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Wolfgang Filc 《Intereconomics》1979,14(3):107-110
The system of so-called Divergence Indicators in the European Monetary System puts pressure on the monetary authorities to consult before the intervention points are reached in the foreign exchange markets. Under integration aspects this arrangement marks an advance, but it also carries risks and dangers with it. 相似文献
John Tsalikis 《Journal of Business Ethics》2011,99(4):519-525
Theoretical justification for the Business Ethics Index (BEI) from the emerging economics of trust literature is discussed. The BEI results for 2007, 2008, and 2009 are presented. While the Personal/Past BEI component shows no significant difference from the previous years, the Vicarious/Past component shows a dramatic drop to levels previously never recorded. However, when it came to the perception of the future business ethical behavior, respondents were signifi-cantly more optimistic than in previous measurements. This finding was more than a little surprising given the depth of the economic crisis. A possible explanation is that consumers hopefully perceived the economic crisis as already abating and/or that at least the worst was over. 相似文献
人口老龄化与经济发展水平:国际比较及其启示 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
人口老龄化已成为全球性的人口发展趋势.与世界其他老年人口比例相当的国家相比,中国的经济发展水平并不差;与世界其他经济发展水平相当的国家相比,中国的人口老龄化程度也并不是最严重.面对潜在的危机和挑战,需要未雨绸缪,也不能过于悲观.政府对于当下生育率和老龄问题的态度与作为.是决定一个国家或地区未来老龄危机的关键因素. 相似文献
当前党政领导干部中腐败现象滋生,而十九大报告提出要坚定不移全面从严治党,审计是防止褒贬的重要抓手。本文提出完善领导干部经济责任审计的对策,旨在改善领导干部的监督管理,促进反腐倡廉工作,提高领导干部工作的科学性,建设符合时代要求的领导干部队伍。 相似文献
尊敬的领导、来宾及朋友们:今天,在这春意盎然、百花飘香的美好季节,我们齐聚一堂,参加由中国市场学会、北京开达经济学家咨询中心、北京物资学院共同举办的首届中国(北京)流通现代化论坛暨中国流通经济杂志创刊20周年纪念大会。这是我校自建校以来举办的级别较高的一次学术性会议,也是我国流通经济学术界的一次盛会。 相似文献
随着经济的发展,流通产业对我国经济高质量发展的作用越来越重要。基于分析现代流通业的先导作用和流通业的发展趋势,针对流通业存在的问题进行剖析,并根据我国实际情况提出合理化的建议和意见,为提升流通业在经济高质量发展中的地位、增强我国经济竞争力提供保障提供参考。 相似文献
Guo Yan 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2008,(16)
2008 marks the 16th anniversary of this diplomatic bilateral relationship.In recent years,economic trade be- tween China and South Korea has increased greatly,with an improved complementary structure.Now,China is the largest importer of South Ko- rean products.In 1988,South Korea hosted the Olympic Games successfully,and after 20 years,another Asia country—China,hosted the 29th Olympic Games.Before the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,China's Foreign Trade had the opportunity to interview H.E.Mr.Shin Jung- seu... 相似文献
2008 marks the 16th anniversary of this diplomatic bilateral relationship.In recent years,economic trade be- tween China and South Korea has increased greatly,with an improved complementary structure.Now,China is the largest importer of South Ko- rean products.In 1988,South Korea hosted the Olympic Games successfully,and after 20 years,another Asia country—China,hosted the 29th Olympic Games.Before the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,China's Foreign Trade had the opportunity to interview H.E.Mr.Shin Jung- seung,the ambassador who served as the South Korean Foreign Ministry's Coun- selor to China from 1999 to 2001:he is very familiar with China,especially in regards to cultural and economic trade.During the interview, Mr.Shin Jung-seung shared his thoughts with us,focusing on topics such as the bilateral economy developing between these two nations,South Ko- rea's experience hosting the Olympic Games and the con- tinued use of facilities in the post-Olympic period:he also expressed his best wishes for the Beijing Olympics. 相似文献
Hugo J. Herrera Marleen H. F. McCardle-Keurentjes Nuno Videira 《Group Decision and Negotiation》2016,25(6):1277-1318
Facilitated modelling approaches have been suggested as helpful tools to support negotiation in strategic analysis processes due to their potential to facilitate cognitive change and enhance consensus and commitment with final decisions. In the present research, we developed an experimental framework to compare what two of these approaches, that is, group model building and a multimethod approach, contribute to the process and outcomes in the negotiation of strategies. In the multimethod approach, we combined strategic options development and analysis with computer simulations of the group model building approach. We explored the differences between these two modelling approaches in facilitating cognitive change, consensus