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本文着重阐述电视节目主持人在不同类型节目中的体态语运用的艺术特点。电视节目主持人的魅力贵在使体态语与主持人本人自然而有机的结合,与有声语言和谐配合,并能在镜头前对体态语的艺术特点运用得游刃有余,使体态语准确、优美、自然融洽地与节目和谐统一,那么就一定能取得成功。  相似文献   

陈有来 《中国报业》2023,(5):154-156
体态语又称动作语言,有彰显个性,增强感染力之功效。不同的节目,对主持人的体态有不同的要求,主持人的个性和气质会直接影响体态语的表达,进而影响节目效果。体态语言往往就是向观众传递信息的关键,不仅能够体现主持人气质修养和综合素质,而且它与有声语言相辅相成,相得益彰。适合的体态语能使主持人更富有表现力与感染力,更能塑造优秀并且受大众喜爱的电视节目主持人的形象。  相似文献   

体态语作为语言交际的“第二表现方法”,不仅可以弥补有声语言的不足,而且在特定的交际环境中起到“此时无声胜有声”的作用。据语言学专家的研究,人们在面对面的交流中,只有35%左右的信息足通过语言传递的,而65%的信息是通过动作、手势和表情等无声语言传递。就旅游服务而言,手势语是使用频率较高的体态语言。作为旅游服务人员在运用服务语言时,如果能恰到好处地发挥手势语的作用,将会大大提高服务语言的质量,强化对客人交流的效果,从而有效地在宾客心目中树立良好的服务形象,赢得宾客的好感和信任。  相似文献   

张佩生 《北方经贸》2003,(3):120-121
教师体态语在课堂教学、管理服务中有着不可缺少的辅助作用。体态语言是指教学过程中通过一定的眼神、动作、身体姿势、面部表情等发出的信息 ,是一种意在不言中的交际手段 ,每一位富有教学经验的教师都十分注重加强这方面的修养 ,它也是教师的“必修课” ,有人把它称作人类的副语言。  相似文献   

董维 《中国报业》2016,(24):78-79
电视节目主持人是电视节目最终与观众进行交流的体现者,其高素质的语言修养是吸引受众的重要因素。因此,电视节目主持人要通过自己与观众的交流来实现电视节目的创作意图。  相似文献   

形象、生动、富有关感的语言形象,会在言语交谈中散发出强烈的人格魅力,产生极强的美感,吸引不同层次人们的审关注意指向。语言的功能在于表情达意,传递信息。体态语在交际中能发挥如此重要的作用。得益于它独特的审美表意功能。  相似文献   

吴超凡 《中国报业》2016,(24):73-74
随着娱乐脱口秀电视节目的热播,这类节目越来越多地出现在电视荧屏上,并呈现出新的特点。主持人的语言不仅要能吸引观众、合大众的胃口,还要经得起大众推敲和考验。这就要求主持人在节目的主持过程中,机智灵活又不失稳重地进行语言处理。本文从脱口秀的起源、中国本土化后的特色、受众变化等方面,以几档著名娱乐脱口秀电视节目为切入点,浅谈娱乐脱口秀电视节目主持人的语言智慧。  相似文献   

余洋 《中国电子商务》2010,(10):183-183
电视节目主持人作为公众人物,充分发挥它的个性魅力是电视节目主持人主持节目的最高境界。作为优秀的主持人不但要求具有良好素养,同时还要不断努力提高自己的自身魅力。这主要包括两个方面:一、角色定位,根据不同性质的节目选择主持人,或者是根据角色定位施展其个性特色。二、塑造品牌主持人,这是电视观众对主持人所持有的一种印象或情感,所以主持人要具有自己的独特性和保持与受众的相关性。  相似文献   

李欣桐  祁博 《中国报业》2023,(22):80-81
在电视节目中,主持人是节目的灵魂,是电视节目与观众之间的“人物化”桥梁,对电视节目的质量影响巨大。为了促使电视节目质量的不断提升,就要提高电视节目主持人的专业素质和主持能力。本文对电视节目主持人的专业素质和主持创作进行分析,并提出提升建议。  相似文献   

