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This study reviews the literature on the challenges and opportunities of the global value chain (GVC) participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. A three-step approach to the literature review is used for synthesizing the relevant research works. In the end, we retain that SMEs are drivers of economic growth and despite the many challenges they face, the opportunity for developing country SMEs to benefit from their GVC linkages does exist, notably the high-quality information that they would otherwise not have access to. However there are necessary preconditions, resources and strategies that need to be put together to ensure the successful integration and growth (upgrading) of these SMEs within GVCs. The findings and proposed model contribute to enrich existing GVC research and offer a theoretical guide for possible practical measures to be adopted by SMEs and governments in developing countries.  相似文献   

全球金融危机爆发的原因及其对中国经济的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国次贷危机引发了肆掠全球的金融危机,其直接原因是美国国内的产业、金融政策错误,以及华尔街的贪婪与金融监管失误,而深层次原因是全球经济失衡与技术创新的周期性。本文应用时间序列模型验证了美国经济衰退对中国对美出口的显著影响,使用GTAP模型估算了全球经济衰退对中国经济的影响,结果显示:纺织、石化、电子等中国主要出口行业产出增长将进一步大幅下降。建议我国通过调整收入分配结构、扶持民营企业发展以扩大内需,并走创新发展道路,以应对危机下世界经济衰退的挑战。  相似文献   

医院经济管理遇到的问题及改革措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,医院竞争亦格外激烈,医院经济发展遇到了新问题,既面临挑战,也迎来机遇,如何推进医院经济朝着健康、快速、良性循环的方向发展,日益成为百姓关心的问题.本文就医院经济管理遇到的问题进行了研究和分析,并提出了具体的改革措施,以此满足人民群众不断增长的医疗保健需要.  相似文献   

The need for multinational firms to be as competitive in the global marketplace as possible has increased dramatically over the past twenty years. For international human resource management this has meant many strategic opportunities to international human resource management. An excellent example of such an opportunity is that which exists regarding the management of talent. This opportunity began to develop in the late 1990s with the advent of the challenge of “global talent management.” During the past few years this opportunity has expanded to include challenges dealing with talent shortages, talent surpluses, locating and relocating talent, and compensation levels of talent. Together, these conditions are all “global talent challenges”. In this article we describe these several global talent challenges and the strategic opportunities they present to firms and propose the implications of these for firms and for the field of international human resource management.  相似文献   

The economic crisis has given rise to significant challenges to the welfare state. Given that welfare expenses account for a large proportion of all state spending in the member countries of the European Union, reducing government spending means cutting welfare measures. Yet social protection, in particular unemployment insurance benefits and minimum income support, has significantly softened the impact of the crisis for millions of individuals. The global recession calls into question the financial viability of current programmes, and the crisis is being used by some as an opportunity to roll back the welfare state permanently. The present Forum discusses challenges to and opportunities for the welfare state after the crisis.  相似文献   

当前世界正经历"百年未有之大变局",保护主义、单边主义政策日趋成为西方国家的主要选项,加之新冠肺炎疫情的冲击,给未来世界经济带来诸多不稳定与不确定性。在世界格局发展的重要历史拐点,延续中国经济发展的良好势头,成功应对"百年变局"的挑战意味着我们仍然处于历史发展的机遇期。回归经济基础层面,从国际经济秩序演变的视角来把握"百年变局"是根本。"战争悖论"使得过去的"百年变局"由资本主义殖民体系转向新的国际经济秩序,未来的百年之变一定意味着对现有国际经济秩序的调整和完善。因此,对现行国际经济秩序运行、变化、走势及矛盾的判断是关于世界经济未来的最根本问题。  相似文献   

Transparent and fair trade agreements, supportive institutions, and greater political and civil participation are necessary to make sure that ongoing economic development – which is hugely accelerated by international trade – will not leave millions of people behind or ruin the planet. Multilateral trade agreements have the potential to strengthen cooperation between nations, to increase human wealth and well being, and to serve the global common good. In order to do so, they must be based on several principles of justice, such as procedural justice, transactional justice, needs based justice, equal opportunity justice and intergenerational justice. If these principles are successfully applied, multilateral trade agreements can be much more effective in serving the global common good than trade fragmentation, protectionism or mercantilism ever could.  相似文献   

