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60年代的多元化热潮曾经使企业的规模扩张成为提高收益的主要途径。但是,随着多元化领域的不断扩张,许多公司发现规模扩张后的规模经济效益开始降低,逐步出现规模不经济。当80年代并购狂潮再次掀起时,出现了一个显著的特征,那就是企业并购与企业分拆并存,并且呈上升趋势。这显示企业分拆已成为企业并购的重要组成部分,并购与分拆的有机统一构成了完整意义上的企业并购概念。本文分别从横向边界和纵向边界阐述企业分拆的驱动因素,即试图从经济学角度分析企业分拆的内在经济驱动因素,同时分别结合中国典型分拆案例进行解释。  相似文献   

刘琼 《商》2014,(40):294-295
[“如同不少企业并购希望实现资源整合而未能成功一样,分拆后如果没有合适的策略也可能导致失败。”] 惠普公司日前宣布将分拆为一家主营PC 和打印机业务的“惠普公司”和一家主营企业硬件和服务业务的“惠普企业”。在此之前,eBay也宣布了分拆支付业务PayPal的决定,后者是eBay2002年收购的创新公司。  相似文献   

WTO争端解决机制设计是一个典型的动态博弈问题,从博弈的角度来分析博弈策略,这对我国理性应对贸易争端是有重要参考价值的。根据WTO的DSU的法律规定以及WTO争端解决机制的运作方式,构建WTO争端解决的博弈模型,对WTO贸易争端的博弈方、博弈过程、博弈策略以及博弈的得益与信息结构进行分析。  相似文献   

中国目前既缺乏专门的法律来规范外资银行的并购行为,也没有专门的管制权威机构去评估审查其行为可能带来的反竞争效应,因此迫切需要加强对外资银行在华并购行为的反垄断规制。应从合理原则和国家金融安全与金融竞争力目标,高效的组织管理体系和合作有序的管制协调机制,统一的《银行并购法》,科学合理的对竞争效果的经济分析体系,激励性和约束性相容的反垄断规制政策,专业化、国际化的人才培养与激励机制等几方面进行政策设计。  相似文献   

本文在我国不断深入金融市场改革,分拆上市新规的正式出台的背景下,以G企业为例,分析其分拆上市的动因、财务绩效和经营风险.本文尝试通过对G企业的分拆上市案例的梳理和分析,总结其在分拆上市过程中所获得的经验与启示,为后续的尝试境内分拆上市的医药企业提供一些可供参考的经验,从而推动医药企业进一步发展.  相似文献   

企业并购是多个局中人参与的博弈行为。本文分析了外企、国企和政府三方在企业并购中的行为特征,建立了不同情况下企业并购的博弈分析模型,并给出了各博弈方在模型中的最优策略。  相似文献   

企业并购实际上是一个包括并购企业以及被并购企业双方股东、债权人或政府等多个参与并购的局中人之间的博弈过程。本文采用博弈论作为主要分析工具,以并购方和被并购方作为主要研究对象,建立了相应的博弈模型,对并购双方的博弈过程进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

近几年,分拆上市作为一种新的上市方法,越来越多的企业选择探索以分拆上市的路径实现自身企业的资本扩张。以此背景下,中铁建选择"分拆上市"的策略,成功变成在中国证券市场上第一家分拆成功上市A+H股的央企,完美地实现了子母公司扩展市场业绩与提升世界知名度的双赢局面。通过介绍中国铁建分拆上市的动因、过程及上市后市场动态,总结了企业分拆上市的积极意义,为后续分拆上市的企业提供积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

廖淼 《财经界(学术)》2011,(14):114-115
本文通过分析国际贸易融资产品关于收益性、风险性和流动性的界定,结合外汇产品和保险类产品的属性特征,利用"分拆"与"组合"原理对贸易融资产品进行创新设计。创新实践中,银行应根据各产品的不同特征对其加以重新"组合",创造出新产品或者完善原有产品的功能,以达到有效满足进出口商贸易融资需求的目的。  相似文献   

在互联网企业并购如火如荼的今天,其并购绩效越来越令人瞩目。本研究从演化博弈论的角度对互联网寡头并购进行分析,探讨了由于市场集中度差异导致的对其合并绩效的影响。研究表明,巨头的并购绩效取决于其与其他巨头的博弈,而小企业的博弈策略及其并购收益取决于互联网巨头之间的博弈结果。最后基于此分析,本文从合并方、被合并方及政府等三方面提出相应对策。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(3):291-301
Because of their remarkable history of financial success, corporate spin-offs are the subject of perennial interest and investigation. We critically review quantitative and case-based research to determine the conditions under which a spin-off divestiture provides beneficial results for the conglomerate, the newly independent subsidiary, and the stockholders. The shared goal of spin-off researchers is to understand the rationale for the financial success that spin-off firms and their newly disconnected conglomerates experience. Our review and synthesis of the findings include 30 years of academic research by scholars in strategic and business management, commercial research by independent researchers and consulting firms, and IRS and US Treasury documents that detail when a spin-off qualifies for a corporate tax-free exchange. Our central finding is that spin-offs, conglomerates, and stockholders benefit from tax-free divestiture and subsequent refocusing by the companies. The article explains the breadth of spin-off divestitures and the benefits of their success in the US. These results center on helping decision-makers recognize the situational factors that support the choice of a spin-off strategy.  相似文献   

