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How long do the effects of advertising actually last? This issue has received increased attention in the fields of marketing, accounting, and finance. However, despite the importance of advertising for firm management, research on the effective duration of advertising costs still remains in the exploratory stage. To address this research need, this study investigated how long advertising costs function to increase sales and intangible value in association with franchising in the restaurant industry. The results of this study showed that advertising expenditures had a positive short-term effect on sales growth, whereas advertising did not significantly impact sales growth in the long run. However, when advertising expenditures were considered together with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was positively significant. The results suggest that advertising has long-term positive effects on sales growth only in restaurant firms using a franchising system. This implies that advertising costs should be recognized as investment-like assets only in franchising restaurant firms. On the other hand, advertising ratio had both positive short-term and long-term effects on intangible value. In addition, once the advertising ratio was associated with franchising, the long-term interaction effect was negatively significant. More detailed explanations and implications are included in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Franchising has significantly affected the US economy, contributing to a rapid growth of its retail sales. To identify whether franchising influences a restaurant firm's financial performance, this study investigated (1) the profitability and intangible values of both franchise and non-franchise restaurant firms and (2) the effect of the combination of franchised and company-owned outlets of restaurant firms (i.e., franchise proportion). The results of this study showed that (1) franchise firms had significantly higher profitability than non-franchise firms and (2) the relationships between franchise proportion and firm profitability and intangible value were curvilinear (inverted U-shape), verifying the existence of an optimal franchise proportion. The results propose a possibility that restaurant franchisors could maximize their profitability and intangible value with an optimal franchise proportion when other variables held constant, implying that it is important to pay attention to the franchise proportion together with other management strategies.  相似文献   

Incorporating recent calls for understanding firm equity risk in relation to a firm's marketing efforts, this study examined the impacts of firm-level advertising spending on firm equity risk with publicly listed firms in the restaurant industry—a key hospitality industry. This study hypothesized and tested the effects of firm-level advertising expenditures on different types of firm equity risk (i.e., total, systematic, and unsystematic risk). Unlike previous empirical findings, we found that an increase in advertising expenditures significantly increased total and unsystematic risk of sampled restaurant firms. The findings provide new insights into the effects of advertising on firm equity risk in the literature, and important theoretical and managerial implications for restaurant firms.  相似文献   

In this study, we utilize the employee online review data from Glassdoor to examine whether stock market capitalizes the intangible asset value of employee satisfaction for high-contact service firms. We hypothesize that in the hospitality and tourism industry, employee satisfaction can efficiently motivate employees to deliver high-quality service and improve the employee retention, thereby leading to greater shareholder value. Our finding is consistent with this prediction that stock market investors indeed incorporate the intangible value of employee satisfaction into the valuation models. In addition, we find that the value of such intangible asset manifests in firm’s subsequent profitability, resulting in improved return on asset (ROA). We further decompose ROA into profit margin and asset turnover to explore the pathways by which employee satisfaction affects shareholder value. We find that employee satisfaction can improve both profit margin and asset turnover for high-contact service firms. Overall, our study suggests that employee satisfaction can be an important intangible asset that contributes to the service firms’ long-term value.  相似文献   

The current study examines how the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. restaurant firms’ stock returns varies according to the firms’ pre-pandemic characteristics by employing three firm-level dimensions (financial conditions, corporate strategies, and ownership structure). Employing 795 firm-year observations obtained from annual reports and other databases, this study found that restaurant firms with past characteristics of larger size, more leverage, more cash flows, less ROA, and more internationalization are more resilient to stock declines reacting to COVID-19 than otherwise similar firms. Whereas, dividend, franchising, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership did not show any significant moderating effect on the relationship between COVID-19 and stock returns. This study sheds light on the research topic by providing insights into drivers of restaurant firm’s stock returns during the COVID-19 shock. Future studies can employ the variables and method used in the current study to extend the understanding of the issue.  相似文献   


