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1. Introduction Domestic waste has become a worldwide hazard. It has been listed in Preferential Programmes in China for 21st Century. The combination of the three techniques, the transformation of domestic waste into useful resources, the reduction of do- mestic waste and the innocent treatment of domes- tic waste is the long-term guideline in China. In the spirit of the guideline, several laws and regulations have been enacted, including Technical Standards of Municipal Solid Landfill, …  相似文献   

Food waste is increasingly recognized as a global challenge, with both public and private efforts aimed at reducing food waste from farm to fork. However, analyses of food waste often fail to treat the problem as an economic phenomenon, where consumers’ utility maximizing decisions result in discarded food. In an effort to guide future research, this article presents a conceptual model of household food waste, showing that decisions to discard food depend on food prices and wage and nonwage income.  相似文献   

The problem of household solid waste has been concerned and researched on by municipalities and researchers.At present, household solid waste has been changed to management problem from technical one. From the point view ofmanagement, the research on household solid waste is to study the factors which influence resident’s behavior ofmanaging their waste. Based on the literature review, firstly, this paper summarizes those factors which have alreadybeen identified to have impact on resident’s behavior of managing their waste. They are social-demographic variables,knowledge, environmental values, psychological factors, publicity and system design. Secondly, three typical models ofthe relationship between factors and behavior, which are factors determining task performance in waste management,conceptualization of waste management behavior and the theoretical model of repeated behavior on household wastemanagement, are analyzed and the deficiencies of these models are also analyzed. Finally, according to the currentsituation in household waste management and the culture and resident’s habits in China, this paper puts forward aresearch focus and suggestions about resident’s behavior of household solid waste management.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider the determination of an optimal dividend policy in the presence of cash flow uncertainty and transaction costs. We state a set of weak conditions under which the optimal dividend policy can be explicitly characterized for a broad class of diffusions modelling the underlying cash flow dynamics and demonstrate that increased dividend policy flexibility does not only increase the maximal expected cumulative present value of the future dividends, it also increases the rate at which this value grows (i.e. Tobin’s marginal q). We also prove that increased transaction costs result into larger but less frequent dividend payments.Received: 23 November 2003, Revised: 23 March 2005, JEL Classification Numbers: G35, G31, C44, Q23.Luis H.R. Alvarez: Correspondence toLuis H. R. Alvarez acknowledges the financial support from the Foundation for the Promotion of the Actuarial Profession, the Finnish Insurance Society, the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation, and the Research Unit of Economic Structures and Growth (RUESG) at the University of Helsinki. The authors are grateful to an anonymous referee for constructive comments and suggested improvements on an earlier version of this study.  相似文献   

Environmental issues during and after extraction are a major problem in contemporary exhaustible resource production. Production operation deteriorates the state of the environment and is a source of possibly harmful emissions. After the extraction has ceased, the site is in need of reclamation and clean-up. This paper analyses the last two stages of exhaustible resource production: extraction and site reclamation decisions. The socially optimal regulation is investigated, and it is found that a pollution tax, a shut-down date and a requirement for the firm to deposit funds for costly reclamation can be used to incentivize socially optimal extraction of the resource. It is also found that the firm can be required to pay the monies to a reclamation trust at the beginning of the extraction operation, which protects the tax payers from the possible insolvency of the firm who tries to avoid paying for the reclamation.  相似文献   

The paper puts forward a model of the Atlantic salmon fishery in the Baltic Sea that integrates the salient biological and economic characteristics of migratory fish stocks. Designed to be compatible with the framework used for actual stock assessments, the model accounts for age-structured population dynamics, the seasonal harvest and competing harvesting by commercial and recreational fishermen. It is parameterized for the Simojoki River stock. The socially optimal policy for maximizing discounted net benefits from the fishery within an uncertain environment is determined using a dynamic programming approach and numerical solution method. Our results indicate that substantial economic benefits could be realized under optimal management without compromising stock sustainability.  相似文献   

