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The article reviews the methods used in practice and/or proposed by various authors for compiling indices in multilateral international comparisons. The various procedures are examined in the light of the following requirements: characteristicity (i.e. the weights should be characteristic to the countries which are compared), unbiasedness, circularity, internal consistency and factor relations.
There is no perfect solution since characteristicity and circularity are always and unbiasedness and internal consistency often in conflict with each other. The indices which are best for bilateral purposes are not transitive and the basic problem of multilateral comparisons is to obtain circularity, without losing too much of the characteristicity of the bilateral comparisons. Different compromises between the two requirements are possible and this is first of all what distinguishes the various methods used in practice.
Two main types of solution are applied in the various international comparisons. The first is based on the inter-spatial Fisher's ideal formula (e.g. the Eltetö–Köves–Szulc method, the van Yzeren method, the "central country" solution); the second type uses some kind of average prices (e.g. the Geary–Khamis method).
In the author's view there is no best method in absolute terms. Every method has some weaknesses and which of these weaknesses is the easiest to accept depends to a large extent on the actual aims of the comparison and on various other circumstances.  相似文献   

This study presents reasonably comparable estimates of the size distribution of household or personal wealth for eight OECD countries—Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the mid-1980s, the U.S. ranked as the most unequal and Japan the least, while the other six countries had roughly comparable levels of wealth inequality. Moreover, while wealth inequality rose sharply in the U.S. during the 1980s, it increased modestly in Sweden and showed little change or a slight decline in Canada, France, and the U.K. A comparison of time trends for the U.K. and the U.S. suggests that the relatively high wealth inequality in the U.S. in the 1980s represents a marked turnaround from the 1950s, when the U.S. was considerably more equal in terms of wealth ownership than the U.K. Comparative results for the two countries hold for both conventional (marketable) wealth and for augmented wealth, which includes a valuation of public and private pension wealth.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results of a new comparison of the level of Australian and U.K. real product in the 1890s, obtained by the direct deflation of money values of GDP by relative prices. The object of the study was to provide a check on the existing comparisons, obtained by extrapolation of time series of real GDP, as shown, for example, in Maddison (1982). Existing estimates imply that in the 1890s Australian GDP per capita was about 50 percent higher in the U.K. and U.S.A. and more than twice that for the average of 12 other western countries. The present study suggests these results probably overstate Australia's real GDP, and that Australian real GDP per capita was 36 percent higher than the U.K. in 1891 and 3 percent higher in 1900. Personal consumption per capita was 15 percent higher in Australia than in the U.K. in 1891, but about the same level in 1900.
Although this study compares prices and GDP in the colony of New South Wales with those in the U.K., the colony may be taken as representative of Australia as a whole.1  相似文献   

Using data from the Luxembourg Income Study, I study the sensitivity of cross-national income poverty comparisons to the method in which poverty is measured. Absolute poverty comparisons that keep the purchasing power at the poverty line constant across countries lead to conclusions that differ from relative poverty comparisons in which the real value of the poverty line varies with average income. The absolute poverty ranking of countries also varies as the real value of the poverty line is lowered. Cross-national differences in household characteristics are largely irrelevant in explaining poverty differences.  相似文献   

We use OECD data to examine inter-industry wage differentials (relative wages among industries) for 14 OECD countries over the period 1970–85. We find, first, that the industrial wage structures have shown remarkable stability over time in terms of rank order for all the countries in the sample. Second, despite their rank order stability, wage structures show a tendency to expand or contract. While the U.S. has shown increasing industry wage dispersion between 1970 and 1985, the pattern is very mixed for other countries. Unionization is a significant factor in explaining cross-country differences. Third, industry wage rankings show some evidence of becoming increasingly similar across nations over time, and this movement is associated with a convergence of per capita incomes. Fourth, industry wage differentials are positively related to an industry's productivity growth, output growth, capital intensity, and export orientation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a comparative analysis of earnings inequality during the 1980s among prime age men who headed households and worked year-round, full-time from five industrialized countries-Canada, Sweden, Australia, West Germany, and the United States. The data were obtained from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database, a multinational collection of microdata sets from various countries which have been assembled for the primary purpose of making cross-national comparisons of economic and social well-being. The results of the comparison indicated that during the mid-1980s, the United States had the most unequal distribution of earnings and Sweden the least unequal. Between the early 1980s and mid-1980s, however, the earnings distributions in all five countries showed evidence of becoming more unequal, especially in the United States, Canada, and Sweden.  相似文献   

产业升级中的中国劳动成本优势   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
丰富的劳动力资源是我国参与国际产业分工最大的比较优势。我国在产业升级的过程中出现了劳动成本上升和劳动效率下降的趋势,这是产业分工的低端劳动力资源数量过剩和产业分工的高端劳动力资源数量不足的具体表现。在产业分工的低端,劳动成本优势主要体现在劳动力资源的规模优势上;而在产业分工的高端,劳动成本优势主要体现在劳动力资源的素质优势上。劳动力资源在产业分工低端的规模供给,无法替代产业升级中的产业高端的素质需求。我国面对产业分工水平提升的要求,劳动成本优势的发挥应该依靠高效率克服高成本。产业分工知识含量的提高,要求提高产业工人的知识素养。  相似文献   

