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Determining the appropriate degree of protection to provide intellectual property in the United States and abroad is an important public policy issue. This paper addresses the role of intellectual property protection in the firm's decision on the level of investment in research and development. It also focuses on the stimulus that such protection provides for economic growth in both developed and developing countries. The main conclusion is that the benefits of designing and enforcing a mechanism for strong protection of intellectual property generally exceed the costs.  相似文献   

We consider the effect of globalization on fertility, human capital, and growth. We view globalization as creating market opportunities for employment in less developed countries. We construct a specific model of household decision making, drawing on empirical observations in the development economics literature, and show that if the market opportunities produced by globalization are for women, then globalization reduces fertility and increases human capital formation. If the opportunities are for men, then fertility increases and human capital formation falls. We then show that globalization that produces job opportunities for women increases growth and produces a long run steady state with higher per capita consumption than would prevail either without globalization, or with globalization that creates jobs only for men.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to determine how the utilisation of intellectual property rights (IPRs) by Canadian manufacturing firms is related to their characteristics, activities, competitive strategies and industry sector in which they operate. The principal source of information used in this endeavour is the Statistics Canada Survey of Innovation 1999.

The paper starts with an overview of other studies that looked at the use of intellectual property rights in Canada. Follows a conceptual framework presenting variables likely to explain the use specific IPRs by Canadian manufacturing firms.

The use of IPRs is to a great extent correlated with basic economic characteristics of firms, their activities and industry environment. A series of estimated logit regressions predict the probability that a firm will use a specific IPR instrument. Also estimated is the contribution of the use of IPRs to the probability that a firm innovates.

The decision of a firm to use IPRs is often not independent of the decision to innovate. To eliminate the potential endogeneity bias I estimate a two-stage logit model. A comparison of the single- and two-stage logit models shows that the nexus from the protection of intellectual property (patents) to innovation may be weaker than indicated by the single equation model.  相似文献   

This paper explores governments' and private agents' incentives to implement or postpone fiscal structural reform attempts. Both fiscal consolidation and fiscal reorganization often create spillover effects and thereby induce free‐riding problems. It is thus important to cope with the free‐riding behaviour of interest groups. It is often argued that in order to attain successful outcomes, a good macroeconomic situation is needed, since we expect positive income effects. In this paper, we first explain the dynamic aspects of insufficient fiscal consolidation due to free‐riding problems in the framework of private provision of public goods. Then, using a static model between central and local governments, we examine the sign of income effects for reform attempts to pursue fiscal reorganization. It is shown that good economic circumstances do not necessarily enhance reform of reorganizing fiscal expenditures, although it could enhance fiscal reconstruction.  相似文献   

Constructing a two‐sector small open endogenous growth model with productive government spending, this paper examines patterns of specialization and the growth effects of fiscal policy. It is shown in this model that a change in income tax rate can cause a change in an equilibrium pattern of specialization. Because of this property, the relationship between the tax rate and the growth rate yields either a humped shape or a two‐humped shape, depending on world commodity prices. We also show that the growth maximizing tax rate is not necessarily equal to the tax rate that maximizes the level of social welfare.  相似文献   

经济全球化,跨国公司及其有关理论研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1973年世界石油危机后.西方发达的资本主义国家纷纷向发展中国家转移资本和产业加上计算机和信息技术的发展及广泛应用.以资本。技术和服务等无形商品流动为纽带的新国际地域劳动分工逐步形成.经济全球化进程明显加快。经济全球化是生产要素及其组合在世界空间范围内的一体化过程。其主要促动力量来自跨国公司的对外直接投资。本文探讨经济全球化与跨国公司的发展过程及其它们之间的相互关系.并择要论述有关跨国公司成长机制的各种理论和跨国公司对东道国的发展影响.以及由此而得的启示。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the pharmaceutical industry has benefited substantially from a series of policy changes that have strengthened the patent protection for brand-name drugs as a result of the industry's political influence. This paper incorporates special interest politics into a quality-ladder model to analyze the policy-makers' tradeoff between the socially optimal patent length and campaign contributions. The welfare analysis suggests that the presence of a pharmaceutical lobby distorting patent protection is socially undesirable in a closed-economy setting but may improve social welfare in a multi-country setting, which features an additional efficiency tradeoff between monopolistic distortion and international free riding on innovations.  相似文献   

垂直专业化:经济全球化中的贸易和生产模式   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
垂直专业化的生产和贸易是当今经济全球化中最重要的现象之一。中国作为一个大国和发展中国家,垂直专业化的程度相对较高。随着中国加入WTO,跨国公司的垂直专业化战略模式将深入到中国的每一个角落,渗透在人们的生产生活中,对此,中国企业必须有自己的应对方案。  相似文献   

标准的经济性质与功能及其对技术创新的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
标准一直在工业社会和市场经济中起着重要的基础作用,是经济活动的重要"基础设施"。传统的具有准公共产品性质的标准不含有知识产权的内容。它不仅能够减少交易成本,降低供求双方在交易中的信息不对称程度,而且能够作为企业创新的起点和平台,加快企业创新步伐,刺激系统产品的组件创新。20世纪80年代以来,ICT产业出现了标准"私有化"的趋势。这一趋势既为产业的技术创新提供了新动力,也产生了不利于技术创新的因素。  相似文献   

