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本文全面分析和阐述了开展刺参虾池人工筑礁养殖的必要性、创新性、发展前景及综合效益情况,为有效挖掘虾池资源的生产潜力、实施虾池养殖"二次创业"战略开辟了新的养殖途径. 相似文献
虾夷扇贝是我国贝类养殖中具有重要经济价值的品种之一。我国虾夷扇贝产量稳步增长,目前是全球虾夷扇贝养殖产量最多的国家。我国虾夷扇贝主要有底播和浮筏两种养殖方式。论文使用实证分析方法,以獐子岛作为研究对象得出底播养殖产量的影响因素主要有底质水文环境、自然灾害、苗种质量和底播养殖面积等因素,提出创造良好的养殖海域、提升苗种育成能力和积极构建海洋牧场等对策可以进一步推动我国虾夷扇贝产业的发展。 相似文献
文章系统梳理了乡村振兴战略下垦造水田的政策背景和现实需求,结合地勘单位的专业优势,以四川垦造水田项目为例,在分析垦造水田项目建设目标、项目选址、规划布局、工程设计基础上,提出地质工作在支撑服务乡村振兴的8个方面:①土地核查、土地整治规划;②土壤普查、土地质量调查评价;③区域及专项水资源调查评价;④自然灾害调查评价与治理;⑤灌溉、排水及道路建设工程勘察;⑥农田防护与生态保护修复;⑦农田观测体系建设、地理信息服务;⑧农田景观建设、乡村旅游资源开发。 相似文献
促进农民专业合作社发展是实现我国农业现代化的重要途径,目前,我国农民专业合作社虽然发展迅速,但无论是数量还是规模,仍然处于较低水平,本文以辽宁省为例,分析了制约我国农民专业合作社发展的主要因素。 相似文献
基于灰色理论的林业产业结构分析——以辽宁省为例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
运用灰色关联模型,计算2001~2006年间不同时间段内的辽宁省林业产业结构灰色动态关联度,在此基础上,全面分析出辽宁省林业产业结构现状和动态变化,找出3次产业及其内部的优势因素和劣势因素,并提出继续扩大林业第一产业的发展强势,积极引导林业第二产业的发展方向,大力提高林业第三产业的发展速度的产业结构优化建议。 相似文献
新型农村合作医疗筹资水平研究——以辽宁省为例的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
新型农村合作医疗在辽宁农村地区基本实现了"低保障、广覆盖"的政策目标。在覆盖面问题解决后,如何提高保障水平成为亟待解决的问题,而提高保障水平的关键就是筹资水平。本文通过医疗保险基金收支平衡精算模型及构建的调整模型,运用统计年鉴数据,预测出不同政策目标下辽宁省新型农村合作医疗的筹资水平。在此基础上,合理划分政府和个人出资比例,并对各自出资情况进行可行性分析。并提出了完善新型农村合作医疗筹资水平的对策建议。 相似文献
以南方红壤丘陵区典型的生态环境脆弱区信丰县崇墩沟小流域为例,运用景观生态学理论,选取景观稳定度及景观异质性等景观格局指数对研究区近7a的土地利用景观变化进行综合分析。结果表明:研究区在生物措施治理等人工干扰下,2003~2010年形成了以林地为主的农林景观格局,景观结构呈异质性演变趋势,土地利用景观格局由受控于少数几个景观类型的影响正在向主导景观类型林地演变,各景观类型分布趋于集中,呈聚集型分布格局,生态环境逐步改善;生物措施等人工干扰是研究区土地利用景观格局演变的主要因素。 相似文献
人工湿地的规划研究对改变采煤塌陷区传统的复垦方式具有重要意义.以淮南张集矿区为例.采用文献资料法和实证分析法,在分析张集采煤塌陷区现状和特点的基础上,提出了一湖一带一区一荡的规划模式.结果表明该模式能带来很好的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益,促进当地社会经济的发展. 相似文献
这次会议,是建行以来规模最大、规格最高的一次财务会计工作会议。总行党委对这次会议高度重视。会议开始时,士武同志作了一个很好的工作报告,大家围绕这个报告进行了热烈的讨论,提出了很多好的建设性意见,对进一步加强和改善我们的工作有很重要的作用。会上还表彰了一批财会工作先进单位和优秀会计员。会后,要以省级分行为单位,大张旗鼓地对这些先进单位、优秀会计员进行表彰。这次会议开得很好,很多问题在士武同志的报告中都已经明确了,会议结束时,大路同志还要根据会议讨论情况作会议总结。刚才,我听了分组讨论情况的汇报。下面,我想就财会工作强调几个问题 相似文献
罗汉果是中国特色农产品,世界珍稀果品,经济效益好,因生长在山区林地,发展受到限制。为扩大生产,做强做大罗汉果产业,该文研究了特色农产品罗汉果栽培技术,把原产于山区林地的罗汉果引种到山下平原缓坡(台)地、丘陵坡地、山区水田栽培,并提出了罗汉果"下山"栽培的主要技术措施及注意事项。 相似文献
以地方自治为特点的日本市町村政府的行为方式研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
一、日本地方自治制度概述日本地方自治制度采取的是都道府县与市町村的二重自治组织形式。按日本《地方自治法》规定 ,地方公共团体有普通地方公共团体和特别地方公共团体两种形式。都道府县和市町村都是普通地方公共团体 ,也被称为地方自治体。市町村作为最基础的地方公共团体 ,担负着向本市町村居民提供综合服务的责任。都道府县则是包括市町村在内 ,对市町村起补充、支援及发挥跨市町村界限的广域功能的广域自治体。都道府县与市町村分别作为广域的和最基础的地方公共团体 ,各自具有不同的功能。它们之间不存在上下关系 ,是对等的权利主… 相似文献
李健华:关于创新与渔业发展的对话 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
如果要对2006年上半年我国社会经济活动中出现频率最高的关键词进行统计,创新型国家、自主创新无疑会名列前茅。渔业发展要不要创新?这是简单的判断题,答案只能是要。渔业要创新什么和怎样创新,答案就不止一个了,它是个多项选择题。不同的解答将关系到21世纪中国渔业可持续发展的不同路径选择。为此《,中国渔业经济》杂志副主编杨子江采访了农业部渔业局李健华局长。 相似文献
矿业参与宏观调控的经济法思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
矿业作为关系国计民生的重要经济和社会领域,矿产资源参与宏观经济调控应该是国土资源管理部门行使政府职能必须考虑的一个问题。从经济法律角度进行分析,可以得出当前我国矿产资源宏观调控法律规范滞后于资源可持续发展要求的结论。因此,应完善矿产资源规划、市场运行机制、价格税收、环境保护及利益分配等矿业领域的宏观调控法律规范,以促进和保障矿业可持续发展战略目标的实现。 相似文献
Peichen Gong 《Journal of Forest Economics》2002,8(1):1
The problem of multiple-use forestry arises because (1) a forest can be managed to provide a wide range of products and services, (2) the different uses are not perfectly compatible with each other, and (3) some products are not priced in markets and many of the services a forest provides have the characteristics of public goods. Examples of major forest products include, in addition to timber, edible berries, fungi, and hunting games. Forests also provide recreation opportunities and various environmental services (such as regulating local climate, reducing soil erosion, reducing pollutants in the atmosphere, regulating the global climate, providing habitats for wildlife, etc.). The