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邓小平的民主政治理论包括了社会主义民主本质和核心、社会主义民主与法制、社会主义民主建设与政治体制改革三个方面的主要内容。在新时期应该通过有序扩大公民的政治参与、全面落实依法治国方略、加快行政管理体制改革的方式进一步推进民主政治建设的发展。  相似文献   

胡泳 《商务周刊》2010,(7):51-51
自1950年代开始,西方主流政治理论认为,政治活动是工具性的,本身不具有价值,政治行为是私人的事务而不是公共事务。由此程序民主、精英民主与多元民主理论风行一时,在民主问题上主张限制大众参与。  相似文献   

协商民主理论是20世纪后期由西方学术界开始关注的新领域,其超越了自由民主和批评理论,强调在多元化的的社会背景下通过全民参与,以参与决策和立法达成共识.对于中国来说,目前我国选举民主制度处于起步状态,协商制度体系也欠缺完善.我党一直处于以中国共产党为核心领导的多党合作与政治协商制度,人民政协是我国实行协商民主的主要渠道之一,协商民主对于在社会主义体系下的中国政治发展来说相得益彰,通过这种形式来保证公民有序的政治参与,完善我国社会主义民主政治.  相似文献   

李荣鑫 《商》2016,(4):108-109
20世纪后期,西方学术界开始关注民主理论的另一种动向,或者说民主理论的延伸:协商民主。协商民主并不是一种新的民主形式,从1980年约瑟夫·毕赛特提出"协商民主"这一概念,到后来尤尔根·哈贝马斯、伯纳德·曼宁、乔舒亚·科恩、詹姆斯·博曼等对这一民主形式的详尽阐释,都在很大程度上将协商民主视为选举民主即代议制民主的一种补充形式,如何定义协商民主在多元文化现实、全球治理复杂化的今天很难做到,但作为一种程序理想,协商民主更进一步的阐述了政治决策的合法性,同时受到哈贝马斯思想影响,民主观念从偏好转换取代偏好聚合,协商民主更能适应这种观念上的转变,在代议制民主日益趋向庸俗化精英主义的当代民主模式下,协商民主为自由的个人提供了一种更为理想的参与政治的方式,尽管协商民主在其理论构建及初步实践中,抑或出现协商过程中的精英主义或寡头政治,但协商民主的民主价值为当代民主实践提供了一种良好的发展模式,本文就詹姆斯·博曼协商民主相关思想进行研究,以期对当下协商民主理论发展达到更明晰的认识的同时创新协商民主实践模式。  相似文献   

以新公共利益、公民精神和民主治理为核心的新公共服务理论提出后,在公共行政活动中,政府的角色应当是:指向全体公民的服务者.构建以公民为主体的共商社会,不仅要关注新公共管理理论所主张的竞争、效率和绩效,更应关注宪法责任、民主、公意等公共政治价值理念.政府应更加关注以公民权、公民参与和优质公共服务为核心的公民精神建设.同时转变行政执行观和领导观,并从五个方面重新定位政府角色:职能、执政目标、服务对象、责任和组织文化,才能最终实现民主治理.  相似文献   

董耀武  刘兴卫 《商》2012,(18):135-135
一、协商民主理论简介协商民主(deliberative democracy,又称审议性民主、商议性民主、商谈民主)是20世纪90年代以来在西方政治学界兴起的一种民主理论。协商民主强调公民是民主体制的参与主体,主张公民之间自由、平等的进行讨论、对话和争辩,通过普通公民参与的基础上就决策和立法达成共识,从而让公共政策在  相似文献   

张卓 《中国报业》2012,(18):89-90
随着互联网的普及,公民网络民主的热情日益高涨,网络展现出惊人的政治影响力。积极探索和尝试使之和现实的各种因素共同作用,与现实的政治参与制度衔接,与其他民主形式之间协调互补,从而为民主政治的发展创造新的机遇、环境和条件。本文通过列举中国网络民主的发展中存在的问题,结合网络民主的特点,讨论如何采取发展中国网络民主的积极对策,目的是使网络民主这种新型的政治民主形式更好地促进社会主义民主政治建设。  相似文献   

