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Real Anomalies     
We examine the importance of cross‐sectional asset pricing anomalies (alphas) for the real economy. To this end, we develop a novel quantitative model of the cross‐section of firms that features lumpy investment and informational inefficiencies, while yielding distributions in closed form. Our findings indicate that anomalies can cause material real inefficiencies, which raises the possibility that agents who help eliminate them add significant value to the economy. The model shows that the magnitude of alphas alone is a poor indicator of real outcomes, and highlights the importance of the alpha persistence, the amount of mispriced capital, and the Tobin's q of firms affected.  相似文献   

基于房产税税率对房产税收入影响理论,运用数理模型,依据沪渝两市自然数据,考量房产税税率变化对房产税收入的影响.结果显示:房产税税率对房产税收入具有重要影响.若提高上海市房产税税率,房产税增收效果更明显;若下调重庆市房产税税率,房产税增收效应更显著.鉴于此,未来房地产税立法改革思路:一是坚持房地产税税负不增加;二是平衡好房地产税立法与其他收费制度的关系;三是统筹税制改革的协同推进;四是兼顾房地产税的地方财政属性;五是谨慎推进.同时,应遵循税收法定原则、地方财政原则、公平原则、确实原则、渐进原则和结构性调整原则.此外,在制度设计方面,纳税人的设计要体现财产税性质,征税范围要涵盖农村,课税对象要包括存量住房,税率要体现差异性,计税依据要由市场价格评估值确定,税收优惠要兼顾免税面积和特殊人群.  相似文献   

A real estate confidence index (RECI) is used to evaluate real estate industry development, and it has become an effective and powerful measure in China’s real estate market (REM). RECI research based on big data is the new trend in finance and economics. In this article, we apply some methods of text classification to research on the construction of RECI. First, the Naïve Bayes algorithm is used to evaluate data and to classify the extent to which this measure describes confidence in the REM. Second, experiments on different perspectives are performed to probe the relationship between variables and the accuracy of the classifier. Third, we use the classifier to predict the weekly news. Ultimately, construction of the RECI based on financial and economic news is achieved by applying the classifier to the time and existence of major financial and economic news.  相似文献   

This study examines the linkage between equity real estate investment trust (REIT) returns and the private real estate factor. The results reveal a tighter connection between REIT and the private real estate market starting from 1993. In addition, large-cap REITs seem to behave more like real estate than do small-cap REITs. Overall, the results are consistent with three notions: (1) that institutional investors provide information-gathering services (Bradrinath et al., Rev. Financ. Stud., 8:401–430, 1995), (2) that a more sophisticated investor base improves information flow, and (3) that a high degree of participation from institutional investors strengthens the linkage between REIT returns and the underlying real estate factor (Ziering et al., The evolution of public and private market investing in the new real estate capital markets, Prudential Real Estate Investors, Parsippany, NJ, 1997).
Ming-Long LeeEmail:

黄前柏 《新理财》2011,(5):35-37
4月6日,湖南金健米业股份有限公司发布公告称收到财政补贴。根据常德市财政局《关于下达‘支持国家级农业产业化龙头企业发展资金’的通知》,金健米业获得2000万元补贴,专项用于公司已投入的优质米种植基地推广及其产业化项目。  相似文献   

Real exchange rate behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using random simulations with artificial data with identical sample characteristics to the long-sample exchange rate data employed by Lothian and Taylor (Lothian, J.R. and Taylor, M.P. (1996). The recent float from the perspective of the past two centuries. Journal of Political Economy 104, 488–509.), we show that standard unit-root tests have extremely low power over sample sizes corresponding to the recent float. The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false is extremely low with 20 years or even 50 years of data and only reaches an acceptable level over much longer spans.  相似文献   

Although the academic literature on real options has grown enormously over the past three decades, the adoption of formal real option valuation models by practitioners appears to be lagging. Yet, survey evidence indicates that managers’ decisions are near optimal and consistent with real option theory. We critically review real options research and point out its strengths and weaknesses. We discuss recent contributions published in this issue of the journal and highlight avenues for future research. We conclude that, in some ways, academic research in real options has catching up to do with current practice.  相似文献   

In an economy where banks take numeraire goods, so called money, as deposits, money allows depositors suffering preference shocks to withdraw from banks prematurely without liquidation of real investment. If real liquidity, defined as the real value of the monetary base, is low, the amount of payment liquidity, constrained by the velocity of money, limits the short-term price level of investment goods before banks can settle their long-term loan contracts. This leads to an attractive nominal long-term investment return and over-investment. Allowing for inside money, that is, bank deposits, to be used for payment can improve social welfare but cannot fully resolve the liquidity shortage problem as the short-term interest rate offered by banks is constrained by the threat of bank runs. In the presence of systemic liquidity shocks, the price-adjustment mechanism cannot take full effects with insufficient payment liquidity, which can lead to non-zero profits for banks. Exchanging investment goods for numeraire goods through international trade can improve social welfare.  相似文献   