近年来,中国企业资产剥离行为日益增多,但在理论上却没有得到与并购同等的重视。以中国上市公司为对象,从企业战略角度研究多元化水平和经理人变更对企业资产剥离行为的影响。实证研究发现:多元化程度愈高的上市公司,愈有可能从事资产剥离;上年发生总经理或董事长变更的企业,愈有可能在下年进行剥离资产;资产剥离还与上年的每股收益、流动比率显著负相关,但与上年的资产负债率、总资产周转率、第一大股东持股比例及企业资产规模的关系不明显。  相似文献   

This paper contributes further empirical evidence on the effects of mergers on innovation using company level data. Evidence on this issue has implications for the relationship between innovation and market concentration. Our departure from previous work is that we focus on a sample of horizontal mergers whose market concentration impacts were flagged by U.S. antitrust authorities as potentially posing a problem for antitrust law compliance. We employ propensity score matching and difference-in-differences estimation to compare the innovation activities of challenged and non-challenged merger firms to a control group of non-merged firms. We use R&D, patent grants, and citation-weighted patent grants to measure the innovation activities of firms before and after a merger. Our results indicate that the post-merger innovation outcomes of firms whose mergers were challenged are lower than they would have been had the firms not merged. But for non-challenged mergers, or mergers that do not raise concerns about market concentration, post-merger innovation outcomes are not significantly different from what they would have been without a merger.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply and extend merger simulation methodology to analyze the effectiveness of partial divestitures as a 'fix' to remedy the possible anticompetitive effects of horizontal mergers. Typically, antitrust agencies require merging firms to divest assets so that the status quo before the merger is restored, that is, they favor a 'full divestiture'. We focus on the effectiveness of a partial divestiture as an antitrust remedy (where a subset of products owned by the merging firms is spun off). Although this is not the type of full divestiture favored by antitrust agencies, we argue here that a partial divestiture could leave consumers better off after the merger than they were before - under certain conditions. Using a real-world example, we show how divesting a relatively close substitute creates competition that offsets the anticompetitive effects of combining products that are relatively distant substitutes. This result stands even when the divestee is moderately inefficient.  相似文献   

我国商业银行跨国经营的战略性机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究表明,追随客户的全球经营是跨国银行形成的关键所在,在经济全球化浪潮中,各跨国银行已成长为资信卓著的全能型金融服务集团。相比之下,除中国银行能称为跨国银行外,我国其它商业银行的跨国经营业务正处于起步阶段,且受到产权制度等问题的困扰,跨国经营仍受到很大程度的制约。然而,在“走出去”战略推动下,我国对外直接投资持续增长,跨国公司不断成长,为我国商业银行的跨国经营提供了战略性机遇。  相似文献   

Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are becoming increasingly important. They are not money but are being used by a growing group of people as a means of payment and investment. Central banks and regulatory authorities have identified risks and see a need for regulation. Regulation areas with a high priority in the EU concern consumer protection, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT). The EU institutions are currently revamping the AML Directive in order to include virtual currencies for the first time. An international coordination on the regulation of virtual currencies is on the agenda of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of G20 countries.  相似文献   

In today??s marketing conditions, it becomes really vital for companies to establish an appropriate relationship with suppliers and salesperson based on ethical values in order to survive. Besides, ensuring an effective relationship between the parties would contribute to increase buyer satisfaction along with economic and social satisfaction. In this study, the direct effects of suppliers?? and salespersons?? unethical behaviors on buyer satisfaction, and the moderator effect of communication between buyer?Csupplier relationships are examined. The results of the study have revealed that unethical behaviors of suppliers and salesperson affect buyer satisfaction negatively and the communication variable has moderately affected. The results are providing important advantages for buyers who want to improve the relationships between the suppliers and their salesperson for pharmaceutical enterprises.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare environmental motives and performance of conventional and Islamic banks in Bangladesh. Green compliance index was developed based on the Bangladesh Bank (the central bank of Bangladesh) guidelines whereas information regarding governance variables is collected from the annual reports of 9 Islamic and 31 conventional banks. Results show Islamic banks are more environmentally friendly compared to their conventional counterparts. Board size is negatively related to green compliance whereas board independence and auditor's type do not have any significant influence on green compliance for both clusters of banks. Compliance with green banking policies enhances the reputation for Islamic banks and accountability and profitability for conventional banks. Results of this study provide useful information for regulatory authorities to formulate policies that are conducive to enhance bank's environmental performance.  相似文献   

This article studies the strategic journeys of two Indian banks in evolving socio-political and economic environments, spread across eight decades. It provides a holistic view of longevity challenges by exploring interdependencies between a firm’s internal dynamics, external environment, and its leaders. This article covers the growth of Canara Bank and Syndicate Bank in distinct phases of unrestricted, regulated, and centrally planned economic environment, and in changing socio-political scenarios. It uses within-case and across-case analysis, contextualised in these conditions, to provide rich insights about measures adopted by firms for their long-term survival and sustenance.  相似文献   

Quantitative Marketing and Economics - In this paper, I investigate the impact of a horizontal merger between firms that use price promotions. I find that after the merger, the merged firms...  相似文献   

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