吴楠 《中国市场》2012,(9):97-98
电视节目播音员主持人作为媒体中极为重要的公众形象,是电视连接观众最直接、最能沟通情感的桥梁,所代表的是一档栏目甚至是一个频道的形象,是电视节目最积极、最能传情达意的主导人物。他们在不同的栏目中展现自我才华、个性气质和语言特色,使个性特质和艺术魅力才能尽情释放,赢得观众青睐。而观众对一个人的印象首先是以视觉为主的,播音员主持人最好是一亮相,就能立马抓住观众的眼球,所以一个播音员或主持人除了必须具备过硬的专业素质和文化修养之外,化妆造型与个性艺术魅力也尤为重要,同时这在树立电视频道形象、提高节目收视率中也起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

Based on cultivation theory, self-concept theories, and gender research, this study investigates the influence of TV viewing on female and male consumers' perceived body images and related consumption behavior. The results show that TV viewing biases social perceptions of body images; however, TV viewing does not impact men's consumption behavior. For women, in contrast, TV viewing increases the real–ideal self discrepancy, which, in turn, leads to consumption behavior in order to achieve ideal bodies. For both groups, TV viewing increases body dissatisfaction; also, general beliefs about body images influence related behavior. The results provide some interesting contributions to theory and practice.  相似文献   

Television (TV) shopping has notably changed the way people shop today. Due to the high uncertainty and risk associated with TV shopping transactions, trust is crucial to facilitating the adoption of TV shopping. Drawing upon the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), this study examined the effect of route factors on trust and attitude toward TV shopping. While media richness, host interaction, and price fairness act as central cues, ease of payment acts as a peripheral cue. This study employed structural equation modeling, and the sample consisted of 460 TV home shoppers in Taiwan. The results indicated that trust and attitude develop through a dual route that includes a central route and peripheral route. Trust is an important mediator influencing the relationship between route factors and attitude. Moreover, user experience moderates the relationships in the model. Therefore, this study advanced the previous knowledge of the ELM in the context of TV shopping.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to gain a better insight into the effect of using linguistically standardized (in English) TV adverts as opposed to two types of linguistically adapted commercials (dubbed in the local language or subtitled in the local language) on attitude-towards-the-ad and attitude-towards-the-brand. We ran a between-subjects experiment in three countries (Italy, Germany, and Spain) with three different versions of commercials (English only, dubbed in the local language, and subtitled in the local language) and assessed the effect of three different versions of the ads on attitude-towards-the-ad and on attitude-towards-the-brand. Results indicate that English-only adverts were less preferred than the alternatives and led to lower brand attitudes as well. This result was consistent for three advertised products (mobile phone, canned drink, and automobile) and replicated in all three countries, showing that this effect is robust.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(6):1529-1548
We investigate the interplay of language skills and immigrant stocks in determining bilateral FDI outstocks of OECD reporting countries. Applying a Poisson panel estimator to 2004–11 data, we find robust evidence for a positive effect of bilateral immigrants on bilateral FDI‐provided that residents of the two countries have few language skills in common. We find a similar effect for immigrants from third countries that speak the language(s) of the FDI host country, making them potential substitutes for bilateral migrants. Our findings suggest that immigrants facilitate outgoing FDI through their language skills, rather than through other characteristics like cultural familiarity.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined whether contact with a local host in the Netherlands positively impacts on the adjustment and performance of “Western” expatriates with English or French as their first language. Thirty‐one expatriates were put in contact with a Dutch host with whom they would have regular contact over nine months; another 30 similar expatriates would have no contact with a host. After a five‐month period of contact with a host, there was a positive impact on interaction adjustment. The results also indicated that expatriates who valued the contact highly derived more benefit from it. Contact with a host seems to be especially worthwhile for expatriates who have to deal with host nationals on a daily basis. ©2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

