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We study the 52-week high momentum strategy in international stock markets proposed by George and Hwang [George, T., Hwang, C.Y., 2004. The 52-week high and momentum investing. Journal of Finance 59, 2145-2176.]. This strategy produces profits in 18 of the 20 markets studied, and the profits are significant in 10 markets. The 52-week high momentum profits exist independently from the Jegadeesh and Titman [Jegadeesh, N., Titman, S., 1993. Returns to buying winners and selling losers: implications for market efficiency. Journal of Finance 48, 65-91.] individual stock and Moskowitz and Grinblatt [Moskowitz, T.J., Grinblatt, M., 1999. Do industries explain momentum? Journal of Finance 54, 1249-1290] industry momentum strategies. These profits do not show reversals in the long run. We find that the 52-week high is a better predictor of future returns than macroeconomic risk factors or the acquisition price. The individualism index, a proxy to the level of overconfidence, has no explanatory power to the variations of the 52-week high momentum profits across different markets. However, the profits are no longer significant in most markets once transaction costs are taken into account.  相似文献   

We propose a new momentum strategy based on the timing of a stock’s 52-week high price. We find that the stocks that attained the 52-week high price in the recent past significantly outperform the stocks that attained the 52-week high price in the distant past. In particular, the top 10% of the stocks with the most recent 52-week high price outperform the bottom 10% of the stocks with most distant 52-week high price by 0.70% per month. Further, conditioning on the recency of 52-week high price significantly increases the profitability of momentum strategy based on the nearness of current price to the 52-week high price. Specifically, the average monthly return of this strategy is about twice as large for stocks with recent 52-week high price as compared with stocks with distant 52-week high price.  相似文献   

George and Hwang (J Finance 59:2145–2176, 2004) have shown that the 52-week high share price carries significant predictive ability for individual stock returns, dominating other common momentum-based trading strategies. Based upon their results and other methods, this paper examines and compares the performance of three momentum trading strategies for mutual funds, including an analogous 1-year high measure for the net asset value of mutual fund shares. Strategies based on prior extreme returns and on fund exposure to stock return momentum are also examined. Results show that all three measures have significant, independent, predictive ability for fund returns. Further, each produces a distinctive pattern in momentum profits, whether measured in raw or risk-adjusted returns, with profits from momentum loading being the least transitory. Nearness to the 1-year high and recent extreme returns are significant predictors of fund monthly cash flows, whereas fund momentum loading is not.  相似文献   

The performance of industrial and 52-week high momentum strategies is compared to the conventional strategy, using a large sample of stocks drawn from multiple countries covering a quarter of century to 2007. The sample of 51,879 stocks in 51 countries removes the potential for criticism, such as data mining, and provides more generalisable findings and knowledge concerning the robustness and usefulness of return from momentum strategies. Both the industry and 52-week high strategies generate positive returns but neither is greater than the conventional momentum strategy. A new 52-week high industry momentum strategy is examined and it achieves a similar result.  相似文献   

A large body of literature demonstrates that acquisitions are on average value destroying for the acquirer. We investigate whether the change in the acquirer??s information uncertainty contributes to acquirer wealth losses. Information uncertainty affects the discount rate (the cost of capital), which in turn influences stock price. Our results indicate that acquisitions lead to increases in information uncertainty, as proxied by analysts?? earnings forecast dispersion. We also find that the change in information uncertainty is negatively related to acquirer long-term stock performance, after controlling for the acquirer??s fundamentals. Taken together, this evidence is consistent with the conclusion that increases in information uncertainty resulting from acquisitions contribute to acquirer post-acquisition wealth losses  相似文献   

We examine voluntary disclosures of information about corporate strategies. We develop a model in which managers choose whether to reveal their strategic plans only to some partners of the firm or also to the outside world. We show that managers face a tradeoff when deciding whether to disclose their private information to outsiders. On the one hand, by disclosing their intentions, managers become reluctant to change their minds in the future. This may lead them to make inefficient project implementation decisions. On the other hand, information disclosure about corporate strategy provides strong incentives for partners of the firm to undertake strategy‐specific investments.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of informed trading (PIN) and information uncertainty in determining price momentum. We find that trading strategies based on buying high-uncertainty good-news stocks and shorting high-uncertainty bad-news stocks work well when limited to high-PIN stocks, while stocks with low-PIN do not exhibit price continuations, even when the uncertainty level of those stocks is high. In contrast, momentum returns are always significant for high-PIN stocks, irrespective of information uncertainty. Overall, we show that the informed trading effect is both independent of and stronger than that of information uncertainty in determining price momentum.  相似文献   

In textbook discussions of the make-or-buy problem, outsourcing is often justified on technological grounds. Suppliers may have better equipment, more capacity, or benefit from economies of scale. This teaching note demonstrates that even when technological issues are absent, outsourcing can be preferred. The benefit to outsourcing arises because the price set by a self-interested supplier can convey information to a buyer. Information conveyed by a supplier allows the firm to better tailor its production to the circumstance. The case also provides students an opportunity to apply basic concepts from economics, statistics, and mathematics to a common managerial accounting problem.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of information uncertainty and information asymmetry on corporate bond yield spreads using American data from 2001 to 2006. Empirical results of this study show that investors charge a significant risk premium for both information uncertainty and information asymmetry when controlling for variables well known in the literature. The results are robust even when controlling for credit ratings. Finally, information uncertainty and asymmetry help structural-form credit models explain the yield spreads of bonds with short maturities.  相似文献   

