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经济人的利益与道德析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济学领域中,理性的“经济人”是研究人们经济行为的理想假设:他们在追求个人利益最大化目标的同时,提高社会的总体系效益。这一假设成为经济学构建理论体系的前提,然而,一旦这些理论运用于实际生活中,就不可避免的与现实出现冲突。其中“经济人”的道德困境一直困扰着经济学家和伦理学家:在商品经济条件下,是否能够或是否应该将人类经济行为与其道德行为完全分离开来?“经济人”与“道德人”是否完全对立?市场经济究竟需不需要讲道德?这些困惑体现在现实生活中,就是人们的经济行为中利益与道德的冲突,是损人利己、利己不损人、还是利人…  相似文献   

陈慧莎 《消费导刊》2012,(3):10-10,13
本文主要通过对国内外相关文献的研究,利用利益相关者理论,结合我国事件旅游的发展,对事件旅游利益相关者进行分析。本文给出了事件旅游利益相关者的定义.并且从组织者、参与者和消费者的角度对事件旅游利益相关者进行界定,并在此基础上对事件旅游利益相关者进行角色定位。  相似文献   

盈利对于企业而言,就像人活着需要呼吸一样的正常和必须。在商品社会中,企业要想赚钱就必须通过与他人进行商品交换,在这一切活动中,企业必然会与其他的个人和组织发生这样那样的关系,在企业影响力的水平与范围内,均会涉及到企业与其各类利益相关人的问题,要求企业放弃的自身利益与主导的观念,树立和实践更多地关注相关人的权力和利益;要求企业对各类利益相关人的影响给予更多伦理方面的考虑,并倡导建立“道德战略管理”系统,来开发和应用有关的政策,以便对利益相关人的权利作出灵敏的反应。  相似文献   

利益制衡——解决营销道德失范的良药   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘强 《商业研究》2003,(14):74-77
近年来假冒伪劣、虚假广告等不道德营销行为不时见诸媒体 ,营销道德失范问题日益成为人们谈论的热门话题。营销道德失范给咨询行业乃至整个社会造成了极为不良的影响。咨询公司营销道德失范是一个经济方面的问题 ,另辟蹊径 ,利益的驱动是产生不良营销行为的根本原因 ,为此引入第三方 ,建立利益制衡系统的解决思路。  相似文献   

现代管理理论使利益相关者概念随着企业和社会的发展而不断演变.企业利益相关者就是与一个企业利益相关的所有个人或群体.是否属于利益相关者,只需根据该个体或群体的利益与企业的生产经营行为和后果是否具有利害关系进行判断.根据这一利益相关者理论,企业应当对员工、股东、消费者、债权人、社区、政府、环境保护方面承担社会责任.  相似文献   

秦红 《现代商业》2008,(11):266-267
我国的<保险法>中对保险利益统一做了规定:这样对财产保险和人身保险不加以区分,统一将保险利益享有人的定为投保人,往往会产生异议,是有欠缺的.笔者建议,对于保险利益,不妨分为两个方面加以界定.  相似文献   

论国际贸易中的超绝对利益   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在国际贸易中,不仅存在绝对利益和比较利益,而且存在超绝对利益。超绝对利益是一国与另一国进行对方没有的商品贸易时所具有的利益,主要产生于社会资源的特点,特别产生于技术和技能的积累。超绝对利益商品的国际价格与绝对利益或比较利益商品的国际价格不同,它的基础是垄断价格。超绝对利益的存在,意味着许多国际贸易理论需要重新表述。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国资本市场的不断成熟和经济的飞速发展,"股东至上"的公司治理思想再难占据主导地位,人们不得不反思,企业的会计信息使用者都有哪些?他们需要怎么样的会计信息?本文从利益相关者视角,通过分析不同利益相关者的不同需求,以及受托责任观和决策有用观的局限性,从而提出适用我国会计目标重建的相关建议。  相似文献   

<正>当论及企业和广义社会之间的共有关系时,就不得不提及利益相关者这一概念。根据费力曼于1984年提出的理论,利益相关者是指那些能起到影响或是被一个组织绩效所影响的团体。正是由于这种相关性,当利益相关群体的需求没有得到满足时,便有可能会对相关公司提  相似文献   

利益相关者理论来源与上世纪六十年代保护观念的转变,肯尼亚最早使用"利益相关者"的理论来解决中央政府、地方政府及当地社区保护问题之间的利益分配关系。随着村寨旅游的发展,运用该理论来指导旅游管理部门把重点放在利益相关者的利益诉求中,协调他们之间的利益冲突,担当起超过经济目标范围的社会义务和责任。本文重点研究湘西村寨旅游利益相关者行为,并对各利益相关主体者利益冲突及其关系协调机制探讨,以期促进民族地区村寨旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Why do some consumers evangelize brands and create value for them even without receiving any direct reward in return? How do their motivations influence their role behaviors and their identification with the company or brand? We draw on motivation theory and the in- and extra-role literature of leadership to propose a theoretical framework. We use this framework to analyze data from one cross-sectional survey conducted with members of two online brand communities and one longitudinal field experiment with consumers of one new online brand community. We first separate community members' motivations into three types of psychological needs (self-competency, self-belongingness, self-autonomy) that are fulfilled by membership in a brand community. We investigate how each of these needs influences consumers' in-role and extra-role behaviors, which in turn positively affect their brand identification and create value for the company. Our results show that self-competency motivates both in- and extra-role behaviors, self-belongingness only increases less involved in-role behaviors, and self-autonomy only affects more involved extra-role behaviors. Both role behaviors foster beneficial consumer brand identification. We discuss how these findings can inform marketers' brand community-building strategies.  相似文献   

