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绿色生态建筑指标体系及其评价的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿色生态建筑是当前世界研究的热点之一,而我国的相关研究还不足,缺乏一个有效的“绿色生态建筑”评价认证的机制。通过分析生态建筑的基本理念,并结合我国国情探讨了我国建立绿色生态建筑指标体系的必要性,建立了绿色生态建筑指标体系,研究了评价绿色生态建筑的方法。  相似文献   

绿色生态住宅是中国住宅产业发展的长远目标,为更好的引导绿色生态住宅建设。实现住宅产业的可持续发展,亟需从技术、经济、环境、能源及社会的角度进行研究,制定出一套客观、科学的评价体系和技术导则。本文基于住宅建设的绿色生态与可持续发展理念,结合国内外绿色生态住宅发展趋势,探讨了我国的生态住宅建设的现状、基本要求及示范工程建设。  相似文献   

人类开始迈入以数字化和网络化为平台的智能化社会,正在兴起的智能化住宅小区建设热潮反映和适应了国际社会信息化和智能化的发展要求,是21世纪的新概念住宅。智能化住宅小区为住户提供了一种“以人为本”更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化生活空间,从而区别于传统的封闭式管理住宅小区:高墙、防盗门,出入小区进行严格登记,24小时不间断的保安巡逻的“高级监狱”式的住宅小区。它依靠高科技手段,既实现了住宅小区的开放性,拆除了高墙、防盗门、减少或不用人工保安巡逻,又提高了住宅小区的安全性,实现小区物业管理…  相似文献   

智能化住宅小区物业管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析智能化住宅小区的内涵,结合智能化件宅小区物业管理的定位,提出了智能化住宅小区物业管理的工作重点及其管理实施策略。  相似文献   

东远房地产开发公司开发了一片住宅小区,在房屋建设过程中,遇到了资金周转的困难。为使建设计划顺利实施,东远公司向银行贷款6000万元用于工程施工。银行同意贷款,但提出,希望承接该住宅小区的按揭贷款业务。东远公司同意,双方在协议书中写下:该住宅小区作为东远公司基建贷款的抵押物,该笔贷款在住宅小区建成后直接转化为按揭贷款,已经作抵押登记的房地产抵押不变,直接作  相似文献   

高性价比的商品房已成为房地产开发商和消费共同追求的目标。在确立住宅小区商品房性能评价指标体系基础上,提出了利用价值工程理论来计算商品房的性价比,以得到最优的商品房购置方案。最后通过一个案例进行了说明。  相似文献   

现代住宅小区为业主提供了舒适、便利、安全的生活空间,小区物业管理是优化居住质量的重要保障。介绍小区物业给排水设施设备相关概念,提出给排水设施设备主要运行故障与处理方法,并对给排水设施设备的维护管理提出了可行性策略。  相似文献   

煤炭开采属高碳产业,煤炭企业应肩负节能减排重任,更应成为发展低碳经济的重要实践者和推动者。本文阐述了煤炭企业应用低碳环境友好技术创建绿色生态矿山的必要性和重要性,提出了高碳产业低碳运行的新理念。文章以峰峰集团的创新和实践,明确了创建绿色生态矿山的主要途径、方法和带来的有益启示。  相似文献   

我国当前经济发展迅速,城市化进程逐渐加快,而科学技术的发展促进现代化住宅小区配电设计快速发展。现代化住宅小区和传统的住宅小区有着巨大的区别,它们不仅在占地面积和楼层的高度上有了巨大的飞跃,更是在小区的配套设施、公园草坪、灯光背景、健身休闲场所上一应俱全,这都决定着现代化住宅小区配电设计要打破传统观念,要有创新、有改变,应用科学技术的最新成果,运用新的理念设计住宅小区的配电。本文首先分析了现代化住宅小区配电的新要求,接着探讨了现代化住宅小区配电的特点,最后深入研究了现代化住宅小区配电实际方法策略。  相似文献   

大庆油田第一采油厂作为全国最大的采油厂,如何从旧的增长方式转变成节约型增长方式,事关落实科学发展观重大战略措施。该厂抓住耗能点,一举将耗能大户变为节能大厂。 建设绿色生态采油厂是大庆油田第一采油厂建设百年大厂的另一目标。为了实现这一目标,该厂制定了生态环境治理工程十年总体规划,投资6亿多元,用绿化和义务植树两条腿走出了一条建设绿色生态采油厂的百年大路。 在信息时代的今天,生产经营管理势必应搭上信息“高速路”。大庆油田第一采油厂把数字化手段应用到油田生产中,开发应用了生产管理控制平台、开发管理控制平台、经营管理考核平台,让企业腾飞的羽翼更加丰满。 这组策划从节能降耗、建绿色生态采油厂和实施“数字化”管理三方面,诠释了一厂人建设百年大厂的成功实践。[编者按]  相似文献   