京津都市区制造业劳动生产率变化的分解分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京和天津为主体的大都市区,不仅是华北地区的经济核心区,更承担着全国参与世界经济竞争的职能,其中制造业仍是区域竞争能力演变的重要驱动因子,因此,增强京津都市区制造业的发展水平是提升本区国际竞争力的重要内容。该研究旨在对京津地区制造业的劳动生产率变化进行结构解析,明晰该区制造业劳动生产率变化的结构来源,为打造新型产业分工提供决策参考。研究表明,自1997—2007年间,北京和天津制造业的总体劳动生产率水平显著高于全国,大约相当于全国的2倍;研究期内京津地区的制造业生产效率均有显著增长,且自2005年以后天津制造业总体劳动生产率高于北京。采用Laspeyres指数分解法对京津两地制造业劳动生产率变化的结构分解结果表明:纯生产率效应即行业劳动生产率的变化是导致制造业整体劳动生产率变化的主要源泉,由劳动力等要素的流动导致的行业结构调整即结构红利效应并不显著。对制造业劳动生产率行业分解结果表明:京津两地制造业劳动生产率的变化主要源于通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业、交通运输设备制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业和化学原料及化学制品制造业等技术与规模经济指向型行业。结论主张京津地区制造业要尽快以新型产业分工为基础,根据城市自身优势,实现制造业产品和功能的差异化战略,共同打造全球重要的现代制造业基地。  相似文献   

Just as intertemporal price indices have two functions, to measure price changes and to deflate current values to constant values, this is true also for interspatial price indices, purchasing power parities (PPPs). In practice these two functions of PPPs, for conversion and for comparing price levels, are not always distinguished, and this may have some disadvantages since in a number of cases the differences between the two PPPs might be considerable. The authors review the differences in content of the two types of PPPs, and make some suggestions for making the distinction more explicitly.  相似文献   

This paper presents multilateral comparisons of output, productivity and purchasing power parities in manufacturing, for 1975 and 1987. Two multilateral approaches are considered, namely the Geary–Khamis method and the generalized Theil–Törnqvist method based on the EKS procedure. The paper discusses the problem of lack of additive consistency of the generalized Theil–Törnqvist index and the absence of constant price comparisons within this framework. Some procedures that lead to near additive consistency are proposed. The empirical results show that multilateralization does not substantially affect the results and that both the Geary–Khamis and the generalized Theil–Törnqvist index give results comparable to the binary comparisons.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the costs of housing crises in terms of GDP growth and the economic conditions under which crises are particularly costly. Housing crises are often followed by recessions that are longer than other recessions. According to empirical estimates, a housing crisis reduces the GDP growth rate in the following year on average by two percentage points and has still a considerable negative impact in the second year. One important channel through which the effect of housing crises is passed on seems to be the banking sector. In addition, our results suggest that negative wealth effects possibly cause further reductions in GDP growth.  相似文献   

This article reviews the problems involved in updating the results of international comparisons, in terms of an analytic framework focusing upon the sources of differences between various forms of extrapolation and direct comparisons. The factors identified as important are conservation of prices of the base period and weight inconsistency. The reliability of updating is undoubtedly affected by the length of the period over which the data are extrapolated. A program of regular benchmark comparisons at approximately five-year intervals with updating for the intervening years is attractive, since it permits checking by forward and backward interpolation. Where there are large deviations, however, averaging is not an acceptable solution.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between inputs in industrial production. The inputs studied here are capital, labor, and research and development (R&D). Using translog technology, our cross-industry analysis of six industries reveals that capital and labor are complements in production while R&D and labor are substitutes. However, the relationship between capital and R&D is not so clear cut. It is also found that constant-returns-to-scale hold for only two of the six industries. A test of sensitivity to changes in the R&D depreciation rates suggests that some industries are sensitive to such changes.  相似文献   

This paper provides two new data sets for comparisons of real income in OECD countries. The first set provides adjusted real series for GDP and its components from 1960 to 1993 based on OECD 1990 purchasing power parities. The second set uses OECD PPP of different benchmark years, and interpolates these applying national price indices. Comparisons between both alternatives, Penn World Tahle Mark 5 (PWT 5) and its new version (PWT 5.6), in terms of economic growth and convergence, reveal some remarkable differences. Moreover, there are wider differences concerning the relative countries' position in GDP per capita ranking. Estimations of convergence equations based on OECD data yield a better fit than those obtained using PWT data, although there are also some significant differences between PWT 5 and PWT 5.6. Nevertheless, a very positive result is that other parameters of interest in these equations are not affected by the use of these different data sources.  相似文献   

"The whole question of making inter-spatial comparisons between countries is a most complicated and hazardous business" (Mr. Campion); international comparisons of a particular value aggregate between countries present a difficult problem connected with the conversion of national value aggregates into a comparable magnitude. This paper presents an alternative approach in that an internationally comparable value aggregate for each country is prepared by the international average prices of commodities which are determined simultaneously with the partial exchange rates of national currencies to a standard currency. The calculated partial exchange rates are so defined as to reflect the purchasing power of national currencies in respect of the group of commodities selected. Consequently, the resulting value aggregate for international comparison has a quantity dimension, eliminating the effect due to the different purchasing power of national currencies in which original prices are quoted. The other methods of international comparison so far being used by other research workers, such as C. Clerk and M. Gilbert and his associates, are examined in the light of the properties of the present method and the crucial differences are delineated. Using the method proposed, an international comparison is made of the aggregate value of agricultural products for 11 selected countries in the world, with sub-divisions into two regions.  相似文献   

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