王昊天 《新理财》2012,(12):34-34
多元化的融资渠道可以提高融资质量、大幅降低风险,避免致地产资金链断裂的情境。2012年10月惠誉发布了最新的《中国房地产开发商评级报告》,其中对行业风险状况的评估进行了更新,在中国本行业内的代表性企业倾向于被评为非投资级,只有极少数公司在BBB级别范围内,这些企业具有较高水平的经常性收入,可优先获取优质土地储备或资金,通常为国家所有。  相似文献   

岳生 《新理财》2010,(2):21-21
全球经济刚刚从“急救室”里推出来,中国的房地产市场却仍在“高烧”。一些本该用于企业主业的资金被持续投入房地产市场,这些企业的CFO目前的要务,是给自己的决策层适当“降温”。  相似文献   

金融危机爆发后,世界主要经济体普遍实行了宽松货币政策。在这一背景下,我国房地产市场强势反弹,销量涨幅创历史新高,成交均价一路走高。2009年,江西省房地产市场实现逆势上扬行情,呈现出投资增速逐月回升,供给面积低位增长,销售规模大幅上升,成交均价一路走高的运行特点。在分析江西省房地产市场运行特点的基础上,本文从实证角度考察了房地产市场发展与金融支持之间的关系。实证结果表明,房地产市场的发展、房价的上涨与金融支持之间具有相互促进、互为因果的密切关系。在此基础上进一步分析了房地产市场发展中隐含的金融风险,并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

黄晓红 《银行家》2005,(5):60-61
所谓假按揭是指购房者并没有购房的真实意图,主动或受人指使编制购房的虚假材料以从银行骗取购房贷款为目的的行为。近两年以假按揭骗取银行贷款的案件大量出现,骗贷金额从十几万到几千万不等,有的高达数十亿;受骗的银行既有国有商业银行、股份制银行,也有基层信用社;作案主体既有自然人也有公司法人,其中的房地产商是近两年按揭骗贷的“大户”。  相似文献   

没有什么时候能像当今房地产这样火爆,没有什么时候能像现在银行房贷这样高涨。没有什么时候能像目前央行调控这样频繁。2003年的央行上调存款准备金率,被认为是控制商业银行信贷增长过快的开局。2005年进一步的调控,使高热的房地产市场降了温。2007年年内多次上调存款准备金率、多次加息和提高第二套房贷首付。无疑表明央行的调控在逐步升级。  相似文献   

我国房地产信贷调控对房地产周期的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究房地产周期波动的成因中发现我国历史上有些房地产信贷调控助推了我国房地产周期波动,而对投资性购房实施的逆周期房地产信贷调控平缓了房地产周期波动。通过进一步计量分析房地产信贷与房地产周期的关系,得出我国房地产信贷政策与房地产周期之间的相关结论。最后提出建立逆周期房地产信贷调控机制来熨平房地产周期波动的政策建议。  相似文献   

房地产开发时间长,价格变化快,传统的净现值法易低估房地产开发项目的价值,往往导致对项目的低评。本文通过引入实物期权理论,在论述其在房地产开发价值评估中应用的合理性基础上,结合房地产开发的实例讨论在不确定性条件下房地产推迟开发带来的投资机会价值,为房地产价值评估提供一种更贴近实际情况的方法。  相似文献   

This research is the first to examine the empirical predictions of a real option-pricing model on market values from the realty market of a Euro area country, namely Greece. Using a manually collected sample of land and property transaction prices, we demonstrate that, a model which incorporates the option to wait to develop land has explanatory power on observed prices over and above the intrinsic value from a simple discounted cash flow (DCF) approach. Recent land transactions in our sample seem to reflect a premium for the option to wait (‘real option premium’) that can be as high as 26.66%–52.38%, especially in the west and north suburbs of Athens. Estimates of annual volatility for specific properties, as implied by transaction prices, are found to range from 15% to 21%.  相似文献   

Using the informational sufficiency procedure from Forni and Gambetti (2014) along with data from McCracken and Ng (2014), we update the results of Lee (1992) and find that his vector autoregression (VAR) is informationally deficient. To correct this problem, we estimate a factor augmented VAR (FAVAR) and analyze the differences once informational deficiency is corrected with an emphasis on the relationship between real stock returns and inflation. In particular, we examine Modigliani and Cohn's (1979) inflation illusion hypothesis, Fama's (1983) proxy hypothesis, and the “anticipated policy hypothesis.”  相似文献   

We surveyed 1,638 sales executives across 40 countries regarding their companies’ likelihood of asking sales to perform real earnings management (REM) actions when earnings pressure exists. Using this information, which we refer to as companies’ REM propensities, we study how company characteristics and environmental conditions relate to the responses received. The use of cash‐flow incentives for sales personnel and the distribution of interfunctional power in favor of finance rather than sales are both associated with companies’ REM propensities. In addition, we show that sales executives preemptively change their behaviors in anticipation of top management's REM requests. Sales executives working for public companies and companies in the United States reported higher levels of REM propensity. The data also support an association between REM propensity and finance–sales conflict. These findings and others are compared and contrasted with existing empirical and survey‐based research on REM throughout the paper.  相似文献   

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