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共享单车预付押金收取模式的异变和返还期限的错配与分离,颠覆了“一物一押”的传统押金结构,异变为“一人一押、一物多押”“一辆单车、多份押金”的新型结构,并使共享单车预付押金朝金融化衍变而呈现出类金融色彩。在免押模式尚不足以全面施行的条件下,应采取特殊的规制方法,通过规范押金收取协议,对预付押金进行账户隔离和妥善保管,增强押金收取、存管和退还的信息透明度,合理利用押金孳息建立行业风险基金以及统一监管机构,有效保护共享经济预付押金的财产安全。  相似文献   

最近共享单车押金问题集中爆发,再次把共享单车推向了风口浪尖。由于多家共享单车企业出现押金管理危机,从而给用户的权益带来了一定的损失,引起了不良的社会影响。因此,拟对共享单车押金管理中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策与建议,以期能为共享单车企业提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

共享单车在市场经历了4年的动荡后,各品牌都出现了许多社会问题,其中以押金无法退还最为严重。文章通过对失败案例的分析,提出了针对共享单车企业建设信用制度的必要,并提出了一些建议与思路,并分析了该信用制度的可行性。  相似文献   

依托于技术变革,借助于平台中介模式,以共享单车为典型的共享经济崭露头角。但是,在发展中也产生很多问题,如安装私锁,平台方挪用押金,押金难退等问题,道德风险已成为其发展的严重阻碍。本文以共享单车为例,依据效用理论构建博弈模型并进行均衡分析,对共享经济参与主体的履约机制及影响因素进行研究,探讨共享单车企业和消费者的行为互动,从行业运营的内在机理出发,研究上述现象产生的根源以及解决问题的关键,研究发现:短期博弈中惩罚机制的不足将导致博弈陷入囚徒困境;在长期重复博弈中,合作性的博弈均衡能够出现,声誉和信任机制起到关键作用,在消费者以及企业有足够的声誉让对方相信不会率先违约时,企业利润、消费者效用水平、惩罚水平以及耐心程度越高,成本越低,则双方越没有动机首先偏离均衡。在此基础上,本文对共享经济发展提出了相应建议,为共享单车的治理提供了参考。  相似文献   

2018年以来,不断有共享单车无法退还押金的新闻爆出,共享单车财务风险分析及防范已刻不容缓。通过对OFO共享单车近几年成本、盈利、筹资相关财务数据的分析,并运用SWOT分析法和PEST分析法对影响其财务运行的内外部各种因素进行了系统分析,提出优选财务分析指标体系,建立财务风险预防机制,加强惬意内部控制建设,采用多种投资与筹资模式,完善维护及报废制度,积极与地方政府合作,科学调度管理共享单车,以防范OFO共享单车财务风险,促进其持续经营。  相似文献   

随着公共自行车的出现和公众"健康生活,绿色出行"观念的进一步普及,以摩拜、哈罗为代表的共享单车企业开始迅速生长。新兴的共享单车企业在方便大众之余,也形成了"共享经济"的新领域,创造了一个以押金、融资为主的巨大的资金市场。概述了共享单车企业在"共享单车"业务流程中财务风险的存在形式,并在此基础上提出如何帮助共享单车企业进行风险防范以及应对财务风险。  相似文献   

为了解决共享单车行业快速发展中产生的社会问题,促进共享单车行业健康发展,建立了参与主体为政府、共享单车企业和消费者的共享单车回收处理三方博弈模型并求解,同时分析了影响共享单车企业和消费者行为的因素。通过研究发现,政府对共享单车企业和消费者的补贴,对共享单车企业拒绝回收处理共享单车的处罚,能够有效激励共享单车企业和消费者参与共享单车的回收处理活动。最后,为推广共享单车的回收处理制度,从健全完善相关法律法规、设立政府监管部门以及有效的正向和负向激励机制三个方面建立了激励机制。  相似文献   

"互联网+"是新形势下出现的新概念,本文中探讨的共享单车其实就是"互联网+租赁"这一种经济模式.消费日益升级,可持续性取代消费主义,合作压倒竞争,在协同作用方面,资本主义市场的部分"交换价值"正在被"共享价值"所替换.处于成长期的共享单车行业需要大量的资本维持,否则就无法正常运营.曝光共享单车押金退还难的新闻屡见不鲜,...  相似文献   

共享单车作为新生事物在短短几年的发展中就取得了可喜的成果。共享单车给我们带来便利的同时自身也存在着突出的问题:押金保管深受质疑;单车市场乱象;造成城市管理混乱;用户人身财产容易受到侵害;共享单车维修成本高回收难等。本文从共享单车现状分析其存在的问题,探讨解决的对策,以便为共享单车的良好持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

共享经济是近年来的热点,而共享单车、共享出行作为共享经济的重要组成部分,却遭遇了行业低谷。2018年,ofo共享单车发生"退押金"风波,滴滴出行因司机杀人案而下线顺风车业务。在行业遇冷期,哈罗出行却逆流而上,迅速抢占二三线城市共享单车市场,并推出哈罗打车、哈罗顺风车等业务。那么,哈罗出行的竞争力如何呢?对于其未来的发展,本文提出针对性意见,为企业未来发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

In-depth interviews with 22 debt-ridden consumers who are enrolled in debt management plans reveal the vulnerability they experience in various life domains. Additional interviews with 19 credit counselors and agency executives illustrate how the practices of a credit counseling agency can help indebted consumers regain their footing. This research sheds light on how consumers can recover from their vulnerable situations and what aids this process.  相似文献   

