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今年以来,上证指数已经从年初的2700点上涨到5900点,两市市盈率超过60倍,动态市盈率超过35倍,中国股市的市盈率已经高居全球首位。经过两年的牛市,绝对股价已经不便宜。在高通胀高估值下,我们应当如何选择未来的投资主题?  相似文献   

O-F模型与合理市盈率研究--中国股市泡沫的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
市盈率是被广泛用来测量股市泡沫风险的一个重要指标。本文根据O-F模型(基于账面价值和未来剩余收益的定价模型),导出衡量股市泡沫的合理市盈率计算公式,并以此考察了中国的股市泡沫。通过分析发现市盈率的合理值是一个动态值,主要由企业各期的净资产、收益、净资产收益率、持续盈利能力等内生变量决定,不存在一个固定的合理市盈率来测量股市的泡沫程度。计算表明中国的股市泡沫白1993年以来呈明显下降趋势,且2001逐步形成以来,我国股市基本上不存在投机性泡沫,股市运行处于比较理性的阶段。  相似文献   

周正庆:抓紧构建股市安全评估和应急处理机制。全国人大常委会委员、财经委副主任委员周正庆日前表示,当前应该抓紧构建对股市的安全评估和应急处理机制。建议组织力量对股市发展状况进行深入、细致、科学的研究分析,包括研究什么是股票指数、市盈率指标的合理水平,为判断股市是否健康发展提供科学的定量依据。要仔细研究一下中国股票指数在多少点以前是经济实体可以承受的,超过多少点是不可承受的。市盈率保持多少倍是合理、健康的,超过什么标准就可能标志着过热。在评估和判断过程中,一定要从中国国情特点出发。  相似文献   

证券市场市盈率的问题、修正与超越   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
市盈率是衡量股票投资价值和管理层据以调控的重要参考指标。投资者根据整体市场的市盈率的分析可以辨明市场风险,把握住投资较大板块和股票,获取较高的投资收益。管理层通过对市盈率水平的分析,可以准确把握股市的强弱,从而提出合理的调控措施,保证股市健康运行。然而,市盈率在会计核算以及在具体运用中,仍存在不少问题。一、市盈率的缺陷市盈率是股票的市场价格与每股税后利润(亦称每股收益)之比率,用倍数表示。它包括个股市盈率和平均市盈率两种核算口径。前者用以衡量某股票投资价值大小,后者则用以考察股市整体市场风险的高低…  相似文献   

尽管目前A股市场的平均市盈率水平高达59倍,但在剔出了非流通股的影响,并考虑到上市公司的预期收益以及成长性,A股市场真实可比的市盈率实际上并不高。根据上海证券交易所2007年12月月报统计,截至12月28日,A股市场加权平均市盈率已达59.2倍。与发达国家成熟股票市场的平均市盈率15~25倍相比,59倍的市盈率让很多专家学者大呼疯狂,认为中国股市出现了极其严重的泡沫。  相似文献   

这几乎是件不可思议的事:当从专家学者到政府官员、从基金经理到普通散户,很多人认为2007年10月的中国股市已估值太高,中国股市的平均股价已超过了16元(即2.10美元),静态市盈率高达60倍,都为此而忧心忡忡的时候,中国股市却不可思议地保留了一块飞地。  相似文献   

沪市综合指数6000点,以2006年上市公司业绩为准,沪深两市A股静态市盈率为71.5倍,(高于2001年6月14日的66.99倍),以2007年上半年业绩动态市盈率为48.5倍。衡量股市估值是否合理,风险大小,有否有投资价值,一个通用指标就是这个市盈率。  相似文献   