Unsystematic risk is accepted as an important factor in stock valuation. Despite the importance, little has been done to study the relationship of unsystematic risk to stock values in the hospitality industry. This study attempted to advance the understanding of financial variables that could be related to unsystematic risk of hospitality firms. Regression models were developed for hotel and restaurant firms, using unsystematic risk as the dependent variable and financial variables as independent variables. The major findings of this study indicate: 1) more profitable hospitality companies have less unsystematic risk, 2) reducing reliance on debt financing could reduce unsystematic risk, 3) the positive relationship between operating leverage and unsystematic risk, suggesting that decreasing operating leverage could mitigate the stock price volatility of hospitality firms, and 4) large hotel and restaurant firms have less unsystematic risk than small firms. This study should help management of hospitality firms incorporate effects of shareholder expectations into their operational decision making as an integral part of long-range financial planning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: to investigate the structural relationships between patrons’ emotional responses induced by advertising, their perceived value, and their behavioral intentions in the chain restaurant industry; and to investigate which attributes of advertising bear the strongest impact on behavioral intentions. Based on the literature review, six evaluative dimensions of advertising were derived: relevant news, brand reinforcement, stimulation, empathy, familiarity, and confusion. Theoretical relationships between these six evaluative dimensions and patrons’ emotional responses, perceived value, and behavioral intentions were derived based on the literature review. Following the collection and analysis of data obtained from chain restaurant patrons, it was found that four dimensions of advertising in particular (relevant news, stimulation, empathy, and familiarity) have a significant impact on inducing emotional responses in patrons. Among the four dimensions, stimulation was found to bear the most significant effect on patrons’ emotional responses. It can thus be stated that advertising-induced emotional responses positively influence patrons’ perceived value. During this study, it was found that the level of arousal induced by advertising plays a moderating function in the relationship between patrons’ emotional responses and hedonic value. The possible interpretations of these findings and their managerial implications are discussed in the latter part of this article.  相似文献   

In the hospitality context, the diversification literature has evolved to mostly focus on the impact of diversification on firm performance. However, without accounting for risk, the effect of diversification on firm value likely provides an incomplete picture. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of domestic and international geographic diversification on restaurant firms’ risk. This study uses the Berry-Herfindahl Index to measure the degree of domestic and international geographic diversification. Findings show a non-linear relationship between geographic diversification and restaurant firms’ risk. However, different shapes of the non-linear relationship are revealed between domestic and international geographic diversification and between operational and market-based risk. The results of this study indicate that the risk-reduction effects argued from the modern portfolio theory may be partially applicable to the geographic diversification for restaurant firms, suggesting a different view toward financial diversification and corporate diversification.  相似文献   

Efficient working capital management is becoming important for restaurant firms coping with weak financial conditions and increased economic uncertainty. This study investigates the impact of restaurant firms’ working capital on their profitability. We further examine the effects of firms’ cash levels on the relationship between working capital and profitability. The findings ascertain a strong inverted U-shape relationship between working capital and a firm's profitability, which indicates the existence of an optimal working capital level for restaurant firms. This study also reveals that a firm's cash level is an important factor for efficient working capital management. The results suggest that interactive effects exist among working capital, cash levels, and profitability. Thus, restaurant managers should consider these different roles and impacts when developing an efficient working capital management strategy. Detailed results and implications are presented in the main body of this paper.  相似文献   

The structure of compensation packages of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) has been a significant research interest for researchers across various disciplines. In this paper, we examine a unique relationship between CEO compensation and risk (systematic risk) in the US restaurant industry. Our research question stems from the assumption that CEOs must be rewarded with a higher incentive-based compensation in high-risk profile restaurant companies in order to motivate them to perform in their full potential for mutual benefits of the CEO and shareowners. Furthermore, we investigate whether firm risk moderates the relationship between firm performance and CEO total compensation controlling for the firm size and CEO ownership. We draw our sample firms from the US restaurant industry. Findings of our study suggest that firm risk induces a higher proportion of incentive-based compensation for restaurant companies’ CEOs, and firm risk does not seem to moderate the relationship between pay and performance in the restaurant industry.  相似文献   

