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通过对14位成年子女照料者的深度访谈,揭示了成年子女照料者在照料老年父母过程中的种种积极体验,例如欣慰和满足、快乐与亲密的感觉,获得思想成熟和个人价值的实现等。这些积极的照料体验不仅强化着成年子女的照料责任感,也帮助他们在一定程度上对抗和克服照料压力。研究发现有助于人们获得关于家庭照料者角色的更为全面的认识,有利于老年人及其家庭照料者社会支持和服务工作的开展。  相似文献   

利用北京地区子女移居国外的老年人家庭生活状况调查数据,采用改进的合作群体理论模型,分别从老人和子女角度综合考察了子女移居国外、其老年父母在国内居住的家庭代际支持的影响因素。子女移居国外减少了老人的日常照料;移民子女的代际关系存在向西方"接力模式"演变的趋势。留守国内的老年人对经济支持的需求得到满足,而获取日常照料的关键因素则是子女数量、居住关系以及子女的孝道意识;子女之间的分工按照资源配置最优原则和互惠原则进行,其中"养儿防老"模式被取代,女儿发挥着更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着中国人口老龄化,居家养老成为老年人照顾领域中重要的养老方式。对深圳老人成年子女照顾者的问卷调查数据分析发现,接近三分之一的老年人选择和成年子女共同生活,成年子女照顾者在照顾老人的过程中面临压力,男性和女性照顾者在经济、时间和心理所受到的压力有所差异。老人在经济方面更依赖男性照顾者,而在生活照料方面则更依赖女性照顾者,老人更倾向于与儿子同住,成年子女照顾者也对居家养老服务提出了具体的需求。  相似文献   

多代直系家庭成员之间紧密的社会经济联系是我国家庭文化的重要特征,因而老年人在家庭照料等方面具有重要的社会价值.文章利用2010年、2012年和2014年中国家庭追踪调查数据,构建面板模型并实证分析了老年父母的隔代照料及料理家务活动对子女劳动供给的影响.结果发现,老年父母的隔代照料显著提高了子女的劳动供给,其中男性劳动参与率提高了6.3%,女性提高了14.3%,并且女性的工作时间增加幅度远大于男性.此外,隔代照料对农村居民劳动参与率的影响大于城市居民,而对城市居民就业的影响主要体现在工作时间上,公共服务不均等以及就业能力和工作性质的差距是异质性产生的重要原因.文章从老年人影响青年人劳动力供给的角度,验证了老年人的社会价值,也从侧面说明了中国女性为何有条件更加“勤劳”.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国老年人身体健康对照料需求和照料模式选择的作用。实证上,通过大样本慢阻肺随机干预实验,采用双重差分估计的结果表明:(1)在慢阻肺干预实验后,实验组老年人身体健康显著改善。照料需求大幅度减少,健康改善带来老年照料利用概率减少了35.5%;(2)实验组照料需求的减少主要发生在社会照料需求方面,健康改善带来社会照料利用概率减少了67.8%,而家庭照料基本保持不变;(3)异质性检验表明,潜在家庭照料资源越少的家庭,社会照料需求的下降越明显。从理论的角度,上述实证结果支持家庭在老年人照料模式选择中存在"啄序偏好":家庭首先动用所有内部照料资源,然后再使用社会照料,从而导致社会照料对健康的敏感度更高。本文的政策含义是,事前的预防性健康干预政策能够显著减轻家庭在照料特别是社会照料方面的负担。对于内部非正式照料资源较少的家庭,预防性健康干预政策的减负效果尤为显著。  相似文献   

张永峰  路瑶 《财经研究》2022,48(5):64-79
家庭中普遍存在成年子女照料老龄父辈健康的现象,这在饱受儒家文化熏陶的中国表现得尤为明显。文章利用2015年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据研究发现:父辈隐性健康变化并未引致子女退出劳动力市场,而父辈显性健康变化对子女劳动供给存在显著的挤出效应。总体来看,父辈健康变化对农村子女、女性子女、分开居住的子女和代际支持更高的子女劳动供给的挤出效应更加显著。同时,父辈隐性健康变化显著增加了雇佣护理人员的可能性。在父辈健康照料中,在追求家庭效用最大化约束条件下,护理人员部分替代子女成为相对理性的选择。进一步研究发现,医疗保险、子女数量的增加和医疗条件的改善有助于平滑父辈健康变化对子女劳动供给的冲击,缓解父辈健康变化对子女劳动供给的挤出效应,尤其是在家庭子女数量超过2时,这一缓解作用更加显著。文章的研究验证了“抚养-赡养”这种代际互惠模式在中国的存在性,因此需要警惕老龄化加深和人口红利缩减双重背景下父辈隐性健康变化和显性健康变化转换对中国劳动力市场的冲击。  相似文献   