试论我国股票市场合理市盈率的理论推导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林红  袁晓涛 《西南金融》2003,(12):53-55
长期以来,关于我国股票二级市场市盈率是否合理的讨论很多,笔认为目前合理市盈率的讨论集中体现在两个方面的不足上:一是,始终没有给出一个合理市盈率的科学标准;二是,没有根据我国不同时期的实际情况进行具体分析。由此,笔提出首先应根据不同时期的具体情况调整合理市盈率标准,进而对现阶段我国股票市场合理市盈率进行理论推导,在考虑理论公式的局限性的情况下,分析了我国上市公司较高的不确定性风险对市盈率的影响以及我国股票市场特有的股权结构对市盈率的影响,提出我国股票市场25—35倍的市盈率是比较合理的。  相似文献   

朱平 《证券导刊》2009,(40):95-95
长假过后,股市又要走向何方?从估值上看,如果不包括银行股,目前A股市净率约为3.5倍,以今年半年报业绩乘2,A股市盈率超过35倍。如果明年业绩改善,ROE提高到16%,市盈率会降到22倍。如果经济复苏后,上市公司经营平稳,16%的ROE水平可以维持,考虚到再融资和利润留存  相似文献   

国内大多数学者认为我国股市已进入弱式有效性市场,本文选取投资者易用的市盈率、市净率相对价值评估指标,运用因素回归分析,考察长期的上证A股指数与市盈率、市净率三者间的相关性,最后,给出对当前股市的看法和建议。得出如下结论:市盈率与市净率间达到显著相关;多元相关分析中,市净率与A股指数达到显著相关,市盈率并未达到显著相关;市净率比市盈率的内在价值分析可靠性要高。  相似文献   

We test both the unconditional and conditional Mean Variance Efficiency of the UK stockmarket, paying particular attention to choosing a suitable set of instruments for the conditional version of the model. By considering more carefully than previous authors the pricing of economic risk within the mean-variance framework we show that certain instruments can enhance the basic model structure. Given the tendency for financial market data to display non-constancy in variance and non-normality we employ the GMM procedure described in Hansen (1982), which requires much weaker distributional assumptions than the more traditional OLS techniques. We discuss forming portfolios of stocks using both size and dividend yield as a criterion to achieve a suitable spread of risk and return, and find that our conclusions are sensitive both to the method of portfolio formation and to the choice of estimator. This is an important finding given the problem of thin trading associated with the size ordering of UK stocks. We find some support for both the unconditional and conditional version of the CAPM, though we are cautious about our conclusions given the instability of the parameter estimates.  相似文献   

We provide an arbitrage-free valuation of exhaustible resource firms through extending the Gibson and Schwartz (1990) model and also the Jamshidian and Fein (1990) solution to valuing an entire petroleum firm based on quoted oil futures. Our solutions are compared to accounting, traditional finance and to stockmarket valuations on a daily basis. An alternative expression of the valuations relative to stockmarket prices is in terms of the time varying implied 'market price' of convenience yield risk. Initial illustrations show that the implied convenience yield risk is not necessarily consistent between stockmarket and derivative market participants. Finally, we calculate the sensitivities of petroleum firm values to changes in oil prices, the convenience yield observable on NYMEX, and oil price volatilities. These partial derivatives show some of the complexities in the dynamic hedging process of using the contingent claims approach to valuing (and hedging) real assets.  相似文献   

Investor Sentiment and Option Prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines whether investor sentiment about the stockmarket affects prices of the S&P 500 options. The findingsreveal that the index option volatility smile is steeper (flatter)and the risk-neutral skewness of monthly index return is more(less) negative when market sentiment becomes more bearish (bullish).These significant relations are robust and become stronger whenthere are more impediments to arbitrage in index options. Theycannot be explained by rational perfect-market-based optionpricing models. Changes in investor sentiment help explain timevariation in the slope of index option smile and risk-neutralskewness beyond factors suggested by the current models.  相似文献   

