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Re-definining modern American cuisine, One East on Third Chef de Cuisine, Joshua Goetz, has created a unique, fine dining experience revolving around tantalizing 6 and 8 course Tasting Menus - smaller portions so you can sample a wider selection. Hailing from New York, Joshua's dishes are fresh and contemporary - like nothing you've ever tasted in Beijing. Samplers aside, his inspired a la carte menu also features individual meals, including specialty house-cured meats and cheeses.  相似文献   

SwissairandChinaSwissair'sfirstofficialscheduledservicetoChinatoucheddownhereinBeijingsome25yearsago.ThepassengersfromZurichhadbeentravelingforover32hours,andhadlandedinGeneva,AthensandBombayalongtheway.ThelongjourneytoChinahasbecomefar,farswifterovertheinterveningyears.Swissair'sBoeing747scurrentlytakeunderathirdofthebine,completingtheflightinjusttenhours.SwissairwasonlythesecondEuropeanairlinetostartservicestothePeople'sRepublicofChina,followingAirFrance.Itmayhavebeenabolddecisionatth…  相似文献   

甜甜 《国际广告》2010,(12):71-71
10月25日,Olie Club主席Kevin Swanepoel亲临One Club China北京办公室,为即将到来的2010 One Show青年创意营主持简短的新闻发布会,向与会人员全方位解读了广告界奥斯卡——One Show广告大奖以及One Club与中国创意广告行业的密切关系,对双方在发展中应注意的一些问题及未来走向做出了分析。  相似文献   

The One Show(中文"金铅笔"奖)是由美国纽约 OneClub 设立的全球顶级广告创意大奖。溯源已80多年历史,是目前各大世界权威广告国际大奖中最为历史悠久的。OneShow 的主办机构 One Club 旨在提高全球广告创意的水准,其1000多名成员是来自全球各大广告公司的创作精英,是广告行业最受人尊敬的人物。在 One Show 奖项设立前,广告奖项都把重点放在视觉与文案上,但 One Club 向广告界宣称:将把创意作为一个作品是否有机会赢取 One Show"金铅笔"的主要标准。这种新颖的主张使 One Show 奖项成为了全球广告创意的最高荣誉,创意人的毕生追求与终极成就。One Show 奖项设置分三个类别:The One Show(平面、电台和影视),One Show Interactive(互动)及 One Show Design(设计)。2001年11月 One Show 开始进入中国内陆,在全国广告教育的最先诞生地厦门着陆,2002年7月第二届 One ShowChina 广告峰会在上海波特曼与金茂大厦举办。两次年会得到  相似文献   

曾路 《广告导报》2004,(1):85-92
欲从全球将近5000件的参赛作品中,评出得奖作品,果真是件吃力不讨好的苦差事!  相似文献   

成功要有对梦想的偏执,更要有实现梦想的准备,否则,极有可能一不小心成为“先烈”  相似文献   

Dear Readers, Thank you very much for your interest in and support for China's Foreign Trade.From the first day the Magazine was launched,we have been so happy to see suggestions,comments,encouragement and even complaints from you,dear readers.Over this more than half century,we have been thriving for changes and improvements to be the best.Every word from you is important to us and any feedback will be regarded by us as a chance to improve the Magazine.  相似文献   

Dear Readers, Thank you very much for your interest in and support for China's Foreign Trade.From the first day the Magazine launched,we have been so happy to see suggestions,comments,encouragement and even complaints from you,dear readers.Over this more than half century,we have been thriv- ing for changes and improvements to be the best.Every word from you is important to us and any feedback will be regarded by us as a chance to improve the Magazine.  相似文献   

Investigations into ethical judgments generally seem fuzzy as to the relevant research domain. We first attempted to clarify the construct and determine domain parameters. This attempt required addressing difficulties associated with pinpointing relevant literature, most notably the varied nomenclature used to refer to ethical judgments (individual evaluations of actions’ ethicality). Given this variation in construct nomenclature and the difficulties it presented in identifying pertinent focal studies, we elected to focus on research that cited papers featuring prominent and often-used measures of ethical judgments (primarily, but not exclusively, the Multidimensional Ethics Scale). Our review of these studies indicated a preponderance of inferences and conclusions unwarranted by empirical evidence (likely attributable at least partly to inconsistent nomenclature). Moreover, ethical judgments related consistently to few respondent characteristics or any other variables, emergent relationships may not always be especially meaningful, and much research seems inclined to repetition of already verified findings. Although we concluded that knowledge about ethical judgments seems not to have advanced appreciably after decades of investigation, we suggested a possible path forward that focuses on the content of what is actually being judged as reflected in the myriad of vignettes used in the literature to elicit judgments.  相似文献   