outputs of nontimber goods in general depend on the quantity and structure of the forest, which can be changed by various forest management activities. However, a forest state most suitable for the production of one good is usually not optimal with respect to another good. Typically, there does not exist a set of management activities that simultaneously maximize the outputs of timber and all other goods.Another way to understand the conflicts between different uses is to view standing timber as an intermediate product of forestry investment, which is employed as an “input” for the production of timber products and nontimber goods. Thinking in this way, the conflicts arise partly because timber production and nontimber uses compete for the same input, and partly because of the differences in the “production technology” among different nontimber goods. A change in the standing timber may have positive impacts on some nontimber uses, but have negative effects on others. Because of the conflicts among different uses, it requires that both timber products and nontimber goods should be explicitly incorporated into forestry decision-making in order to achieve the greatest benefits to the forest owner and/or the public.Most of the economic analyses of multiple-use forestry decisions have explicitly or implicitly adopted the view that multiple-use should be achieved in individual stands. Each stand should be managed to produce an optimal mix of timber products and nontimber goods. Another view of multiple-use forestry is to manage each stand for a primary use, whereas multiple-use concerns are addressed by allocating different stands in a forest to different uses. A general argument in support of the primary-use view is that specialization makes for efficiency. The production of timber and nontimber goods is a joint process, however. Strictly speaking, one cannot separate timber production and the production of different nontimber goods. For example, managing a stand for timber production does not exclude the possibility of producing some nontimber goods in the stand. Since every stand usually produces more than one product, efficient multiple-use forestry requires that each stand should be managed for an optimal mix of timber and nontimber outputs. On the other hand, it may well be the case that the optimal multiple-use mix for a particular stand consists of a maximum output of one product. In this case the optimal multiple-use management decision would coincide with the optimal decision pertaining to a single use. In other words, it may be optimal to manage a particular stand for one primary use. Using the terminology of economics, primary-use may be efficient for stands in which the multiple-use production set is nonconvex. Recent research has explored several sources of nonconvexity in the multiple-use production set. However, there is no evidence supporting the argument that specialization is always more efficient than multiple-use management of individual stands. From an economics viewpoint, efficient primary-use is special cases of multiple-use stand management.A widely recognized limitation of multiple-use stand management is that, by considering each stand separately, one neglects the interdependence of nontimber benefits and ecological interactions among individual stands. The nontimber benefits of a stand depend on the output of nontimber goods from other stands. Likewise, the nontimber output from one stand affects the value of nontimber goods produced in the other stands. Ecological interactions among individual stands imply that the output of nontimber goods from