基于现实的国情,中国特色社会主义公共服务必须以缓解制度性民生问题为首要的建设目标.由此才能保持政治稳定、社会和谐。基于社会主义国家肩负的历史使命,中国特色社会主义公共服务必须以民主为手段。要实现公共服务的民主化,必须充分开发社区层次的基层自治体系;实现政府角色由执行者、控制者向公民参与帮助者的转变。  相似文献   

民主发展至今经历了三个阶段:直接民主、代议制民主(自由民主)、以及协商民主。作为20世纪后期民主理论主要转向的协商民主意味着政治共同体中自由平等的公民能够参与政治生活和政治决策,通过反思、对话、辩论等,就涉及公共利益的政策达成共识,并赋予立法和决策合法性,其强调的是公民有序政治参与。我国基层治理涌现出多样化协商民主实践,如:民主恳谈、工资集体协商、民主议会等,在推进我国民主化建设进程的同时其自身发展也面临着极大障碍。  相似文献   

公民参与是民主政治的必然趋势。有关公民参与的研究既有政治学的视角,也有公共行政学的视角。公共行政学视野里的公民参与研究涉及到公民参与政策制定、执行、评估的全过程。公民通过各种合法途径表达利益需求,使政策更具有回应性,更符合民众的需要。公民参与具有重要的作用,但其作用的发挥却受很多因素的限制。因此,对公民参与的作用需要作辩证的理解。只有这样,才能在政策过程中融入有效的、积极的公民参与。  相似文献   

市政公用事业的民营化已成为全球民营化改革的主流。实践证明,在市政公用事业领域,由公共部门和私营部门共同参与生产和提供公共物品及服务的制度安排作为一种全新的概念模式方兴未艾。它被形象地称作"公私合作制",其内涵正不断被各国独具特色的实践所演绎和丰富。传统监管模式的失灵是催生公私合作制的根本动因,从中亦折射出西方国家对这种传统监管进行深度反思与大胆革新的智慧和勇气。公私合作制绝非简单的产权改革,更不是所谓的"私有化",从本质上看,它是一项依托政府承担监管责任,通过竞争机制与市场监管良性互动予以维系的综合性制度。  相似文献   

For many societal decisions, governments and public bodies are beginning to involve stakeholders and the general public to a far greater extent than previously in the decision process. Stakeholder workshops, citizen juries, focus groups, electronic forums, web-polling and many other means of consultation are being used to draw citizens into the process of deciding between different options on the management of their communities. Politicians are drawn to such instruments because greater public involvement seems to achieve greater acceptance of the ultimate decision and, arguably in more objective terms, a better decision. Many academic studies have investigated participation and wider aspects of deliberative democracy and found that the politicians’ intuition is borne out in practice. However, while there have been many studies focused on specific instruments of participation, few have compared different ones. Moreover, there seems to be a dearth of advice on how to assemble a set of different instruments into a complete participatory decision making process. This paper offers a decision modelling framework which, firstly, provides a methodology which may be used to design participatory processes and, secondly, raises a number of questions which future comparative studies will need to address.  相似文献   

In policy debates about reducing environmental and social harms, political consumerism is often called for by actors from a broad political spectrum. This paper examines traits of deliberative democracy in cases where instruments of political consumerism (eco-labelling, certificates and standards) are developed. The empirical cases are processes surrounding eco-labelled, standardised forestry, food and electricity in Sweden. In green forestry certification, deliberative processes have taken place close to deliberative democracy ideals. Yet, these processes have been made possible because of equal power levels, although power, according to deliberative theory, should be irrelevant. In organic food labelling, a smothering consensus climate has enabled deliberation, although such a policy condition is at odds with certain deliberative democracy ideals. In electricity labelling, its deliberative processes were embraced by everyone, although the problem scope was narrowly defined, whilst fundamental problems were not addressed. If deliberative democracy researchers become involved in critical frame reflection in consumer-oriented policy making, changes can be made that help reduce environmental harms and strengthen public engagement in political consumerism.  相似文献   

