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现收现付制与人口老龄化关系定量分析   总被引:53,自引:2,他引:51  
程永宏 《经济研究》2005,40(3):57-68
中国目前的养老保险和医疗保险实行的是基金积累制为主的筹资模式。按照有关文献的解释 ,这是因为中国正面临着人口迅速老龄化的压力 ,现收现付制不能有效应对人口老龄化 ,而基金积累制则不存在这一问题。本文构造了一个模型 ,详细分析了现收现付制与人口老龄化的关系 ,给出人口老龄化是否导致现收现付制发生支付危机的定量判别条件 ,并根据人口学相关理论和人口资料预测了 2 0 0 1— 2 0 60年中国人口老龄化趋势 ,从而检验了人口老龄化是否引发现收现付制的支付危机 ,同时给出了现收现付制度下养老金缴费率和人均养老金水平增长率的确定原则。  相似文献   

文章从基金积累度、缴费收益模式、精算相关度等三个维度区分了现收现付制、个账积累制、总账积累制和名义账户制等四种养老保险模式,并从财务稳定性、对劳动力市场的影响、转轨成本、对资本市场发展的影响、监管成本等方面对这四种模式的优势和劣势进行了比较研究。结合中国养老保险改革的困境(如覆盖率和保障水平低、基本制度不统一、统筹层次低)和挑战(如人口老龄化、城乡区域发展不平衡、大规模人口流动),文章分析了名义账户制在中国养老保险改革中的可能贡献,并从技术和监管的角度讨论了名义账户制面临的挑战。  相似文献   

为了应对人口老龄化,各国政府纷纷改变养老金的筹资模式,从现收现付制向基金制转变,实行个人账户,强化个人的责任,我国从1997年起也正式确立了"统账结合"的基金制养老保险制度.  相似文献   

所谓基本养老保险空账,指的是由于在现收现付的养老保险模式下职工没有建立个人账户,当从现收现付制向完全积累制或部分积累制转变时,这些人从参加工作到建立新制度这段时间内的个人账户“有名无实”的现象。“空账”运行给我国的养老保险埋下了隐患。这个问题是中国养老保险制度改革中最为紧迫的问题,如不解决,则新旧养老保险制度难以顺利转轨,难以应对人口老龄化对养老金的需求,企业的负担也势必有增无减。本文就如何解决空账问题,谈谈笔者的看法。  相似文献   

名义账户制——中国养老金体制改革的一个可行选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国养老保险在由现收现付制向"统账结合"模式转变的过程中,不可避免地面临着转轨成本的问题,个人账户长期空账运行.在欧洲和拉美国家的养老金体制改革过程中,名义账户制被证明是解决转轨成本的一个理想方案.本文通过分析"统账结合"模式的特点和空账问题产生的原因,借鉴欧洲和拉美国家采用名义账户制的经验,认为个人账户实行名义账户制是中国养老保险改革在转型过程中的一个可行选择.  相似文献   

在现收现付制中,当前养老金缴费的减少对养老金的给付不一定有消极的影响。由于养老金的给付水平取决于资本份额的分配和跨主观贴现因子,利用简化的戴蒙德的叠代模型证明,当生产资本权重较高和主观贴现因子较低时,当前年轻一代缴费率的减少会提高养老金的给付水平。  相似文献   

如何化解我国养老保险的"隐性债务"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养老保险隐性债务(implicit pension debt,IPD)是指在养老金制度从现收现付制向基金积累制或半基金积累制转变过程中,由于已经工作和退休的人员没有个人账户的积累,而他们又按新制度领取养老金,他们应得的、实际又没有积累的部分称为养老保险隐性债务。  相似文献   

资本市场的成熟和完善是实现积累制养老保障模式的前提条件和根本保证。目前我国资本市场严重滞后于养老保障制度改革的发展,成为我国养老保障模式由现收现付制向部分积累制模式转变的瓶颈和掣肘。积累制养老保障模式的确立,取决于我国资本市场与养老基金之间能否实现积极的互动和良性的循环。  相似文献   

胡秋明 《财经科学》2008,67(6):48-55
养老金制度的模式选择是可持续养老金制度改革的中心议题,内部收益率是对养老金制度运行机理进行经济学分析的重要变量.本文利用两期世代交叠模型的分析方法,对现收现付制待遇确定型、基金积累制缴费确定型以及非积累制缴费确定型三种养老金制度模式的内部收益率进行理论推演和比较分析,并以此为基础分析了三种养老金制度运行机理的经济学内核,以期对养老金制度改革中的模式选择提供一个可以衡量的经济理论解释框架.  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化的加剧,许多实行现收现付制社会保障制度的国家财政负担越来越重,为了保证社会保障制度的可持续性,各国开始寻求新的社会保障筹资模式。在世界银行主推的基金制社会保障制度浪潮下,二十世纪90年代开始,中国结合本国实际情况也开始了社会保障制度的改革,并于1997年开始实施社会保险基金的"部分基金制",即现收现付制与完全基金制相结合的筹资模式。本文阐述了现收现付制和基金制的运行机理并探讨了其与储蓄的关系,并在此基础上,对我国的部分基金制进行解析。本文认为部分基金制的"个人账户"的储蓄功能目前无法得到实际发挥,由于我国目前的经济条件和收入差距悬殊等问题,使得部分基金制向完全基金制的转变应循序渐进,现收现付方式还应是我国目前实行的部分基金制中的侧重部分。  相似文献   