Bank capital regulation, asset risk, and subordinated uninsured debt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Whether more stringent capital requirements lead to reduced or to increased bank risk-taking has been discussed intensively in the academic literature. In this paper we drop the common but unrealistic assumptions that banks only issue deposits whose returns are guaranteed by a subsidised deposit insurance and that deposit insurance is free. We prove that with uninsured debt and a flat-rate deposit insurance premium the reaction of a bank to a higher capital requirement may change substantially. In some scenarios banks increase asset risk due to the enforcement of a more stringent capital requirement.  相似文献   

In the advisory report to the European Commission (Huls et al., 1994), the conclusion was reached that the optimal European solution for overindebtedness of consumers is a combination of legal change and a strengthening of the work of social debt counsellors. It was argued that the two spheres, the legal and the social, should be linked in order to create a constructive coalition.Europe has learned from the USA how to introduce the concept "discharge of debts" into their legislation (Huls, 1992). The USA may learn from Europe how debt counsellors can play a more vital part in tackling the debt problem of consumers. This paper explores the possibilities for expanding the domain of non-legal actors in this field by looking at legal aid discussions in general, and more specifically at the new Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) trend that is developing both in the USA and Europe.In the first section of the paper, the importance of an adequate definition of the problem is stressed. The following section summarizes the model proposed in Huls et al. (1994). It is followed by a plea for professional and independent debt counselling, a prerequisite for dejuridification of the debt problem, and for a coupling of debt problems to legal aid discussions. This leads to the conclusion that a strong case can be made for debt counselling as a form of ADR.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is an important country in the Islamic world, and Islam prohibits the payment and receipt of interest, a key component of modern commercial bank loans. Yet the levels of commercial bank lending in the country for private non‐commercial purposes has been rising sharply for the past decade. This study seeks an explanation for this increase by examining the nature of consumer attitudes towards debt in the country, and whether the increasing levels of consumer debt can be explained by existing positive debt attitudes. Using data from a convenience sample of consumers in the major cities of the country, the study finds general debt attitudes to be surprisingly positive, though tempered by the consumption purpose for which the debt is acquired. However, the positive attitudes are unrelated to actual debt acquisition. Rather, socio‐demographic differences in attitudes are similar to those reported in the literature. Attitudes are generally more positive among young, highly educated Saudi males than other socio‐demographic groups. This suggests a possible struggle to manage a conflict between the Islamic prohibition of interest‐based borrowing and demands of the modern economy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of government controlling ownership on the cost of debt of Chinese listed corporations. We find that corporations under government control have a lower cost of debt compared to corporations under private control, and that government ownership is most beneficial when firms exhibit financial distress, have high excess shareholder control, or operate in provinces with low institutional development. Our evidence that government ownership plays an important role in reducing Chinese firms' cost of debt may help explain why government involvement in business corporations remains prevalent in China after decades of economic reform.  相似文献   

本文认为,核心能力决定企业的竞争优势,它来自于具有企业特性的、异质的、路径依赖的、不易为外界获取和模仿的知识体系。但由于核心能力存在“刚性”,如果不加以克服,企业就会失去原有的竞争优势。因此,企业必须具有重构内外部组织能力及资源以适应环境变化要求的动态能力。动态能力理论强调企业知识创新的重要性,面对复杂多变的环境,企业必须不断学习和创新,克服核心能力的“刚性”问题,获得持续的竞争优势。  相似文献   

As valuable assets of corporations, governments and not-for-profit organizations, brands have attracted considerable research attention. We know a lot about how brands create knowledge in their target consumers’ minds, which leads to an attitude towards or relationship with the brand that translates into a number of favorable outcomes. The resultant brand equity is often associated with improved performance of the organization in reaching its objectives such as increasing market value. We know less about the dynamic nature of brand equity and, in particular, how it may interact with turbulence in the external environment in which the brand competes, both positively and negatively. We examine three key dimensions of brand equity—brands’ access to their target markets, perceived differentiation, and level of brand engagement with their target consumers—that influence the effect environmental turbulence has on diminishing equity or providing future opportunities for brand equity growth. Borrowing from the strategy literature, we suggest ways in which agile and resilient firms can use brand equity to resist environmental turbulence, recover from any damage that may result from it, and reinvent themselves to leverage opportunities created by a radically altered external environment. We close with a set of propositions intended to guide managers in anticipating and responding to environmental turbulence and inform and shape future research in this area.  相似文献   

目前国内对国债效应的研究,集中于国债对投资的影响,较少论及国债对居民消费的影响。然而,国债对消费的影响同样重要。居民可能将国债作为金融财富,也可能认为国债对应着未来的税收。国债对消费的影响,取决于国债在居民的预算约束中是作为财富还是作为预期的未来税收而存在。若居民更多地将国债作为一种金融财富而不是未来税收,则国债促进消费增长并带动经济增长;反之,则形成“李嘉图等价效应”所描述的金融挤出效应。通过对1985~2002年的数据进行回归,作者发现我国国债呈现出较强的财富效应。但是,这一财富效应却是与国债存量相关的。若公众的信心发生变化,消费需求将迅速下降。这就要求国债政策的淡出只能是渐进的,以避免对居民消费造成较大的冲击。  相似文献   

国家所有权视角下的国有公司激励制度重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕春 《财贸研究》2008,19(3):110-115
国有公司的激励问题一直是我国国企改革的重点,但无论是历史的还是现实的激励模式,都游离了国家所有权公权的本质和私法行使的属性,因而不可能使激励机制发挥应有的作用。在剖析国家所有权属性的基础上,逻辑地推导出国有公司激励制度的价值取向——兼顾公平与效率,运用这一理论批判了现阶段国有公司主流的激励模式——年薪制和股票期权制,认为其不是解决国有公司激励问题的有效路径,进而提出"经济增加值(EVA)薪酬制"应成为我国国有公司激励的基本制度。  相似文献   

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