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新冠肺炎疫情让2020年的开年不同寻常,全国各行各业都深受影响,会议业也不例外。面对疫情的爆发,会议人都采取了哪些防控举措,做出了哪些贡献,又有哪些感动人的故事可分享?疫情得到控制后,会议人如何复工复产?后疫情时代,会议业发展趋势如何?面对这一系列行业人所关心的问题,本刊采访了多位业内人士。透过他们的视角,我们一起看看中国会议人如何在抗疫防疫、复工复产的各个阶段,立足本职工作,提供应对之策,重塑行业发展信心。  相似文献   

复工复产是保障,防范复工复产后疫情扩散是当前工作的重中之重。近日,全国各地陆续就企业复工复产等工作予以部署。广西也针对复工复产制定严格的防控措施,但多代病例的“输入式风险”、社区管理半开放的“缺位性风险”和生产及公共场所的“交互性风险”为疫情防控增添了巨大压力。应提前战略布置、精心谋划,借助大数据手段配合企业复工复产,做好疫情扩散风险的防控工作。  相似文献   

随着国内新冠肺炎疫情防控呈现出积极向好态势,中国各地城市逐步开始复工复产。而向来有着经济风向标之称的会议行业如何重启"恢复键",成为当下疫情防控进入稳定期后,从业者比较关注的问题。本期我们邀请到几位业内代表分享一些行业动态和举措,希望能给大家带来启迪。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻习近平总书记在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上的重要讲话精神,积极落实国家发改委、民政部《关于积极发挥行业协会商会作用支持民营中小企业复工复产的通知》要求,进一步提升服务水平,中国报关协会将开展以下工作,进一步助力会员企业全面复工复产,促进企业发展。  相似文献   

"世界工厂"加速重启,既有利于中国保障自身经济和社会发展重回正轨,也是为世界经济疏压。突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来在我国发生的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的一次重大突发公共卫生事件。它给我国经济带来前所未有的考验——如何同时打好重点医疗防护物资保障和分区分级复工复产稳增长两场硬仗?疫情压不垮中国经济。目前,国内已呈现疫情防控形势持续向好、生产生活秩序加快恢复的态势。车间里的隆隆机械声,满载着货物集装箱的中欧班列……是"世界工厂"继续一路向前的铿锵足音。减免房屋租金、推迟缴纳社保、采取贷款展期……从中央到地方出台了一系列政策措施,有针对性地解决企业开复工的燃眉之急,努力降低疫情对生产经营的影响,为市场注入信心与力量。  相似文献   

家居行业已经出现了复苏的迹象,不过,市场需求完全恢复,仍然需要等待一定的周期。线下流动性大幅削弱,实体店的开业、公司的复工、工厂的复产一再推迟。除电影、餐饮、旅游、零售等行业首当其冲之外,家居作为一个线下属性极强的行业,也被疫情引发的一系列连锁反应所波及。  相似文献   

兰宇鑫 《中国会展》2020,(6):10-10,11
步入三月,春暖花开。国内新冠肺炎疫情防控已经接近尾声,复工、复产则成为我国社会发展的主要工作方向。左手稳防控,右手抓经济,两者皆不误。面对危机,我国不仅在短时间内取得了显著的效果,战胜疫情。同时也给世界上了一堂具有现实意义的教研课。现在,面对国际严峻的疫情态势。我国已开始通过科学、有序的方式,陆续恢复生产生活秩序。疫情之后百业待兴,对于会议业的发展,则显得更加重要。会议业的复工、复产不仅是对全国各行业的稳定运行负责,更是对国家经济建设的重要保障。  相似文献   

随着新冠肺炎疫情暴发之后,线下销售停摆,实体经济受到冲击,而线上销售增长,直播电商模式在短时间内聚集大量关注。随着疫情得到控制,直播带货也在助力各个地方经济复工复产过程中发挥效用。但与此同时,各种直播带货行业和平台的发展也暴露出各种亟待解决的问题。文章由此背景入手,通过对现行直播带货行业的发展现状与面临的问题进行分析,并从提升产品质量、改造主播带货形式、优化平台运行机制、整改行业环境乱象等方面提出相关优化建议,以实现直播带货行业的规范化和优质化,带动直播经济继续发展。  相似文献   

