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Factors affecting women's participation in forestry in Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study analyses women's participation in forestry. The study was carried out with 270 women in the Bartın province, located in the West Black Sea Region of Turkey. By employing a Principal Component Analysis it was found that the most important factors affecting women's participation are women's perception related to (1) forest dependence, (2) quality of cooperatives, (3) quality of Forest Organisation, and (4) forest quality. These four factors explained 58% of women's participation. These factors need to be taken into consideration to enhance women's participation in forestry and to achieve sustainable forestry in Turkey.Regression analyses indicate that age, marital status, the rate of population increase and wealth are important variables for explaining variation in levels of participation. The estimated game theoretic model on women's participation indicates that the sharing of forest benefits among women in Turkey is considerably harmonious, while there is scope for improving the Forest Organisation, namely by stimulating participation towards a more effective management of the Turkish forests.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between labour force participation rate and unemployment rate in Turkey a developing country. Cointegration analysis is carried out for the aggregate and gender-specific series. The findings indicate that there is no long-run relationship between labour force participation and unemployment rates in Turkey. Thus, unlike in the case of the developed countries, the unemployment invariance hypothesis is supported in Turkey.  相似文献   

文章研究了近年来我国营林公共投资产业的发展状况,通过营林产业增加值、营林固定资产投资总额和公共投资额、营林产业的实物量成果来分析产业取得的成绩和不足,并阐述了我国营林产业发展的制度动因是集体林权改革和国有林权改革,以及林业行政组织和财政投入体制。  相似文献   

In this paper, Sweden is used as an example of how organised politics has changed quite dramatically in the last couple of decades. The paper argues that there are a number of points that has recently changed Swedish organised politics in rather fundamental ways. These changes entail a new actor constellation in Swedish politics and policy-making, decreased visibility of political processes and the emergence of a strong feedback loop between inequality, participation and public policies. What this amounts to is a very different form of elite-driven policy-making than the old corporatist structures. An amorphous and quite invisible but still highly elite-driven process has emerged, in which inequality has increased dramatically, and the impact of money on politics has become stronger even in Sweden.  相似文献   

In Turkey, the empirical results on the link between financial development and economic growth are mixed. The existing studies do not take into account the fact that Turkey has experienced endemic political and economic instabilities over extended periods. This study aims to analyse the role of macroeconomic instability and public borrowing on the finance–growth nexus in Turkey by using time series econometric techniques over the 1980–2010 period. In doing so, we attempt to extend the existing literature by taking into account the role of macroeconomic instability as well as public borrowing. Our results reveal that there are additional – albeit indirect – channels between finance and growth via the effects of macro instability and public borrowing on financial development and economic growth. After taking into account the effects of overall instability and public borrowing, we found that growth–financial development relationship is bidirectional and permanent. In other words, in Turkish case, economic growth and financial development are jointly determined. Thus, our results shed some light on the ambiguity of the evidence on the link between financial development and economic growth for Turkey.  相似文献   

The nexus between Islamic banks’ returns on term deposits (participation accounts) and conventional banks’ (CBs) interest rates on term deposits is one of the controversies with regard to Islamic finance. The obvious correlation between two sides is considered a convergence of Islamic banking to the conventional mode and the breach of the ‘risk sharing’, the underlying principle of Islamic finance. The aim of this study is to econometrically investigate the long-term relationship between CBs’ term-deposit rates (TDRs) and participation banks’ (PBs) TDR in Turkey. We undertake an elaborate analysis of the dependency of each PBs in Turkey on interest rates utilizing the most recent econometric techniques including Maki cointegration tests with multiple breaks and frequency domain causality tests. Findings show that TDRs of three PBs are significantly cointegrated with those of CBs, while one is not. In addition, permanent causality is found from CBs to all PBs.  相似文献   

公众参与纳米技术风险沟通的行为意向有一定的认知基础。将传统技术风险认知评价模型构成分为科学素养维度、信息感知维度和信任维度3个层面,衡量公众纳米风险认知程度,并构建了公众参与纳米技术风险沟通意向概念模型。通过对调研数据进行Smart分析,获得了公众参与意向的影响因素路径模型,验证了公众对纳米技术的风险认知与公众参与纳米技术风险沟通意向之间的关系假设,可为纳米风险治理中有针对性地提高公众参与度提供理论支持。  相似文献   

研究了我国公共农业RD投资现状及其变化趋势,并从全球各地区、金砖国家及新兴国家层面进行了国际比较。结果表明,我国公共农业RD投资增长迅猛,投资总额位居金砖国家及新兴国家之首,但投资稳定性不容乐观且投资强度明显不足;公共农业RD投资以政府部门为主,重点扶持农业和农、林、牧、渔服务业。政府应提高公共农业RD投资强度,确保投资稳定性,使资金适量向林业、畜牧业及渔业倾斜,同时鼓励私人部门对公共农业RD进行投资。  相似文献   