我国实体经济发展问题分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实体经济是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,是一国市场稳定运行的最广泛基础。它直接与民生疾苦和企业生存联系在一起,越是在经济结构经历深刻变革的时期,"实体经济"的稳定运行对于维护社会经济秩序往往越重要。当前我国在发展实体经济方面面临的挑战,主要是产业利润空间越来越小,存在着繁重的税费、利息负担,大部分中小企业银行融资困难,虚拟经济与实体经济收益形成鲜明对比,全球经济增速减缓造成需求不足等。我国应抓住发展的重要机遇,全面提高国家、产业乃至企业的竞争力,大力发展实体经济。  相似文献   

裴超 《中国会展》2020,(2):62-69,8
2019年作为开启变革时代的起始年,给全球经济发展带来了不小的影响。同时,2019年也是经济环境受国际政治因素影响最大的一年。大国沙文主义频现端倪,贸易保护主义抬头,民粹主义盛行,各国汇率调整浮动变化较大,技术革命引发的市场形态的转变以及频遭气候环境影响等多重因素,使得全球经济市场环境遭遇到近半个世纪以来前所呆有的巨大挑战。发展的道路该如何走,已经成为摆在各国政府、机构与企业面前一道最难的选择题。  相似文献   

In recent years,the international market for seasonal decorations has continuously been in large demand.Dandong's seasonal decorations industry meets an unprecedented exportation opportunity.Based on the global seasonal decorations market and the exportation status of Dandong,this paper delivers an analysis about the challenges that exist in the seasonal decorations exportation,and provides some corresponding strategies to further develop the industry.  相似文献   

At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next millennium were presented and analysed. The role of the Internet and communications in the development of the global economy were the central theme of the meeting and the evident inefficiency of traditional control mechanisms was highlighted. This situation implies greater responsibility for management for two fundamental reasons: first because management are ultimately responsible for the fortunes of their organizations, and second because they have more freedom to act. I believe that the Davos manifesto (1973) of discourse is of incalculable value, but we also believe that it has a series of important weaknesses from the ethical point of view. My proposal is for a transformational review centred on the ethics of discourse and using as a starting point a conviction of the important role of the manager in the development of ethics in organizations. In this article I intend to examine the need, and the opportunity, to develop an ethical code for professional managers based on discourse ethics.  相似文献   

Model uncertainty is one of the most pervasive challenges in the social sciences. Cross‐country studies in entrepreneurship have largely ignored this issue. In this paper, we evaluate the robustness of 44 possible determinants of early‐stage opportunity‐motivated entrepreneurship (OME) and necessity‐motivated entrepreneurship (NME) that are broadly classified in four groups: (1) economic variables, (2) formal institutions, (3) cultural values, and (4) legal origins and geography. The results, which are based on a representative world sample of up to 73 countries, suggest that institutional variables associated with the principles of economic freedom are most robustly correlated with OME and NME. Our findings also identify net income inequality and Scandinavian legal origins as weakly robust predictors of both types of entrepreneurial activity. Furthermore, we find that log GDP per capita is only a weakly robust predictor of NME, but not OME. We discuss implications for future research.  相似文献   

Economists and policymakers have lauded the adoption of liberal trade policies in many of the emerging markets. From the outside it may appear that governments in these countries have cemented a new set of rules governing economic behavior within their borders. Yet the authors have found that these countries are likely to see the emergence or resurgence of smuggling and contraband distribution in response to trade liberalization. In order to survive under trade liberalization, smugglers will rely on cost savings associated with the circumventing of legal import channels. In addition they may employ violence to bolster a diminished competitive advantage and may seek new illegal sources, both local and international, for the consumer products they distribute. In a market environment in which organized crime competes alongside more legitimate channels of distribution, U.S. multinationals will face new challenges relating to strategic planning, maintaining alliance relationships and corporate control of global brands and pricing.  相似文献   

金砖国家是指巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非五个新兴经济体国家,其经济以快速发展为主要特点。预计金砖国家GDP总量占全球的比重2015年将会上升到23%,2020年将会达到31%,2025年将达到41%,2030年将达到47%,甚至有可能会占到50%以上。金砖国家目前面临的主要问题是收入分配差距比较大、产业层次低、社会保障体系不够完善、受通货膨胀困扰和国际短期资本冲击大。金砖国家应处理好与发达国家和其他发展中国家以及金砖国家内部的合作关系,把握好共同利益,在国际事务中加强政策协调,共同反对贸易保护主义,推动国际金融体系改革,积极应对全球气候变化,实现共同发展。  相似文献   