进入3月以来,新冠肺炎疫情迅速在世界蔓延,致全球经济陷入严冬,有人甚至认为其严重程度超过"9·11"和次贷危机。对此,中国该如何应对?对内,防疫生产两不误中国如何在防范疫情死灰复燃的基础上复工复产?对此,中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长迟福林表示,以稳住自己作为承担大国责任的首要前提,中国稳住了,以全面复工复产恢复经济秩序,就有条件、有能力支持其他国家和地区抗击疫情,并对稳定全球经济秩序产生重要影响。  相似文献   

疫情防控常态化下旅游业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕芳  李峥 《现代商业》2021,(1):17-19
基于旅游业的特性,新冠疫情爆发给旅游业带来了重创和深远影响.疫情防控常态化后,研究旅游业发展对策意义重大.本文深入研究疫情对旅游业的影响机理及后果,总结各地旅游业复工复产成功实例,从政府、旅游企业两个主层面,旅游饭店、餐饮企业、旅行社、旅游景区、邮轮业五个具体角度提出了发展对策,为旅游业复工复产、促进旅游业繁荣向好提供...  相似文献   

Offering movies on the Internet is one way of combating the issue of online movie piracy, although the tradeoff is the cannibalization of the more revenue-generating channels. Given this tradeoff and the rather unique “staggered window distribution” mechanism followed by the movie industry, this article addresses the problem of when the studio owner should release the movie online to maximize the entire revenue stream of that movie. A general modeling approach that assumes an exponential demand function and fixed release times in the remaining channels is provided. Detailed illustration using three different movie types demonstrates that a high revenue-generating movie should be released online just prior to its home video release, while the online release of an average or below-average movie should coincide with their withdrawal from the theaters. Sensitivity analyses of the results are also displayed and give the circumstances under which a different online release time is warranted. The analysis suggests, among other things, that if a movie has an excellent opening strength and is able to sustain its revenues quite well, it would be more profitable to release the movie online a few weeks before it is withdrawn from the theaters. Additionally, the standard outcomes generated by the model are found to be sensitive to any online per-unit price change.  相似文献   

This study attempts to understand the dynamics of the rapidly growing Chinese film industry by relying on a revised reason action model that uses a data-mining approach with aggregated data to examine the determinants of people’s intentions to see movies. The results show that attitude towards seeing movies indicated by online film ratings, collective norms represented by box-office performance and Academy Award win(s) significantly predict intentions to see movies. In addition, a movie’s year of release, star power, country of origin, adaptation from a novel and status as a sequel were significant predictors of aggregated intentions.  相似文献   

Movies are among the US’s most successful exports, and China is by far the largest market. China welcomes high-quality US movies in order to grow its own theatrical market while also diligently protecting locally produced movies. China uses a movie import quota system to limit the number of foreign movies, half of which are delayed beyond the US release date by four or more weeks. We empirically study the Chinese government’s import decisions by developing a movie market demand model that integrates two models on concurrent and delayed releases where we consider release timing as an implicit trade barrier. We find that China tends to import US movies that are likely to expand the market demand but limits them from concurrent release when the potential cannibalization effect on local movies is high. Delayed releases of US movies are strongly associated with weaker box-office performance in China, making control of release schedule another vehicle that China leverages in import decisions.  相似文献   


The Indian film industry produces more movies and sells more tickets than any other movie industry, with revenues second only to those of the U.S. film industry. We employ a two-by-two research design to investigate the main determinants of Indian movie sales overseas using two measures of movie performance for two countries of destination. By examining data and testing our hypotheses on a sample of 330 films, we identify effects related to brand, product, distribution, and consumers during opening week as well as total box office sales both individually and collectively. Results show that the groups of variables affecting Bollywood opening week sales for both countries of destination are identical in sequence and importance (distribution, product, brand, consumer variables). For total box office sales, they are similar, with the exception of the first group. For the United Kingdom, consumer-related variables predominate while distribution-related variables predominate in the United States, followed then for both countries by product- and brand-related variables. Results underscore previous findings for Hollywood movies, indicating that movie success factors are global rather than regional or national.  相似文献   