The Informational Role of Stock and Option Volume   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article analyzes the intraday interdependence of orderflows and price movements for actively traded NYSE stocks andtheir Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)-traded options.Stock net trade volume (buyer-initiated volume minus seller-initiatedvolume) has strong predictive ability for stock and option quoterevisions, but option net trade volume has no incremental predictiveability. This suggests that informed investors initiate tradesin the stock market but not in the option market. On the otherhand, both stock and option quote revisions have predictiveability for each other. Thus, while information in the stockmarket is contained in both quote revisions and trades, informationin the option market is contained only in quote revisions.  相似文献   

We study short‐maturity (“weekly”) S&P 500 index options, which provide a direct way to analyze volatility and jump risks. Unlike longer‐dated options, they are largely insensitive to the risk of intertemporal shifts in the economic environment. Adopting a novel seminonparametric approach, we uncover variation in the negative jump tail risk, which is not spanned by market volatility and helps predict future equity returns. As such, our approach allows for easy identification of periods of heightened concerns about negative tail events that are not always “signaled” by the level of market volatility and elude standard asset pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the macroeconomic sources of risk priced in the UK stockmarket between 1983 and 1990 using monthly data on 840 stocks to form both beta-sorted and market value sorted portfolios using the methodology proposed by Chen, Roll and Ross (1986) and Chan, Chen and Hsieh (1985) for the US. We find that several intuitively plausible macroeconomic variables were priced over this period using the beta sorted portfolios and that once these variables are included there is little role for the return on the market. However, when the market value sorted portfolios were used only inflation and a measure of equity market 'expense' relative to gilts was priced; furthermore with the market value sorted portfolios a role for the market return was found.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies how variation in economic activity and inflation in the United States influences the market prices of level, slope, and curvature risks in Treasury markets. We develop a novel arbitrage‐free dynamic term structure model in which bond investment decisions are influenced by output and inflation risks that are unspanned by (imperfectly correlated with) information about the shape of the yield curve. Our model reveals that, between 1985 and 2007, these risks accounted for a large portion of the variation in forward terms premiums, and there was pronounced cyclical variation in the market prices of level and slope risks.  相似文献   

我国融资融券业务于2010年3月31日正式启动,而作为一种资本市场机制,做空机 制一直以来都饱受理论界和实务界的争议,做空机制对市场波动的影响尚未达成一致结论。本 文考察了做空机制与市场波动性之间的关系。研究发现:(1)在样本期间内,市场波动与做空 机制之间存在长期的稳定关系;(2)买空交易会在一定程度上增加市场波动,而卖空交易会 在一定程度上降低市场波动,但是二者的影响均有限;(3)综合来看,做空机制并不会引起证 券市场的异常波动,即使市场出现了大幅度的震荡,也不是由于卖空机制本身造成的;(4)本 文认为进一步完善做空机制尤其是卖空交易机制有助于稳定市场。本文结论对于评估做空机 制对市场波动的影响,防范经济冲击风险以及加强市场监管具有重要启示。  相似文献   

近年来城镇化建设已成为推动我国经济发展的主要动力之一,对此,商业银行应主动研究和分析我国城镇化建设对商业银行业务经营和拓展带来的影响.本文分析了当前我国城镇化建设的现状及发展方向,认为城镇化进程将会给工商银行带来较大的市场机遇.从实际出发,工商银行应加大对城镇基础公共设施建设、中小企业发展和城市土地经营管理的支持力度;积极发展个人消费信贷业务,努力拓展优质信贷市场,扩大同业市场占比;适应城镇化投融资体制改革的需要,加快金融业务创新步伐.同时,采取措施切实防范城镇化建设中可能出现的信贷风险.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine whether current cost accounting information provides additional useful information to users of accounts by examining the impact of such information on stockmarket activity. The statistical tests compare the share price movement of companies reporting current cost informa- tion with a control group of matched companies reporting only historic cost information. Wherever possible allowance is made for the impact of other information released at the same time as accounting information. The results seem to indicate that the release of current cost information had no traceable effects on the share market prices of the companies concerned.  相似文献   

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