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The intersection of mobile marketing and shopper marketing, known as mobile shopper marketing, is a rapidly evolving area. We formally define mobile shopper marketing as the planning and execution of all mobile-based marketing activities that influence a shopper along and beyond the path-to-purchase: from the initial shopping trigger, to the purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendation stages. However, not much is known about mobile shopper marketing. We plug this gap by first discussing mobile shopper marketing and its scope in depth and then presenting a process model that connects the mobile shopping journey with four key entities, i.e., shopper, employee, organization, and mobile technology. For each of these themes, we identify the challenges that offer future research opportunities.  相似文献   

Mobile marketing, which involves two- or multi-way communication and promotion of an offer between a firm and its customers using the mobile, a term that refers to the mobile medium, device, channel, or technology, is growing in importance in the retailing environment. It has the potential to change the paradigm of retailing from one based on consumers entering the retailing environment to retailers entering the consumer's environment through anytime, anywhere mobile devices. We propose a conceptual framework that comprises three key entities: the consumer, the mobile, and the retailer. The framework addresses key related issues such as mobile consumer activities, mobile consumer segments, mobile adoption enablers and inhibitors, key mobile properties, key retailer mobile marketing activities and competition. We also address successful retailer mobile marketing strategies, identify the customer-related and organizational challenges on this topic, and outline future research scenarios and avenues related to these issues.  相似文献   


Cause-related marketing is an increasingly popular method of improving marketing relationships with customers, both for the sponsoring company and for the participating cause. This paper outlines the rewards and risks for the company and the cause as they consider this type of partnership, as well as the benefits and drawbacks for the customers asked to participate in these programs through the purchase of the sponsored product or service. Future directions for research are recommended in order to (1) expand the findings within this domain, and (2) to maximize sales results from cause-related marketing initiatives for businesses and causes.  相似文献   

In the early part of the 21st century, the media landscape has been dramatically affected by the introduction of new, largely digital media. This increase in the number of media has been driven largely by improvements in technology and how customers interact with the technology and each other. In this paper, I describe the kinds of new media that companies are using to engage customers and the challenges that these media present from the perspective of the marketing manager. In addition, using the management challenges as a framework, I describe the research opportunities posed by these media and where marketing academics can make the greatest contributions.  相似文献   

Multichannel customer management is “the design, deployment, and evaluation of channels to enhance customer value through effective customer acquisition, retention, and development” (Neslin, Scott A., D. Grewal, R. Leghorn, V. Shankar, M. L. Teerling, J. S. Thomas, P. C. Verhoef (2006), Challenges and Opportunities in Multichannel Management. Journal of Service Research 9(2) 95–113). Channels typically include the store, the Web, catalog, sales force, third party agency, call center and the like. In recent years, multichannel marketing has grown tremendously and is anticipated to grow even further. While we have developed a good understanding of certain issues such as the relative value of a multichannel customer over a single channel customer, several research and managerial questions still remain. We offer an overview of these emerging issues, present our future outlook, and suggest important avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the increased adoption of the Internet in public life as well as in developing businesses has led to a phenomenal rise in academic research on online marketing. This article is set to extensively review scholarly articles appearing from 2000 to 2014 on the topic from 10 top-tier academic journals to understand the research trends in the domain. A literature review has reported eight major subjective categories with an analysis of online marketing effectiveness framework. This review found three most significant subject categories: (1) online marketing issues; (2) Internet usage, perception, and attitude; and (3) online shopping and e-commerce. Additionally, some new online marketing research topics such as word-of-mouth, user-generated content, and social network are also highlighted. Finally, a selection of research topics that got the maximum attention of researchers is presented along with discussion of the future research directions in the online marketing space.  相似文献   


The study focuses on Australian marketing research professionals' perceptions toward ethics in the marketing research profession and research services. These perceptions are specifically related to the ethical environment, ethical guidance, and leadership responsibility, factors leading to unethical marketing research practices and ethical climate characteristics. Overall findings underscore the importance of the role of management in setting the ethical tone and developing an appropriate frame of reference for ethical conduct and guidance in Australian marketing research.  相似文献   

In recent years, the entrepreneurship and emerging markets research streams have intersected. Emerging markets provide an opportunity to examine entrepreneurship in different contexts and forms. This article discusses the current literature that interconnects both research streams in general, comments on the contributions of the articles published in the special issue on entrepreneurship and emerging markets in particular, and sketches out future avenues for research. These contributions span several theoretical lenses, including institutional theory, internationalization theory, transaction cost economics, and the resource‐based view, as well as multiple geographic regions, including China as the largest emerging economy and other countries in East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. We weave a discussion of the extant literature and these contributions inside three key themes: Emerging Markets and China's Uniqueness, Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets, and Future Research on Emerging Markets Entrepreneurship. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

<正>党的十六届四中全会第一次提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的伟大目标,在党的十六届六中全会中,我党又研究了构建社会主义和谐社会的若干重大问题。构建社会主义和谐社会,体现了全党和全国各族人民的共同愿望。  相似文献   