伍德认为麦克弗森的自由主义民主理论没有方法论或理论可能性,没有正确揭示自由主义民主同资本主义之间的关系。资本主义并不能借助于自由主义民主获得永恒的生命力,自由主义民主也不能同资本主义一起走向胜利。自由主义民主是一种权利体系,兼具公共权威性和维持占有性关系的双重职能。自由主义民主和社会主义的融合只能依赖没有任何社会内容的空洞的形式主义。自由主义民主导致资本主义国家的自我封闭,制造了不可消除的内在矛盾,最终只能以革命的形式来超越自身的评价系统。国家的消亡只能在无阶级社会中实现,国家权力与公共权力之间具有明显的张力。伍德指出麦克弗森不主张暴力革命,而主张走改良主义道路,希望利用和平手段过渡到社会主义社会,因而麦克弗森不是马克思主义者,更多的是自由主义民主者。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,国际社会格局的改变,导致了国际法的制定形式较此前有了明显的变化。国家集团的形成,国际组织、非政府组织对国际事务的广泛参与,在赋予民主新含义的同时,也产生了一些新问题。国际立法民主只是一种治理形式,作为工具,其不可避免地具有双面性。只有建立在对民主这一充满弹性的概念辩证认识的基础上,才能不断通过强化国际法的民主来提高国际立法质量,从而在法律的正当性和科学性方面增强国际法的拘束力。  相似文献   

参与式预算的研究在近几年得到理论界的重视,研究成果颇为丰富。本文将科学知识图谱引入参与式预算研究领域,借助 Excel、 Bibexcel、 Sati3.2、 Netdraw、SPSS、 CitespaceⅢ,通过科学合作分析、关键词分析及引文分析,发现自2000年以来,参与式预算的研究视角多元,各国均有学者参与研究;参与式预算的热点研究对象依然是巴西,但是研究的内容却逐步从个案的经验研究转向对民主、自治和对市民参与等问题的关注;参与式预算研究取得效果卓著,但仍有许多边缘性的问题亟待解决。笔者在此基础上,并结合中国参与式预算,进行了展望。  相似文献   

Are democracy and success compatible in a business organization? In this work we show how Spain’s Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa (MCC) has made it possible. MCC can be considered a world leader in cooperativism. It is one of the few contemporary business organizations that can be viewed as a democracy, and it represents a unique experience in the use of democratic and participatory methods in management. MCC has developed its own Management Model based on its cooperative principles, on modern management practices and on the cutting edge experiences of the most advanced companies. In this work we analyze the key elements of MCC’s democratic management model, developed around aspects such as corporate culture, organizational structure or human resources. We also look at the case of Irizar, a component cooperative of MCC internationally known for its successful management model. Finally, we outline some practical implications of introducing democracy into organizations, drawn from the experiences of MCC and Irizar.  相似文献   

It is well established that democracy affects trade, but how does this relationship change over time? The results suggest that democracy increases trade openness both in the short and long run. However, democracy only leads to a reduction in trade restrictions in the short term. In addition, the durability of a polity is employed as an instrument in order to consider the possibility that democracy and trade are endogenously related. This method helps to isolate a causal effect of democracy on trade, and the results suggest that the economic effect of democracy is 2–3 times larger than under OLS.  相似文献   

Interest in third sector organisations (TSOs) is growing as their role in addressing social regeneration, especially in urban environments, is regarded as crucial by governmental and supra-governmental organisations. The challenge is increased in multicultural environments, where those from ethnic minorities may struggle to participate in the mainstream economy and society more broadly. There is an assumption that TSOs make a positive contribution to the social good of the diverse communities and client groups that they serve. However, although there have been many studies of ethicality in commercial and public sector organisations, few focus on TSOs. Furthermore, black and minority ethnic (BME) TSOs, in particular face specific pressures, caught between the high expectations of their capacity to engage with diverse communities where the public sector has failed and, in common with all TSOs, the struggle to secure the resources necessary to manage their organisations and deliver front-line services. In this article, we investigate how implicitly ethicality is constructed in TSOs, including those with a primary mission to provide support for and services to BME communities. Building on information obtained for 305 TSOs in a post-industrial city we develop a structural equation model (SEM) in order to evaluate the relationships between elements that we argue comprise ethicality. We then assess the manner in which TSOs generally, and BME TSOs specifically, vary in the manner in which they communicate their ethical purpose and the outcomes of their actions.  相似文献   

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