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This paper studies the impact of contract duration in determining scheduled payments in international transfers of technology. Analyzing a sample of contracts written by Spanish firms in 1991, the main empirical finding is a positive relationship between contract duration and the probability of the parties including variable payments in the first period of the agreement. This result suggests that the parties choose the type of payments to be made, whether fixed or variable, so as to avoid early termination of the relationship, even in the absence of opportunistic behavior or risk aversion.  相似文献   

Tacit Knowledge: Some Suggestions for Operationalization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With the emergence of the resource-based view of the firm and of the concept of core competencies, intangible resources, and tacit knowledge in particular have been argued to occupy a central place in the development of sustainable competitive advantage. This is because tacit knowledge is argued to be difficult to imitate, to substitute, to transfer and it is rare. However, there is little empirical research to support this theoretical proposition. Tacit knowledge has so far resisted operationalization. This paper sets out to define the term tacit knowledge and proposes to redefine it, within the context of the resource-based view of the firm, as tacit skills. A methodology (based on causal mapping, self-Q and storytelling) for empirically researching the subject is outlined.  相似文献   

Building on the Porter hypothesis, which posits that regulatory stringency triggers innovation and thereby allows firms to achieve the dual purpose of environment protection and enhanced business performance, the present research develops an integrative model that explores the determinants of green innovation with a focus being placed on knowledge sharing. Data were collected from 203 green innovation project leaders from electronics manufacturers operating in China. The results indicate that knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between green requirements and new green product success as well as that between green requirements and green product and process innovations. Interestingly, the empirical analysis rejects the hypothesized positive influence of green requirements on green product and process innovations as well as that on new green product success, while confirming that there exists a direct and positive association between green requirements and knowledge sharing. The direct positive impact of knowledge sharing is the strongest on green process innovation. This study provides a theoretical basis for investigating the possible determinants in the causal links between green requirements and green innovation success and establishes that knowledge sharing and green process innovation may be the points where leverage can be applied to best secure innovation success. Implications of the findings on environmental policy and law design are also discussed to see how the regulatory role of the government can be better positioned to facilitate compliance and innovation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

吉喆 《价值工程》2011,30(22):215-216
近几年来,人们对隐性知识的关注度逐渐提高,国内外学者围绕这一理论也作了相关的研究。本文围绕隐性知识的内涵、分类、测量、获取以及转化等方面的研究成果进行了归纳总结,并对隐性知识的多角度研究作出了展望。  相似文献   

标准化是生物医药技术大规模产业化的根本保证,同时进一步的产业化也会促进标准化的发展。作者从“标准”这个概念的重要性人手,解释了标准的作用及其复杂性的特点。具体到生物医药产业的标准化问题,本文从国际化标准、各国的自有标准以及国内标准的国际化进行了阐述,并提出了对我国中医药标准化问题的部分思考。从操作性的角度,探讨了生物医药产业标准化过程中对技术转移与投融资的需求。最后提出了如何从企业、政府和法律制度三个方面,有效地推进生物医药标准化工作的若干建议。  相似文献   

基于耗散结构论的高校隐性知识转移机理分析和模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张朝宾  吴洁  黄伟  施琴芬  张运华 《价值工程》2010,29(11):141-143
高校作为知识经济时代知识的主要生产与传播基地,无论是知识的深度还是广度都是企业和其他机构所无法比拟的。高校竞争优势的创建和维持取决于知识转移的绩效,尤其是隐性知识转移的绩效。同时,高校隐性知识转移的效率和效果又具有外部性,这种外部性对整个社会、经济的发展有着重要影响。本文从耗散结构论的视角,运用耗散结构和熵理论的相关知识,分析了高校隐性知识转移的关键影响因素和主要转移途径,从定量的角度对高校隐性知识转移的机理进行了阐释,并结合高校的三大功能提出了高校隐性知识转移模型。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to investigate the way subsidization mechanisms affect the cost efficiency of public transit systems, taking into account the role played by the environmental characteristics of each network. A cost frontier model is estimated for a seven-year panel of 44 Italian transit companies run under two different regulatory schemes (cost-plus or fixed-price), using the approach proposed by Kumbhakar et al. (1991), Huang and Liu (1994) and Battese and Coelli (1995). The main evidence is that, given network characteristics, transit operators with high-powered incentive contracts (fixed-price subsidies) exhibit lower distortions from the minimum costs. Environmental conditions (network speed levels) also have a significant impact on inefficiency differentials and influence the efficacy of incentive regulation. Overall, these results highlight a scope for transport policy to increase X-efficiency. Furthermore, they stress the importance of incentive theory and modern regulatory economics for the production analysis of regulated utilities.  相似文献   

企业知识类型及其相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着知识经济的兴起,知识管理受到越来越广泛的关注。作为提高企业核心竞争能能力的重要资源,隐性知识愈发显示其重要性。本文介绍了显性知识与隐性知识的研究现状,分析了现阶段隐性知识研究存在的问题,最后从组织管理、隐性知识交流环境、员工隐性知识挖掘、隐性知识传播等宏观和微观两个方面提出了隐性知识研究中存在问题的解决办法。  相似文献   

隐性知识研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周慧慧  冯勤超  汪长勇 《价值工程》2007,26(12):127-130
近年来,隐性知识的研究成为热点问题,隐性知识管理成为知识管理研究的核心内容之一。从隐性知识的内涵、隐性知识的识别和测度、隐性知识的转化模式三个方面,对已有的文献进行综述,并对隐性知识研究的发展方向作了展望。  相似文献   

