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周大鸣 《旅游学刊》2014,(2):103-109
人类学因其理论与方法的独特性,逐渐被民族旅游研究所借鉴和吸纳,但在中国民族旅游的开发实践中却往往处于"非主流"的境地。人类学要想在中国民族旅游实践中享有更多的话语权,首要的任务就是用本学科的视角透视民族旅游,反思其进行中国实践时所面临的一些特定的问题,并积极推动和参与民族旅游开发的社会评估工作。其关键点在于:一是与政府建立良好的合作关系和协调机制;二是客观审视民族旅游对族群文化和族群关系的影响;三是科学考量旅游开发与当地社会环境的相互适应关系。  相似文献   

简介国外旅游人类学发展概况 ,总结中国旅游人类学教学、科研的历程和得失 ,指出开展中国旅游人类学系统研究的必要性和可行性 ,介绍广州大学关于旅游人类学学科建设的探索和思考 ,并提出《中国旅游人类学》一书的内容结构框架。  相似文献   

刘朝晖 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):8-9
文化旅游对于文化的利用需要经历"文化资源化"和"文化再生产"的过程.旅游产业化的直接后果之一就是深刻地影响,甚至改变了人们的生活和休闲方式.在中国学术界,从事旅游研究和开发的学者,包括管理学、经济学、地理学等学科都采取不同的方式,直接或间接介入旅游开发领域,而以研究文化和地方社会见长的人类学,在旅游开发过程中,应该和怎样扮演自己的角色,把人类学的理论知识转化为实践性的行动研究,以解决与旅游相伴而生的各种社会和文化问题呢?  相似文献   

旅游人类学视野中的"旅游文化"   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
彭兆荣 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):20-27
旅游人类学是一门新兴的学科,是许多应用学科中的“后进者”。但是,旅游人类学对“旅游文化”的研究不仅成为该分支最具学科性的核心价值,也成了其他学科乃至决策部门关注的重要内容。本文试图对旅游人类学研究视野中“旅游文化”以及相关的问题作一些评述和分析,借此提出一些问题以期引起学界的注意和重视。这无论从学科的理论反思抑或是应用层面都是有益的。  相似文献   

黄海 《旅游学刊》2001,16(1):43-46
作为人类学的分支,文化人类学在中国还很少直接而系统地与旅游科学联系起来.本文试图从文化人类学的视角提出其在国际旅游市场中的三大任务,探讨文化人类学与旅游业的密切关系,以促进旅游业的发展.  相似文献   

朝圣和旅游都是人类社会经济和文化发展到一定阶段的现象,是人类有异于日常生活的另一种“生活方式”。本文从人类学视角,透析了朝圣和旅游的关系。“朝圣”是一种宗教意义上的精神文化之旅,旅游是一种现代意义上的精神文化“朝圣”。现代旅游业的发展必须高度关注人类的精神需求与文化体验。  相似文献   

论旅游文化——文化人类学视野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内旅游文化研究已进入了瓶颈阶段。尽管有近40部与旅游文化相关的著作和教材以及大量学术论文,但人们在各种意义上使用"旅游文化"这一词汇,旅游文化的内涵与外延仍模糊不定。文章在追溯国内外旅游文化研究成果的基础上,从文化的发生层面来界定和框限旅游文化,并在内涵、特性、功能层面上对旅游文化与一般文化进行比较分析,进而指出未来的旅游文化研究可以运用文化人类学传统民族志方法来获取第一手资料。同时,文章旨在反思国内旅游文化研究的概念误区,并尝试以文化人类学视角来廓清旅游文化的外延,将旅游文化视为文化生产与再生产的结果,为旅游文化内涵的明确化、具体化做抛砖引玉的前期思考。  相似文献   

