed its European counterpart, while under other conditions the two prices will be identical. We find that the American premium is a complex function of the degree to which an option is in or out of the money, and that this premium is greatest when an option is near in or out. We present empirical evidence which shows that the American model significantly improves upon a European model; however, significant pricing errors associated with the American model remain.  相似文献   

An issue in the pricing of contingent claims is whether to account for consumption risk. This is relevant for contingent claims on stock indices, such as the FTSE 100 share price index, as investor’s desire for smooth consumption is often used to explain risk premiums on stock market portfolios, but is not used to explain risk premiums on contingent claims themselves. This paper addresses this fundamental question by allowing for consumption in an economy to be correlated with returns. Daily data on the FTSE 100 share price index are used to compare three option pricing models: the Black–Scholes option pricing model, a GARCH (1, 1) model priced under a risk-neutral framework, and a GARCH (1, 1) model priced under systematic consumption risk. The findings are that accounting for systematic consumption risk only provides improved accuracy for in-the-money call options. When the correlation between consumption and returns increases, the model that accounts for consumption risk will produce lower call option prices than observed prices for in-the-money call options. These results combined imply that the potential consumption-related premium in the market for contingent claims is constant in the case of FTSE 100 index options.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the three-parameter symmetric variance gamma (SVG) option pricing model and the four-parameter asymmetric variance gamma (AVG) option pricing model empirically. Prices of the Hang Seng Index call options, which are of European style, are used as the data for the empirical test. Since the variance gamma option pricing model is developed for the pricing of European options, the empirical test gives a more conclusive answer than previous papers, which used American option data to the applicability of the VG models. The present study uses a large number of intraday option data, which span over a period of 3 years. Synchronous option and futures data are used throughout the study. Pairwise comparisons between the accuracy of model prices are carried out using both parametric and nonparametric methods.The conclusion is that the VG option pricing model performs marginally better than the Black–Scholes (BS) model. Under the historical approach, the VG models can moderately iron out some of the systematic biases inherent in the BS model. However, under the implied approach, the VG models continue to exhibit predictable biases and its overall performance in pricing and hedging is still far less than desirable.  相似文献   

A new framework is developed for pricing currency options in the case where the distribution of exchange rate returns exhibits time-varying volatility and non-normalities. A forward-looking volatility structure is adopted whereby volatility is expressed as a function of currency returns over the life of the contract. Time to maturity and moneyness effects in volatility are also modelled. An analytical solution for the option price is obtained up to a one-dimensional integral in the real plane, enabling option prices to be computed efficiently and accurately. The proposed modelling framework is applied to European currency call options for the UK pound written on the US dollar, over the period October 1997–June 1998. The results show that pricing higher order moments improves both within-sample fit and out-of-sample prediction of observed option prices, as well as having important implications for constructing hedged portfolios and managing risk.  相似文献   

Using a finite-horizon general equilibrium model with uncertainty and money, we characterize situations where tax arbitrage opportunities may arise for international portfolio investors in an economy with heterogeneous capital income taxation where foreign currency exposure can be hedged using forward contracts and a set of currency options. We obtain tax-modified option prices similar to the no-tax ones, but augmented by tax-induced “risk-premium” terms; tax-modified put-call parity conditions are derived that revert to their standard (no-tax) format if the respective marginal agents in the bond and option markets are in identical tax brackets.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the performance of Black-Scholes and Garch-M call option pricing models using call options data for British Pounds, Swiss Francs and Japanese Yen. The daily exchange rates exhibit an overwhelming presence of volatility clustering, suggesting that a richer model with ARCH/GARCH effects might have a better fit with actual prices. We perform dominant tests and calculate average percent mean squared errors of model prices. Our findings indicate that the Black-Scholes model outperforms the GARCH models. An implication of this result is that participants in the currency call options market do not seem to price volatility clusters in the underlying process.  相似文献   

