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Dual income tax systems can suffer from income that shifts from progressively taxed labour income to capital income, which is taxed at a lower, flat rate. This paper empirically examines the 1993 Finnish dual income tax reform, which radically reduced the marginal tax rates on capital income for some, but not all, taxpayers. We measure how overall taxable income and the relative shares of capital income and labour income reacted to the reform. We find that the reform led to a small positive impact on overall taxable income, but part of the positive response was probably offset by income shifting among the self‐employed.  相似文献   

从税收公平角度看我国个人所得税制的全面性改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公平原则是各国税制建立的基本出发点和基本原则。公平的个人所得税制将可以充分发挥其调节收入公平分配的独特功能。然而,由于在税制模式、税率结构、费用扣除和税收征管等方面的缺陷,导致我国现行个人所得税制的公平缺失非常严重。因此,必须对个人所得税制进行全面性改革,即通过转变税制模式、科学设计税率结构、合理规定费用扣除标准和完善税收征管等方面的改革,提高其公平性,以有效发挥其调节功能,实现社会公平目标。  相似文献   

论个税自行申报——导引价值、制度障碍与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个税自行申报具有培育纳税人权利与责任意识、收集纳税人信息,有效监控税源和倒逼税制改革等导引价值。然而,现行个人所得税制的分类征收方法、"一刀切"扣除项目以及完税凭证协查机制等与个税自行申报存在诸多矛盾,这是个税自行申报元年遇冷的根本原因。因此,应把个税税制改革作为个税自行申报有效运行的突破口。  相似文献   

高效的税收征管是良好税制的重要内容和保障,也是税制改革成功的基本条件。本文在对2000年以来我国企业所得税征管效率测度的基础上,进一步分析了近年来我国企业所得税及征管制度改革的征管效应。研究发现,近年我国企业所得税征管效率呈波浪式上升态势,效率水平还有较大提升空间;在当前情况下,国税局企业所得税征收比重的提高将会降低企业所得税征管效率,企业所得税占税收收入比重越高、在税收部门征管中越重要,就更有助于企业所得税征管效率的提升;2002年、2006年和2009年企业所得税、国地税征管责任分工调整改革,对税收征管效率的影响不显著,2008年内外资企业所得税统一改革,显著提升了企业所得税征管效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider reforming the tax system to a comprehensive income tax model in order to amend the differential treatment of income sources. Our simulation analysis shows that the tax reform improves the effectiveness of the tax system on the redistribution of all sources of income including earned income, financial wealth income, and imputed rent. The analysis of incidence of the tax reform suggests that the tax burden for young renters decreases the most and that for young loan-free land owners increases the most through this tax reform.  相似文献   

In the year 2000 Germany enacted a major tax reform involving significant cuts in corporate and personal tax rates and a controversial change in the system of dividend taxation. This paper discusses the effects of the business tax reform on the German economy. The analysis is based on a detailed general equilibrium model of the OECD economy which is designed to illustrate the domestic and international effects of national tax policies. The simulations indicate that the German business tax reform will raise domestic economic activity and welfare, although the welfare gain will accrue disproportionately to households with a high ratio of property income to total income.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会的税收政策研究--以公平收入分配为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国居民收入差距的现状令人堪忧,应遵循“公平优先、兼顾效率”的新财税理念,构建公平居民收入分配的税收对策:转变财税理念,调整税收政策和制度,推进个人所得税征管制度改革。  相似文献   

江月 《经济与管理》2008,22(4):73-76
20世纪80年代以来,以“降低税率、减少级距”为主要内容的个人所得税税率改革已是大势所趋,中国目前的个人所得税税率未能很好地起到调节收入的作用,我们可以借鉴美英两国个人所得税税率改革过程的经验,结合中国国情,通过对免征额和初始税率、最高边际税率累进数及管理成本等因素的确定,选择有波动的减速累进路线。  相似文献   

在保持房地产市场平稳的前提下,使房地产税成为地方重要税种是中国房地产税改革的重要政策目标,但在高房价收入比背景下,这二者相互冲突。本文基于房地产税制要素设计和微观家庭数据测算,探讨中国房地产税的渐进改革路径及其影响,认为鉴于居民纳税能力受高房价收入比限制,房地产税可从低税率、高减免起步;伴随房价收入比收敛,逐步提高税率、降低减免。起步阶段,税制改革应重视居民纳税能力和纳税意愿,优先实现房地产市场平稳软着陆;在中长期,房地产税可逐步成为地方政府主体税种,起到完善税制和地方税体系、提升地方治理能力的作用。  相似文献   

2011年个人所得税改革的收入再分配效应   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
本文考察2011年9月1日实施的个人所得税改革的收入再分配效应。根据目前我国分项课征的个人所得税征管模式,本文推导出税收的收入再分配效应指数按收入构成的分解方法。根据该分解方法的主要分析结果可概括为两点:其一,平均税率的高低是个税收入分配效应大小的主要决定因素,累进性则是次要的。由于平均税率的降低,本次税收改革弱化了本来就十分微弱的个人所得税的收入分配效应。其二,我国个人所得税整体累进性指数随工资薪金所得费用扣除的提高呈倒U型。十分巧合的是,本次改革确定的3500元免征额正好处于倒U型的最大值,超过3500元的费用扣除反而会削弱我国个税的累进性。  相似文献   

