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商业伦理,是商业活动中的伦理关系及其规律,其核心内容是商业主体应该遵守的商业行为原则和规范以及应当树立的优良商业精神等商业道德,它是作为企业经营过程中的道德领域的一种价值观念而存在的,也是企业建立自身企业文化、树立企业良好公众形象的一个标尺。一旦商业伦理意识有所改变,那么最终会对商业环境、社会环境造成相应的影响,这种影响可能会是有益于社会的,也可能会是有害于社会的。  相似文献   

企业诚信与商业伦理塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从商业伦理的角度来分析当前企业诚信严重缺失的根源,对企业诚信与商业伦理的理论与实践进行探讨。提出由于商业伦理的危机才导致了企业诚信的缺失。随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的迅猛发展,构建商业伦理体系势在必行。  相似文献   

基于网络沟通的匿名性特点使企业在网络口碑营销中偏离了基本的商业伦理规则,做出许多有违道德底线的行为。本文基于商业伦理约束,对企业营销的意义提出企业在口碑营销中应该以诚信作为基本的商业伦理准则,提出了口碑不是炒作,必须遵循商业伦理要求,把握网络口碑原则,树立正确竞争意识和观念,以此重塑网络口碑营销。  相似文献   

网络商业伦理的构建是网络企业获取竞争优势的关键。本文基于网络生态的视角,提出企业要从整体网络生态观来权衡和构建网络商业伦理,可以从外部网络商业伦理、内部网络商业伦理和员工职业伦理三个方面着手构建企业网络商业伦理观。其中,外部网络商业伦理与传统儒家商业伦理趋同,包括人本观、德行观、和谐观等。内部网络商业伦理包括隐私、安全、诚信、笃行、公正五个方面。员工职业伦理可从隐私、准确性、知识产权和可访问性四个方面概括,并就此提出了企业培育网络商业伦理观的具体建议。  相似文献   

市场经济下,一些企业为了追求利润最大化而违背商业伦理,缺"诚信"的企业应马上开始重视商业伦理的建设。文章以定量分析的方法,选取装备制造业商业伦理口碑好的TZG上市公司2013—2015年公布的数据,采用基于改进的Interbrand品牌评估方法对该公司的商业伦理进行会计核算评价,并得出结论:商业伦理对该公司的销售收入所作出的贡献很大,商业伦理的建设能够给企业带来长期的高盈利,也有利于企业塑造出良好的道德形象,并可由此衍生出一个良性的循环机制。此研究结论能让我国企业认识到商业伦理的效益性,以及建设商业伦理的必要性。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,人民群众物质生活水平显著提高,加上市场竞争的加剧,社会对企业提出了更高的要求,伦理问题也变得更加突出。如何正确认识和科学构建企业商业伦理体系引发了学界和业界的热烈讨论。本文从"电商大战"出发,基于相关者理论分析了事件的原因和结果,并尝试提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

戴一鸣 《企业文化》2005,(12):14-15
伦理经营是指企业按照道德伦理规范组织企业的经 营活动,确保企业行为及其目的符合商业伦理。无论从宏 观还是微观角度讲,符合商业伦理的行为都是市场和企 业保持长期健康发展所必需的。 从宏观角度看,商业伦理在经济体系中占有重要位 置。道德的行为将使买卖双方能获得关于市场、产品和  相似文献   

如今,大多数中国企业都伴随着经济的增长得到了政府的支持和快速的发展,但是与此同时,商业企业为了追求利益,也出现了愈来愈多的违背商业伦理的败德行为,这一行为给消费者、同行企业以及社会国家带来了严重的影响.本文通过分析我国商业企业目前的商业伦理问题,找出产生这种不道德行为的内在原因,进而提出改善这种现象的对策和建议,最后能够给企业带来警示和给相关管理部门带来有价值的对策.  相似文献   

略论企业诚信与商业伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
恪守道德、诚信经营对企业至关重要。按照企业诚信与商业伦理的基本观点及其内涵进行实践,是中国企业健康成 长所必需的。  相似文献   

略论企业诚信与商业伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蕾  左小明  左伟光 《价值工程》2004,23(11):14-15
恪守道德、诚信经营对企业至关重要.按照企业诚信与商业伦理的基本观点及其内涵进行实践,是中国企业健康成长所必需的.  相似文献   

龙海军 《企业活力》2010,(11):67-69
随着市场竞争的加剧,企业的获利行为已经不能仅仅依靠企业的竞争优势,伦理优势的作用逐步显现出来。伦理的投入可以得到长期的回报,伦理优势最终可以转化为竞争优势。因此,企业应通过树立良好的企业信誉和企业形象、推行"以人为本"的管理模式、用道德投资来增加企业价值的长期投入、建立"自利+他利"的竞争理念、坚持义利统一的经营原则等途径构建起企业伦理优势。  相似文献   