Sequels have become a profitable strategy in the U.S. motion picture industry because of their strong name recognition. However, while the established positioning of a sequel may help insulate it from competing firms' advertising messages, its familiarity may cause moviegoers to be more easily satiated with advertising from the sequel. Therefore, this study examines how sequels differ from original concept movies in terms of their ad effectiveness. We focus our analysis on pre-launch periods, given these periods' importance in shaping the financial outcomes of motion pictures. We consider the weekly online search volume of a movie as a measure of consumer interest in it, and thus as an intermediate response to pre-launch advertising. We then develop a model that assumes ad effectiveness can decline, due to copy and repetition wearout, and increase, due to forgetting, over time. We find that copy wearout is greater for original movies, while repetition wearout and forgetting are greater for sequels. These findings suggest that sequels should allocate more in early pre-launch periods and less immediately before release, relative to originals, to maximize pre-launch consumer interest.  相似文献   

Most studies indicate Hollywood's economic and financial leadership in the movie markets from the 1910s onward. There is a shortfall in the literature concerning the analysis of the efficacy of other minor film industries. This article examines the Italian film industry in the 1990s and beginning of the twenty‐first century. The research suggests that the Italian film industry is very risky and unpredictable, but while the extreme uncertainty surrounding the business is offset by the considerable economic success that Hollywood movies achieve at the box office, as indicated by previous literature contributions, a different business scenario emerges in Italy. The value of this article is first represented by the data used—provided by the Osservatorio of Cinecittà—which is unique and has not been published before. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


The movie has been with us in a variety of forms for over a century. During that time the movie as an artefact has played a number of roles from pure entertainment to political propaganda to a way in which we preserve or pass down memories. The movie moves. Getting its name from the innovation of having moving pictures, with the first film showing a horse galloping as the camera recorded a series of stills in quick succession; the movie is about physical motion, but also about emotional provocation and films have always been implicated in the market, in creating market demand and marketing ideology. So, movies show moving pictures and they serve to move us emotionally. This paper reflects on the development of the movie as a storytelling device, the role that they play in our lives, and why the movies can be viewed as a marketplace icon.  相似文献   

根据最新的2007年中国投入产出表,再结合其他数据编制的细化社会核算矩阵,可以用来分析突发公共事件的产业总影响和产业间影响。研究发现:劳动密集型产业以及与其他产业具有较高关联度的产业,受突发公共事件冲击的总产出影响较大;而同一突发公共事件冲击所带来的经济影响在不同产业间的分布差异较大。了解这些影响的大小,对于突发公共事件的优化管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人道物流为突发公共卫生事件防疫工作提供人道援助物资的仓储、运输和配送等服务,对防控疫情有重要意义。在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发生后,国内外慈善团体和个人捐赠了大量应急物资,我国的人道物流体系依照相关应急法律的规定迅速响应,在实施法律的同时也检验着法律的规定。目前,我国已经建立了由相关单行法和行政法规、部门规章、地方性法规等构成的应急法律体系来规范突发公共卫生事件中的应急管理。从实施情况来看,我国人道物流相关的部分法律规范层级较低,缺乏专门性规定。尤其是在交通卫生检疫、行政征用和末端物流配送等环节还存在薄弱点,需要加强相关立法、严格执行交通卫生检疫制度、细化行政征用规则、采取事中监督与事后监管,从立法、执法和守法的角度完善我国突发公共卫生事件中的人道物流应急法律制度,提高疫情防控效率。  相似文献   

Organizations employ various risk-mitigation strategies to cope with the uncertainty in marketing new products. In the motion picture industry, an important strategy is to cast star actors and actresses in movies. The ultimate box-office success, however, depends on multiple stakeholders involved with financing, making, distributing, and watching the movie. In pursuing different goals and interests, the stakeholders may look for different aspects of star power to mitigate their own risk. This paper examines how the influence of stars varies across key stakeholders in the movie market. The results show that, in general, stars have a greater impact on the stakeholders involved in the earlier stages of movie development and exhibition (where the risks are greater) than on those in later stages. Movie project financiers and exhibitors are strongly and directly influenced by star power, but news media and movie audiences are influenced less and only indirectly. Situated at the early stage of the movie “value chain,” the financiers are most concerned with stars’ past box-office performance. Exhibitors, however, are influenced by the “match” between a star’s genre participation history and the genre of a specific movie. By contrast, news media and movie audiences are influenced indirectly through the stars’ impact on earlier stakeholders and their decisions. The findings shed light on the value of employing star elements in new products, the marketing of stars, and movie promotion strategies.  相似文献   

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