two stands in a forest differs from the sum of the outputs from two isolated stands. These interdependence and interactions imply that the relationship between the nontimber benefits of a stand and the stand age (or standing timber stock) cannot be unambiguously determined - it depends on the flow of nontimber goods produced in the surrounding stands. Therefore, it is improper to determine optimal decisions for the individual stands independently. In stead, efficient multiple-use forestry decision should be analyzed by considering all the stands in a forest simultaneously.Another serious limitation of multiple-use stand management is that each stand is treated as a homogenous management unit to be managed according to a uniform management regime. One implicitly assumes that the boundaries of each stand is exogenously given and will remain unchanged over time. This assumption imposes a restriction on the multiple-use production set, thereby creates inefficiency. As an example, consider a large stand with a nonconvex production set. It may be possible to eliminate nonconvexity in the production set and push the production possibility frontier outwards by dividing the stand into several parts and managing each part for a primary-use. It may also be efficient to combine two adjacent stands into one to be managed following a uniform regime, because of the presences of fixed management costs, and/or because the relationship between some nontimber outputs and stand area is not linear.In contrast to income from timber production, nontimber goods produced at different time points are not perfect substitutes. The rate at which a forest owner is willing to substitute a nontimber good produced at one time point for that produced at another time point changes with the outputs of the nontimber good at the two time points. In general cases, the nontimber goods produced at one time point cannot be consumed at another time point, and the marginal utility of a nontimber good decreases when its output increases. This provides a motivation for reducing the variation in the output of nontimber goods over time. An effective approach to coordinating nontimber outputs over time is to apply different management regimes to different parts of a stand, or apply the same regime to adjacent stands, which would change the boundaries of the stands. Preserving the existing stand boundaries would limit the possibility of evening out the nontimber outputs over time, and thereby lead to intertemporal inefficiency in multiple-use management.In previous studies of multiple-use forestry decisions the nontimber outputs or benefits are usually modeled as functions of stand age or standing timber stock. Future flows of nontimber goods or benefits are incorporated into a stand/forest harvest decision model to explore the implications of nontimber uses for optimal harvest decisions. While stand age and standing timber stock may have significant impacts on nontimber outputs, other forest state variables, e. g. the spatial distribution of stands of different ages/species, may be of great importance to the production of nontimber goods. Recognition of such forest state variables could change the relationship between timber production and nontimber outputs and therefore change the optimal forest management decisions.In summary, multiple-use forestry is not simply an extension of timber management with additional flows of benefits to be considered when evaluating alternative management regimes. Recognition of multiple uses of a forest leads to two fundamental changes of the forestry decision problem. First, the