Business ethics is a contemporary issue among business professionals. To enhance business ethics in the long run, educating future business professionals in colleges (i.e., college students) is one of the starting points. This paper aims to investigate students' perceptions on business ethics, such as their perceived importance of business ethics, knowledge of and interest in business ethics, their preferred method of introducing business ethics, and the perceived usefulness of learning business ethics in lessons. Focus groups will be used to collect feedback on these issues from students with different gender and seniority in colleges. This study will give insights into the students' perceptions on business ethics and suggest ways/methodology to increase the awareness of business ethics in colleges. Business professionals and educators can make reference to the findings to develop relevant materials on business ethics to their employees and students.  相似文献   

黄天弘 《企业活力》2010,(12):61-64
企业伦理化经营要求企业的经营活动必须经得起伦理道德尺度的评判与检验,它是对企业将营利作为唯一目标的反思。企业伦理化经营不仅是整个社会和谐和持续发展的需要,也有助于企业提高声誉,树立良好的形象,与核心利益相关者建立起良好的关系。企业伦理化经营要建立失信惩罚机制、伦理化经营的治理机制,并制定和实施企业伦理规范。  相似文献   

Whistle-blowing in America business and industry has increased as interest in ethical business behavior and the cost of unethical behavior have grown. Whistle-blowing plays the important role of helping to fill the gaps in the regulatory system that is designed to check the abuse of organizational power. However, the practice of whistle-blowing is controversial and whistle-blowers often pay a high price for their actions. Firms can engage in a number of actions to encourage whistle-blowing. Creating a climate that encourages employees to report organizational wrong doing and that protects the whistle-blower is critical. To create such a climate the organization must build trust and cooperation by educating employees in the benefits of ethical and legal behavior.  相似文献   

The maxims of normative ethics are often in conflict. Thus business practitioners facing ethical questions often find themselves operating in the area of relative ethics. There are arguably two dimensions to this area. One lies on a spectrum from weak companies in highly competitive industries to strong companies in protected industries. The second dimension places the would-be ethical manager in awkward situations imposed from either the hierarchy or from corrupt markets. This article develops an analysis model to portray this relative ethics dilemma. Then, an argument is made that the more the individual manager practices good ethics, the higher the level of ethics the individual is able to maintain. This article proposes an adaptation of the 1950s feedback model of group dynamics known as the “Johari Window” to show this improvement in ethical behavior.  相似文献   

许虹  张玉春 《价值工程》2011,30(15):162-162
会计职业道德是指在会计职业活动中的职业行为准则和规范。会计人员作为特殊从业人员,不仅要有良好的业务素质,还要有较强的原则性、政策观念和职业道德水平。除了必须将本职工作置于法律法规的约束和规范之下外,还必须具备职业道德。  相似文献   

企业伦理视角的会计职业道德建设障碍与路径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计职业道德是会计人员必须遵循的行为准则和行为规范。然而,当发生利益冲突时,不少会计人员不能坚持原则,往往违反会计法规。本文论述了在企业伦理视角下会计职业道德的含义和特点,指出了企业伦理视角下会计职业道德的体系结构和影响,分析了企业伦理视角的会计职业道德建设的障碍和原因,最后提出了在企业伦理视角下建立会计职业道德体系的路径。  相似文献   

Contemporary society is experiencing dramatic shifts in its expectations for business and its practices. Within the academic realm two voices of change are the “feminist” and “business ethics” perspectives; unfortunately, these two perspectives often advocate conflicting expectations for business organizations. The purpose of this article is to provide an analysis of the expectations each perspective advocates, and to draw relevant implications for future business practices. Our general conclusion is that the feminist perspective maintains a system of gender dichotomies and fails to recognize shifts in the balance of powers. In contrast, a business ethics perspective moves beyond gender issues and dichotomous systems to the recognition that contemporary society is comprised of minorities, and that the rights of all minorities must be recognized and balanced. We suggest that the feminist perspective must reposition with the rapid shifts currently occurring within our society before it can be a “voice” that should be listened to by business organizations.  相似文献   

王海燕  任恺 《价值工程》2010,29(11):47-48
人才竞争成为企业竞争的核心,如何留住人才是关键。企业伦理已成为管理理论和管理实践发展的精神动力。本文提出了企业伦理与员工忠诚度关系的理论模型,为企业提高员工忠诚度提供了参考。  相似文献   

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