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20世纪90年代之后,自愿性劳工标准蓬勃发展,并逐渐取代传统劳工标准成为劳工标准的主要形式。本文通过对影响力最大的自愿性劳工标准SA8000实际应用情况的介绍,分析了其对我国对外贸易发展的重要性和该标准使用的局限性,并对我国政府、企业合理使用该标准提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

为了保障铁路行车安全,文章研究了线路运营期间高速道岔各部分形态控制标准以及维修养护的静态和动态的检查内容与标准.为我国客运专线道岔安全使用提出了有益建议.  相似文献   

论网络环境下版权的合理使用制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络的出现和发展对传统版权理论提出了严峻的挑战。网络环境给版权的合理使用制度带来了冲击。在对合理使用作出限制的同时应考虑使用人的权利,合理使用规则的判断标准应由传统走向现代化。  相似文献   

世界银行工程采购标准招标文件从开始制订颁布发展到2006年最新版,经历了多次修订.但目前国内对该文件的介绍仍然基于其2000版或2004版.本文将介绍和分析该文件的最新结构变化和主要内容的变化,并对使用该文件提出了具体的建议,希望为我国相关人员学习、研究和使用这套国际权威的标准招标文件提供帮助.  相似文献   

团体标准制定有助于激发市场主体活力,增加标准有效供给,提升产品竞争力。然而,在高技术产业团体标准使用中,团体标准的专利权人在对外许可专利时往往存在信息隐匿的机会主义行为。根据高技术产业团体标准专利池的专利特点,分析了高技术产业团体标准专利许可的信息隐匿问题,探究了问题存在的原因。同时通过案例研究,在总结与对比国内外对高技术产业团体标准专利许可信息隐匿监管的基础上,进一步针对中国提出政策建议,以期推进中国高技术产业团体标准的培育与发展,提升高技术产业竞争力,实现经济提质增效。  相似文献   

Windows Vista中的用户账户控制(UAC)提出了全新的标准用户权限概念,使用户能使用标准用户完成日常大多数的应用而且能有效防止恶意软件的影响。但是,要对系统进行实质性、全局性的操作还需要更进一步的用户权限,也就是高级管理权限,Vista同样也提出了完整的解决方案。  相似文献   

针对消防部队财务监管实际,阐述了如何以部队中心工作为重点,抓好经费预算管理,以强化经费标准管理为立足点,提高经费的使用效益;提出了加强部队财务监督的具体措施.  相似文献   

卫生部3月25日正式发布《食品添加剂使用卫生标准》,于2008年6月1日起实施。新修订标准具有以下特点:一、进一步明确了食品添加剂种类和使用范围。将食品添加剂分为22类,共1812种。二、标准的科学性进一步提高。提高了标准的适用性和先进性。三、建立了适用于食品添加剂使用的食品分类系统,使标准的操作性进一步增强。  相似文献   

出租车计价器不准确,会多收乘客费用,降低顾客对出租车行业的信用评价。因此,必须对计价器进行计量检定。在计价器计量检定中,使用误差标准装置完成计价器的检定。出租车安装标准的计价器是提高诚信的一个有效途径。在使用误差标准装置进行计价器检定时,需要对滚轮周长进行测量,分析测量不确定度分量,合成标准不确定度,最终修正误差。本文探讨了计价器使用误差标准装置主滚轮周长测量方法——周径尺测量法。  相似文献   

伴随金融市场的快速发展,对金融资源优化配置提出更高的要求.然而从当前金融市场信贷资产使用情况看,因使用效率过低并不能保证信贷资产真正满足优质标准,更无从谈及提高业务透明度,要求做好会计处理工作.本次研究将对信贷资产证券化会计处理基本形式介绍,分析银行受信贷资产证券化影响,并提出银行信贷资产证券化会计处理建议.  相似文献   

Since Dr. Bartsch has gone only partially into the history of the United Nations definition of employment and unemployment, let me pursue it a bit further. To begin, the ILO is a Member Agency of the UN and thus automatically subsumed under the latter. I am fully aware that the ILO segment of the UN was given the area of labor statistics as its domain, and hence draws up official definitions, etc. (Except for the industrial composition classification of the economically active, which area was assigned to the UN Statistical Office.)  相似文献   

在我国人口快速转变过程中,亚洲各国也经历了生育模式和死亡模式的快速转变,人口老龄化格局发生了重要变化。结合这一变化,利用联合国最新数据,在扩大人口老龄化比较对象、延长比较时间的基础上,对我国及亚洲各国的人口老龄化程度、速度和老年人口规模进行了比较,提出了对我国人口老龄化特点的新认识,即中国人口老龄化程度较高、人口老龄化速度较快,老年人口规模大、在未来60年内中国都是世界上老年人口最多的国家。  相似文献   

