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2008年8月,北京奥运会盛大开幕。 在奥运火炬传递“点燃激情,传递”梦想的同时,一项爱心火炬的传递,同样令人瞩目。  相似文献   

近两年,山东卫视在保持稳健的情义、公益定位的基础上,开始寻求突破,2007年提出“情义天下”,2008年策划了“公益总动员”,2009年更是借势全运会在济南召开,提出“全运动”的概念,提介全民运动,并量身打造一系列栏目和活动。从“情义”到“公益”再到“运动”,定位越来越清晰,山东卫视和它的团队无疑在用实际行动证明着其厚种积薄发的实力。  相似文献   

封万超 《中国广告》2008,(4):166-168
2008,奥运盛会,举国振奋,和谐中国,公益风行。山东卫视抓住这一千载难逢的契机,整合全国公益资源,推出《公益总动员》,引领文明风尚,助力社会和谐。  相似文献   

2008年5月15—16日,奥运火炬开始在重庆传递,第一天在万州,第二天在主城区。和重庆一样,湖南、上海、安徽等都进行了直播。但在收视率和份额上最领先的仍是重庆卫视,两天的直播收视第一天排同时段全国第二。第二天排到了第一,重庆本地最高收视份额达到了48.6%。利用奥运火炬传递带来的契机,为重庆电视品牌的推广提供了加速度。  相似文献   

由于电视频道的品牌推广并不能像电视栏目或电视剧的推广效果立竿见影,因此具体的推广工作往往被从业人员所忽视,频道的品牌推广也越发显得薄弱。在评判标准上,对电视频道的品牌推广也往往让人们无从下手,到底如何评判一次项目推广的成效,频道品牌对频道栏目起到了何种作用往往很难辨析。要想清晰地观察出由于营销手段带来的电视频道品牌影响力的变化,  相似文献   

传播运动策划实施背景:作为2008年北京奥运会的赞助商,搜狐以奥运报道为引擎,让搜狐的品牌认知度获得了巨大的提升,搜狐多项竞争优势明显的产品的同步发展,让公众认识到了搜狐在技术开发和满足用户需求上的出色表现。  相似文献   

比起北京奥运会的全民大作战,品牌广告主对伦敦奥运会的热情似乎并不高,不少国内大型品牌甚至缺席此次奥运营销。  相似文献   

张翰 《广告大观》2011,(12):34-35
近期上升势头相当迅猛的山东卫视经营思路与定位的突破,将极有可能改变其卫视的命运。山东卫视努力打造“情义山东·公平中国”的独特品牌,加大娱乐综艺等亲民因素。  相似文献   

火炬传递之最 传递距离最长:北京奥运会火炬接力传递距离为13.7万公里,堪称历届之最。此前火炬传递距离最长的为2004年雅典奥运会的7.8万公里。  相似文献   

吴之 《糖烟酒周刊》2007,(27):23-23
在2008北京奥运会倒记时一周年之际,益普索(Ipsos)市场调研机构做了一项中国公众对企业奥运营销认。知度的调研。[第一段]  相似文献   

Brand-extension strategies enhance success chances of new products, even though they expose brand image to dilution risks. The present work analyzes how brand-extension evaluation can affect the current brand image and proposes a theoretical model formed by five main factors related to brand associations, extension congruency and extension attitude. The model estimation includes structural equation analysis using data from 699 surveys developed under market conditions. The results verify that extension attitude influences brand image, whereas initial brand associations and perceived fit between the new product and either the remaining products (category fit) or the brand image (image fit) are able to strengthen consumer attitude. The study also explains the role of consumer innovativeness as a moderating factor, suggesting that the characteristics of consumer personality could be more important than expected.  相似文献   