License Auctions and Market Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze the interplay between license auctions and market structure in a model with several incumbents and several potential entrants. The focus is on the competitiveness induced by the number of auctioned licenses. Under plausible conditions, we show that auctioning more licenses need not result in a more competitive final outcome, contrary to what common sense suggests. This is due to the nature of competition among incumbents, which sometimes exhibits free-riding. We illustrate some results with examples drawn from the recent European license-auctions for third generation (3G) mobile telephony.  相似文献   

This study explores the importance of cross‐border social networks for entrepreneurs in developing countries by examining ties between the Indian expatriate community and local entrepreneurs in India's software industry. We find that local entrepreneurs who have previously lived outside India rely significantly more on diaspora networks for business leads and financing. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are based outside software hubs—where getting leads to new businesses and accessing finance is more difficult. Our results provide micro‐evidence consistent with a view that cross‐border social networks play an important role in helping entrepreneurs to circumvent the barriers arising from imperfect domestic institutions in developing countries.  相似文献   

abstract    Empowerment initiatives have become popular in recent years in programmes of organizational change, but their impact as a practical managerial policy remains shrouded in ambiguities. We attempt to provide a fuller understanding of their impact, firstly by exploring managers' understanding of what constitutes empowerment, and secondly by locating the analysis of changes in managers' experiences of empowerment in the context of their experiences of changes in accountability practices. Drawing on data from interviews with managers and a mail questionnaire, we argue that the experience of empowerment is multi-faceted, and shaped by managers' attitudes towards it. Moreover we find that accountability plays a more significant and independent role in encouraging managers to engage in empowerment than has hitherto been acknowledged.  相似文献   

利用合作机制促进隐性知识的传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林渝晟  林晓军  李超 《价值工程》2005,24(12):92-93
对隐性知识的管理是一个摆在世人面前的难题。然而,人与人的面对面交流是隐性知识传播的主要途径。我们应用合作机制可以跨越存在的一些传播障碍,从而促进隐性知识的传播,本文就此做了简述。  相似文献   

郑澜  王芹 《价值工程》2012,31(5):12-13
产业集群创新系统作为产业创新的助推器,其重要的特点是在其网络下的知识的传递,产业集群内部的知识分为两类,显性知识与缄默知识。缄默知识为产业技术创新成功的重要知识资源,本文对缄默知识的概念做了简单的介绍,并重点研究了其在集群创新系统中的流动与传递,进一步说明了集群创新系统对缄默知识的促进作用。  相似文献   

It is well known that mergers often occur in waves, and this paper develops a new mechanism for merger waves: expectations over industry shocks. We develop a simple test of this explanation and use it to explore the role of expectations in the context of the 1990s hospital merger wave. Managed care such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) started to become popular in the late 1980s and ultimately became an important player in the health insurance market. Our empirical analysis shows that the expected increase in the popularity of HMOs was partly responsible for the hospital merger wave of the 1990s: hospitals feared that the “innovation” of managed care in the downstream insurance market would penetrate the upstream hospital market and responded to this belief by merging. Our results show the importance of incorporating expectations and interindustry linkages into the understanding of merger waves.  相似文献   

企业内默会知识的共享能够为知识运用、知识创新和企业竞争优势的形成奠定重要基础。但是,默会知识并不能自然地实现共享,只有在员工、制度和企业层面形成一定的知识共享驱动力,才能推动知识在企业内的扩散、转移和共享。这种驱动力的形成需要在企业内建立良好的激励机制,激励机制构成要素的完善程度直接影响员工间默会知识共享的驱动力和实际效果。默会知识共享的激励机制可以从企业文化、薪酬机制、知识管理、信息技术、创新等主要要素方面予以构建。  相似文献   

贺俊刚 《价值工程》2014,(6):219-220
本文分析了意会知识的概念,从理论与实践两个层面阐述了意会知识在职业技能养成中的重要作用。意会知识能有效提高职业院校教学及职业竞赛质量,完善与丰富职业课程内容,促进职业教育校园文化建设。因意会知识所占比例不同,职业技能培养方法应有所不同。  相似文献   

王连娟 《价值工程》2007,26(11):47-50
显性知识仅仅代表了知识整体的冰山一顶,而隐性知识则占据冰山的大部。隐性知识相对于显性知识而言更具体、更大量。研究隐性知识对企业的发展和企业核心竞争力的增强将有重大的促进作用。论文全面、系统的阐释了隐性知识概念并对其特征进行分析。  相似文献   

产学研联盟是推动区域经济发展的重要载体。产学研联盟的相对优势在于各主体能够通过知识转移,实现知识共享。随着对知识理论的深入研究,隐性知识被视为包含着企业核心能力,是企业成长的关键资源。然而,现阶段大量研究表明产学研联盟的隐性知识转移遭遇阻碍,导致很多核心知识和关键技术难以分享,严重制约产学研联盟的发展。分析产学研联盟的隐性知识转移阻碍成因,从互惠性偏好视角探讨隐性知识转移阻碍的协调机制对于推进产学研联盟的健康、长远发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper uses matched employer–employee data to study the structure of managerial compensation. The evidence supports key predictions from tournament theory. First, the managerial pay differential between organizational levels is non‐decreasing as one goes up the corporate ladder. This result is robust to controlling for human capital characteristics and firm fixed effects. I document a particularly large increment in the pay differential at the top of a firm's hierarchy. Second, the winner's prize in the CEO tournament increases with the number of competitors for the CEO position. Last, high wage dispersion is associated with high firm performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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