optimal intertemporal consumption of forestry income is no longer separable from forest management decisions. In general, the optimal intertemporal consumption of forestry income depends on future flows of nontimber goods, implying that the consumption-saving decision should be made simultaneously with the decision on the production of timber and nontimber goods over time. Secondly, it is no longer appropriate to optimize the management regime for each stand separately. The nontimber outputs from a forest depend on the age distribution of individual stands, and on a wide range of other forest state variables such as the spatial distribution of stands of different ages and tree-species composition. Ecological interactions and interdependence among stands imply that management regimes for different stands should be optimized simultaneously. In addition to changing rotation ages and harvest levels, efficient multiple-use forestry requires optimizing the spatial allocation of harvests, redefining the boundaries of stands, coordinating the choices of tree species in regeneration of harvested area and so on.The lack of rigorous production functions for nontimber goods imposes a severe restriction on attempts to perform comprehensive economic analyses of multiple-use forestry decisions. This restriction in itself is no justification for ignoring many of the key aspects of multiple-use forestry problem and modeling the problem as one of determining the optimal rotation age or optimal harvest level. It requires that economic models of multiple-use forestry should be developed with special consideration of the vague and imprecise information regarding the relationships between nontimber outputs and forest state variables.Peichen GongDepartment of Forest EconomicsSE-90183 UmeåSweden 相似文献
大城市过度规模与卫星城政策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对关于大城市规模问题的争论,提出一个基于城市聚集经济原理的大城市过度规模假说。居民向城市聚集的外部成本区分为可内部化的和不可内部化的两部分,后者在经济发展达到较高阶段时开始进入居民的决策函数,导致城市聚集的外部成本大于外部收益,从而城市过度规模发生。论文对该假说的理论基础、发生条件以及检验方法进行了探讨,用北京卫星城政策和卫星城人口变动数据进行了检验并得出了若干结论和政策含义。 相似文献
适应资源性资产改革形势维护国家矿业权资产权益 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
殷燚 《中国国土资源经济》2003,16(6):19-23
文章从矿产资源所有权、矿业权的民事权特点、矿业权流转、矿业权收益等几个方面 ,论述了我国矿业权财产收益框架体系 ,提出按照资产管理改革要求、加快矿业权收益管理改革步伐的建议。主要包括明确收益性质、规范收益名称、统一管理机关 ;建立符合市场经济要求的权利金制度 ;确保矿业权收益实现 ,市场渠道畅通等 相似文献
P. C. Abbott W. E. Tyner M. J. Roth G. T. Rafsnider 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1991,42(1):23-32
A representative farm policy impact model was developed using linear programming and primary survey data. The model was used to estimate farm-level effects of proposed national government policies aimed at increasing food security through greater bread wheat production. The four policy options analysed included the introduction of a bread wheat variety resistant to an insect pest, an increase in the official bread wheat support price, potentially unlimited availability of nitrogen fertiliser, and rationing of nitrogen fertiliser at 500 kg per farm. The various policies increased farm income between 2.45 and 18 percent, as farmers made trade-offs between the production of bread wheat and the more profitable durum wheat. Adjustments were made by farmers in the model to meet government-targeted levels of bread wheat production in order to support national food self-sufficiency at minimum cost. Simultaneously, the resources freed were used to produce more durum wheat. The results suggest a need to analyse interregional and international comparative advantages in wheat production prior to implementing proposed policies aimed at increasing bread wheat output. 相似文献