截至2008年,我国商品交易市场发展走过了整整三十个年头。在此期间,我国商品交易市场历经风雨,由过去的"三边"(路边、街边、墙边)市场发展到现在逐渐为人们接受和认可的"大流通"、"大市场"。而今,随着全社会同质化竞争时代的到来,品牌影响力已逐渐成为克敌制胜的法宝。岁末年初,为谋求商品交易市场的进一步发展,北京主要最具代表性的专业商品交易市场的老总、专家、学者及行业协会的领导集聚一堂、畅言议是,分别从"如何打造商品交易精品市场"、"商品交易市场建设中的特色创意"、"2008年商品交易市场发展新思路"、"商品交易市场业内关注话题"等几个角度,探讨我国商品交易市场该如何树立并提升自身品牌,应对如火如荼的竞争。  相似文献   

How do foreign interests influence policy? How are trade policies and the viability of trade agreements affected? What are the welfare implications of such foreign influence? In this paper we develop a model of foreign influence and apply it to the study of optimal tariffs. In a two-country voting model of electoral competition, we allow the incumbent party in each country to take costly actions that probabilistically affect the electoral outcome in the other country. We show that policies end up maximizing a weighted sum of domestic and foreign welfare. Using this formulation we show that foreign influence increases aggregate world welfare when there are no other means of alleviating the externalities that arise from cross-border effects of policies. In contrast, when countries can engage in international agreements, foreign influence can prove harmful as powerful countries may refuse to offer concessions. We also show that power imbalances are particularly detrimental to cooperation when they are positively correlated with economic size.  相似文献   

2008年,中央电视台成立五十周年。五十年来,中央电视台在节目品质、收视、受众构成、观众满意度等各方面都取得了长足的进展。在2008年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中,中央电视台跃居第65位,比去年的第71位提升6位。在世界品牌实验室发布的2008年《中国500最具价值品牌》排行榜中,中央电视台位列第三。  相似文献   

The impact of hotel names on the evaluation of the hotels by customers prior to their stay was investigated. In general, hotels were rated higher on attributes consistent with the semantic associations of the name than on inconsistent attributes. This name effect was somewhat reduced—but still strong—when actual feature information was given, when consumers were explicitly told that the hotels bearing different names had exactly the same features, when consumers were provided with testimonials from former hotel guests, when consumers were informed that the name had changed in the past or would change in the future, and when the actual features were in with the image evoked by the name. The results corroborate the widely accepted assertion that consumers use brand names as diagnostic and legitimate search attributes. Most notably, the findings imply that the effects are robust and resistant to elimination. Four hundred clients of a travel agency participated in this research. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

孙莹  肖茜 《广告大观》2009,(8):105-107
2009年是一个注定要挑战危与机的激情年份,作为全国强势卫星频道之一,天津卫视将坚守信心和责任,高举“快乐生活”的大旗逆势而起,全面启动“挑战生活,品味快乐”的电视系列活动营销大戏。  相似文献   

雷少东 《广告大观》2007,(11S):48-50
市场问题 圣亚集团最早在东北投建海洋馆,拥有国内最早的海底隧道,成为大连乃至东北最具影响力的旅游项目。由于圣亚海洋世界的优异市场表现,吸引了众多新的进入者参与竞争。其他景点的大量开发,对圣亚形成了严重的消费分流。特别是2002年新建的老虎滩极地馆,号称世界最大规模的极地馆,利用产品优势,很快占据了市场第一的位置。[第一段]  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of brand personality on consumer loyalty and the moderating role of relative brand identification for multiple brands in the same product category. Survey data were collected from 1,651 respondents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Results indicate that dimensions of brand personality that are positively associated with consumer brand loyalty vary across brands in the mobile phone category. Furthermore, relative brand identification not only positively affects consumer loyalty, it also moderates the relationship between brand personality and consumer loyalty. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

苗颖 《广告大观》2008,(7):74-75
10年前慈善事业还未起步,而目前中国已有1000多家公益机构,10年来共得到近100亿的捐赠。尽管如此,多数普通大众做过的公益行为,仅限于由单位组织的捐款捐物,非组织性的自觉公益行为是少之又少,对于慈善组织的了解也微乎其微。  相似文献   

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