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社区健康教育是通过信息传播和行为干预,帮助个人和群体掌握卫生保健知识,树立健康观念,自愿采纳有利于健康行为和生活方式的教育活动与过程。而在社区传播中医养生知识、大力宣传中医"治未病"的核心理念,达到发动和引导社区居民  相似文献   

在人们健康意识不断提高和电视分众化传播时代以及浅阅览时代到来的背景下,电视健康节目不断涌现并受到越来越多观众的喜爱。这其中存在着电视节目娱乐化趋势明显、传播者专业水准欠缺等问题。在今后节目的开办过程中,应注重提高电视制作者和主持人的专业素养,使其树立正确的传播观念;同时还应提高约请专家的专业能力并将专业术语简单化,这样才能传播更多的健康知识,提高传播效果。  相似文献   

当前,"体育与健康"课程教学改革已进入新阶段,根据其教学大纲开展体育教学是诸多高校面临的重要课题。高校应积极构建新的体育教学体系,为学生创造全新的体育学习方式,使其掌握相关体育知识、快乐学习,切实提高其心理素质和身体素质。根据"体育与健康"教学大纲的要求,对高校体育教学新体系的构建进行简单分析。  相似文献   

护理健康教育是向人们提供改变行为和生活方式所必需的知识、技术与服务等,是有目标、有计划、有组织、有系统、有评价的教育活动,是一种“以患者的健康为中心”的新型护理模式。随着护理模式的转变,护理健康教育已成为护理工作重要的组成部分,各种形式的护理健康教育在国内得到快速的传播和应用。现就国内开展较为广泛的护理健康教育形式、存在的问题以及对策进行总结与分析。  相似文献   

目的通过社区管理及健康教育,提高慢性盆腔炎(CPID)患者的健康意识,掌握相关知识,提高治疗效果。方法回顾性分析本社区的112例CPID患者的资料,对所给予的社区管理和具体的健康教育措施进行系统的总结。结果全部患者的健康意识得到明显提高,临床效果得到提高,复发率明显降低。结论健康教育对CPID患者病情的恢复,生活质量的提高具有重要作用。  相似文献   

健康传播是市场导向的企业承担社会责任的一个重要方面。企业主动参与健康传播,是实现企业社会责任的必要手段;从事信息大规模生产、复制及传播的媒介组织应发挥其在健康传播中的倡导和社会动员作用。在此基础上,明确了企业社会责任对应的健康传播层次。第一,预防职业性危害,提供高品质的产品和服务,广告的信息合乎医学;第二,道德贸易;第三,支持和捐助公益事业与人类健康医疗卫生相关的个体和组织机构。  相似文献   

知识共享机制与方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭岚  马明 《当代经济》2004,(5):67-68
知识经济时代.公司的兴衰更多地取决于技术创新能力.这种能力的基础是公司对知识的掌握程度。换句话讲,就是公司员工对知识的掌握程度。因此,提高员工的知识水平已经成为商业上的迫切要求,要达到这个目的.知识共享是至关重要的。知识共享涉及重要信息资产的识别、捕捉.存储、提取和交流。但是,在传统工作环境中人们对知识共享有一种自然抵制。  相似文献   

根据中医理论对糖尿病患者进行辨证施护及健康教育,3个月后进行干预效果评价。患者及家属了解相关知识,帮助患者更好地配合相关治疗,掌握自我管理及预防并发症发生的技巧,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

目的对健康教育在全科医疗工作中发挥的重要作用进行讨论分析,以确定健康教育在全科医疗工作中的地位。方法全科医疗不仅限于传统医学以治疗疾病为目的的工作,是对患者进行治疗、康复、预防以及心理和社会等多方面工作的新型医疗模式。结果在全科医疗工作中大力开展健康教育,普及卫生知识,提高人民群众的自我保健意识和自我保健能力,有利于全科医疗工作的发展和完善。结论全科医生不仅要对患者发生的疾病进行预防、护理及康复等工作,同时应掌握心理学及社会学的相关知识,不仅应作为一名合格的医生,同时应是社会医学在一线医疗领域的全面实践者。健康教育贯穿于全科医学工作的全部内容,是全科医疗工作的先导,通过积极开展健康教育,有利于推动全科医疗服务工作进入有序的良性循环。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,人们对健康的重视程度越来越高,对体育锻炼的要求也随之越来越高。休闲性、娱乐性、游戏性成为人们对体育活动追求的目标,休闲体育应用而生。体育作为素质教育的一部分,在指导学生掌握体育技能的同时,更重要的是教给学生体育锻炼的态度和习惯,将休闲体育教育适当的引入到青少年的体育教育中可以在一定程度上补充传统体育教育的内容和手段。本文采用资料分析法,从休闲体育教育对青少年生理、心理以及社会交往能力等方面分析休闲体育教育在青少年体育教育过程中的价值。  相似文献   

以"需求层次理论"为依据,将农民工的信息需求从低到高分为物质信息、安全信息、尊重信息、自我实现信息四类,分别考察了四类信息的获取障碍。农民工的信息获取普遍存在较大障碍,层次越高的信息障碍越大;新生代农民工不同亚群体在信息获取障碍方面存在差异;信息环境、社会融合、信息费用是新生代农民工信息获取障碍的主要影响因素,两代农民工的影响因素同中有异。  相似文献   