彭兆荣 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):5-6
人类学是一门讲求"关系"的学科.传统人类学的民族志研究主要对"不动的社区"人群共同体整体关系的关照.当代大众旅游是在全球化背景下的一种"移动群体"的文化景观,可称为"临时共同体".与学科性质相吻合,人类学对旅游的研究视野也旨在关注这一松散的、游移的、短时段的人群共同体的社会伦理关系.  相似文献   

张小军  吴毅 《旅游学刊》2017,(7):119-126
旅游作为人类的普遍行为,在今天的商业化中达到了空前的规模,却逐渐丧失了其本真.通过思考"旅游"的内涵以及当代商业化旅游业存在的问题,文章区分了人类"天性旅游"和"商业性旅游"两个基本的旅游形态,探讨了"旅游"对于人类学的意义以及旅游人类学的研究旨趣,检讨了以旅游业作为研究对象的局限所在.文章指出人类的天性文化是人类天性旅游的本质内涵,文化自由是天性旅游得以实现的基础,保证文化持有者的主体性,实现游客和东道主的"共主体"地位,是文化自由的条件.同时,商业化和市场化应该服从人类自由情性的发展,而不是让旅游成为商业化的帮凶和牺牲品.  相似文献   

文章指出,在当今世界,各学科都具有跨学科的特点。旅游人类学也如此。人类学与旅游学之间的关系不存在学科独立的问题,而应该是互补关系。人类学介入旅游研究已成为必然。唯有如此,旅游学才有更广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

China is experiencing an increasingly high level of recreation and tourism use of its environments but only limited studies of the environmental impacts of tourism have been published. This paper is based upon a collection of research papers on the environmental impacts of tourism in English and Chinese, especially research on carrying capacity and the physical impacts of tourism. The paper compares the characteristics of research in English and Chinese literatures. It shows that China lags behind the western world in this research field. Chinese researchers need to: (1) be more critical of the feasibility of carrying capacity applications; (2) introduce new technologies in their research on vegetation and soil; (3) know more about the buffering effects of different kinds of tourist trails such as boardwalks, concrete trails, cross-tie trails, cobble trails and so on; (4) try to shed light on possible positive impacts of tourism; and (5) pay more attention to the protection of environmentally sensitive areas. The paper also discusses the dilemmas of research on carrying capacity and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The rapid development of China's domestic tourism in the 1990s is receiving more and more attention in China. The improvement of the national economy, the personality of Chinese culture, and the abundant tourism resources have all played roles in its growth. This article summarizes China's domestic tourism before 1990 and discusses the inherent reasons for its boom throughout the 1990s. It also forecasts development trends in the next decade, and identifies some important factors that constrain its growth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to observe factors related to perceptions of and possible participation in medical tourism by Chinese, Japanese, and Korean visitors to Jeju Island in Korea. It aims to identify cultural differences among them, and how those differences affect their pursuit of medical tourism in the future. The research results illustrate that significant differences exist in how Chinese, Japanese and Korean visitors view factors of choice, discomfort and preferred product items. The study establishes four factor groups regarding medical tourism with exploratory factor analysis. Based on these findings, differences of participation intention and behaviors among the three groups are explained. From this, the study describes distinct characteristics of medical tourism among the three cultural groups. The differences among Chinese, Japanese, and Korean tourists with regard to the selection of destination, inconveniences, and preferred products were found to be all significant. Korean tourists placed most significance on selection factors, followed by Chinese tourists, and, lastly, the Japanese. On the other hand, inconveniences related to medical and care services, stay and cost, and information and insurance elements were most strongly associated with Japanese tourists. This may be a reflection of a possible tendency of Japanese tourists to value safety and cost effectiveness. For Chinese tourists, the importance of stay and cost was equally high as those of their Japanese counterparts, which is indicative of Chinese tourists’ cost sensitivity. Light treatments (minor surgery) were preferred by Chinese tourists, while more significant treatments (major surgery) were preferred by Japanese tourists. In terms of aesthetic and healthcare services, Chinese tourists showed the most interest, while Japanese tourists placed emphasis on rehabilitation (lifestyle-related), which may reflect the Korean Wave’s influence in certain Chinese market segments, leading to an increased demand for cosmetic or plastic surgery.  相似文献   