Information technologies help in defining historical eras. Innovations in information technology (IT) often lead to profound changes in social, cultural, and economic processes. Art historical approaches open up a realm of earlier forms of IT and provide productive fresh perspectives on technological innovations. Changes in image production during the Renaissance advanced possibilities for art to address or "hail" the viewer in more personal ways, implicating patrons and consumers alike within the artwork's system of meaning and value. Renaissance patrons successfully appropriated the form and symbols of religious art; contemporary corporations likewise appropriate cultural referent systems within marketing and image campaigns. By considering painting as an IT, we gain theoretical links between disparate yet interlinked cultural fields such as photography, art, marketing communications, and the Internet.  相似文献   

The Fair Trade Movement: Parameters, Issues and Future Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The need for understandable consumer information is critical in today's complex shopping environment. New sources of information emerge on almost a daily basis, yet portions of many messages go unnoticed or are misunderstood. Many persons have impaired or limited perceptual abilities as part of congenital or illness-related conditions, yet their specific experiences, problems, and needs have been infrequently addressed. In the present study, the author examines color-deficient vision and its impacts upon consumer emotions, enjoyment, efficiency, and safety-related aspects of shopping, product use, and advertising comprehension. The responses of actual color-deficient shoppers are examined for common problems, and implications are given for public policy.  相似文献   

In this commentary we reaffirm the position taken by LaPlaca and Katrichis (2009 LaPlaca, P. J. and Katrichis, J. M. 2009. Relative presence of business-to-business research in the marketing literature. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 16(1–2) [Google Scholar]) that there is an underrepresentation of business marketing research in the marketing literature. Our comments highlight the sector size of business marketing in the economy, document the degree of difference on the inherent nature of business versus consumer marketing, compare the relative representation of business versus consumer emphasis in the marketing literature with other subfields, and close by suggesting means for enhancing business marketing research.  相似文献   

林雷 《市场研究》2010,(2):8-10
<正>中国的市场研究行业从诞生到现在已有20年的时间,经历了从起步、学习,到历练、成熟的阶段,取得了持续的快速发展。据CMRA2008年报告对中国市场研究行业规模的评估数据看,中国市场研究行业的营业额逐年递增,已从1998年的6.1亿元增长到了2008年的估计额61.4亿元,增长了十倍之多。从ESOMAR公布的数据看,2007年全球市场研究总收入达280多亿美元,同比增长6.5%。全球市场研究  相似文献   

e-Stores and online shopping have become important aspects of a retailer's strategy. Previous research suggests that online shoppers are fundamentally different from traditional offline shoppers. However, based on the Big Middle Theory (Levy et al. 2005), the authors believe that there are segments of online shoppers that are very similar to regular shopper groups. To determine this, online shopping motivations and e-store attribute importance measures are separately used as the basis to develop online shopper typologies. Results reveal that there are more similarities than differences among traditional and online store shoppers. However, there are a few unique shopper types present at online stores, attracted by the distinctive characteristics and attributes of the online retail environment. The findings offer interesting implications for online retail strategy.  相似文献   

This article introduces three exemplary articles that speak to novel, current, and important issues in marketing and investor behavior. One proposes a novel measure of quality using warranties, another examines the context of common ownership, and another provides a sweeping review of the marketing-finance interface. In addition to introducing these articles in the special section, we examine the major topics and their impact in a quarter-century of research on the marketing-finance interface encompassing 373 articles. We identify ten major topics from which the topic stock performance had the highest coverage (19%). The remaining nine topics are covered roughly equally. The topic with the highest average number of citations is marketing spending followed by new products & innovations. We also identify an increasing number of articles over the last quarter-century that underlines the importance of the research on the marketing-finance interface. Finally, we put forward opportunities for the future of marketing-finance interface fusing novel data sources with decisive firm value outcomes.  相似文献   

This article presents some self-reflective considerations on the methodology applied in advertising scholarly publications, based on a review of articles in four leading journals: Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. This article first identifies two approaches in the positivist paradigm that exert strong impacts on the development of advertising research: the message effects research tradition in the communication field and the consumer psychology research tradition in marketing. With this background, the article next introduces several research questions to explore which methods have dominated advertising research, the role of theory building in affecting the adopted methods and the number of reported studies, differences across the journals, and the degree to which researchers integrate different methods or approaches (quantitative and qualitative) in their research. A content analysis of articles published in these four advertising journals from 2001 to 2015 helps address these research questions and reveals the current status, shifts, and trends in advertising research since the turn of this century.  相似文献   

客户关系管理的研究现状、不足和未来展望   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文认为,企业实施客户关系管理的动因主要有顾客角色的变化与交换双方权力的转移,超强竞争环境,营销管理重心的转变以及互联网等通讯基础设施与技术的蓬勃发展等四个方面。目前客户关系管理研究中的主要问题是狭隘地理解客户关系管理,仅仅将其看作是一种管理软件;顾客权益的内涵尚不明确;尚未找到一种能够平衡顾客价值与企业价值的绩效评价方法;对顾客知识的研究基本空白等。文章还指出了未来客户关系管理研究的四大主要领域,即顾客权益合理内涵、评价方法与驱动因素及其在CRM中的应用;顾客价值的内涵多维动态评价体系、创造机制与驱动因素;顾客知识管理模型与数据挖掘技术的运用以及价值导向型客户关系管理的实施流程与竞争能力等。  相似文献   

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