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在我国的经济发展过程中,城市化水平不断提高,并伴随有大量的农村人口向城市转移。本文通过构建一个理论分析框架,在城市化水平与农村—城市移民率的变动之间建立一个模型,发现在农村—城市移民率和城市化水平、农村人口与总人口自然增长率之间存在着联系。通过城市化数据分析我国的农村—城市移民率的变化情况,并应用城市化的logistic方程对城市化水平以及农村—城市移民率进行进一步的估计,最后预测它们未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

城镇化的快速发展带来了城乡人口的变迁。从人口的自然结构角度和社会结构角度对城乡人口变迁进行综述,可以总结出人口流动对城市和乡村的人口变迁的影响是多方面的,既促进了城乡人力资源的合理配置、提高了我国国民素质、调节了产业分布,同时,又对城市的流动人口定居、融入城市和农村家庭的稳定、农村劳动力的短缺等问题提出了挑战。  相似文献   

民国以来,关内向东北移民,曾在20世纪20年代中后期达到顶峰。然而,“九·一八”事变的爆发使关内向东北移民的正常进程被打断。事变后移民的人口结构(性别、年龄、职业构成)、地域分布、移民的定居率、迁移过程等方面与事变之前迥然不同,呈现出新的特点。事变前,关内向东北的人口迁移是我国农村劳动力的自由流动,其性质属于中国人口自发的国内转移,是中华民族自身的客观调节运动。事变后,关内与东北间人口的迁移与流动发生了根本变化,即进入东北地区的关内人口,不再是自由流入谋生,而是被作为“苦力”招骗而来,其实质是日本帝国主义对我关内劳动力的强制性掠夺。  相似文献   

研究人口自愿性转移的意愿及影响因素,有利于转移政策的制定与完善,实现人口转移目标。本文基于对三峡生态屏障区农村人口转移的实地调查,运用有序Logit模型,从家庭基本情况、家庭资本、家庭社会保障水平、对以往移民政策的了解程度和其他社会因素等五个方面对其转移意愿进行了分析,研究表明:年龄、家庭参加医疗保险人数、对三峡移民政策了解程度、是否为原三峡移民和现有居住环境及对环境满意度等因素对农村人口的转移意愿有显著性影响。  相似文献   

对中国农村金融制度变迁的制约因素与基本特征的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村金融制度的变迁主要受初始条件、经济体制、发展战略及利益集团的要求等因素的制约,其基本特征表现为:因为金融抑制的存在,农村金融制度变迁是一种非农村经济主体需求导向性的机制演进,由政府主导自上而下强制性供给;自上而下的强制性农村金融制度变迁与自下而上的诱致性农村经济制度变迁路径相背离;农村规范的外生金融与不规范的内生金融的冲突贯穿于整个农村金融制度变迁的全过程。考察农村金融制度的变迁过程,得出:农村金融制度变迁滞后于农村经济制度的变迁;农村金融制度结构与农村经济制度结构不对称;农村金融与农村经济的制度变迁存在相互制约的关系。  相似文献   

跨地区农村人口城市化与区域协调发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当前我国区域协调发展面临的一个重大问题是人口分布与区域经济发展不一致,这也是国家实施主体功能区划所要解决的一个重要难题.跨尺度、跨区域的农村人口城市化则是实现区域协调发展并最终形成国家主体功能区格局的一个重要方式.文章从当前的“城市农民工”现象分析了农村人口迁移对农民自身生活提高,迁入区工业化城市化发展,迁出区生态环境改善等促进区域协调发展的重大作用,并从“区域”视角分析了“地方权利边界”对农村人口转移的“机制性”限制,从城市政府提供公共服务能力、城市资源约束及城市发展空间约束等分析了城市化地域对农村转移人口的“客观限制”.文章提出,在国家实施主体功能区区划框架下,应通过加大中西部农村教育支持,提高农村人口人力资本水平,从长远考虑实施教育移民战略,改革区域性农村土地生产关系,在中国东中部地域扩大重点开发区范围,积极引导发展劳动密集型产业等化解城市地域对农村转移人口的限制,从而在实践中国农村人口城市化过程中实现区域协调发展.  相似文献   