We develop a new structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model for analysis with mixed-frequency data. The MIDAS-SVAR model allows to identify structural dynamic links exploiting the information contained in variables sampled at different frequencies. It also provides a general framework to test homogeneous frequency-based representations versus mixed-frequency data models. A set of Monte Carlo experiments suggests that the test performs well both in terms of size and power. The MIDAS-SVAR is then used to study how monetary policy and financial uncertainty impact on the dynamics of gross capital inflows to the US. While no relation is found when using standard quarterly data, mixed frequency analysis exploiting the variability present in the series within the quarter shows that the effect of an interest rate shock is greater the longer the time lag between the month of the shock and the end of the quarter.  相似文献   

Using a two-country dynamic optimization model, we investigate the impact of exchange risk, incomplete information and short sales constraints on international portfolio decisions around market closure. Using optimal control theory, we provide solutions and simulation results. Our model can be applied to solve several problems in financial economics in the presence of market closure, information asymmetry and short sales constraints.  相似文献   

通货膨胀背景下,有关PPI和CPI之间的价格传导关系成为备受关注的热点问题,但现有文献均局限于PPI和CPI均值意义上的格兰杰因果性讨论。事实上,无论从宏观理论出发还是从计量理论出发,PPI和CPI衡量的通胀率的不确定性(inflation uncertainty)及不确定性间的相关性更应引起学术界以及货币当局的关注。鉴于此,我们借鉴Hafner and Herwartz(2004)提出的二阶矩意义的格兰杰因果检验方法,构建Wald形式的统计量对CPI和PPI不确定性因果关系进行检验,发现从通胀不确定性视角来看,PPI和CPI是相互传导的,从传导模式来看,无论以PPIMG还是以CGP"I充当"PPI,均只能在短期影响CPI,而CPI对它们的影响在长短期都是一贯的。由此推断,CPI到PPI方向构成了二者不确定性传导的"系统性"路径,通胀治理须从需求方考虑。  相似文献   

We consider a small-open, collateral-constrained AK economy. We show that the combination of CARA preferences and uncertainty on capital inflows generates long-term growth while the deterministic counterpart does not: long-term growth is entirely driven by precautionary savings, and the asymptotic growth rate of the expected capital stock is increasing in both the risk magnitude and the Arrow–Pratt absolute risk aversion parameters.  相似文献   

在劳动力市场非均衡状态下生产资料所有者能够获得消费者剩余,生产资料的私有制形式导致贫富差距。在劳动力市场均衡状态下生产资料所有者的消费者剩余消失,生产资料的私有制形式并不必然导致生产资料所有者占有劳动剩余产品。劳动产品在劳动者之间分配的合理性和生产资料计划配置的合理性是生产资料公有制能够促进生产力发展的两个假设前提。  相似文献   

战略领导能力是企业家的核心能力,是企业获得持续竞争优势的基础,企业决策机制是将企业家战略领导能力转为企业竞争优势的重要中介。探讨了企业家战略领导能力、决策机制以及企业绩效的内涵及测量问题,分析了三者的关系。提出了决策机制是企业家战略领导能力与企业绩效的中介变量,同时将环境因素作为控制变量,并初步构建了企业家战略领导能力与企业绩效理论关系模型,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

This Note questions the statistical validity of the analysesof the relationship between the rate of profit and the organiccomposition across industries.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been renewed interest in labor search and matching models that incorporate a life-cycle structure by assuming finite horizons. Existing studies provide detailed analyses on the age dynamics of job creation and destruction, assuming that workers of all ages search for jobs in the same market. This paper examines a related environment that has drawn less attention, where the labor market is exogenously segmented by age. The paper finds sufficient conditions for the model to yield unambiguous predictions on the age profiles of key variables, and compares them with the corresponding conditions in models with a single market. The paper further examines the age profiles of these key variables in the efficient allocation. In particular, with no persistence in idiosyncratic match productivity, the efficient allocation is found to exhibit monotonic age profiles for the job finding and separation rates.  相似文献   