After the implementation of the notional defined contribution (NDC) pension scheme in Italy and Sweden in the ‘90s, some authors argued that its design merely replicates the functioning of the points-based pension schemes already in place in France and Germany. The aim of this article is to assess the soundness of this proposition by comparing the properties of the French points-based pension system (FPS) with those of the NDC scheme, which refrains from intra-cohort redistributions by ensuring substantial uniformity of individual rates of return. In order to assess to what extent the FPS also avoids intra-cohort redistributions, we run several simulations for different career patterns. The results of the simulations show that the discretionary adjustments embedded in the FPS are responsible for random, regressive redistributions. Finally, the article identifies the theoretical ‘equivalence condition’ showing that full correspondence between the two schemes would require replacing the discretionary mechanisms of the FPS with an automatic adjustment of point values.  相似文献   

In the recent decade, there has been observed across the Central and Eastern European states the regulatory trend towards the increase of the non-financial (first) pension pillar size at the expense of the financial (second) pillar. It tends to question the consequences of this shift for the future retirement benefits. Applying the portfolio approach we address this issue by running a series of simulations to find out how to allocate pension contributions between both pillars in an optimal way. Our study contributes to the existing literature as follows. First, we do not perform the assessment of the predetermined regulatory solutions, but we look for an optimal one. Moreover, we allow our optimal rule to be time-varying, if necessary, which would be a true novelty in this research area. Second, we do not base our estimates on historical trends; rather, we apply the long-term economy’s projection to account for the society’s ageing impact, which is a crucially important factor for the solvency of the pension system. Adapting some of the simulation assumptions to fit the Polish case, our results confirm that current regulations underestimate the role of the capital pillar and the optimal allocation between both pillars should be time-varying.  相似文献   

The paper examines pension reforms under population ageing.The concepts of "implicit pension debt", "implicit tax" and"internal rate of return" are first introduced with the helpof a three-period model. Using stylised facts, ageing is tracedto low fertility and increasing longevity. Formulating a benchmarkfor intergenerational fairness leads to a framework for designingpension reforms such that leaving an unfair burden to futuregenerations is avoided. Secondly, a yearly simulation modelis used to arrive at the following main results for reform blueprints: (1) In a Defined Benefit (DB) system, partial pre-funding isneeded to achieve intergenerational fairness unless benefitsare sufficiently reduced; partial privatisation is an optionfor the management of the accumulating funds. (2) Transition from a DB to a Notional Defined Contribution(NDC) system is another reform option; it reduces the replacementrates to levels which match prescribed contribution rates; anNDC public pillar can be accompanied by a second pillar, managedby the private sector. (3) An effective increase in the retirement age is necessaryto moderate the increase in pension expenditure and to preserveadequate pension levels. (4) Pension reforms have important effects on public financetarget setting. (JEL H1, H5, H6)  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of the survivor dividend in notional defined contribution (NDC) pension schemes. At present, this feature can only be found in the Swedish defined contribution scheme. We develop a model that endorses the idea that the survivor dividend has a strong basis for enabling the NDC scheme to achieve financial equilibrium and that not including the dividend is a non-transparent way of compensating for increases in longevity and/or legacy costs from old pension systems. We also find that the average effect of the dividend remains unchanged for any constant annual rate of population growth, that contributors who reach retirement age always get a higher return than the scheme does, and that population growth enables cohorts with more years of contributions to benefit to a greater extent from the dividend effect.  相似文献   

人口老龄化对我国养老保险制度的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人口出生率和死亡率的降低,我国人口老龄化现象逐渐明显.通过对我国人口老龄化的现状和特点的研究,分析我国养老保险基金的运营状况.针对其面临的风险,提出应对养老保险基金风险的政策建议.  相似文献   

替代率是企业养老保险方案设计的关键参数,也是政府制定社会养老决策的关键因素之一.企业年金是多支柱养老保险体系的重要组成部分,关系到中国未来养老体系的健康发展.对养老保险替代率的研究发现,基本养老镏金与企业年金对参与人的经济影响并不确定,因此,制定养老金政策须考虑相关的限制条件,政策倾向应有所差异和侧重,以保证政策目标的实现.  相似文献   

刘琳 《经济与管理》2009,23(2):45-48
目前世界各国的职业年金计划运作模式主要有给付确定型计划和缴费确定型计划两种.针对两种职业年金计划运作模式,结合英国、波兰和美国的职业年金改革实践,从受益者角度看,两种制度各有利弊.缴费确定型计划近年来在各国迅速取代给付确定型计划模式,而中国的企业年金计划则选择基金制的缴费确定型计划运作模式.  相似文献   

在全球老龄化的趋势下,意大利也面临着老龄化严重问题,其老龄化率居欧洲各国之首。意大利在应对老龄化方面采取了一些积极的具体做法,积累了经验,如,改革养老金制度,出台灵活的就业市场政策以及提供老年职业培训等。目前,我国也正面临着老龄化问题的严峻挑战,意大利的做法和经验可为我国决策者提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, we simulate a macroeconometric model of Slovenia over the period 2012–2060, using the projected demographic development as input, and determine time paths for budgetary and macroeconomic variables under alternative assumptions about Slovenian policy instruments so as to limit budgetary pressures stemming from population ageing. The main macroeconomic indicators (growth, employment, price stability, sustainable public finances) are shown to depend on the assumed long-run policy options followed. It is demonstrated that the ageing of the Slovenian population projected in the demographic forecast leads to severe budgetary problems unless increases of the retirement age, rising social security contributions or reductions of state financed pensions are implemented. A reduction of the pension replacement rate turns out to be the most effective measure to cope with the budgetary implications of population ageing. However, none of the analysed policy measures is sufficient to stabilise the debt ratio.  相似文献   

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