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本文在系统梳理中国农村改革历程的基础上,指出改革初期,为了满足农民的温饱诉求,党和政府逐渐认同了农民推出的“大包干”做法;温饱问题解决之后,为了满足农民外出从事非农就业的诉求,党和政府赋予农民自主流转其承包土地经营权的权利;现在,为了满足农民享有土地财产权益的诉求,党和政府应赋予农民土地股份的权利,将农村集体土地产权按份共有的改革目标落到实处。股权是集体经济的基础。改革初期以含义模糊的承包权替代含义清晰的土地股权,是为了达成改革共识;现在以含义清晰的土地股权替代含义模糊的土地承包权,是改革深化和认识与时俱进的结果。  相似文献   

二元经济结构的改善需要农地制度的创新.农地制度改革目标模式的设计必须兼顾社会保障与效率两重功能,国有制、个人所有制、土地股份制都不符合这一原则.作者的产权分析框架认为,产权效率取决于权利的界定及实施.中国农地制度改革的方向,是坚持集体所有制的前提,通过农地权利的界定、农村集体经济组织决策制度的创新,进一步理顺乡镇政府、村集体组织与农民的关系.  相似文献   

This study examines the linkages between environmental degradation (viewed primarily as deforestation and land degradation) and the movement of population from one region to another within a developing country. The hypothesis postulated is that the link between population and environmental degradation is mediated by the nature of property rights in land. This hypothesis is examined with the help of two alternative methodologies. Firstly, a simultaneous equations model using data for the arid and semi-arid region of Western India illustrates that outmigration from the region is largely the consequence of push factors such as environmental degradation and decrease in common land. Alternatively, micro experiments in environmental protection and the creation of common property rights on open access land in the same region indicate that the association between migrational change, creation of common property rights and participation indices is high. It can be concluded that once property rights are well defined with the help of appropriate institutional arrangements, labour moves towards the creation of common assets and an improvement in the environment takes place. Out migration is prevented and higher levels of population are supported by the same resources. The authors wish to thank Ms. Seema Bathla and Dr. Suresh Sharma for assistance in documentation, data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

在现行的农村土地产权制度下,农民并没有真正意义或物权意义上的土地财产权利。从成都市改革的实践经验来看,在这场改革中,农民个体表达出对土地承包经营权和宅基地使用权权能的完整性及"私有化"的强烈追求,以"还权赋能"为指向的成都市的土地制度改革适应了农民的这一要求。农村土地产权制度改革是完善社会主义市场经济体制的一项重要内容,我们需要在中国特色社会主义理论创新的指导下进行新的实践探索,改革的方向是在不改变土地集体所有权的制度框架下使物权化的土地产权向农民回归,重新构建农民与农村经济长期发展的财产权基础。  相似文献   

本文综合讨论了村干部和宗族组织对农地经营权流转的影响和作用机制,并且运用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据对理论分析假设进行了验证。研究结果表明:在农地产权配置和流转交易市场现实约束条件下,村干部和宗族组织作为村庄权威,均对农地流转具有显著影响。其中,以经商能人为代表的村干部对农户家庭农地有偿流转行为有显著的正向影响。宗族组织为维持组织网络结构稳定,对农地无偿流转有显著的正向影响,但是对有偿流转有显著的负向影响。此外,村干部和宗族组织显著抑制了农地撂荒现象的发生。本文的发现对理解村干部和宗族组织在农地流转市场化进程中的行为特点具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic effects of existing private property rights on First Nations reserves. We focus on three regimes of land tenure: lawful possession, designated land and permits. These land regimes have been used to create individual landholdings and grant secure and transferable rights of use of reserve land. Using confidential census microdata and rich administrative data, we find evidence of a positive relationship between the use of these tenure regimes and homeownership rates, housing conditions and band's public spending. We also observe a positive relationship with average income. However, this last result is driven by the inflow of a non-Indigenous population not by improvements in Indigenous households’ income or on-reserve employment. Our findings thus suggest that while reforms to individual property rights on reserve have some positive effects, their scope remains limited and they are unlikely to constitute a transformative tool to alleviate poverty on reserve.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the transfer of rural land contract management rights in China has influenced the choice of rural workers to work in cities in the long run. Using data from the Rural Household Survey and Migrant Household Survey from the China Household Income Project in 2007, 2008 and 2013, we find that rural land transfers and the subsequent human capital effect are found to play important roles in farmers’ decision to give up agricultural work and relocate to work in urban areas. Our findings indicate that the Chinese government should accelerate the implementation of policies that promote the separation of ownership rights, contracting rights and management rights of contracted land and continuously improve the rural land property rights system.  相似文献   