中国的遗产保护体系传统上以政府和相关机构为主体。近年来,公众对遗产保护的参与意愿显著增强,并成为主流遗产保护体系的重要补充。与此同时,移动互联网的快速发展、遥感和无人机倾斜摄影等数字技术的全面普及,为公众参与遗产保护提供了新的平台和技术支撑。通过对福州复园路街区“拓路”与“保护”争端的全程参与和观察,从公众意愿、参与能力和反馈渠道3个方面,分析数字化时代公众参与遗产保护模式的变化,并进一步探讨了数字技术应用方向的变革和公众参与的未来走向。研究认为,在数字化时代,信息平台的开放与共享,是实现多方平等对话的基础;数字技术的创新创意利用,是提升公众参与的积极性和能力的途径;基于网络和新媒体,构建多元的公众意见反馈渠道,是引入群体智慧、实现全流程“众规”的必要条件。研究结果可为我国新时期文化遗产保护的公众参与提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

Using information about household consumption data from TURKSTAT's Household Surveys for 2007–13 as a sign of religious unorthodoxy, this study explores the effect of religion on women's labor force and educational participation in a Muslim-majority country, Turkey. A household is categorized as “unorthodox” if its members report that they consume goods that contradict conservative Sunni practices, such as alcohol. This information is then used in female labor force participation estimations. Results show that living in an unorthodox household has a positive and highly significant effect on the probability of married women's labor market participation. For single women, the estimations provide weaker evidence regarding the positive effect of unorthodoxy on the probability of participation in education and the labor force. The study concludes that protection of the rights to follow unorthodox practices in society may bear positive implications with regard to women's agency.  相似文献   

The uneven regional distribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Turkey poses an interesting question from the perspective of multinational firms (MNFs) and policy-makers alike. This paper focuses on the factors governing the location decisions of MNFs within Turkey with specific reference to policy implications. Using a conditional logit model, it is found that agglomeration, depth of local financial markets, human capital, and coastal access dominate location decisions for the aggregate sample of foreign investors in Turkey. This study reveals no evidence that public investment is successful in attracting MNFs to particular regions. Also importantly, the location determinants vary dramatically by broad industrial category, investment composition, and origin-country characteristics, including income category and region.  相似文献   

林业行政强制制度是我国行政强制法律制度体系的重要组成部分,直接关系到依法治林及林农合法权益保护。我国的林业法律、行政法规和部门规章在木材运输管理、植物检疫和植物新品种保护等三个领域创设了16项林业行政强制行为。通过对林业行政强制立法的实证分析和理论分析得知,除由规章设定的"通知品种权人缴纳滞纳金"这一行政强制执行方式以外,我国的15项林业行政强制立法与《行政强制法》的规定相吻合。《森林法实施条例》对《森林法》中"有权制止"这一"暧昧的制定法"解释为"暂扣木材",是一种合理的行政解释裁量,应予尊重;而综观《森林法》的全部规定可以发现,森林公安机关可以成为"暂扣木材"这一行政强制措施的适格实施主体,这一发现得到了法律实践的验证。  相似文献   

当城市进入存量发展的背景下,以公众参与为基础、微小社区空间和公共空间设施为改造对象的局部更新方式,成为城市更新的趋势。北京老城社区公共空间景观微更新更加注重公众参与的社区营造和多元共治。社区营造强调公共空间的参与性和过程性,是社区微更新的设计和实施途径;而多元共治则强调公共空间的多元性和可持续性,是社区微更新的实施和维护手段。社区营造和多元共治的途径非常多样化,分别体现在社区历史、文化和邻里关系原真性的保护和挖掘、参与式营造设计和共建、社群协调与社区自组织培育和参与式建立后期运营和维护机制等方面。基于以上思考,以北京老城社区公共空间的典型类型微花园的研究和实践为例,从微花园的观察记录到参与式设计,再到参与式共建和后期维护,探讨北京老城区社区公共空间景观微更新的方法、策略和机制,论证基于社区营造和多元共治的北京老城社区公共空间景观微更新的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study analyses the treatment effects of public training programmes for the unemployed in Germany. Based on propensity score matching methods, we extend the picture that has been sketched in previous studies by estimating the treatment effects of medium-term programmes for different skill and age groups. Our results indicate that programme participation has a positive impact on employment probabilities and earnings for almost all sub-groups. We find little evidence for the presence of heterogeneous treatment effects, and the magnitude of the differences is quite small. Our results thus – at least in part – conflict with the strategy to provide training increasingly to individuals with better employment prospects.  相似文献   

