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一个结构完整的法律文本一套可以与国际最新最高标准接轨的知识产权制度,并不足以成为衡量一国知识产权制度有效实施的标准,只有让企业等市场主体掌握、利用这一制度才能实现真正意义上的知识产权保护。  相似文献   

中国即将加入WTO,对信息产业的冲击主要将来自市场准入、关税降低等方面,但知识产权保护的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   

满足最低要求--中国"入世"与知识产权保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商品贸易、服务贸易与知识产权保护是世界贸易组织的三根支柱.从两个方面看,可以说"知识产权保护"是世界贸易组织的三根支柱中起最重要作用的.  相似文献   

西方企业的新财源 近几年来,发达国家的经济增长主要是拥有专利的经济拉动,这在信息、自动化、生物工程等六大前沿领域尤为突出。专利列强必须是科技大国、经济强国,企业也是如此。有关资料显示,  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国的知识产权保护提出了更高的要求,同时近年来犯罪人对知识产权的侵害更多地结合了网络。与国际要求同步以及新的犯罪形式的出现都迫使我们对网络知识产权犯罪这一问题进行反思。  相似文献   

入世后加速发展我国技术贸易的对策措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 我国入世之后,从原则上来说我国将可以充分利用WTO多边争端解决机制来处理有关知识产权纠纷,以捍卫我国的合法权益。然而由于我国的知识产权保护制度还需要进一步完善以及实际运作的现状,都使我国处于弱势地位;而既熟悉有关知识产权多边协议或公约以及WTO各成员方境内法律体系  相似文献   

浅谈“入世”后的知识产权海关保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈旭东 《中国海关》2000,(10):32-35

加入WTO以后,我国的医药行业在知识产权领域遭到了前所未有的冲击。中药是我们中华民族传统医学的瑰宝,对中药进行法律保护我们缺乏认知。但是,面对越来越多的中医药被其他国家抢注的紧迫现状,对中药加强知识产权保护势在必行。  相似文献   

知识产权的制度经济学派从不同角度论证了知识产权保护可以提高资源配置效率.知识产权应该保护毋庸置疑,但是知识财产本身的特性决定了知识产权保护具有两面性.  相似文献   

What influences foreign plaintiffs’ likelihood of winning intellectual property rights (IPR) lawsuits in an emerging economy such as China? From an institution-based view, prior scholarly debate presents two competing perspectives on the evolving IPR regime in China, focusing on the incentives of internal development and the pressures of external legitimacy respectively. We integrate these two perspectives to examine the effects of regional research and development (R&D) investment on the likelihood of foreign plaintiffs winning IPR lawsuits. We identify a direct effect reflecting the evolving economic incentives of host regions, and two mediating pathways that correspond to the legal strategies employed by foreign plaintiffs to apply external legitimacy pressure on host region legal institutions. Our analyses of a sample of 1103 IPR disputes between foreign plaintiffs and local defendants in Chinese courts from 2008 to 2017 provide support to our arguments.  相似文献   

Many studies have focused on internationalization, with few shedding light on de-internationalization. In this article, we contended that de-internationalization is common in a world of matured globalization, yet it remains underexplored. We sought to build on the seminal articles on de-internationalization by extending our understanding of the concept from a voluntary to an involuntary perspective. In particular, we used intellectual property rights as an institutional coercive dimension and set theory as a discerning mechanism to enrich our understanding of de-internationalization. Our article, which demonstrates the multi-faceted conditions of de-internationalization, should benefit formal institutions and policy makers in developing a greater understanding of the relationship between public policies and focal firms' decisions to de-internationalize. We also hope that our article will contribute to greater visibility of de-internationalization and make the concept more approachable to our international business audience.  相似文献   

近年来,我国外贸遭遇了一次又一次的知识产权争端。进出口企业在遇到知识产权纠纷时,普遍认为这是国际市场通过滥用知识产权保护规则,构筑起新的贸易壁垒。然而从自身角度看,  相似文献   

American exchanges own the price quotations they generate. Access to real‐time price information is highly valued by most market participants. This enables exchanges to exact royalties from the sale of such market information. In this sense, an exchange's ownership of its price quotations is akin to owning a property right in a perishable commodity (i.e., fresh market price quotations) that is most valuable for only a transitory or limited period of time. The implications of exchange ownership of price data extend beyond financial markets. Recently, Woodard (2000) has noted that some internet auction operators have asserted ownership over the prices they generate. This study reviews the legal origin and nature of the property right to price quotations generated on U.S. futures exchanges and assesses whether exchange ownership should be transitory. The legal basis for transitory real‐time (real and personal) property rights is discussed and the economic implications are considered. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:891–913, 2003  相似文献   

China's membership in the World Trade Organization further encourages foreign direct investment. Organizations establishing a multinational enterprise in China, and intending to utilize their intellectual property rights as a method of conducting their business enterprise, must be familiar with the current laws and developments regarding their protection and enforcement. This article focuses on Chinese intellectual property laws with examples of both infringements and enforcements. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Does a stronger intellectual property rights regime lead to the faster diffusion of new products and technology? While there is a presumption that this is the case, our analysis of data on the international release patterns of Hollywood movies suggests a more complex story: although moderate standards of IPR encourage the spread of movies, either very weak or very strong property rights tend to slow the speed with which American movies are released abroad. This empirical finding is robust to a wide variety of specifications. Overall, it appears that while some recognition of IPR may encourage diffusion, very strong IPR may actually retard the speed of diffusion.  相似文献   

We build a multi-sectoral North-South trade model to analyze international intellectual property rights (IPR) protection. By comparing the Nash equilibrium IPR protection standard of the South (the developing countries) with that of the North (the developed countries), we find that the former is naturally weaker than the latter. Moreover, we show that both regions can gain from an agreement that requires the South to harmonize its IPR standards with those of the North, and the North to liberalize its traditional goods market. This demonstrates the merits of multi-sectoral negotiations in the GATT/WTO.  相似文献   

张鑫 《中国电子商务》2010,(7):339-339,341
本文通过对谷歌退出中国大陆事件关于知识产权方面原因的分析,围绕我国网络知识产权的现状,提出关于现有存在的问题,提出应该改进的方面和未来的走向,以期我国知识产权尤其是网络知识产权更好的发展。  相似文献   

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