湖南境内各流域的历史人口变迁是很不平衡的。自汉代至明代,沅水流域的人口增长缓慢,从清代至二十世纪后期,人口呈现空前加速增长态势,表现出鲜明的阶段性。在人口迁移等因素的影响下,流域人口在各个时期的分布重心虽然逐渐移至下游,但也存在复杂的变动现象。地理条件、政治环境、移民和少数民族等因素明显地制约着沅水流域的人口变迁。沅水流域人口变迁的这些特征影响着流域社会经济和文化的发展。  相似文献   

农村人口城市化是实现主体功能区价值目标的根本途径   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
即将实施的国家主体功能区划提出了一个重大的发展命题,即中国的人口配置和促进农村人口城市化。文章因此分析了农业农村发展的历史局限性和"农业移民"道路的终结。通过对中国广大农村尤其西北、西南地区地理环境的研究表明,当地既没有发展农村小城镇的条件也没有发展大规模城市化工业化区域的条件,中国要实现农村人口城市化就必须实行大跨度的农村人口向城市的迁徙。同时指出,中国人口城市化进程中来自农村人口跨区域流动的机械增长比例很小,其障碍因素很多,并提出了促进农村人口城市化的政策建议。  相似文献   

目前我国农村经济发展中存在的一个主要问题是农业经济中传统农业仍占主导地位,生产力发展水平不高。现存“家庭承包、统分结合”的双层经营体制虽然克服了旧体制下的许多弊病,但农户家庭经济仍保留了传统小农经济的基本特征。传统农业特征的延续绝非偶然,它涉及的主要问题均可归结到农村人口经济问题这一点上。本文从农村人口特征的分析入手,系统考察我国农村人口对经济发展的影响,并对农村人口再生产、农村人口流动和人口素质等人口经济的核心问题进行探讨,据此提出我国农村人口与经济协调发展措施。  相似文献   

工程性移民安置的国际经验及对我国西部开发的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工程性移民是指受水利、交通、电力、通讯、环保等重大基础设施建设过程中的工程影响而引发的的非自愿性的迁移人口,它是现代社会非战争环境中非自愿性移民的主要组成部分。西部大开发面临着规模巨大的工程性移民安置的问题。仅仅长江三峡工程一个项目的动态移民人口即达114万人之巨。可以预见,随着“十五”期间国家中西部开发力度的加大,该地区工程性移民的规模和问题将更加明显地突现出来。  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic efficiency-wage model to analyze the consequences of immigration for a small country when there is discrimination against immigrants in a dual labor market with unemployment. Discrimination is of the type ‘equal pay for equal work, but unequal work’ which is characteristic of economies with ‘guest-worker’ systems. The model exhibits three regimes for rising immigration levels. Immigration is most beneficial for natives in the intermediate regime. An analysis of regime switches shows that changes attributable to ‘globalization’ and technical progress are consistent with growing opposition to immigration.  相似文献   


Although the European Union has made notable steps towards completion of the economic and monetary union, fiscal convergence, banking union and capital markets union, potential integration of pensions and social security has not advanced as much. As the European Union countries have experienced increased migration/refugee flows over the last decade, the question is whether migrants/refugees can influence the adequacy of member-state pension schemes and potentially allow for a Pan-European Pension Plan. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to investigate, as a prelude to pension integration, whether immigration and emigration affect pension assets, liabilities, and the asset-liability gap and to identify the determinants of this gap. Using generalized method of moments estimation, evidence is found that increases in immigration and decreases in emigration (as a percent of the population) lead to an increase in the assets of autonomous pension funds. Analogously, increases in valid permits (as a percent of the population) and decreases in unemployment (as a percent of the labor force) result in a decrease in liabilities (benefits) of autonomous pension funds. The novelties of this study are the identification of factors that affect pension assets, liabilities and the asset-liability gap at a country level and the contribution of immigration from non-EU countries to closing the asset-liability gap. The findings can be used to draft pension and migration policies at a pan-European level.