Pricing models for American call and put options on foreign currency are derived herein. These models are used to investigate the efficiency of the market for foreign currency options. The evidence presented here indicates that market prices for these options deviate substantially from their corresponding model prices. In addition, it is shown that a hedging strategy executed at transaction prices can be used to translate an observed deviation of market from model prices into positive excess profits. However, these profits are eliminated if the strategy is executed at bid and offer prices.  相似文献   

“The currency option's attraction results from the volatility of foreign-exchange markets, where rates can move as much as 3 percent in a day” (M. Sesit, Wall Street Journal, April 20, 1984, p. 25). This study compares the foreign-exchange rate implicit volatility of call options and put options that are written on a foreign currency. These implicit volatilities should be equal, and equal to the volatility of the proportional change in the exchange rate, given that option prices are efficient and that the foreign-currency option pricing model described by Biger and Hull holds. The foreign-currency options that are examined in this study are the British pound, Canadian dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, and West German mark. The results of this study support the notions of market efficiency and put-call parity.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between risk appetite and the shape of the implied volatility function for SSE 50ETF options, and examines whether the effects of risk appetite differ on that of call and put options. We propose a new measure of risk appetite using high-frequency data in the stock market. Empirical results show that risk appetite has a significant impact on the level and slope of the implied volatility function, with significant differences between call and put options. In addition, we also find that risk appetite has an obvious asymmetric impact on option prices under the leverage effect.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of stochastic interest rates and jumps in the spot exchange rate on the pricing of currency futures, forwards, and futures options. The proposed model extends Bates's model by allowing both the domestic and foreign interest rates to move around randomly, in a generalized Vasicek term‐structure framework. Numerical examples show that the model prices of European currency futures options are similar to those given by Bates's and Black's models in the absence of jumps and when the volatilities of the domestic and foreign interest rates and futures price are negligible. Changes in these volatilities affect the futures options prices. Bates's and Black's models underprice the European currency futures options in both the presence and the absence of jumps. The mispricing increases with the volatilities of interest rates and futures prices. JEL classification: G13  相似文献   

The use of derivatives to infer future exchange rates has long been a subject of interest in the international finance literature. With the recent currency crises in Mexico, Southeast Asia, and Brazil, work on exchange rate expectations in emerging markets is of particular interest. For some emerging markets, foreign equity options are the only liquid exchange‐traded derivatives with currency information embedded in their prices. Given that emerging markets sometimes undergo currency realignment with discrete jumps in their exchange rate, estimation of risk‐neutral probability density functions from foreign equity option data provides valuable evidence concerning market expectations. To illustrate the use of foreign equity options in estimating market beliefs, we consider Telmex options around the 1994 peso devaluation and find evidence that markets anticipated the change in the Mexican government's foreign exchange policy.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pricing American put options under the double Heston model proposed by Christoffersen et al. By introducing an explicit exercise rule, we obtain the asymptotic expansion of the solution to the partial differential equation for pricing American put options. We calculate American option price by the sum of the European option price and the early exercise premium. The early exercise premium is calculated by the difference between the American and European option prices based on asymptotic expansions. The European option price is obtained by the efficient COS method. Based on the obtained American option price, the double Heston model is calibrated by minimizing the distance between model and market prices, which yields an optimization problem that is solved by a differential evolution algorithm combined with the Matlab function fmincon.m. Numerical results show that the pricing approach is fast and accurate. Empirical results show that the double Heston model has better performance in pricing short-maturity American put options and capturing the volatility term structure of American put options than the Heston model.  相似文献   

We employ a “non-parametric” pricing approach of European options to explain the volatility smile. In contrast to “parametric” models that assume that the underlying state variable(s) follows a stochastic process that adheres to a strict functional form, “non-parametric” models directly fit the end distribution of the underlying state variable(s) with statistical distributions that are not represented by parametric functions. We derive an approximation formula which prices S&P 500 index options in closed form which corresponds to the lower bound recently proposed by Lin et al. (Rev Quant Financ Account 38(1):109–129, 2012). Our model yields option prices that are more consistent with the data than the option prices that are generated by several widely used models. Although a quantitative comparison with other non-parametric models is more difficult, there are indications that our model is also more consistent with the data than these models.  相似文献   