and commitment by building an experimental research design with real clients, working on their organisation’s problem. Furthermore, we compared the type and content of participants’ contributions in the strategic conversation. The lessons from the experiment conducted are twofold. On one hand, the multimethod approach encouraged more divergent contributions and produced a higher degree of cognitive change than group model building (i.e., the single approach). On the other hand, group model building encouraged more contributions about content related to causes of the problem and enhanced more commitment to the final solution than the multimethod approach. Hence, the conducted experiment brings new insights into the benefits of using multimethods and possible losses resulting from such combinations. Accordingly, we have presented opportunities for further research regarding the combination of facilitated modelling approaches. 相似文献
承接跨国服务外包与我国经济增长的相互作用研究——与制造外包的比较分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
跨国服务外包成为我国经济新的增长点。本文对我国服务外包与工业、服务业增长的关系进行协整检验和格兰杰因果检验,并将其对比于制造外包与GDP的关系,结果表明:服务外包对经济增长的促进作用大于制造外包,并且服务外包对工业的促进作用大于对服务业的促进作用;而经济增长对服务外包的推动作用不明显。因此,我国大力发展服务外包具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
构建任期经济责任审计评价指标体系应遵循权责对等、定量指标与定性指标相结合、与年度经营业绩考核指标相协调、与相关法规相匹配、财务指标与非财务指标相结合等原则。具体的体系架构包括:财务会计与业务统计资料的真实性、合规性;执行财经法纪和个人廉洁自律的评价指标;重大经营决策评价指标;主要经营业绩指标完成情况;内部控制与管理评价指标;可持续发展能力评价指标。只有科学、合理地设计审计评价指标体系,才能保证审计结论的客观、公正。 相似文献
CATHLEEN D. ZICK 《The Journal of consumer affairs》1983,17(2):370-387
Although much equal credit opportunity legislation has been passed in recent years, little has been done to ascertain whether the new laws have actually altered lending practices or whether the practices were sex-biased initially. This research makes use of a sample of 241 women from five counties in California to show what factors affect the probability of credit extension to women in that state, and whether these variables are different from those that were associated with lending practices before the law's passage. The results indicate that prior to the passage of the law, several market indices, including home ownership and spousal support, were associated with an applicant's ability to obtain credit. After passage of the law these indices were no longer significant predictors of loan approval. Within the limits of the data and the design used here, the empirical evidence supported the hypothesis that California credit institutions changed their lending criteria after the passage of equal credit opportunity legislation. 相似文献
Sustainability reporting guidelines developed by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provide a systematic approach for the companies to report their performance on social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability. This study compared the sustainability reports of leading Indian public and private sector companies. Reports were analyzed based on GRI guidelines toward their reporting on sustainability. A numerical score from 0 to 3 was assigned for each of the 84 performance indicators (9, 30, and 45 indicators for economic, environment, and social dimensions, respectively) of the GRI 2011 guidelines based on inclusiveness of sustainability report. The analysis showed that reporting on economic dimension was comparatively better as compared to social and environmental dimensions. Sampled companies did not show much difference in their reporting practices on economic performances. However, considerable difference was observed in their reporting practices on environmental and social dimensions. Reporting practices of Tata Steel were better in all dimensions of sustainability and emerged as a responsible company on sustainability reporting. 相似文献
从支柱产业角度透视主导产业选择——以广州花都临空经济区为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章以经济发展阶段理论为基础,从主导产业与支柱产业异同角度,即产业发展目标、产业关联方面、产业生命周期、产业发展贡献、技术进步特征和受空间载体的约束等六个方面,并根据两者发展的动态更替性特征,将广州花都临空经济区产业中的汽车整车与零部件制造业、现代物流业、高新技术制造业、珠宝产业和会展业作为带动其地区经济发展的主导产业并进行了比较和分类。 相似文献
口碑营销之原理,与乐界之领唱与合唱的关系如出一辙。意见领袖谓之领唱者,活跃消费者称为合唱者,潜在消费者则为听众。三者共同奏出营销最强音,其和谐关系为企业发展摇旗呐喊、加油助威。星巴克从来不做媒体广告,而是通过口口相传的古老方式 相似文献
面对日益激烈的顾客服务竞争以及物流管理中日益暴露的矛盾,为更好地了解企业自身经营状况,评估企业在行业内所处的位置,更好地评价企业业绩,更好地分析原因,更好地进行决策及综合管理,当前很多日本企业在进行物流管理时,开始采用物流关键绩效指标来改善物流服务水平,并对其进行定量管理.通过物流管理提高效率,成为当前日本企业最为重要的课题.研究发现,企业经营与物流管理之间存在十分密切的关联,在制定物流管理关键绩效指标体系时,应重视其与经营指标的关联性,在进行物流成本管理、顾客服务管理的过程中,尽量实现目标的指标化,对业绩进行检验并修订计划,通过制定关键绩效指标进行相应的管理. 相似文献