药品虚高定价究竟如何形成?虚高定价所形成的巨额利润究竟流向了何方?虚高定价究竟吞噬了谁的利益?为什么国家的调控措施不断推出却收效甚微呢?究竟怎样才能管住药品的虚高定价呢?这一系列问题都是老百姓和监管者十分关心的问题。部分医疗机构及具有处方权医生的贪婪是万恶之源、监管者和中间商为了结伙分利而为虎作伥并推波助澜、药品生产企业为了生存主动或被动地予以全力配合,这就是演绎高药价闹剧的主线。要根治药品虚高定价,就得管住两头、整治中间,多管齐下。  相似文献   


Most of humankind lives in poverty. Over 1.2 billion people survive on less than $1.25 per day, and around 2.7 billion people survive on less than $2.50 per day. Of course, these statistics do not take into account those living in relative poverty within the very highest development nations in the world. Yet few within entitled sectors of the global economy have had much to do with people living in poverty, except for occasional and indirect contact. Even basic ideas about poverty lack clarity; for example, what is the line between poor and not poor both within and among countries? Is it only about income or do other resources matter or act as substitutes for money when impoverished consumers engage their markets? Is poverty in the USA the same or different than poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa? Answers to such questions are provided in this commentary through an examination of three different research projects conducted in poverty communities. Together, they reveal distinct patterns of results between more affluent and more impoverished consumers across the globe.  相似文献   

Why are so few organizations selling beneficial products at the base of the pyramid (BoP) successful? This is not simply a story of companies failing, and it is one with a dramatic consequence as low-income people do not benefit from products that can improve their way of life. Instead, they continue to drink unsafe water, cook on stoves that emit fumes that kill over 1 million people per year, light their homes with dangerous kerosene lamps, and fall ill from a mosquito bite. Based on a multiyear field research program conducted in 25 countries, we argue that having a specific mindset about BoP customers is consequential to an organization’s success. Many organizations start with the assumption that BoP customers lack money, knowledge, and jobs. By contrast, successful organizations start from the assumption that customers can and will pay if they are provided with a satisfactory solution to their needs and are reassured about the level of risk involved. We detail the different practices that follow from this mindset change in the areas of value proposition, communication, and distribution and show how these practices can make or break the organization’s financial sustainability.  相似文献   

为什么一度高速发展的企业发展到一定阶段之后就停滞不前? 什么一些企业采用了一些经济学上的理论和观念却也仍无法摆脱失败的命运呢?究其原因,主要是因为企业里存在的传统惯性阻碍了企业的继续成长。打破惯性,制定创新企业的战略已是迫在眉睫了。  相似文献   

This article addresses five research questions: What specific behaviors are described in the literature as ethical or unethical? What percentage of business people are believed to be guilty of unethical behavior? What specific unethical behaviors have been observed by bank employees? How serious are the behaviors? Are experiences and attitudes affected by demographics? Conclusions suggest: There are seventeen categories of behavior, and that they are heavily skewed toward internal behaviors. Younger employees have a higher level of ethical consciousness than older employees. The longer one works for a company, the more one may look to job security as a priority; this can lead to rationalizing or overlooking apparently unethical behaviors. More emphasis is needed on internal behaviors with particular attention on the impact that external behaviors have on internal behaviors.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, central banks in industrial countries have undertaken a variety of policies that deviated from ordinary monetary policy. Why were these policies used? Did they work? What will be the effect of phasing them out? And what long-term concerns do they raise? Clearly, markets were broken, and there was a need to repair them. Some of these innovative instruments seemed to have worked quite well. But now central banks are struggling to get inflation up into their target bands. Large central bank balance sheets may create needed safe, short-term instruments, but take much liquidity management away from the private sector, while tempting governments to use them for other purposes. Sober thinkers need to examine the experience of the last few years and ask again, what should central banks be asked to do and what ought to be the range of actions they can take?  相似文献   

It is suggested that a cognitive perspective may provide important insights into key aspects of the entrepreneurial process. Specifically, it is proposed that this perspective—which has yielded impressive results in many other fields—can help the field of entrepreneurship to answer three basic questions it has long addressed: (1) Why do some persons but not others choose to become entrepreneurs? (2) Why do some persons but not others recognize opportunities for new products or services that can be profitably exploited? (3) Why are some entrepreneurs so much more successful than others? Specific cognitive factors relevant to each of these questions are identified, and their potential effects are described. It is suggested that a cognitive perspective can prove beneficial both to researchers wishing to understand entrepreneurship as a process and to practitioners hoping to assist entrepreneurs in their efforts to create successful new ventures.  相似文献   

How do firms keep abreast of new waves of information technology (IT) innovations such as CRM and Web services? Many engage IT research and analysis (R&A) firms such as Gartner Group and Forrester Research. But how do buyers of IT R&A offerings actually make use of these services, and how useful do they find them? Why do some companies choose not to use IT R&A services? We examine these questions in the context of a survey, and find that users and non-users of IT R&A services can be classified. Users fall into three groups: proactive, reactive and situational. Non-users are either cost-conscious or need-doubters. We compare the different groups and suggest the implications for management.  相似文献   

When forecasting their own behavior, people are often inaccurate and tend to predict that they will engage in more socially desirable behavior than they actually do. The problem with inaccurate behavioral forecasts is that they can lead to negative consequences both for the self and for others. One particularly negative consequence may be that such errors can produce overly harsh evaluations and condemnation of others who do not act in a way that most people predict they themselves would act. This paper identifies these common behavioral forecasting errors, why they occur, and the negative interpersonal and unintended, unethical consequences they can have.  相似文献   

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