装配式住宅作为绿色环保建筑,具有许多优势,它不仅可以缩短房屋建筑的建设周期,低碳节能、绿色环保,还能节约劳动力、提高生产效率、确保住宅工程的质量。欧美的一些国家已经成功应用和推广装配式住宅,例如:法国、德国、瑞典等国家是较早推行建筑工业化的国家,装配式住宅的应用已经普及,美国的装配式住宅盛行于20世纪70年代,日本装配式住宅技术发展也很成熟。我国装配式住宅虽然起源于50年代初,但是,几经周折到90年代才开始积极推进,目前存在着建造成本较高、行业技术不成熟、缺少专业人才、缺乏完善的装配式住宅技术标准和管理体系等问题。因此,需要通过控制装配式住宅的经济成本、加大政府扶持力度、加快装配式住宅产业链建设、完善管理体系和相关规范标准、多渠道培养装配式住宅设计和施工专业人才等途径促进我国装配式住宅的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of growth controls on the price of new single-family homes. Four types of growth controls are discussed and each is found to have a significantly different impact on housing prices. Regulations that are imposed by one locality only are first compared to those that are imposed by a locality whose neighbors also control growth. In California, increases in house prices in communities with only local growth controls cannot be distinguished from communities that do not control growth. However, the 1969 to 1976 housing price increase in growth control jurisdictions located in extensively regulated housing markets is significantly higher than in local-only or no-control jurisdictions. In addition, controls that restrict the rate of development are compared to those that specify the quality of development. In the extensively regulated San Francisco Bay area, the 1969 to 1976 housing price increase was 35% higher in rate-controlled communities and 20% higher in quality-controlled communities than in no-control communities.  相似文献   

公共住房项目PPP模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
公共住房建设是政府实现住房领域公平目标的重要手段,但由于其社会福利属性,面临着资金来源不足、后续发展乏力的困境。文章将普遍应用于国内外基础设施领域的PPP模式引入公共住房建设领域,对PPP模式的中国公共住房项目进行内部、外部条件分析,论证研究的可行性;在此基础上结合经济适用房与廉租房的不同特点探索具体操作形式;对保障高效合作的运行机制进行探讨,以推进城镇公共住房建设发展。  相似文献   

We consider whether public recreational open space is a substitute for private open space by testing whether price effects from proximity to an urban park are increasing in housing density. Aberdeen, Scotland features three owner-occupied residential property types: detached housing, nondetached housing and flats. We examine property sales within 800 m of five city parks. We find flat prices increase with additional proximity to parks, but there are generally no price effects from park proximity for lower density housing types. The results suggest that open space policy must consider the scale and density of surrounding urban development.  相似文献   

物业管理是现阶段房地产发展的重要内容之一,本就现阶段物业问题产生的根源,物业标准物业立法等方面进行分析。  相似文献   

章采用结构主义的观点,应用投入产出分析原理,解释了住宅产业成为国民经济新的增长点的客观条件。在此基础上,综合分析了结构主义观点指导中国目前住宅产业发展的启示。提出中国住宅产业发展的关键是科技进步,并且应该根据产业发展的阶段进行科技进步类型的选择。最后,还阐述了推动住宅产业发展中的技术结构、产业组织和企业角色等因素。  相似文献   

During the past two decades the South has experienced more vigorous urban development than the North. In response to this continuing trend, the Congress has recently enacted legislation that provides increased levels of Federal assistance to slower growing communities and those whose housing stocks are disproportionately old, thus providing increased benefits to northern cities. Data from the Annual Housing Survey are examined to establish differences between housing conditions in these two regions, and the potential of the newly-established regionally targeted allocation schemes toward achieving national housing goals is discussed.  相似文献   

住房按揭贷款风险分析及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房按揭贷款自开办以来,已初具规模。在实际运作中其风险仍无处不在,尤其是在“安全性”上存在着政策、市场、银行、抵押物等风险。要实现住房贷款的可持续发展,必须进行风险防范。章在分析当前住房按揭贷款风险的基础上,提出了几点防范措施。  相似文献   

A number of states are following the federal government's lead and requiring environmental impact reviews of new development proposals. This paper examines ambitious EIR programs in Florida and California with the aim of assessing the costs and benefits of their programs, and, by extension, of state-mandated EIR programs in general. The focus is on new housing production. The findings are that EIR shows some promise of enabling communities to better protect themselves from adverse side effects of new development. At the same time, EIR adds what appears to be a modest increment to the overall costs of new housing. However, because EIR has expanded local government planning options, one of the side effects of EIR is likely to be the enhanced ability of localities to exclude moderate income families from new housing.  相似文献   

Recent legislation has determined that federal budget allocations and tax expenditures for housing should be tied to specific housing goals or “missions.” The major issues of national housing policy can be organized within six problem areas—three relating to production and three to consumption. Current federal housing programs can be classified into four broad budget categories (involving mortgage credit and thrift institutions, housing assistance, community development, and tax expenditures) and a fifth off-budget category of credit market activities. By examining a matrix that relates these five areas of federal involvement to the six broad problem areas, this article attempts to provide an analytical foundation for a national policy and budgetary framework for housing, housing finance, and community development.  相似文献   

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