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This paper presents a version of the monocentric city model that incorporates heterogeneous commuting speeds by introducing radial commuting highways. This model implies that metropolitan area population spreads out along new highways, which are positively valued by residents. Simulations of conservative specifications of the model imply that each additional highway ray causes about a 10 percent decline in central city population. Given observed central population declines and urban highway construction between 1950 and 1990, this model implies that highways can account for an important part of urban population decentralization.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of highways on the suburbanization of Spanish cities. Based on Spain’s historical roads – the almost 2000 years old Roman roads and the 1760 Bourbon roads –, we rely on an instrumental variables (IV) strategy because of the endogeneity of highway provision. Our results show that, first, each highway emanating from central cities caused an 8–9% decline in central city population between 1960 and 2011. Second, each highway ray fostered a 20% population growth in the suburbs, in particular in suburban municipalities where ramps were located. Finally, we confirm the increasing role of highways on shaping urban form: each additional kilometer closer to the nearest highway ramp increased municipal density growth by an 8%.  相似文献   

快速城市化时期,我国一些大城市逐渐表现出郊区化特征。本文以城市郊区化为背景,从新自由主义的视角,分析了市场转型期间,政府分权、土地改革和住房制度改革是城市郊区化发展的基础;以转型为切入点,分析了"有中国特色"的新自由主义的政府企业性开发、竞争和再分配模式成为导致城市郊区化产生的主要动力机制;最后分析了新自由主义视角下城市郊区化所产生的空间特征和负面影响,试图从新的视角揭示中国城市郊区化更深层次根源。  相似文献   

关于城市郊区化本质的讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市郊区化的过程是一个典型的系统演化过程 ,文章分析了城市郊区化的机制。在此基础上 ,对一些有关城市郊区化的问题进行了讨论 ,得出的结论为 :“空心化”不是城市郊区化的本质特征 ;以中心城人口的绝对减少作为城市郊区化的判据有不合理之处 ;城市郊区化是动态的 ,复杂的过程 ,而不是一成不变的绝对的过程  相似文献   

This paper examines congestion taxes in a monocentric city with pre-existing labor taxation. When road toll revenue is used to finance labor tax cuts, 35% of the optimal road tax in our numerical model does not reflect marginal external congestion costs, but rather functions as a Ramsey–Mirrlees tax, i.e. an efficiency enhancing mechanism allowing for an indirect spatial differentiation of the labor tax. This adds a quite different motivation to road pricing, since welfare gains can be produced even in absence of congestion. We find that the optimal road tax is non-monotonic across space, reflecting the different impacts of labor supply elasticity and marginal utility of income, which both vary over space. The relative efficiencies of some archetype second-best pricing schemes (cordon toll, flat kilometer tax) are high (84% and 70% respectively). When road toll revenue is recycled lump-sum, the optimal toll lies below its Pigouvian level. Extensions in a bimodal framework show that the optimality of using road toll revenue to subsidize public transport depends on the initial inefficiency in public transport pricing.  相似文献   

大都市郊区化下的社会空间分异、社区碎化与治理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文运用城市空间公正的"社会论"观点,从"城市生活空间质量观"的角度,分析中外国家城市郊区化的社会内涵、机制与社会空间分异现象.在对中国快速郊区化过程中大城市郊区社区碎化的现状和原因分析的基础上,提出对应空间治理措施.  相似文献   

论文以北京郊区重点小城镇住宅建设的调研为基础,分析了北京不断加快的郊区城镇化进程和由于城市扩展引发的居住郊区化对小城镇住宅建设的影响,探讨了郊区小城镇住宅在建设过程中出现的在购买群体、功能定位、用地布局、公共设施配套等方面由于郊区化和城镇化的双重背景而表现出的两难选择,并针对此现象提出了相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

郊区化过程中职住迁移关系研究——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居住与就业关系反映了郊区化的核心动力机制,但由于忽视居住与就业的迁移关系,很多城市出现了大城市病和城市蔓延等问题.以北京市为例,将城市划分为城区和郊区两类空间,人群分为总人口、户籍人口和暂住人口,用1991-2008年各区县人口和从业人员统计数据,采用向量自回归模型,分别探讨城市和郊区三种人口居住与就业的迁移关系.结论...  相似文献   

为了解具有单中心城市牦最的北京市.土地价格空间分布特征,从理论上分析单中心城市土地价格的空间分布特征并提出相应假设,构建土地价格的Hedonic模型,利用北京2005—2013年住宅和办公用地微观交易价格数据进行假设的实证检验。结果显示:(1)北京住宅和办公用地的区位属性、物理属性和邻里属性对其价格有显著决定作用,且该决定作用随土地市场的成熟而逐渐增强;(2)北京住宅和办公用地价格与该区位到城市中心的距离负相关,而随时间推移,两类土地价格从城市中心向外的降低速度逐渐变快。  相似文献   

在中国诸多大中城市郊区化进程中,一个非常显著的现象是:高档和低档住宅的二元分立,从而破坏了人们居住空间的复合性及和谐性.造成这一现象的根本原因并非人们的"阶层"意识,而是城市郊区化的潜在思路:仅仅关照人们的居住,却没有关照人们的生活,人们的完整生活在郊区化过程中被割裂了.解决这一问题的出路是构建混合式社区,而其理论基础是新都市主义.  相似文献   