Currency call option transactions data and the Black-Scholes option pricing model, as modified by Merton for continuous dividends and as adapted to currency options by Biger and Hull and by Garman and Kohlhagen, are used to imply spot foreign exchange rates. The proportional deviation between implied and simultaneously observed spot rates is found to be a direct and statistically significant determinant of subsequent returns on foreign currency holdings after controlling for interest rate differentials. Further, an ex ante trading rule reveals that the additional information contained in implied rates often is sufficient to generate significant economic profits.  相似文献   

The profound financial crisis generated by the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the European sovereign debt crisis in 2011 have caused negative values of government bond yields both in the USA and in the EURO area. This paper investigates whether the use of models which allow for negative interest rates can improve option pricing and implied volatility forecasting. This is done with special attention to foreign exchange and index options. To this end, we carried out an empirical analysis on the prices of call and put options on the US S&P 500 index and Eurodollar futures using a generalization of the Heston model in the stochastic interest rate framework. Specifically, the dynamics of the option’s underlying asset is described by two factors: a stochastic variance and a stochastic interest rate. The volatility is not allowed to be negative, but the interest rate is. Explicit formulas for the transition probability density function and moments are derived. These formulas are used to estimate the model parameters efficiently. Three empirical analyses are illustrated. The first two show that the use of models which allow for negative interest rates can efficiently reproduce implied volatility and forecast option prices (i.e. S&P index and foreign exchange options). The last studies how the US three-month government bond yield affects the US S&P 500 index.  相似文献   

We consider option pricing for a foreign exchange (FX) rate where interventions by an authority may take place when the rate approaches to a certain level at the down side. We formulate the forward FX model by a diffusion process which is stopped by a hitting time of an absorption boundary. Moreover, for a deterministic volatility case with a moving absorption whose level is described by an ordinary differential equation, we obtain closed-form formulas for prices of a European put option and a digital option, and Greeks of the put option. Furthermore, we show an extension of the pricing formula to the case where the intervention level is unknown. In numerical examples, we show option prices for different strikes for the absorption model and the extended model. We compare the model prices with the market prices for EURCHF options traded before January 2015 with the absorption model, and also show experiments of the extended model as an application to the pricing under uncertain views on the intervention.  相似文献   

This article studies the equilibrium valuation of foreign exchange contingent claims. Within a continuous-time Lucas (1982) two-country model, exchange rates, interest rates and, in particular, factor risk prices are all endogenously and jointly determined. This guarantees the internal consistency of these price processes with a general equilibrium. In the same model, closed-form valuation formulas are presented for currency options and currency futures options. Common to these formulas is that stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates are admitted. Hedge ratios and other comparative statics are also provided analytically. It is shown that most existing currency option models are included as special cases.  相似文献   

The paper presents a modified version of the Garman-Kohlhagen formula for pricing European currency options. The equilibrium approach deviates from the no-arbitrage approach by allowing domestic and foreign interest rates and their dynamics to be determined endogenously in the model. By using the relations between exchange rate dynamics and the dynamics of interest rates, I provide a new characterisation of the relevant volatilities for European currency option pricing, which only depends on parameters describing the variability of the log-exchange rate. The implications of the model for the valuation of American currency options and optimal exercise strategies are examined by applying numerical methods.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a model for the joint dynamics of asset prices which can capture both a stochastic correlation between stock returns as well as between stock returns and volatilities (stochastic leverage). By relying on two factors for stochastic volatility, the model allows for stochastic leverage and is thus able to explain time-varying slopes of the smiles. The use of Wishart processes for the covariance matrix of returns enables the model to also capture stochastic correlations between the assets. Our model offers an integrated pricing approach for both Quanto and plain-vanilla options on the stock as well as the foreign exchange rate. We derive semi-closed form solutions for option prices and analyze the impact of state variables. Quanto options offer a significant exposure to the stochastic covariance between stock prices and exchange rates. In contrast to standard models, the smile of stock options, the smile of currency options, and the price differences between Quanto options and plain-vanilla options can change independently of each other.  相似文献   

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