绿色技术创新是破解资源环境约束的根本之计,公众参与作为一种“软约束”对绿色技术创新的作用日益凸显。本文基于公众弥补“政府失灵”和“市场失灵”的独特优势,系统探讨了公众参与对绿色技术创新的影响以及传导机制,并立足于创新对象的不同,利用固定效应模型、中介效应模型及空间计量模型对其进行了实证检验。结果表明:(1)公众参与能够显著地提升绿色工艺创新,而对绿色产品创新的作用并不明显;(2)公众参与依赖于政府环境规制迫使企业污染成本内部化,进而间接影响绿色工艺创新;(3)区域异质性方面,经济较发达地区公众参与对绿色工艺创新的作用更为明显;政府环境规制在公众参与度较高的地区对绿色工艺创新或产品创新的正向促进效果更为明显;(4)空间效应方面,本地公众参与不仅会提升本地绿色工艺创新,同时这种正向效应也会辐射到经济差距较小的周边地区。本文的研究有利于厘清公众参与对绿色技术创新的影响效应,明确其作用路径,为“三方共治”治理体系的有效实施提供参考。  相似文献   

Nepal has a long history of returning public forests to local people as part of its community forestry programme. In principle the community forestry programme is designed to address both environmental quality and poverty alleviation. However, concern has been expressed that forest policies emphasise environmental conservation, and that this has a detrimental impact on the use of community forests in rural Nepal where households require access to public forest products to sustain livelihoods. To study the effect of government policies on forest use, an economic model of a typical small community of economically heterogeneous households in Nepal was developed. The model incorporates a link between private agriculture and public forest resources, and uses this link to assess the socioeconomic impacts of forest policies on the use of public forests. Socioeconomic impacts were measured in terms of household income, employment and income inequality. The results show that some forest policies have a negative economic impact, and the impacts are more serious than those reported by other studies. This study shows that existing forest policies reduce household income and employment, and widen income inequalities within communities, compared to alternative policies. Certain forest policies even constrain the poorest households?? ability to meet survival needs. The findings indicate that the socioeconomic impacts of public forest policies may be underestimated in developing countries unless household economic heterogeneity and forestry??s contribution to production are accounted for. The study also demonstrates that alternative policies for managing common property resources would reduce income inequalities in rural Nepalese communities and lift incomes and employment to a level where even the poorest households could meet their basic needs.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of rates of total factor productivity (TFP) growth for two-digit manufacturing industries in Turkey over the period 1963 to 1976. Estimates are presented separately for the public and private enterprises in each industry. It is shown that periods of slower productivity growth coincided with periods of a more stringent traderegime. It is also shown that, despite the fact that the rate of growth of TFP was about the same in the public and private sectors, absolute levels of inputs in the public sector enterprises are much higher than in their private sector counterparts.  相似文献   

Abstract *** : This article reports the findings of a project entitled ‘The participation of members in mutual businesses’. A previous project developed a theoretical model of what makes people participate, focusing on the participation of public service users in council housing and social care services. The current project builds on this work, applying the ‘mutual incentives model’ to a population sample of area committee members and a random sample of non‐participant members of a very large UK consumer co‐operative, the Co‐operative Group. Two arguments are presented as to why such research is needed. First, member participation in co‐operative and mutual businesses is becoming an important issue both for this sector and more generally for public policy. Second, a comparison between a public services setting and a co‐operative setting enables us to extend and further test the theoretical model. Two main features of the model are outlined: a ‘mutual incentives theory’ that goes beyond other models to combine individualistic and collectivistic motivations, and the ‘participation chain’, a synthesis of existing knowledge that joins motivations to three ‘links’ that we call ‘resources’, ‘mobilization’ and ‘dynamics’. The article then summarizes the project methodology, and reports the main findings. As in the public services project, on the ‘demand’ side, collectivistic incentives prove to be dominant over individualistic, but with some individual ‘internal’ benefits also being important. On the ‘supply’ side, skills derived from previous experience were important, as were a positive evaluation of opportunities to participate, and recruitment through existing networks. We then compare the findings to those from the public service users and from a regional co‐operative society; Oxford, Swindon and Gloucester Co‐op. Collective motivations are dominant in all three datasets, but are shown to vary in interesting ways that have important implications for member participation strategies.  相似文献   

价格听证是实现有效公用事业价格管制的重要内容,科学的价格听证要求消费者充分有效的参与。信息、能力和制度模型能系统解释公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与。调查数据显示,中国公用事业价格听证中的消费者参与在这三个方面都存在问题,这也是完善未来中国公用事业价格听证中消费者参与的重点所在。  相似文献   

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