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以中国矿业大学为背景,面向电气与动力工程学院的本科生,阐述了传热传质领域拔尖创新人才培养机制的建立以及实施方案,以解决学生的创新能力不足为预期目标、改善拔尖创新人才养成机制缺乏的现状。  相似文献   

介绍了农业转移人口进城后的文化冲突调查情况,从人际交流的成因、认知和处事逻辑、乡土社会和城市社会约束力的异质性等多个角度、深入分析了文化冲突产生的原因和机制,并在四个方面提出了促进城乡文化融合进而实现以人为核心的新型城镇化的建议。  相似文献   

面对全国特色小镇"大爆发"式发展,特色小镇的规划方法亟待总结。通过对港口镇游戏游艺文化特色小镇创建规划实践,提出把握自身资源禀赋的规划方法。研究认为特色小镇规划应首先"把握天时、顺应地利",确定适合宏观与微观资源禀赋的发展战略路径,支撑小镇业态转型升级和建立高品质产城融合社区;其次,应在规划编制过程中尊重民众意愿,获得"人和",为特色小镇的发展奠定稳定的内外环境基础,构建"区域-地块-人"三者融合的小镇发展生态圈。研究认为,不同于传统规划重点在物质空间布局,尊重小镇"生命体"发展规律制定永续发展策略,才是特色小镇规划必须坚持的方向。  相似文献   

This article explains how and why organizational actors' decisions about interorganizational knowledge transfer might change over time. We find that organizational actors' framing of future innovation developments, as either an opportunity or a threat, motivates them to engage or disengage in interorganizational knowledge transfer activities. Shifts in framing lead organizational actors to leverage their relational context and knowledge base in new ways, thereby emphasizing the role of agency in drawing upon these structures. These findings are incorporated into a process model that explains discontinuous change in interorganizational knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

This paper develops a congestion pricing model to examine efficient congestion tolls for an urban highway facility that resembles California State Route 91, the highway that has been subject to congestion tolls since December 27, 1995. Two lanes out of six (each way) are subject to congestion tolls, and the other four lanes are not. The simulation model combines the economic theories of second-best pricing of transportation facilities and peak-load pricing, and considers both welfare-maximizing and profit-maximizing cases. The simulation results show that the second-best peak period toll is quite low and that the welfare gains from the toll are modest compared to a regime in which all lanes are subject to tolls.  相似文献   

通过对中国大陆A股上市公司股权转让数据的分析表明,企业股权转让更容易发生在股权较为分散的公司中,但是股权转让后的企业效率并没有明显的改善,公司控制权的转移往往对企业绩效产生负面的影响。由此可见,通过鼓励企业股权结构分散化并对控制权私人收益加以必要的管制,对提高股权转让的效率将起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

abstract Knowledge has become one of the most important sources of competitive advantage for firms in many industries, particularly those in which firms provide knowledge services to their clients. Many knowledge intensive firms have spent enormous amounts of time and money trying to find ways to better manage their knowledge resources. Effective leveraging of knowledge resources through the transfer and reuse of existing knowledge is an important aspect of most knowledge management systems. In this study we argue that the effectiveness of intrafirm knowledge transfer based on the reuse of existing knowledge depends on two key factors: (1) the willingness of individuals to contribute their knowledge to the system; and (2) the rate at which individuals access and reuse knowledge within the system. Here we use social exchange theory to develop a model of the factors that will impact the frequency with which individuals contribute their knowledge to the system. Additionally, we use expectancy theory to develop a model of the factors that lead to knowledge reuse. Results of hypothesis tests using data collected from a multinational services firm support our multi‐theoretical model, and suggest ways in which the model might be refined. We discuss the implications of these findings for further theory building and for managers engaged in the development and improvement of knowledge management systems.  相似文献   

基于CGE模型对中国基础设施建设的减贫效应分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文构造了一个含有详细居民分组的中国可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,对城乡分割的劳动力市场、各类家庭的劳动力供给行为等进行了深入刻画。通过分别在长期和短期的时间框架下进行模拟分析,我们发现:降低转移成本、增加农村转移劳动力在城市就业是促进基础设施发挥减贫作用的关键环节。  相似文献   

运用环境库兹涅茨曲线,对广州、佛山、肇庆三个处于不同工业化阶段城市的工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固废产生量与人均GDP的关系进行拟合,并运用灰色关联分析法分析其主要影响因素。三市不同污染指标的EKC形状各异,呈现出不同的经济发展与环境污染的关系;除广州市工业废水排放量和佛山市工业废气排放量外,其余各种污染均呈现不同程度的增长趋势;工业污染排放受多种因素影响,不同工业化阶段主要影响因素各不相同,但经济规模和经济结构对工业污染变化的影响始终是巨大的。  相似文献   

参与式管理以其对雇佣关系质量与组织承诺的积极作用而越来越受到理论界与实践界的关注.基于感知差异和社会信息加工理论视角,本文运用扎根理论对典型案例展开分析,在阐述“参与式管理感知差异”内涵基础上,探索基层管理者与员工感知差异,挖掘提炼出参与式管理感知差异的关系模型:双高匹配型、双低匹配型、员工高估型和员工低估型,并探讨这四种关系模式影响组织承诺的两种关键影响因素,即内部人身份感知和上级信任,以此构建参与式管理感知差异对组织承诺的影响机理模型.研究将参与式管理现有研究从单一视角拓展到基层管理者-员工感知差异视角,对业界如何有效实施参与式管理提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

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