Increased public access to environmental information contributes to a greater awareness of environmental matters. However, there is no specific structure of public Environmental Information Systems (EIS) for institutions and other social partners to accomplish this goal. Multimedia has been largely used in EIS. Mobile services may play a new role within communicating multimedia environmental information in a citizenship framework. Furthermore, the use of mobile services may promote the development of Mobile Information Society (MIS). Hence, there are currently plenty of technologies to adopt in order to reach the public. This paper is focused on exploring whether Multimedia Mobile Services (MMS) can contribute to augmenting public environmental awareness. A platform of common mobile devices was successfully used to test mobile public access to environmental information in Portugal. This enabled the exploration of real environmental services in mobile contexts. Furthermore, an advanced interactive prototype was developed indoors to simulate a Location-Based Service (LBS) applied to coastal zones. Recommendations for future work are presented.  相似文献   

This paper explores what determines the adoption of health information technologies through the use of a case study of a wireless service prototype developed for patients with diabetes and obesity. A technology acceptance model was used as the basis for developing the theoretical framework, which was later tested through a field study. Results indicated that the usefulness of an e-health service was affected by the quality of service, its compatibility with users’ lifestyle, the quality of support, the quality of information presented in the service, usage time, image, accessibility, and ease-of-use characteristics of the service. Designers should develop services that do not require much usage time as users do not want to spend much time using the service. In addition, users should be able to access data presented in the service quickly and easily when they need it. Customisable menu items and short cut keys can be used to make data access quick and easy.  相似文献   

The study uses a unique survey of remittance‐receiving individuals from Tajikistan to study the impact of policy awareness on consumer behavior. The results show that knowledge of deposit insurance encourages the use of formal channels for transmitting remittances and reduces dollarization. Given the size and importance of remittances in Tajikistan, improving financial literacy and better publicizing details of the social safety net may encourage a more frequent use of formal channels for transferring remittances and reduce reliance on foreign exchange for transaction purposes. This is likely to improve bank profitability, enhance financial stability, and improve access to finance.  相似文献   

Some of the most important resources are intangible, such as knowledge and access to networks. In the developing world, technology can facilitate these resources and address basic human needs in a variety of ways: from provision of farmer training and cloud-controlled clean water systems to health information and mobile money services. Some of these services expand access to resources in ways that particularly benefit women. In environments where women are disadvantaged socially and economically, information and communications technologies (ICT) can enable women to access valuable information, consider a broader range of business opportunities, access wider markets, partake in educational programs, and share experiences with and gain mentorship from other women. However, there are large gender gaps in the access to technology, particularly in rural areas. To begin, I briefly discuss the role of technology in development, and consider the extent and significance of technology gender gaps. Next, I review key barriers to reducing these gaps, and discuss the concept of social innovation as it applies to technology interventions. Examples from five social innovations in India — a country with large technology gender gaps — illustrate the range of possibilities for innovative access to and use of ICT for diverse target groups. I conclude with some suggestions for further improvement in this area.  相似文献   

This article features an analysis of the relationship between the DOW JONES Industrial Average (DJIA) Index and a sentiment news series using daily data obtained from the Thomson Reuters News Analytics (TRNA) provided by SIRCA (The Securities Industry Research Centre of the Asia Pacific). The recent growth in the availability of on-line financial news sources, such as internet news and social media sources provides instantaneous access to financial news. Various commercial agencies have started developing their own filtered financial news feeds which are used by investors and traders to support their algorithmic trading strategies. TRNA is one such data set. In this study, we use the TRNA data set to construct a series of daily sentiment scores for DJIA stock index component companies. We use these daily DJIA market sentiment scores to study the relationship between financial news sentiment scores and the stock prices of these companies using entropy measures. The entropy and mutual information (MI) statistics permit an analysis of the amount of information within the sentiment series, its relationship to the DJIA and an indication of how the relationship changes over time.  相似文献   

随着教育信息化步伐的加快,信息素质日益成为中小学体育老师所必须具备的基本素质。运用问卷调查法、访谈法对佳木斯市中小学体育教师的信息素质的现状进行分析和研究,结果表明,佳木斯市中小学体育教师信息意识有待于加强,信息知识比较贫乏,信息能力也普遍较差。  相似文献   

思想政治理论教学的最终目的,不是传授一套抽象的理论化知识体系,而是提高学生的政治素养和道德行为能力。当前,在高校思想政治理论教学中,由于偏重于宏观视角下的理论教育和知识学习,缺乏微观视角下的个体认知和情感培养,结果容易导致学生政治理论知识学习与提高实际政治素养和道德行为能力的脱节。这就有必要在思想政治理论课教学中辩证运用宏观视角和微观视角,在帮助学生获得抽象政治理论知识的同时,也促进其个体情感的丰富和道德敏感性的增强,最终有助于提高学生在社会实践中的政治素养和道德行为能力。  相似文献   

The rapid spread of information and communication technology (ICT) in Asia offers the promise of a “digital revolution” for agriculture. But realizing such gains will depend on overcoming digital poverty traps, whereby significant numbers of poor smallholders inhabiting remote regions are unable to take advantage of the benefits of ICT for agriculture and thus remain mired in poverty. This phenomenon is illustrated in a model of a poor household located in a remote region that cannot accumulate sufficient ICT skills. To avoid such outcomes, policies need to be targeted at both the lack of access by smallholders to ICT for farming and their insufficient skills to use the new technologies. Increased public investments to extend “last-mile infrastructure” in digital services are necessary but not sufficient. Complementary investments in developing rural infrastructure, appropriate ICT business models and services, and improvement of the digital literacy of smallholders are also essential.  相似文献   

Mortality as an Indicator of Economic Success and Failure   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Quality of life depends on various physical and social conditions, such as the epidemiological environment in which a person lives. The availability of health care and the nature of medical insurance—public as well as private—are among the important influences on life and death. So are other social services, including basic educa tion and the orderliness of urban living, and the access to modern medical knowledge in rural communities. The statistics on mortality draw our attention to all these policy issues. Mortality information can throw light also on the nature of social inequalities, including gender bias and racial disparities  相似文献   

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