如何通过完善农地制度来保障失地农民的利益事关我国失地农民的生存发展和社会稳定.通过对失地农民利益受损的机理进行剖析发现,集体土地产权模糊、产权缺乏排他性、委托代理问题以及征地制度中存在的公益性用地界限不清等制度性因素共同促成了失地农民利益受损.因此,有效保障我国失地农民的合法权益就要从我国农地制度进一步改革入手,明晰集体土地产权、赋予农民长期的承包经营权、严格区分公益性和经营性用地的界限、构建多层次的失地农民社会保障体系等措施.  相似文献   

农地流转与农民权益保护的制度安排   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
农村土地流转中,农地产权法律制度的缺陷和民主制度的不完善,缺乏有效价格发现机制和监管及保障制度的缺失是导致农民土地权益受损的主要因素.实现土地规范、有序、健康流转,需要构建配套的从法律上明确土地所有权主体和完善其他权能的农地产权制度、中央与地方事权与财权搭配合理的财政制度和有效体现农民权益的村民自治制度以及社会权益保障制度.发挥制度功效,最大限度保护好农民多方面的土地权益.  相似文献   

This study develops a model for wildlifemigrating seasonally between a conservationarea and a neighbouring area. When beingoutside the conservation area, harvesting takesplace by a group of small-scale farmers. Thelocal people have two motives for harvesting;to get rid of ``problem' animals as roamingwildlife destroys crops and agriculturalproducts, and hunting for meat and trophies.Depending on the specification of the propertyrights, the harvesting is legal or illegal. Itis demonstrated that it is far from clear whichof the two property rights regimes that givesthe highest wildlife abundance. Hence, contraryto what is argued for in the literature,handing the property rights over to the localpeople means not automatically more wildlifeand a more ``sustainable' resource utilization.The reason lies in the nuisance motive forharvesting. The exploitation under the twodifferent property rights regimes areillustrated by numerical calculations with datathat fits reasonable well with the exploitationof the wildebeest population in theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem.  相似文献   

As property rights concerns grow along with budget pressures, government agencies charged with balancing resource policy objectives need to consider institutional alternatives to regulation and land purchase. This paper examines how public agencies participate in markets for partial interests in public and private land as a means of influencing resource use and conservation. The paper also reviews the application of real option theory to the valuation of conservation easements and considers potential extensions to other partial interests.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes can provide many valuable ecosystem services, but many are externalities from the perspective of farmers and so tend to be under-produced. This paper examines an effort to make direct payments for ecosystem services (PES) in an agricultural landscape. The Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project is piloting the use of PES to induce adoption of silvopastoral practices in the Matiguás-Río Blanco area in Nicaragua. Silvopastoral practices could substantially improve service provision while retaining agricultural production, but they have found only limited acceptance among farmers. The Silvopastoral Project seeks to increase their adoption by paying farmers for the expected increase in biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration services that these practices would provide. The Project developed an ‘environmental services index’ (ESI) and pays participants for net increases in ESI points. Although the Silvopastoral Project is still underway, it already appears to have succeeded in inducing farmers to increase substantially the use of practices that generate higher levels of ecosystem services. In the project's first two years, over 24% of the total area experienced some form of land use change. The area of degraded pasture fell by two thirds, while pastures with high tree density increased substantially, as did fodder banks and live fences. On-going monitoring indicates that these land use changes are in fact generating the desired services. Questions remain about the long-term sustainability of the approach, however. To ensure sustainability, long-term payments are likely to be needed, raising the question of how they will be financed. Payments by water users and by carbon buyers provide a partial answer to this challenge, but still leave many gaps.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to contribute further insights into individuals’ agri-environmental attitudes. In particular, the empirical analysis focuses on how citizens think agri-environmental property rights should be assigned. This has been done by surveying how individuals consider the environmental policy should promote the implementation of a group of agri-environmental measures, allowing us to examine the determinants of individuals’ opinions about this matter. Results indicate that higher level of income and education support the implementation of obligatory agri-environmental measures with no financial support (property rights should rest on society) except for measures to improve public access to land for leisure activities and ecological farming which are seen more of the voluntary kind (property rights should rest on farmers). Additionally, rural residency has strong significant effect on agri-environmental attitudes as rural residents are more likely to support the implementation of voluntary (with/without financial support) agri-environmental measures. On the whole, this research proves to be a valuable tool to identify factors determining individuals’ attitudes towards agri-environmental property rights which can certainly help policymakers to provide customized, better response to social demands on this matter.  相似文献   