We explore the interaction of inter-city and intra-city wage differentials by occupation. The paper makes two main contributions. 1) We construct an occupation-specific index of workplace centralization that accounts for the difference between average employment density from the perspective of employees in each occupation and average employment density from the perspective of all employees. 2) We provide empirical evidence that relative wages of central to non-central occupations increase with city size, or equivalently, the elasticity of wages with respect to city size increases with occupational centrality. We conjecture that this empirical regularity arises because, as city size increases, workers in more central occupations face an increasingly less desirable locus of housing prices and commuting times relative to workers who have jobs in residential areas. The results are robust to the inclusion of individual-specific human capital variables and city-specific fixed effects.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of production outside the CBD in a monocentric city. The production process is a retail process, and consumers make costless circumferential shopping trips to retail producers. These producers use labor and building space to produce their output, and retail workers commute circumferentially to work at zero cost. The model is tested using detailed commercial data from several cities, and the tests do not fully support the model.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外整车物流的发展情况,在此基础上分析了我国整车物流存在的问题,并根据我国整车市场需求的实际情况,结合我国的铁路网络情况,对基于铁路运输的整车物流发展模式提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

城市中心区交通模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马强 《城市问题》2001,(5):9-12,29
伴随着城市化的迅猛发展及新一轮城市总体规划的调整 ,我国城市不仅面临着城市规模的不断扩大 ,而且面临着城市内部的功能调整。城市用地结构的变化主要集中于两个方面 :城市郊区化及城市中心区的整治。城市郊区化推动的人口和产业的外迁 ,为城市中心区产业结构的重组与功能的优化创造了的条件。不少城市已经将建设中央商务区提上议事日程。城市中心区一般位于城市的几何中心 ,是城市发展历史最长、土地使用强度最高、公共活动强度最大的地区 ,城市中心区的发展面临环境、人口的一系列压力 ,其中如何建立高效、便捷的城市交通系统是目前各大…  相似文献   

With the booming of free-floating bike-sharing systems globally, collecting target bikes effectively becomes increasingly more important in practice. Although many existing studies deal with the transportation of shared bikes with trucks, the process of manual gathering scattered target bikes along truck transportation is seldom explicitly addressed. This study tackles an integrated free-floating shared bike collection problem, which includes manually moving the target bikes to selected gathering sites and transporting the gathered bikes back to the depot with trucks. We propose a location-routing model to optimize the gathering site locations, the bike gathering assignments, and the truck delivering routes integrally under the goal of minimizing a total operation cost, and we develop a heuristic approach to solve the large-size instance of our model. A case study, which is based on the real data of Mobike company in Beijing, China, is conducted to verify the effectiveness of our planning model and solution approach and to generate managerial insights and suggestions for better practices of free-floating shared bike collection.  相似文献   

国外大城市交通发展模式及其评价   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
一、国外大城市交通的几种模式  当今国外大城市的交通可分为以下三种模式:1.轨道模式代表性的城市是东京。据东京有关部门的调查,在东京日平均803万出行人次中,步行为56.5万人次,占总出行量的7%;轨道交通为591万人次,占总出行量的73.6%;小汽车为62.55万辆次,占总出行量的7.8%;自行车、摩托车为62万辆次,占总出行量的7.7%。可见东京的主要交通方式是轨道交通,即电车(在东京被称为高铁)与地铁。东京的各大会社有约定俗成的定规:公司“常务”以上的高级人员,上下班不准乘坐小汽车,只能乘坐公共交通工具,一般乘坐电车或地铁。实际上,不仅是常…  相似文献   

美国城市郊区化与都市区发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、美国城市化扩散与都市区的形成   1 美国城市郊区化过程美国从 19世纪末到 2 0世纪初开始城市郊区化过程 ,这一阶段多为富人对较高生活质量的追求而在通勤铁路线上出现“卧城”或称“乡村别墅区”。在2 0世纪 2 0~ 30年代 ,纽约、芝加哥等大城市郊区城镇人口开始超过市中心人口 ,但总体来说这一时期的城市人口超出郊区人口。二战后由于汽车与高速公路的发展推动了“大众郊区化” ,联邦政府和地方政府投入巨资兴建高速公路 ,至 2 0世纪 6 0年代高速公路网已深入乡间 ,中间阶级和高收入的蓝领工人纷纷涌入郊区。从 194 0年到 1970年 ,…  相似文献   

An economic theory of sprawl in a growing, monocentric city is presented. Where decision-makers have perfect foresight, leapfrog development and discontinuous land-rent functions may occur and be efficient in both an ex post and ex ante sense. Where the extent of future growth is uncertain, decision-makers become speculators and the spatial pattern of development is more complicated. Ex post inefficiency generally occurs.  相似文献   

In this article, I trace the elective affinity between planetary suburbanization and emergent forms of radical religiosity. I show how the centuries‐long spatial hegemony of the Catholic Church in Poland has recently been undermined by the ‘fundamentalist' broadcaster Radio Maryja—the bellwether of the Polish right‐wing nationalist resurgence. I describe the twentieth‐century suburbanization of both the state and Catholicism in Poland, supported by an analysis of a village‐cum‐suburb in one of Poland's largest agglomerations. I show how the latest wave of suburbanization, triggered by Poland's opening up to global flows of capital in 2004, ran parallel to the emergence of a ‘post‐secular', ‘individual' and ‘intellectual' strain of faith. I tie these in with the life stories and changes in gender and labour regimes of two key informants. I also show that the surge of right‐wing nationalism should not be understood as a backlash against neoliberalization, but that it represents instead a project of regime change and new elite formation.  相似文献   

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