We investigate whether elected members of the UN Security Council receive favorable treatment from the World Bank, using panel data for 157 countries over the period 1970–2004. Our results indicate a robust positive relationship between temporary UN Security Council membership and the number of World Bank projects a country receives, even after accounting for economic and political factors, as well as regional, country and year effects. The size of World Bank loans, however, is not affected by UN Security Council membership.  相似文献   

我国GDP核算与现行SNA的GDP核算之间的若干差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文阐述我国现行GDP核算与 1 993年SNA的GDP核算在生产范围、基层单位和产业部门分类、总产出、中间投入和增加值的定义、增加值的估价、固定资本消耗、混合收入、金融媒介服务等十二个方面存在的差异 ,供研究和了解我国GDP核算的专家和学者们参考  相似文献   

Technology and knowledge are two key components for economic growth; however, the two concepts are not consensually defined. This paper proposes a model to assess and quantify the technology contribution to the value-adding process. The methodological approach implied building an operational concept for technology that is independent of the concepts of knowledge and capital. As such, technology could be interpreted and quantified as an input parameter in a new production model. This model interprets and assesses, separately, the value contributions of the uses of technology, of knowledge and of capital in a production process, defining the Technology Index for that process. The model is applied to manufacturing sectors of seven European countries, quantifying their respective dependences on technology. A comparison of the Technology Index proposed here is made with the OECD's Technology Intensity factor, arguing that the former reflects the technology dependence better that the latter. Accordingly, a criterion for classifying the economic sectors' dependence on technology is proposed. A main contribution from this study is an objective classification criterion for technology dependence of firms and economic sectors. It also provides an easy benchmark procedure for knowledge and capital dependence between firms and sectors.  相似文献   

基于人口普查和联合国的人口预测,本文分析了人口老龄化对劳动力供给、资本积累、支柱产业和技术进步等方面的不利影响。应对快速人口老龄化,必须树立科学人口发展观,分阶段放开一胎化生育政策,循序提高退休和领取养老保险年龄,同时制定与实施和人口结构变化相适应的产业规划,发展老龄产业,调整产业结构。  相似文献   


This paper presents an asymptotically optimal time interval selection criterion for the long-run correlation block estimator (Bartlett kernel estimator) based on the Newey–West and Andrews–Monahan approaches. An alignment criterion that enhances finite-sample performance is also proposed. The procedure offers an optimal alternative to the customary practice in finance and economics of heuristically or arbitrarily choosing time intervals or lags in correlation studies. A Monte Carlo experiment using parameters derived from Dow Jones returns data confirms that the procedure can be MSE-superior to alternatives such as aggregation over arbitrary time intervals, parametric VAR, and Newey–West covariance matrix estimation with automatic lag selection.


企业内部控制是企业管理研究的热点,本文在总结企业内部控制分类的基础上,结合企业内部控制的安定性及其影响因素的分析,给出了企业内部控制依时间标准、内容标准的安定性分类,并对传统分类的安定性进行了细分析。  相似文献   

The problem of identification and classification of off-shore financial flows and extra-territorial funds is discussed with special reference to the case of the "captive" insurance market in Bermuda. The problem is examined in the context of the UN SNA definitions relating to the evaluation of insurance activities and the difficulty of gaining access to relevant and complete data. The conclusion is reached that the conduct of off-shore financial operations by local institutions and the resulting surpluses generated remain essentially extranational and thus contribute very little to the domestic value added of the tax haven concerned. Furthermore, by its very nature, information relating to the transactors involved, as well as the value of their transactions, is difficult to obtain. This raises a much wider issue, however, as to whether such surpluses are ever identified in any country's national income estimates.  相似文献   

The importance of compensation payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures has grown over the past decade, particularly in connection with agri-environmental policy. Given that both the costs and the benefits of biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures are subject to spatial variation, the criterion of cost-effectiveness calls for spatially heterogeneous compensation payments. However, when deciding whether to implement uniform or heterogeneous compensation payments, the regulator has to compare the disadvantage of uniform payments in terms of cost-effectiveness with the disadvantages of spatially heterogeneous payments. To help resolve this issue, this paper provides a simple ecological-economic model that allows the reduced cost-effectiveness associated with uniform payments for biodiversity-enhancing land-use measures to be assessed for different types of benefit and cost functions.JEL classification: Q20  相似文献   

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