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王燕 《国际经贸探索》2021,37(1):99-112
数字经济的产生对全球贸易治理带来了严峻的挑战。其货物与服务贸易混同的贸易属性以及在线交易形式使其在纳入多边贸易治理体系的货物与服务贸易部门时存在特殊困难。既有的多边贸易协定亦欠缺对数字贸易壁垒和数据风险进行有效规制的规定。这促使数字贸易大国在区域贸易协定的谈判中,针对数字贸易的数字特征做出了若干制度回应:在既有的货物贸易和服务贸易分类框架下,针对数字内容构建可兼容其货物和服务贸易属性的数字产品开放规则;应对数字贸易中的数据流通壁垒制定数据流通限制的一般禁止以及禁止计算设施本地化和源代码强制披露的条款;并就数字贸易对国家安全和消费者隐私权和安宁权的损害,授予政府管控数据风险的政策空间。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1044-1073
Between 1940 and 1944 the US government placed $175.066 billion of prime defence contracts with US corporations. Two-thirds of these awards went to only 100 companies and 20% to only five companies leading to charges that the prime contractors were favoured. This article examines the common stock returns of World War II prime contractors relative to broad market indices and to the returns on the non-prime contractors in the same industry. The analysis begins in 1938 with the Anschluss and ends with the 1950 outbreak of the Korean War. Little evidence is found to support the charges.  相似文献   

Intereconomics - The war initiated by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022 has resulted in the largest refugee migration in Europe since World War II, estimated by UNHCR (2022) at 6.3 million...  相似文献   

世界银行3月31日发布的《全球经济展望》更新版预计2009年世界货物和服务贸易总量将会下降6.1%,为80年来最大降幅。而世界经济将下降1.7%,其中发展中国家GDP增长将从2008年的5.8%降至2.1%,OECD国家将下降3%,其他高收入经济体将下降2%。该展望报告同时预期,全球经济增长将在2010年开始转向微弱复苏,预计明年世界GDP增长将温和上升至2.3%。然而,复苏的速度和时间仍然十分不确定。  相似文献   

Three main factors determine the effect of advertising campaigns: message content strategy, advertising expenditure and previous consumer behaviour. This study investigates the relative strength of each of these influences. Four possible campaign targets are taken into account: campaign recall, campaign likeability, brand recall and intention to purchase the advertised brand. A study of 40 advertising campaigns, evaluated on average by 1200 consumers, shows that, after controlling for the effect of previous purchase behaviour, the effect of message content strategy is generally larger than the effect of advertising expenditure. Nevertheless, more media expenditure positively influences campaign recall and influences brand recall and purchase intention of small brands. The most effective message content strategy differs per campaign target, but overall awareness and likeability strategies are most effective. For purchase intention only, the emotions strategy can be advised. The information strategy is best avoided.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of a study of 110 Export Management Companies (EMCs) located throughout the United States. These EMCs were surveyed to find out what international marketing tasks were most important for successful exporting and how difficult these tasks were to perform for their clients. This study also investigated the perceived importance to the ECMs' exporting success of various groups who often provide exporting assistance to exporters. In addition, these respondents were asked to respond to the helpfulness to their exporting activities of current and potential U.S. government actions. The two areas which were indicated to be most important to successful exporting were gathering marketing information and communicating with markets. However, the two areas which these EMCs feel to be most difficult to accomplish were analyzing political risk and sales force management. A gap analysis of these results suggests that the need which exporters most need help in is pricing in foreign markets. This research provides the basis for several policy recommendations to U.S. government leaders concerning their efforts to assist American exporters.  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective on Nigeria’s global economic position and integration into the world economy. While other emerging market economies have benefited from globalization, there is concern that African countries continue to be marginalized. Among African countries, Nigeria is one of two major countries with strong potential to harness the opportunities and meet the challenges that the global economy could provide. Nigeria has the largest population in the continent and has been growing rapidly, due in part to gains from economic reforms and rising prices of oil. However, Nigeria’s integration into the global economy has been below potential. While it has improved its global rankings on indicators of competitiveness, business climate, and productivity in the past five years, it still ranks below most of its peer group on these indicators. It is among the poorest countries in the world in terms of social indicators despite oil wealth. Further integration into the global economy would require sustained policy reforms, improved governance, and public-private investments in social, human, and physical infrastructure. This paper is part of research on “The SANE as Africa’s Growth Poles: How Africa’s Big Four Could Power the Continent.” The SANE comprises South Africa, Algeria, Nigeria, and Egypt.  相似文献   

India and the Global Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
India’s booming knowledge-based sectors demonstrate the power of globalization to transform developing economies. For India, however, these industries are just part of its contribution to the global economy. For a more nuanced picture of India’s international economic position, this paper places India in international and historical context, examines its links to the world through trade, labor, and capital, and outlines some critical challenges facing the country. What emerges is a more complex picture of India -- a nation with far more to offer than skilled programmers but which must address problems of poverty, infrastructure, and governance to achieve its potential. JEL Classification O530  相似文献   

The tendency of American business schools to teach a "universal" set of ethical standards and managerial perspectives can have a serious impact on the business practices of new graduates as well as on the success of companies desiring to do business globally. We need to become more sensitive to other cultural/ethical approaches and to sensitize our business students to them early in their academic process in order to encourage the use of common-norming to attain mutual economic benefit. We can understand this process through the application of anthropological principles to ethical constructs.  相似文献   

中国经济:2010年回顾与2011年展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年我国经济运行呈现"高速平稳、前松后紧"的局面。2011年,我国经济仍将保持高位平稳较快增长态势,预计GDP增长速度将会保持在10%左右。"稳中求进,难中求解"将成为2011年中国经济运行的主基调。  相似文献   


Using data on Russia's competitiveness collected by our research team as part of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report (GCR), literature on competitiveness, in particular Michael Porter's theories on economic development and competitiveness, and benchmarking data from the global competitiveness project for other countries, this paper analyzes Russia's comparative strengths in its macro and microeconomic competitiveness. We investigate Russia's movement in ranks over a three-year period, discussing Russia's strengths in its macroeconomic climate and the weaknesses of its institutions. We illustrate the effects of these on three-key growth industries in Russia: oil, IT outsourcing, and the food sector.  相似文献   

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