日前,百视通和微软正式宣布Xbox 0ne将于9月23日在中国上市,伴随Xbox 0ne而来的还有一系列热门游戏和娱乐项目。Xbox One的定价是3.699元起。在上海自贸区成立一周年之际,Xbox 0ne成为了首款获批在中国销售的游戏和娱乐主机。  相似文献   

July 1 was the first anniversary of the implementation of the newly revised patent law. One-year practice impressed the society and the public with its legislative principle. The law relied itself upon the actual,practice and provided for the right and obligations of citizens, legal entities and other entities as well as that of state agencies.  相似文献   

Zhejiang Star Tools Co., Ltd. was sponsored in 1994. Situated in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province, it is very famous of the production of chrome & vanadium-alloy steel sleeve. The company is aiming at international advanced level. In September, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Zhou Fushou, Board Chairman of Zhejiang Star Tools Co., Ltd. "China used to rely completely on import in this sphere. But nowadays, our products are fully available for replacing the imported products and meet the demand of the domestic market." Zhou said. The follows are his answers.  相似文献   

北京元培世纪翻译有限公司于2005年3月从元培教育分离成为独立法人,是一家专门从事翻译服务、翻译培训和教育产品研发的服务机构。2006年12月30日,元培翻译作为中国翻译服务企业的代表成功加盟奥运会,首度亮相国际奥林匹克舞台,成为北京2008年奥运会笔译和口译  相似文献   

On October 11, 2002, according to the "Reform Scheme for Civil Aviation System" approved by the State Council, on the basis of AIR CHINA, together with China Airline Company and China Southwest Airlines, China Aviation Group Corporation came into being.  相似文献   

On October 11,2002, according to the "Reform Schemefor Civil Aviation System" approved by the State Council,on the basis of AIR CHINA, together with China AirlineCompany and China Southwest Airlines, China AviationGroUp: Corporation came into being.  相似文献   

在上海市中心的延平路,一栋旧建筑最近被改建为全新的空间,第一个碳平衡健身会所One Wellness:重建现有建筑、使用回收的本土原材料,通过与Emissions Zero的合作,协助公司和个人通过减少和抵消碳排放将温室效应降低到最低……这一点小小的创意和愿望足以吸引人们,正是两位旅居上海的朋友联手创办了这间健身中心,除了环保概念,它的与众不同更在于——人们不应该把锻炼看作是完成某种任务,而应是一种健康的时尚生活方式。  相似文献   

Stepping into August 2007,the Beijing Olympic Games is already being counted down for just one year.Chinese people are making every effort to prepare for the great ceremony in full swing. So,how is the process going now?Let's hear the voice of authorities from Beijing Organizing Com- mittee for the Games(BOCOG)of the XXIX Olympiad released on the press conference of the State Council Information Office on August 6,to get the lastest news.  相似文献   

Consumer behavior toward traditional specialties varies according to the cultural context of consumption. It thus becomes crucial to develop marketing strategies that target segments with different levels of familiarity with food. Our article purposes to analyze the purchase drivers of traditional foods known to consumers because of their reiterated consumption. The importance of the product’s attributes, the purchasing motivations, and the information channels are studied by applying the CUB model, which utilizes a probabilistic structure that simulates the individual’s psychological mechanism in adopting a choice of preference. The case study is that of extra-virgin olive oil in Italy, where this product is a fundamental element of the culinary tradition. The results show that in the ambit of traditional specialties, in contexts of elevated familiarity, the traditional information channels of marketing are less effective and call for strategies based on a more direct connection between consumer and producer.  相似文献   

"The Real Estate industry in Beijing has kept an aver-age 16.3% level of growth over the past 5 years. Additionally, the investment in real estate makes up more than 60% of the annual investment in non-liquid assets. In the first season of 2007, Beijing's housing price had increased by 9.8%. From the time when Beijing  相似文献   

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