2017年的主题词就是全球经济的非常不确定性.这个不确定性从三个方面可以看出: 第一,全球经济的不确定性反映在有三个比较重要的数值上:一是I M F预测说2016年全球经济增长是3.1%,2017年可能不会比这个增幅好;二是在全球经济复苏比较缓慢的情况下,全球的贸易增长缓慢, W T O预测2106年的商品贸易量的增长只有1.7%,比3.1%的全球经济增长还差,而贸易增长量增长的缓慢已经是第五年了,从2016年开始出现了一个新的趋势,就是发达国家的进出口的增长好于新兴市场(我讲的不是价值,不包含价格的波动,就是它的商品量).  相似文献   

计算机技术的广泛应用和网络技术的日益普及,使银行业务对计算机的依赖性越来越高。银行业涉及国计民生和国家安全,其业务运行必须建立在安全基础之上。信息系统安全已经成为关系到银行业务能否顺利开展的重要因素。银行信息系统的安全保障要以缜密的分析为前提,制定详细的对策  相似文献   

How political uncertainty affects the supply of value relevant information about a firm is an important but unresolved question. Using an emerging market setting where political leaders are expected to exert significant influence on economic activities, we examine the effect of political uncertainty caused by turnovers of local government leaders on a firm’s information environment. We find that during periods of political uncertainty, the total amount of idiosyncratic information about a firm that is available to the market is reduced. The adverse effect on information supply is manifest in firms that are more politically dependent and stronger when uncertainty is more severe. Further, we provide evidence suggesting that firms react to political uncertainty by reducing the amount and the quality of information provided to investors. We find that information intermediaries such as financial analysts and the media have a moderating effect on the information environment as they increase the production of information during periods of political uncertainty. However, these intermediaries do not negate the net loss of information.  相似文献   

We analyse and quantify, in a financial market with parameter uncertainty and for a Constant Relative Risk Aversion investor, the utility effects of two different boundedly rational (i.e. sub-optimal) investment strategies (namely, myopic and unconditional strategies) and compare them with each other and with the utility effect of full information. We show that effects are mainly caused by full information and predictability, being the effect of learning marginal. We also investigate the saver's decision regarding whether to manage her/his portfolio personally (DIY investor) or hire, against the payment of a management fee, a professional investor and find that delegation is mainly motivated by the belief that professional advisors are, depending on investment horizon and risk aversion, either better informed (‘insiders’) or more capable of gathering and processing information, rather than possessing the ability to learn from financial data. In particular, for very short investment horizons, delegation is primarily, if not exclusively, motivated by the beliefs that professional investors are better informed.  相似文献   

In this study it is hypothesised that as perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) increases, internals on the Locus of Control (LOC) scale will perceive information that has wider scope and is timely to be more useful than do externals on the LOC scale. Results indicate a significant effect but in a direction opposite to that expected. Externals, not internals, found information more useful when faced with higher uncertainty. It is suggested that the source rather than the relevance of the information, as was predicted, may have contributed to this result. The study is significant because it supports the need to consider personality and environmental factors together.  相似文献   

A key aspect of Chinese-style institutions is that the growth of the economy can be severely restricted by the adjustment and implementation of policy, leading to serious uncertainty in business practices. This paper investigates whether political connections help private firms obtain policy information ahead of public disclosure that would allow them to hedge against policy uncertainty. Using the quarterly data on non-financial private listed companies over 2007:Q1–2017:Q4, we find that the negative effect of policy uncertainty on fixed-asset investment is lower in politically connected firms than in non-connected firms, especially in industries with low asset reversibility and regions with a high degree of marketization. Further, a positive mitigation of policy uncertainty exists in firms whose top executives served as officials rather than deputies, and higher administrative as well as finance-related political connections show more information advantage. In addition, robust evidence is provided that controls the impacts of political connections on financing constraints, business performance and policy burdens, overcoming potential endogeneity, and the cash-holdings perspective. Our findings suggest that political connections are conducive to mitigate information asymmetry between private firms and policymakers in China.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - The design of accounting rules by the international standard-setters takes place by considering a trade-off between relevance and reliability. An...  相似文献   

近年来,信息技术已逐渐深入到中央银行的各项业务活动中,信息安全问题日益突出。为保障央行信息安全,央行需要有自己完整的信息安全技术及策略来防范风险。  相似文献   

The 52-Week High and Momentum Investing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When coupled with a stock's current price, a readily available piece of information—the 52‐week high price–explains a large portion of the profits from momentum investing. Nearness to the 52‐week high dominates and improves upon the forecasting power of past returns (both individual and industry returns) for future returns. Future returns forecast using the 52‐week high do not reverse in the long run. These results indicate that short‐term momentum and long‐term reversals are largely separate phenomena, which presents a challenge to current theory that models these aspects of security returns as integrated components of the market's response to news.  相似文献   

信息,在ISO17799中被看作一种资产,以各种形式存在,可以打印或写在纸上,可以在交谈中存在,可以在电影、电视等媒体中存在,可以是电子的,存储在各种存储介质中,有多种传播途径。所谓信息安全是指保护信息资源,防止未经授权者或偶然因素对信息资源的破坏、改动、非法利用或恶意泄露,以实现信息保密性、完整性与可用性的要求。在国际标准化组织的信息安全管理标准规范(ISO/IEC17799)和其他一些权威机构的文献中,都定义了信息安全的基本特性:如保密性(保证信息只允许授权用户访问)、完整性(保证用户得到的信息及信息的处理方法是准确的、完备的)、可用性(保证合法用户在需要时可以访问到所需信息和使用相关的资产)、可控性(对信息、信息处理过程及信息系统本身都可以实施合法的安全监控和检测)、不可否认性(保证出现信息安全问题后可以有据可查,可以追踪责任到人或到事,又称信息的不可抗抵赖性)。  相似文献   

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