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在俄罗斯,东方的生肖一直足他们非常关注的,按照东方的日历2009年是牛年,对于俄罗斯来说牛年是他们最喜爱的年头,俄罗斯有句谚语“院中有奶牛,吃喝不用愁”,就非常能够表明俄罗斯民间对牛年的期盼。在黑龙江的一些玩具礼品市场,各种牛生肖的装饰品、礼品等受到了俄罗斯顾客的青睐,很多俄罗斯顾客都要购买几个这样的生肖礼品。  相似文献   

This study develops a mathematical modelling framework for simultaneously generating production plans for molds and the end items that are made with them. The inputs considered are the item demand (assumed constant over an infinite planning horizon), holding costs and shortage costs, together with the molds’ statistical lifetime distribution (in terms of number of uses) and costs pertaining to amortization, preventive replacements and corrective replacements.  相似文献   

The existing literature on inventory of deteriorating items considers deterioration to begin as soon as the items are stocked. However, there are several deteriorating items that do not start deteriorating immediately they are held in stock. Some farm produce like potatoes, yams and even some fruits and vegetables have this property. Depletion of these items as soon as they are stocked will depend on demand, and when deterioration begins, it will depend on both demand and deterioration. In this paper, we develop a mathematical model on the inventory of deteriorating items that do not start deteriorating immediately they are stocked. The model also takes into cognizance the fact that in business activities nowadays customers are given some allowed period within which to settle for the goods supplied to them. They can use the accrued money from sales of the supplied goods to earn interest within the allowed period. They are charged interest only when they fail to settle the amount they owe the supplier at the end of the allowed period.  相似文献   

Consider a family of SKUs for which the supplier will offer a quantity discount, according to the aggregate purchases of the product group. Management of those items is based on the modified periodic policy. From the supplier's point of view, what are the optimal parameters (breakpoint and discount percentage)? For deterministic demand, we discuss the cases in which demand is both constant and price-sensitive. First as a noncooperative Stackelberg game, and then when the two parties make the discount and replenishment decisions jointly, we illustrate the impact of price-sensitivity and joint decision making on the supplier's discount policy.  相似文献   

安全管理贯穿于各个行业和领域,是一项重要的工作。煤炭企业相对于其他行业发生安全事故较多,应充分认识到安全管理工作的重要性,切实强化事前、事中、事后“三个环节”的安全管理,不断提高安全管理水平,真正把安全管理工作做好,推动和促进煤炭企业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

读《法制文萃报》有感上世纪八九十年代至今,中国社会部分官员(包括国有企业负责人,下同)观念变异,行为浮躁,疯狂地追逐财和色两个热点,陷入权、财、色的腐败三角中不能自拔。据《法制文萃报》披露的腐败案件看,贪官上自副委员长、省委书记、省长,中到地市、县处级领导,下到乡镇、科局长,几乎一半多都有包二奶,养情人的劣迹,且往往包养不止一个。他们以手中掌握的权力,或贪财刺激了色欲的膨胀,或贪色促进了敛财的速度与数量,都达到了财、色双收的目的。前一种情况如陕西省农电局原局长王文学,敛财人民币208万元、美金61万元,钱多了就刺激消…  相似文献   

Imperfect items in the raw material and production stages of a supply chain directly impact the coordination of the product flow within a supply chain. In response to this concern, production and inventory lot sizing models, which incorporate imperfect items into their formulation have become an important and growing area of research. The contribution of Salameh and Jaber (2000) is one of the fundamental models on lot sizing when procured items are of imperfect quality. Over the past decade, there has been a noticeable amount of interest in the EOQ model for imperfect items that was set forth in Salameh and Jaber (2000). Several researchers have published adaptations and extensions of this original model that address supply chain coordination, quality improvement and yield management, and the impact of human error on production and inventory systems. In this paper, we summarize the current body of research that has extended the Salameh and Jaber (2000) EOQ model for imperfect items. Some possible future research directions are identified at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

区队是煤矿的基层组织和基本生产单元。区队成员每天处于生产第一线,与煤炭企业的生产与安全密切相关。因此,要实现煤矿的安全与稳定,建设和谐企业与和谐矿区,必须全面加强区队建设。笔者结合长期在煤矿基层工作的实践认为,全面加强区队建设,应重点在以下几个环节下功夫:  相似文献   

As the industrial environment becomes more competitive, supply chain management has become essential. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-echelon inventory model for a deteriorating item and to derive an optimal joint total cost from an integrated perspective among the supplier, the producer, and the buyer. A computer code is developed to derive the optimal solution. A numerical example is given to illustrate the model. This paper shows that the integrated approach strategy results in the lowest joint total cost as compared with the independent decision approaches.  相似文献   

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