社会参与是衡量老年人生活质量的标准之一,良好的社会参与对促进个体的社会适应,提高社会健康水平尤为重要。采用CHARLS2015数据库,利用有序回归模型分析老年人社会参与—子女照料对健康状况的影响。模型表明,社会参与—子女照料对老年人健康状况具有显著的积极影响。参与社会活动的老年人健康状况优于未参与社会活动的老年人;与子女居住得较近、能够得到子女经济支持的老年人健康状况优于不能得到子女照料的老年人。  相似文献   

目前中国养老出现了一种现象,在一些大城市里家庭养老的责任在逐渐下降,虽然中国养老金的覆盖面不广,差距较大,但是拥有养老金的老人越来越少,得从子女那获得经济帮助,反而还要为子女提供一定的经济帮助,老年人在自己可以自给自足的情况下还要背负对成年子女的家庭责任。在这样的背景下,重在研究政府养老是否对家庭养老具有"挤出"或者"挤入"效应,了解政府养老对家庭养老的影响力度,给提高老年人福利,促进家庭养老与社会养老平衡发展提供政策性依据。  相似文献   

随着中国"老龄化"趋势的不断加强,社会快节奏下年轻人压力的不断增大,通过对南京市五个区调研数据的整理分析,发现当前中国城市家庭老年人呈现出经济上和精神上独立性均加强的趋势;老年人在代际关系中的交换动机减弱,对成年子女的下一代的照顾越来越"无私";老年人真正享受退休生活的时间减少,负担家庭责任的时间延长。同时也发现养老金分配不均、差距大的问题。对此也提出政策性意见。  相似文献   

中国的市场化深刻转型和经济快速发展极大地增强了女性的经济社会地位,女儿更有能力提升父母的福利;但同时由于从传统社会向现代社会的转型尚未彻底完成,传统农业文明下形成的"重男轻女"观念仍然存在,因此女儿是否给父母带来比儿子更多的幸福感,就仍然是一个有待检验的经验问题。本文利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2008年数据定量研究子女性别对父母幸福感的影响。借助第一胎子女性别的外生性,本文发现,在子女的婴幼儿以及中小学读书阶段,子女性别对父母幸福感无显著影响;而到了子女的结婚生子阶段,儿子带给父母的幸福感比女儿显著更低。特别地,本文没有发现儿子通过"养儿防老"渠道给父母带来更高幸福感的证据:分析显示女儿带给老年父母的幸福感也比儿子更高,这对于有养老保险的父母尤为显著;但发现了父母因为"助儿买房"而损失幸福感的证据:城市里更高房价让男孩父母的幸福感更低。  相似文献   

老年人日常照料是老年人养老的核心问题之一。运用"2006年中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查"数据对老年人日常照料角色介入的差序格局进行研究。从宏观上看,传统的差序格局仍然存在,但随着社会存在的变化差序格局随之变化,且由于家庭养老人力资源的急剧下降,这种格局存在进一步被打破的趋势。可以预见,处于差序格局最边缘的社会圈层将成为未来老年人照料的重要力量。对老年人日常照料差序格局的城乡化差异作了比较。  相似文献   