With the social and economic development,conflict among the shortage of resources,environmental destruction and economic development is ever more pronounced.In this context,the circular economy was gradually accepted.Guided by sustainable development concept and promoted by six external forces,tourism circular economy take tourism micro-cycle model as the core,implement in corporate and social levels,improve resource utilization efficiency,reduce tourism's adverse impacts on the surrounding environment through recycling,reducing and reusing resources,achieve economic,social and environmental development of the organic unity.  相似文献   

一个经济体内各地区生产要素投入水平的差异是导致区域经济增长存在差异性的根本原因,也是影响区域经济增长收敛性的关键性因素。据此提出假说:一个经济体内生产要素投入变动的地区差异,将对区域经济增长收敛性产生影响。具体来说,发达地区生产要素投入的增加,将加剧区域经济增长发散;而落后地区生产要素投入的增加,将促进区域经济增长收敛。基于假说,进一步分析生产要素的流动对区域经济增长收敛性的影响,得出两个重要推论。并对改革开放以来福建和全国区域经济增长的收敛性进行实证研究。实证结果证实了两个推论,与研究假说相容。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济经历了长时期快速增长,和谐问题日益凸显.笔者结合社会主义的本质特征对增长、公平和效率的关系作出分析;并且着重从劳动、土地、资本、管理要素角度对和谐问题进行深入探讨,认为要在提供公平竞争宏观环境、扭转粗放型经济发展方式等方面做出努力.  相似文献   

根据马克思主义经济学的基本原理,生产方式是社会存在与发展的决定力量,生产方式的弊病是一切社会经济问题产生的根源所在。以商品生产、市场调节和追求剩余价值为主要特征的资本主义生产方式,一方面推动了生产力与社会的巨大发展,另一方面又造成了对资源的浪费和对环境的破坏,因而破坏了经济社会的可持续发展。改革开放30年来,我国社会生产方式的重大变革既实现了经济社会的快速发展,也提出了实现可持续发展的重要课题。因此,在当今世界和当代中国,都必须进一步推进生产方式全面、深刻的变革,为实现经济社会可持续发展奠定坚实的制度基础。  相似文献   

The paper presents a model of housing and credit cycles featuring distorted beliefs and comovement and mutual reinforcement between house price expectations and price developments via credit expansion/contraction. Positive (negative) development in house prices fuels optimism (pessimism) and credit expansion (contraction), which in turn boost (dampen) housing demand and house prices and reinforce agents׳ optimism (pessimism). Bayesian learning about house prices can endogenously generate self-reinforcing booms and busts in house prices and significantly strengthen the role of collateral constraints in aggregate fluctuations. The model can quantitatively account for the 2001–2008 U.S. boom-bust cycle in house prices and associated household debt and consumption dynamics. It also demonstrates that allowing for imperfect knowledge of agents, a higher leveraged economy is more prone to self-reinforcing fluctuations.  相似文献   

We develop a model of innovation and learning that incorporates explicitly the need for a firm to conduct its own research and development (R&D) in order to realize involuntary spillovers from other firms’ R&D activity and the development of absorptive capacity of research firms over time. The conclusions of the model follow directly from the functional forms that are used to describe the generation and absorption of technological knowledge. The first proposition formally characterizes the steady-state rate of growth of technology for the model. The analysis also shows how some of the key features of two distinct, pure modes of organization of the production of new knowledge, the R&D model and the new localized knowledge model, are implied by our model by simply drastically changing the relative magnitude of two exogenous parameters: the ease of learning and the pace of knowledge advance. The second proposition formally characterizes the connections implied by the model between involuntary spillovers and absorptive capacity. Analysis of the long-term interactions between involuntary spillovers of knowledge and absorptive capacity provides the essential insights into an understanding of the elements of a self-sustained process of endogenous growth. The third and last formal proposition of this paper accommodates firm-level arguments and the crucial role of a firm's absorptive capacity in taking advantage of its location in clusters, as implied by the theoretical model.  相似文献   

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