中国影视文化贸易现状及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影视文化贸易已成为衡量一个国家“软实力”的重要指标.但中国影视文化贸易发展状况不容乐观,存在着文化贸易逆差巨大、影视产品进出口国家及类型过分集中、影视产业地位较低等问题。通过与美国等世界影视贸易大国进行对比,初步探讨了中国影视文化贸易逆差的原因,主要表现在:中国影视文化产业国际竞争力不足;文化产品本身难以满足市场需求;缺乏完善的融资机制;政府支持力度不够。  相似文献   

Social TV is the use of communication devices to connect with family and friends watching other TV screens. Plausible arguments suggest both positive and negative effects of social TV viewing on ad-effectiveness. This study contributes by providing evidence for the direction of social TV's effects. The results of a controlled laboratory experiment suggest that the benefits of social TV, principally its association with live TV and therefore less ad-avoidance, come at the cost of negative distraction effects. Like normal coviewing, social TV viewing distracts from ad-processing, reducing unaided recall and brand attitude favorability, compared to individual (solus) viewing. However, social TV messaging about ads improved brand attitude. Perceived creativity increased the likelihood of ad-related messaging. Social TV also has an additional source of distraction, multitasking, but in this study, multitasking did not further reduce ad-effectiveness compared to coviewing. The paper concludes with implications for advertisers and future research.  相似文献   

Parents, consumer organizations, and policy makers are generally concerned about effects of TV advertising directed towards children. These effects might be mediated by children's understanding of TV advertising, that is their ability to distinguish between TV programmes and commercials and their comprehension of advertising intent. In this paper, we investigate children's understanding of TV advertising, using verbal and non-verbal measurements. The sample consists of 153 Dutch children, ranging from 5 to 8 years old, and their parents. The results based on non-verbal measures suggest that most children are able to distinguish commercials from programmes and that they have some insight into advertising intent. The results based on verbal measures are not as conclusive; the percentage of children who show understanding of TV advertising is then substantially lower. Effects of age, gender, and parental influence are assessed using MURALS, a regression analysis technique for categorical and continuous variables, and CHAID, a technique for identifying homogeneous segments on the basis of the relationship between categorical dependent and explanatory variables. The age of a child turns out to have a positive effect. The effects of gender and parent- child interaction are rather small, both for verbal and for non-verbal measures of understanding of TV advertising. A high level of parental control of TV viewing may result in lower understanding of TV advertising. Implications for consumer policy and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

As the inclusion of foreign languages in advertisements is a growing global trend, this research examines how language choice may influence important advertising outcome measures within a South Korean advertising context. Specifically, the study aims to explore how foreign and local languages influence recall and recognition for brand name and body copy messages. The interaction of using two languages in an advertisement, to convey different elements of the ad may secure varied levels of attention and comprehension. The findings suggest that recall and recognition are significantly affected by the language presented. An ad presenting a brand name in the foreign language (English Roman alphabet) with the body copy message in the local language (Hangul) is an effective strategy to enhance recall and recognition of the brand name and the ad message within the Korean youth market. The results of this study expand linguistic theory within an advertising context while also providing international advertisers with useful tips when operating in a multinational marketplace. Future research avenues are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of both national and transnational television and TV advertising in Europe raises many issues. One issue of high relevance to traditional consumer policy is, however, barely mentioned, namely the consequences for consumers of the growing quantity of international TV advertising and the consequences of a growth or introduction of TV advertising in general. The purpose of the study reported here is to contribute to an objective evaluation of TV advertising strictly from a consumer point of view. For this purpose the article analyses the information content of the commercials on the satellite channel “Sky Channel” and on the West German channel ZDF. The results of that study are supplemented with the results from a review of those relevant investigations into the information content of print and TV advertising which can be found in the international literature. This includes an attempt to make the studies comparable and a critique of the prevailing tradition in measuring “informativeness”. It is concluded that from a consumer point of view, TV advertising has limited value since information relevant for most purchasing decisions is not communicated to a degree that would seem to have any practical significance for consumers. Furthermore, the information content of print advertising appears to be clearly superior to that of TV advertising.  相似文献   

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