Among the diverse strategies that restaurants use in recessions, some studies have shown that strategies that increase advertising, profit margins, or asset turnover have yielded promising results in terms of firm performance. However, the success of these turnaround strategies might be due to the health or size of a firm rather than the implementation of these strategies. Therefore, this study empirically tested this question utilizing the propensity score measure (PSM) due to concerns with selection bias across restaurant segments. The results showed significant improvements in revenue for limited-service and franchise restaurants when aggressive advertising was used but no improvements in profitability. The profit margin strategy had no impact on revenue but affected profitability and stock returns positively for all segments. Finally, the asset turnover strategy had adverse effects on revenue the year after a recession for all segments. These mixed results suggest that managers need to be cautious when implementing recession turnaround strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of cash-holding levels for restaurant firms. After examining a panel data set obtained from 125 publicly traded US restaurant firms between 1997 and 2008, the study provides evidence that restaurant firms with greater investment opportunities tend to hold more cash. At the same time, large restaurant firms, firms holding liquid assets other than cash, firms with higher capital expenditures, and firms paying dividends were shown to hold less cash. The results are generally supportive of the trade-off theory of cash holdings. In particular, both precautionary and transaction motives play important roles in explaining the determinants of cash holdings for restaurant firms.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to (1) investigate the level and the extent of commodity price risk exposure in the restaurant industry and (2) identify the determinants of risk exposure. The risk exposure was estimated by 60-month rolling regressions based on equity returns. The determinants of equity risk exposure were proposed based on a discounted cash flow model. The results found that 35.39% of sample restaurant firms are exposed to commodity price risk. The level of equity risk exposure was estimated to be 1.148 during commodity price booms and 1.031 during slumps. Empirical testing was consistent with the model prediction that operating leverage and financial leverage are effective tools in managing risk exposure, but the effects are asymmetric during commodity price booms and slumps. Financial leverage was found to be more effective than operating leverage.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of diversification on firm performance in the restaurant industry. In prior studies, the theoretical rationales and empirical results appeared to contradict each other. These contradictory results may be due to factors such as industry-specific characteristics or a linear understanding of the relationship between diversification strategies and firm performance. Thus, this study suggested a non-linear hypothesis based on the costs and benefits of diversification strategies with businesses categorized based on their level of diversification. The results of this study showed that restaurant firms do not benefit from a low level of related diversification. This study also found that when restaurant firms are involved in both related and unrelated businesses, the optimal mixed ratio of diversification is approximately half and half. More detailed results, as well as academic and practical implications, are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The value of a hospitality firm is often believed to be dependent on the market price of the properties they own. However, the core business of a hospitality firm is the production of products and services. Since the real estate assets are depreciated throughout their useful life, short-term covariance of firm value with real estate prices seems implausible. Using a two-factor model, the current study examined the real estate exposure of US hospitality firms through daily stock return data from 2005 to 2009. Results indicate that the majority (88%) of the hospitality firms were exposed to real estate risk at some point during the sample period, while the second-stage analysis of real estate betas suggests that exposure is conditional on the financial status of the hospitality firm. Implications and suggestions for future research are presented with the findings of the study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test cost management behavior of small restaurant firms and identify whether managers of these small restaurants behave differently depending on their management and ownership structure. The sample was comprised of 87 small restaurant firms identified from the 1998 Survey of Small Business Finances (SSBF). Cost of doing business, size of staff, and five performance measures were used as dependent variables. Independent variables included management and ownership type. Study findings identified significant differences in the profit margin depending on management type and ownership percentage of the primary owner. We also find that the cost of doing business (total expenses) varies depending upon single-family majority/minority ownership and the ownership percentage of the primary owner. The results support the notion that small restaurant firms are operated differently depending on their management and ownership structure.  相似文献   

Understanding the growth patterns of an industry is essential for establishing sustainable growth strategies. However, until recently little had been known about restaurant firm growth patterns. Thus, this study examined the growth patterns of restaurant firms in association with firm size class and internationalization, after controlling for total and long-term debt leverage, retained earnings, and growth opportunity. Overall, the results of this study showed that small restaurant firms grow faster than large restaurant firms but the growth rate decreases as firm size increases. Furthermore, the growth rate of large firms decreased more slowly than small firms. In terms of internationalization, this study found that as firm size increases, the growth rate of small international firms decreases more rapidly than that of small domestic firms. However, the growth rate of large international firms decreases more slowly than that of large domestic firms. These findings indicate the appropriateness of internationalization strategies for large restaurant firms but the inappropriateness of these strategies for small firms. More detailed results and discussion are also provided.  相似文献   

Foodborne illness outbreaks generate serious socioeconomic costs in the United States. Among many causes, the effects of weather change and the habit of frequently dining out at restaurants are very important topics for researchers, because ambient temperature change may influence the entire process of food consumption from farms to tables, and restaurants are considered to be the most predominant single location responsible for foodborne illness outbreaks. However, few studies have examined both factors simultaneously, although empirical findings support a significant relationship between each factor and foodborne illness outbreaks. Therefore, the objective of this study is to link the effects of ambient temperature change with foodborne illness outbreaks in restaurant business settings. Furthermore, this study aims to identify how restaurant firms have performed compared with others in regard to foodborne illness outbreaks. Finally, this study intends to suggest how restaurant firms can reduce or prevent the prevalence of foodborne illness outbreaks.  相似文献   

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