非大众型旅游(Alternative tourism):起源、概念及特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
吴波  桑慧 《旅游学刊》2000,15(3):51-54
近年来,Alternftive tourism频繁出现在有关学术刊物上,人们一般将Altenative tourism译为“选择性旅游”或“可替代旅游”。笔者认为这种译法并不能准确地表达Alternative tourism的涵义,而且人们也没有进一步说明Alternative tourism的内涵和特征。本文通过分析Alternative tourism的起源、概念及特征,探讨到底什么是Alte  相似文献   

In China, sites categorised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are commonly used as a means of economic regeneration through tourism development. This study is of a recent addition to the list, the diaolou (fortified tower houses) of Kaiping, Guangdong, in South China. This rural zone, characterised by past emigration and farming, is in the early stages of tourism development. The study, based on interviews and a survey, permits findings to be compared with other rural areas in China such as Hungcun and the Tangyue Arches of Bao Village in Anhui, and thus while similarities in attitudes are found, in Kaiping differences exist whereby tourism has been found to permit entrepreneurial activities while retaining an agricultural base as the “new tourism rich” employ others to continue farming. The work is contextualised within a model of evolving literature related to tourism impacts on communities. The paper explores a range of issues in sustainable tourism, including the use of tourism as a tool for social, economic and cultural development, holistic approaches to heritage tourism, and the development of glocalisation as a response to globalisation. It discusses differences in approach to heritage tourism, cultural change and commodification between western and Chinese scholars and society.  相似文献   

随着大众旅游初级阶段的到来,我国旅游业也相应进入了国家战略体系,加上旅游教育和人才培养层次的提升,基于中国学术立场和现实诉求的理论创新已是当务之急。在分析总结旅游发展阶段特征和当代旅游发展的核心价值取向的基础上,文章提出了当代旅游发展理论的核心观点:构建以旅游法为核心的国家意志体系,以旅游经济监测与预警为中心的宏观调控体系,以游客满意为导向的微观监管体系。  相似文献   

中国旅游教育研究综述   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
随着旅游业的发展 ,中国旅游教育蓬勃兴起 ,成为旅游业发展的重要支撑。本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。提出了今后需要进一步研究的有关旅游教育的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

张凌云 《旅游学刊》2000,15(1):10-14
与许多其他产业不同,旅游业的产业范围较难界定,其产品生产的社会化程度较大、关联性强、依托和带动功能都很明显。在很多场合下,旅游业的这种性质被片面地误用和滥用了,并导致了对旅游业的产业地位认识的简单化和一元化。本文分析讨论了旅游产业的超然性、旅游产业地位的层次性以及旅游产业政策的适用性,阐 明了判别旅游产业在地区经济发展中产业地位的客观依据,以及旅游产业政策对我国旅游业发展所起的积极作用和存在的问题,探讨了如何在产业政策的引导下,建立起一个竞争有序、分工合理的旅游市场体系的方法。  相似文献   

中国旅游研究的多维视野--对国内与国外相关文献的评述   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
本文通过对大量英文和中文文献的检索和分析,以几个重要的主题作为阐述的基本框架。比较全面地分析了中国本土学者、外国学者以及旅居国外的中国学者对中国旅游问题的研究成果和基本观点,并对旅游研究过程中所呈现的基本趋势进行了讨论。通过这个分析,使国内同行得以一窥中国旅游问题在世界旅游论坛上被关注的程度,以及了解中国旅游研究与国外旅游研究的差别。本文提供的大量英文文献,也是相关研究领域的重要学术线索。  相似文献   

本文以非惯常环境及其体验这两个核心概念,重新解析了旅游的本质及其相关概念,讨论了旅游经济学和旅游社会学的研究对象和内容,并在此基础上探讨了构建旅游学的学术框架.  相似文献   

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