The EU faces maybe to the greatest challenges in its history. The paper deals with the idea of analysing the sub‐regional organisation Visegrad Group Visegrad 4 (V4) and its role in the new EU‐27 before and after Brexit. For realisation of this scope, six representative economic indicators are taken into consideration. The data analysis procedure covers latest 10 years meaning 2010–19. In order to support the analysis in the paper, first objective has the building a hypothetic optimal database which has to cover the above six indicators related to EU‐28 and V4. Second objective is relate to the performances quantification of each EU and V4’s economy based on a separately analyse. Final and the major objective is that V4 is able to face to the new global and regional challenges. The analysis in the paper is based on two new models. First of them is a regional development radiography model based on a hexagon diagram. The second is a regional evolution model based on a matrix approach. Both proposed models have distinct hypotheses, which are finally valid by the analysis. The paper puts into discussion five objectives and succeeds in achieving them. The main conclusion of the paper is that V4 is and will continue to be a growth pole for the EU economy. It would be supported by the EU in order to implement policies able to manage better employment.  相似文献   

The proposals regarding the Shanghai Expo attracted the World Expo committee great concern. During the two sessions, the Shanghai World Expo organizer promised that they will play more active role in holding the expo.Though the world is suffering the global crisis, the organizer believed that this is a rare opportunity and as the World Expo 2010 to be held in Shanghai could help China overcome economic difficulties and lift the world out of the crisis shadow.  相似文献   

Since the initiation of economic reforms in 1978 China has become one of the world’s fastest growing economies and has emerged as a global economic and trade power. What are the implications for the world economy, in particular for the distribution of income and wealth? How will China contribute to shaping not only the globalised world economy but also the institutions and policies of global governance?The authors wish to thank the participants of the international seminar in Shanghai on 18-20 March 2005 for their valuable contributions, which have been incorporated into this paper.  相似文献   

Natural beauty is often thought to be the Caribbean's real resource. Jamaica, located in the Caribbean Sea, benefits from this natural splendor of mountains, plains, plateaus, and waterfalls, but also from its people, whose charm and elegance are unsurpassed. Historically, there has been considerable global interest in the Caribbean Sea in general and in Jamaica in particular because of the natural, social, strategic, and economic resources which this region possesses. Today, the contemporary global business environment and the dynamics of hemispheric free trade in the Americans create new and complex challenges for the region's natural and human resources. This article will first present a background to the recent economic and political events which have placed Jamaica as a critical, stable, and important player in the Caribbean Basin economy. The remainder of the article will be based on an interview with Ambassador Richard L. Bernal,1 who will offer an assessment of Jamaica's commitment to economic stabilization, infrastructure capability, foreign investment incentives, financial and trade services, and democratization. In addition, Dr. Bernal provides an evaluation of the relationship of Jamaica and the Caribbean Basin with the United States in the post-cold war liberal economy. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a need for understanding the entrepreneurship and business models in the emerging economies, especially the fast-expanding ones, from a different perspective as compared to the developed economies. The consistent gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, significant socioeconomic potential, untapped needs of the population, and economic growth potential in the fast-expanding emerging economies like the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) have changed the paradigm for investment, thereby creating a new economic development reality and focus for the global companies. However, achieving success in these emerging markets has its own unique mix of challenges. This requires a transformative and innovative mind-set toward conceptualization of a working business model that can fit into the reality of the socioeconomic and cultural challenges of these emerging markets. Further, the business model changes and alignment in these emerging markets require closer analysis and understanding of the global trends as well as ability to leverage the emerging technologies and linkages. The objective of this article is to explore the magnitude of opportunities and emerging business models transforming the socioeconomic landscape in fast-expanding emerging markets. In doing so, the article attempts to provide an overview of the emerging business model typologies and patterns that will enable the global companies to make better-informed decisions and build their presence in the fast-expanding emerging markets. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

未来5年,世界经济将进入又一个最快增长周期。然而,在经济全球化的背景之下,中国经济势必在复杂多变的国际大环境之中坎坷前行。中国经济如果在未来5年内能够继续维持年均10%的增长,将显著提升中国经济在全球经济中的地位。这就要求我们抓住机会,从战略高度维护国家经济安全,在承接国际产业转移过程中培育新优势。  相似文献   

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