In this paper we employ a wage‐setting approach to analyze the labor market effects of immigration into Germany from 1980 to 2004. This enables us to consider labor market rigidities, which are prevalent in Europe. We find that the elasticity of the wage‐setting curve is particularly high for young workers. Moreover, natives and foreigners are imperfect substitutes. The wage and employment effects of immigration depend on the skill structure of the immigrant workforce. Because the foreign labor supply shift has mainly affected the high‐skilled labor market segment, the 4 percent increase of the workforce through immigration has not increased either aggregate or foreign unemployment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the labor market impacts of immigration under flexible and rigid labor market regimes. A general equilibrium framework is developed, accounting for skill heterogeneity and labor market frictions, where unemployed medium‐skilled manufacturing workers are downgraded into low‐skilled service jobs, while low‐skilled service workers might end up unemployed. The analytical analysis shows that medium‐skill immigration decreases low‐skilled unemployment under the flexible regime, indicating a complementarity effect, while the rigid regime induces a substitution effect, leading to low‐skilled unemployment. Moreover, it leads to wage polarization. In a numerical analysis, the economic effects of different migration scenarios are quantified.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence on immigration flows into the OECD countries during the period 1990-2000. Our results indicate that network effects are strong, but vary between different groups of welfare states and between countries according to the type of immigration policy being applied. Network effects seem to be less important in the Nordic countries which also seem to attract immigrants from the lowest income level source countries. We do not find clear evidence that selection effects measured by migration flows being sensitive to differences in public social expenditures have had a major influence on the observed migration patterns until now. This may partly be explained by restrictive migration policies which may have dampened the potential selection effects.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a generally applicable model to examine the eventual motivations both for internal migration and external immigration. For this reason our model involves not only economic motivations of development and geographical economics but also social motivations of behavior economics. We tested the model through Turkish internal and external population flows toward German regions. Our analysis contains the first regional‐level immigration analysis between an EU country (Germany) and Turkey. The main results are: (i) the purely economic motivations are more important than the social motivations; (ii) among the economic motivations income level and economic size of host regions are the biggest ones; and (iii) and the network externalities play a more important role than the herd effect. Subsequently, we estimated some country‐specific factors on im/migration. The main results are: (i) joining to the Customs Union led to acceleration in intern migration but slowing‐down in external immigration; (ii) even though Turkey acts slowly in adopting EU reforms, the EU reform process seems to reduce the economic and social stress on Turkish im/migration; and (iii) the reunification of Germany created a constraint on Turkish immigration flows toward German regions.  相似文献   

彭文进 《经济研究导刊》2010,(33):250-251,286
20世纪末21世纪初,俄罗斯爆发了第四次人口危机,这次人口危机发生在和平年代,人口出生率小于人口死亡率,俄罗斯每年减少近100万人口。由于"缺人",许多村庄荒芜,大量工作无人干,西伯利亚和远东的开发也是纸上谈兵。俄罗斯政府若再不考虑从国外移民,国家将面临"无人为继"的尴尬局面。从"外来移民计划"、"优秀人才向外移民严重"、"外国劳工人数下降"和"中国威胁论"四个方面论述了俄罗斯人口与移民状况,说明必须增加外来高素质移民来抵消人口危机给俄罗斯的经济社会发展带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

"The objective of this paper is to describe and understand the determinants of changes in the number and quality of new legal immigrants to the United States over the last 25 years. Our main interest is in understanding the behavioral response of potential immigrants to changes in the U.S. immigration law regime (as well as in the origin-country determinants of demand for immigration to the United States) and how these affect and have affected the skill composition of immigrants.... [The authors] assembled a new data set based on annual INS records of all new, legal immigrants over the period 1972 through 1995.... Inspection of our new data indicates that since the mid 1980s the average skill of new, U.S. legal immigrants has been rising relative to that of the U.S. population. An econometric analysis of a panel of country-specific measures of the skill of immigrants based on these data over the period 1972-1992 indicates that these changes are due in part to changes in immigration law and to the overall rise in the real purchasing power of countries outside the United States."  相似文献   

We offer an empirical, econometric analysis of the impact of migration on the EU27’s NUTS2 regions in the period 2000–2007. We find that migration had no significant impact on regional unemployment in the EU, but affected both GDP per capita and productivity. A 1 percentage point increase in immigration to immigration regions increased GDP per capita by about 0.02?% and productivity by about 0.03?% on impact and by 0.44?% for GDP per capita and 0.20?% for productivity in the long run. For emigration regions an increase in the emigration rate leads to similar reductions of GDP per capita and productivity both on impact and in the long run. Since immigration regions are often regions with above average GDP, while emigration regions in Europe practically all have below average GDP, migration does not seem to promote convergence.  相似文献   

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