按照与市场经济运行机制相适应的要求,对个人所得税制度进行一次比较彻底变革,除了应在税基方面建立起分类与综合相结合的个人所得税制以外,一个核心的问题就是重构个人所得税的税率结构。我国可实行分两步走的渐进改革方案和一步到位的单一税改革方案。改革后的个人所得税制应该是按照递增的平均税率但又是递减的边际税率对全部所得课税这两方面的结合。中国具备实施单一税改革的政治、财政与技术条件,目前改革的时机也是合适的。  相似文献   

王鑫  白重恩  吴斌珍 《财经研究》2012,(1):17-26,93
文章在估算城镇居民收入分布函数的基础上,对考虑家庭赡养系数的个人所得税税制改革的政策效果进行了模拟分析。结果发现,在保证个人所得税总税收收入基本不变的前提下,在扣除标准中考虑赡养系数后,中低收入家庭的所得税负担有所减轻,高收入家庭的税收负担相应加重;相当一部分中等收入家庭(占总人口11.44%)的边际税率下降了5个百分点,这对刺激就业有着积极的影响。因此,考虑赡养系数能够使个人所得税更好地体现税收公平并发挥调节收入分配的职能。  相似文献   

The effective tax rates and possible work disincentives created by Australia’s tax and welfare systems have been receiving extensive policy attention in recent years. Family Tax Benefit‐Part A (FTB‐A) is one of the key causes of high effective marginal tax rates for many families. This study uses national and spatial microsimulation models to evaluate the national and local impacts of a possible FTB‐A reform option, which involves reducing the income test withdrawal rate associated with the FTB‐A income test. The modelling suggests that the option would be an effective way to reduce high effective marginal tax rates for around 415,000 parents of FTB‐A children, would benefit around 850,000 families, and would deliver additional assistance to middle income families living on the outskirts of our cities.  相似文献   

内、外资企业所得税合并中的几个理论问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国正经历着新一轮的税制改革,而内、外资企业所得税的合并成为人们关注的焦点问题。从纳税人、税率、税前扣除和税收优惠等几个基本理论问题的界定,分析内、外资企业所得税存在的差异以及合并中存在的问题,进而为内、外资企业所得税的合并提供一个理论框架。  相似文献   

以工资薪金税收为主体的个人所得税是一种消费者税。由于起征额的存在,个人所得税并不是一种完全的所得税,而是一种个人收入调节税。基于消费者税的理论基础,提出了关于中国代表性居民纳税人的理论平均税负的一个简单模型,以及一个关于中国个人所得税对全部税收的贡献率的理论计算公式。中国个人所得税改革应着眼于如何改善工薪所得税的累进性,增强税收的收入再分配职能,相对提高低收入劳动者的实际报酬。为此,应将个人所得税易名为个人收入调节税,减少税率档次,提高免征额。  相似文献   

This paper implements a relatively simple methodological approach to estimate the impact on family welfare of a specific tax reform. The measured impact can differ greatly from simple marginal tax rate comparisons, and conclusions about the distribution of the welfare impact can vary depending on the basis of comparison. For example, absolute welfare gains from the 2001 U.S. tax reform were concentrated among the highest and lowest income families, whereas welfare gains measured as a share of pre‐tax income are found to be nearly monotonically declining in income.  相似文献   

An environmental tax reform might bring about gains over and above improved environmental quality. In particular, if tax revenues from environmental taxes are used to reduce the tax on wage income, positive employment effects can result in second-best economies. An efficiency wage model is used to analyze the impact of an ecological tax reform on involuntary unemployment. The government controls emissions by selling emission permits. Employment of labor and wages are determined endogenously. Conditions are identified under which an environmental tax reform reduces unemployment and increases welfare.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence shows that low-income households spend a high share of their income on pollution-intensive goods. This fuels the concern that an environmental tax reform could be regressive. We employ a framework which accounts for the distributional effect of environmental taxes and the recycling of the revenues on both households and firms to quantify changes in the optimal tax structure and the equity impacts of an environmental tax reform. We characterize when an optimal environmental tax reform does not increase inequality, even if the tax system before the reform is optimal from a non-environmental point of view. If the tax system before the reform is calibrated to stylized data—and is thus non-optimal—we find that there is a large scope for inequality reduction, even if the government is restricted in its recycling options.  相似文献   

以湖北省城镇调查数据为分析对象,以指数为工具,本文实证考察了我国个人所得税的累进性及再分配效应。得到的结论是我国个人所得税再分配效应很弱,但其原因并不在于税收的实际累进性小,而在于个人所得税的平均税率低,税收规模很小。同时,在各类收入中,工资性收入的个人所得税累进性很强,经营性收入及财产性收入的个人所得税累进性较差,甚至出现累退性。提高个人所得税规模、加强对经营性收入及财产性收入的税收征管、以家庭为单位征收是个人所得税进一步改革的方向。  相似文献   

为进一步完善个人所得税税制,2011年新个人所得税(以下简称“新个税”)法案应运而生。对于实行以3500元的免征额为主要改革内容的新个税能否够切实摆脱中国个税陷入的困境,实现缩小贫富差距、社会公平的目标,大多持怀疑的态度。针对这一问题,以新个税为基础,结合国外的主要税制模式,分析中国个税制度仍存在的问题.进而为中国个税今后的改革方向提出几点建议。  相似文献   

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