Incorporating parallel imports (PI), we develop a two‐country two‐firm model which relates to the incentives for cost‐reducing innovation. We show that PI may facilitate or inhibit the manufacturers' incentives to innovate. In particular, PI could encourage both firms' innovations. The difference between the manufacturer's profits under successful innovation and failed innovation is either a U‐shaped curve or an inverted U‐shaped curve in terms of the cost of engaging in PI. As these differences reflect the manufacturers' incentive to innovate, the variations in R&D investment depend on transportation cost, and firms' marginal costs before and after successful innovations.  相似文献   

本文以2008—2018年A股非金融上市企业的面板数据为研究样本,探究了资本结构和产权性质对企业创新的影响机制和效果。研究发现,企业存在最优的非经营性杠杆率区间,且资本结构对企业创新的作用会因产权性质不同而存在差异性,即最优区间内,企业增加非经营性杠杆率可以在不影响创新投入和创新风险的情况下提高创新产出,而非国有企业更适合增加杠杆率,并会对创新产出有显著的促进作用。据此,本文提出优化企业资本结构、提高国有企业信贷资源的配置效率和切实缓解民营企业融资约束等政策建议。  相似文献   

克鲁格曼、诺贝尔经济学奖与经济地理学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对克鲁格曼的经济地理学思想从贸易理论与区位理论相融合,从规模收益递增、要素流动和运输成本揭示空间集聚,从历史、预期和路径依赖揭示区域发展路径,以量化模拟研究区际关系等四方面进行了分析.从研究视角、研究范式和研究方法三方面分析了克鲁格曼创新研究对经济地理学的启迪.从学科社会地位、研究范式和发展方向三方面分析了克鲁格曼获得诺贝尔经济学奖对经济地理学的影响.在此基础上,对中国经济地理学发展提出了一些思考.  相似文献   

本文以经济政策不确定性为研究出发点,选取2007年第1季度-2014年第4季度沪深A股的上市公司,讨论了经济政策不确定性对企业商业信用规模的冲击。实证结果表明:当经济政策不确定性较高时,企业获得的商业信用规模总体上有缩小的趋势;国有企业会凭借产权优势抑制企业商业信用规模的下降;而较快的经济增长速度和较差的金融市场环境也会抑制企业商业信用规模的下降。本文的研究结果表明,经济政策不确定性对企业的商业信用规模确实存在冲击,商业信用作为企业维持经营的重要手段需引起特别重视。  相似文献   

通过对全球化和中国经济增长关系的实证分析,可以发现:(1)在1978—2002年的长周期样本中,经济全球化对中国经济增长的影响不显著;(2)在20世纪80年代,经济全球化推动了中国资本—劳动比和TFP的提高,进而推动中国的经济增长,20世纪90年代以后,这种影响逐步消失;(3)经济全球化与中国经济增长关系的"时变特征"源于中国经济增长阶段和增长模式的变化。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the evolution of spatial economics over the past two centuries. The focus is on the evolution of what I consider to be the most fundamental theory of spatial economics, i.e., general location theory . The paper starts with a review of Thünen (1826 ), and ends with a review of the New Economic Geography initiated by Paul Krugman in the early 1990s. It is shown that the study of general location theory has been successful at shedding light on many important features of actual spatial economies.  相似文献   

This article returns to the discussion of how income inequality affects economic growth. The main argument of the article is that economic freedom is likely to mediate the association between inequality and growth. In a panel of 300 observations from six 5‐year periods across the 50 U.S. states, I employ five different measures of inequality. The results show that across measures, the growth effects of inequality turn more positive with more economic freedom. The moderating effects are mainly driven by measures of public sector consumption. (JEL O11, O38, O43, P48)  相似文献   

经济地理学研究中的公司访谈定性分析方法及其应用实例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文根据作者实践及英美一些地理学家的经验,论述了公司访谈定性分析方法在经济地理学研究中的重要意义,介绍了公司及访问人员的选择方法、公司定性访问的技巧。并以上海大众汽车公司为例,说明公司访谈所搜集的资料在经济地理研究的应用价值。  相似文献   

Centralized sanctioning institutions cultivate cooperation by eradicating the gains from free‐riding. Studies show that electing a community member to operate a centralized sanctioning institution further increases support for the public good. These studies have overlooked an all‐too‐common attribute of non‐laboratory elections: political inequality. In this paper, we replicate those studies and, then, introduce novel experimental treatments that examine how political inequality influences the cooperation‐enhancing effect of a democratic election to centralized sanctioning institutions. In our novel treatment conditions, participants receive either a random allotment of votes that they can use to elect a centralized sanctioning authority or an allocation of votes proportional to their earnings in a previously‐executed public goods game. We find that political inequalities created via the random allocation of votes do not hinder cooperation, whereas political inequalities created via past game play undermine elected authorities and diminish contributions to the public good from individuals advantaged by political inequality.  相似文献   

新经济地理学中的制度转向与区域发展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
吕拉昌  魏也华 《经济地理》2005,25(4):437-441
近年来,伴随着资本主义社会经济转型和全球化,资本主义进入了制度重建的新阶段,社会科学日益重视“制度”因素的作用。经济地理学强调制度、文化对区域发展的影响,提出了经济地理学的“制度转向”。文章深入分析西方学者提出的制度转向、制度厚度概念及与区域发展关系的基础上,进行理论评析,并简要探讨对中国区域发展的启示。  相似文献   

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