Throughout Europe, the family is still an important provider of care, but welfare state policies of individual countries may support and/or supplement the family in different ways, generating different social and economic outcomes. This article compares and categorizes care strategies for children and elderly persons in different member states of the European Union, while also taking into account the varied modalities for providing care, like leave arrangements, financial provisions, and social services. In EU countries, care regimes function as “social joins” ensuring complementarity between economic and demographic institutions and processes. As these processes and institutions change, they provide impetus for care regimes to change as well. However, because ideas and ideals about care are at the core of individual national identities, care regimes also act as independent incentive structures that impinge on patterns of women's labor market participation and fertility.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(1-2):281-304
This paper uses a reform in Illinois that reduced the monthly subsidy offered to relatives asked to provide foster care as a plausibly exogenous change in the cost of caring for related children. Families offered a 30% lower wage were 15% less likely to provide care, with especially large declines for children who require mental health services, infants and teenagers. One innovation is a sample selection model that uses the foster care placement tendency of child protection investigators to predict entry into the sample—an instrument that should be unrelated to family characteristics due to a rotational assignment process that effectively randomizes investigators to families. Meanwhile, child health, education, and placement outcomes do not appear to suffer following the decline in the subsidy offer, consistent with similar quality levels among marginal kin and non-kin caregivers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of providing care to elderly parents for adult children's retirement plans using micro data from a Japanese survey. We find no significant effect of caregiving on family caregivers’ planned retirement age if we do not take into account caregiving intensity but find a negative and significant effect on retirement plans for intensive caregivers, particularly among women. These findings suggest that relying on family members to provide elderly care can pose a serious challenge to the ongoing efforts of the government to promote the labor supply of women and the elderly as a way of addressing the shrinkage of the working‐age population in Japan. The estimation results suggest that ensuring access to formal care services can help family members reconcile their paid work with caregiving requirements, thereby alleviating the adverse effect of caregiving on their retirement plans. The results also suggest that the financial burden of formal care services could require caregivers to postpone retirement in some cases.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the usefulness of quantifying and valuing time spent on unpaid care work and explores the links between social policies, unpaid care work, and gender equality in the context of recent social care reforms in the Republic of Korea. Using information provided by two nationally representative surveys, this article elaborates on the gendered organization of care provision and the total costs of care services for children and the elderly, including unpaid family care, family expenditures on care services, and state support in the form of public expenditures. The study finds that omitting the role of family care services overestimates the state's role in caring for children and elderly adults. A closer look at the impact of long-term care insurance reveals the need for integrated analyses of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the social organization of care, especially in regard to gender equality.  相似文献   

This paper builds on previous satellite accounts that treat households as production units, but challenges their measurement and valuation of time devoted to child care, making a case for the inclusion of supervisory child care time that does not overlap with other productive activities. We also suggest several other methodological refinements for estimates based on analysis of data from the American Time Use Survey: application of a vector of specialized replacement cost wage estimates for different child care activities rather than a single wage, and adjustments for the ratio of children to adults present and for the educational attainment of caregivers. Our estimates of the value of child care alone in 2004 and 2010 exceed previous estimates of the value of all non‐market household production in the U.S. The end result is an upward adjustment of Gross Domestic Product by about 43 percent compared to previous adjustments of about 26 percent.  相似文献   

We study the design of public long‐term care (LTC) insurance when the altruism of informal caregivers is uncertain. We consider non‐linear policies where the LTC transfer depends on the level of informal care, which is assumed to be observable, while children's altruism is not. Our policy encompasses two policies traditionally considered in the literature: topping up policies consisting of a transfer independent of informal care, and opting out policies entailing a positive transfer only if children fail to provide care. We show that both total and informal care should increase with the children's level of altruism. This is obtained under full and asymmetric information. Public LTC transfers, on the other hand, may be non‐monotonic. Under asymmetric information, public LTC transfers are lower than their full information level for the parents whose children are the least altruistic, while it is distorted upward for the highest level of altruism. This is explained by the need to provide incentives to highly altruistic children. In contrast to both topping up and opting out policies, the implementing contract is always such that social care increases with informal care.  相似文献   

The European employment strategy initiated in 1997 is critically dependent upon the further integration of women into the labor market. The European Union has set a specific target employment rate for women of 60 percent by 2010 and is also committed to providing more and better child care facilities. This gender focus is reinforced by the requirement for gender mainstreaming in all aspects of European employment policy. There is an implied Europe-wide, universal policy of encouraging female labor-market participation and reducing the care work performed by domestic labor. However, the European Commission continues to have limited competence in areas of family, social, and welfare policy. As a result, these common employment objectives for women are thus being pursued against a background of quite different systems of social, family, welfare, and indeed labor-market organization. These systems have different economic and employment implications, such that the outcomes of the common European employment strategy will also be highly variable.  相似文献   

对上海城区697对75岁及以上的体弱老人及其家庭亲属照顾者作了抽样调查和统计分析。家庭亲属照顾者的照顾资源是影响高龄体弱老人生活满意度的显著因素。经济资源充分、家庭和朋友支持充足、健康自评相对好、运用积极应对策略的照顾者有较高的生活满意度。要提升家庭亲属照顾者的心理健康,首要的任务之-是增强照顾资源,包括经济的、健康的、心理的、社会的资源。  相似文献   

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