农民权利配置在促进农民收入增长的同时,也存在着制约农民收入增长的情况。本文力图明晰农民收入增长中权利配置的主要问题及产生原因,找到解决对策。本文首先对农民权利配置与农民收入关系做了理论及描述性分析,进一步实证分析了1994-2011年农民权利配置与农民收入增长的关系。结果表明:长期以来,国家配置为主的配置方式,与国家支农支出、农地流转比例、农用机械总动力有关的权利配置和其对农民收入增长影响系数的匹配不当,收益权配置为主的配置偏好共同导致农民权利配置效率偏低,影响到农民收入增速长期低于GDP增速。本文建议控制直接补贴规模,加大农业科技投入,适度控制农地流转的比例及速度,引导农民开设家庭农场,扶持专业化农业生产,从而提高农民权利配置效率,有效促进农民收入增长。  相似文献   

Agricultural markets are characterised by thinner margins, greater price and income volatility. Despite these changes, agricultural raw material markets are increasingly characterised by the vertical co-ordination of farmers and processors. The organisational form of a marketing co-operative is a common means adopted by farmers to achieve this end. In a world increasingly concerned with the importance of the separation of ownership and user, the survival and growth of agricultural co-operatives (in which the primary users of the services are also the main owners) is linked to their economic role, to how members exercise their property rights, and how inputs are used by the co-operative. This paper provides a function that summarises the economic role of agricultural co-operatives and goes on to analyse the contribution to the economic performance of Portuguese wine co-operatives (PWCs) made by the use of property rights, and the skills of the human resources and technology employed. The results of a multinomial logit model show that PWCs would indeed be able to improve their economic performance through the application of integrated management strategies to solve common property and horizon problems, as well as increasing their recruitment of skilled professionals in the areas of management, wine production and marketing, and by the adoption of new technologies of production and packaging.  相似文献   

Conservation auctions have the potential to increase the efficiency of payments to farmers to adopt conservation-friendly management practices by fostering competition among them. The literature considers bidders that have complete information about the costs of adoption and optimal bidding behavior reflects this information advantage. Farmers seek information rents and bids decrease when risk aversion increases because farmers are more averse to losing the auction. We contribute to the literature by allowing for cost risk. Our paper shows that farmers must balance the risk of losing the auction (thus foregoing information rent) with the risk of submitting a bid that is not high enough to pay the costs of adopting conservation practices (thus incurring losses). We design an experiment to trade off these two risks and examine how risk aversion affects bidding behavior when participants face different sources and levels of risk. Our experiment contributes to a small literature on experimental auctions with risky product valuations. We find that participants decrease their bids as risk aversion increases, even in auctions with cost risk, suggesting that the risk of losing the auction dominates. These findings uncover new challenges for the practical implementation of conservation auctions as an efficient policy instrument.  相似文献   

近年来,围绕满足城镇化发展对土地的需要,各地掀起了新一轮农村土地产权制度改革。本文以产权理论为视角,讨论我国农村土地制度的产权本质以及在统筹城乡发展中凸显的产权矛盾,通过成都市试验区实践创新活动的分析,提出了以确权颁证为逻辑起点的成都路径图,指出我国当前深化农村土地产权制度创新需要解决的几个问题,即确保农民土地权益,构建"还权赋能"的工作机制;拓展交易平台内涵,健全服务平台的运行机制;完善土地法规,建立统一的土地市场。  相似文献   

土地流转是实施乡村振兴战略、实现农业农村现代化的重要条件。然而在土地流转过程中却出现了较多无偿转包现象,这反映了我国土地流转制度存在着非正规现象。本文通过理论和实证分析,对无偿转包现象产生的原因及其影响因素进行了研究,并得出以下基本结论:第一,无偿转包能够规避土地流转中的产权风险。第二,转出户能够获得的潜在地租越低,转出户的非农化程度越高,或转出户对亲朋好友信任程度越高,无偿转包的情况就越有可能发生。  相似文献   

现行农地征用补偿制度产生了诸多问题,已成为我国社会经济持续发展的一种现实障碍.本文对新中国农地征用补偿制度进行梳理,对不同阶段农地征用补偿制度的效果及其原因进行了分析,认为农地征用补偿制度的根本问题不在于补偿标准,而在于农地产权制度、公权力的无约束、土地生产要素功能的被忽视和农民权利的缺失.因此,今后我国农地征用补偿制度的改革应主要从上述几方面进行.  相似文献   

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