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跨国公司转移定价浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着跨国公司的不断发展,跨国公司的内部交易大量增加,内部交易的转让定价问题也越来越来受到相关各方的重视与关注。转让定价是跨国公司内部的经营决策,通过特定的转让定价政策,跨国公司可以节省交易成本,实现整体利润最大化目标。本文主要讨论了转移定价的目的,定价时考虑的因素和面对跨国公司的发  相似文献   

国际转让定价税制近期发展要点及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转让定价是跨国公司最主要、最常见的一种避税手段,其出现和广泛应用与国际贸易和跨国公司的直接投资密切相关。国外转让定价税收法规的建立已有近90年的历史,并随着国际贸易和跨国公司的发展而发展。近年来,转让定价税制的发展呈现出新的特点。本文拟结合转让定价税制的近期发展要点,对我国制定定价转让税制提出几点建议。  相似文献   

随着科技进步,交通和资讯的日以便捷,越来越多的跨国企业在全球范围内开展业务和运营.跨国公司为获取全球最大利润,利用转让定价的方式将利润在各国家之间转移,造成一些国家原本应征收的税收收入减少,扰乱了国际税收秩序.上世纪80年代末,我国进行招商引资,跨国公司在我国不断发展壮大,跨国公司利用转让定价的方式进行避税的行为越来越普遍,为有效控制这种行为,我国实施了一系列转让定价法律法规,之后,税务机关通过不断的吸取他国经验,逐步建立起一套相对特别的转让定价管理体系.本文从税务机关的角度分析我国对跨国公司转让定价的税务营理问题,阐述其现状,分析其存在的问题,对发达国家的转让定价做法和经验进行剖析借鉴,探讨我国对跨国公司转让定价的税务管理的建议和措施.  相似文献   

陈斌 《财会月刊》2021,(6):148-152
随着BEPS行动计划成果的落地,转让定价规则进一步完善,跨国公司将面临更大的转让定价纳税风险挑战,加强转让定价税务管理的重要性越发彰显。从企业税务管理的两大目标——“价值创造”与“风险管理”出发,探讨如何运用“税收遵从”和“纳税筹划”两项功能来实现跨国公司转让定价税务管理的策略目标,并以索尼爱立信公司税务诉讼案为例,通过分析该案例所涉及的转让定价问题,进一步彰显转让定价税务管理的重要性,进而为我国“走出去”企业的转让定价税务管理提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

转让定价是当今跨国公司利用关联企业避税的主要途径。本文对美国税务处理方法以及税务当局有关工作特点进行了研究,并对我国治理转让定价的措施进行了思考。  相似文献   

在现今经济低迷时期,为了保证稳定的税务收入,各国政府不仅加强转让定价立法,还增大转让定价审查力度。这使转让定价审计环境日益严峻,使用转让定价而带来的财务风险和非财务风险也越来越大。要使转让定价风险降到最低,跨国公司必须采取自查、备齐同期文档资料、签订预约定价协议、建立自控机制等措施。  相似文献   

金琳 《企业技术开发》2009,28(1):265-266
跨国公司通过转让定价避税,造成国际税收流失,世界各国纷纷制定相关法律法规防范转让定价行为,我国的相关法规尚不完善,随着我国国际化程度逐渐提高,我国外资企业通过转让定价避税的趋势日益明显。文章借鉴国外经验,制定了适当对策,应对转让定价对税收的影响。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下,随着我国成功入世,跨国公司在中国将更趋繁荣.而不少在华跨国公司虚亏实盈,往往是针对我国涉外税率较低的现状,利用转让定价逆避税.为了防止税收流失和利润转移,保护我国的正当利益,加强跨国公司转让定价税制的立法,应是当务之急.  相似文献   

浅论跨国公司转让价格定价方法的选择○河北经贸大学吕立伟杨克泉转让价格作为跨国公司实现全球战略,谋求利润最大化的手段,早已成为跨国公司经营战略的重要组成部分。采用什么方法确定内部转让价格是一个令各国跨国经营者都十分棘手的问题。本文拟以如何选择跨国公司转...  相似文献   

转让定价是跨国公司最常用的一种典型的国际避税手段,其关联企业之间的转让定价不仅出现在有形财产的销售领域,在无形财产转让、服务提供、金融交易等方面也有广泛的运用,文章着重分析了转让定价的多种手段.具体阐释了关联企业的认定方式,并且辩证地论述转让定价的避税和管理的双重功能。  相似文献   

跨国公司在上海的区位行为及其空间影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
跨国公司的兴起是当今世界的主要经济现象之一。本文通过对跨国公司在上海的产业、行业分布的研究,认为:①跨国公司在上海的区位行为是由市场因素、成本因素和跨国公司的全球性战略共同决定的;②跨国公司的区位行为对上海城市形态及其空间结构产生了巨大影响。  相似文献   

The arguments for and against transfer pricing schemes so far have focused on profit‐seeking approaches based on tax differentials, or on evasion of government enforced goods and fund flow restrictions. This article shifts to a value‐seeking framework where transfer prices act as strategic tools that may enhance value for the multinational with a foreign affiliate by exploiting financial and/or tax arbitrage that also lead to ownership arbitrage. The results show that there is an optimal level of transfer price depending on the specific exchange rate distribution when the cost structure allows for a penalty for overcharging. Moreover, this article introduces a new form of tax arbitrage benefit of transfer prices that is based on present value of tax shields.  相似文献   

国际转让价格的制定历来是跨国公司经营战略的一大难题。影响国际转让价格制定的因素有所得税差别、关税壁垒、竞争、通货膨胀、外汇管制、政治风险等。制定国际转让价格的方法分为以成本和以市价为基础两种,两种方法各有优劣。在实务中,跨国公司应联系自身的经营目标、组织结构、生产规模、定价策略以及各国经济、文化背景等因素加以选择。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the rapidly growing empirical literature on international tax avoidance by multinational corporations. It surveys evidence on the main channels of corporate tax avoidance including transfer mispricing, international debt shifting, treaty shopping, tax deferral, and corporate inversions. Moreover, it performs a meta-analysis of the extensive literature that estimates the overall size of profit shifting. We find that the literature suggests that, on average, a 1 percentage-point lower corporate tax rate will expand before-tax income by 1%—an effect that is larger than reported as the consensus estimate in previous surveys and tends to be increasing over time. The literature on tax avoidance still has several unresolved puzzles and blind spots that require further research.  相似文献   

We contrast attempts to introduce what were seen as sophisticated Western-style human resource management (HRM) systems into two Russian oil companies – a joint venture with a Western multinational corporation (TNK-BP) and a wholly Russian-owned company (Yukos). The drivers for Western hegemony within the joint venture, heavily influenced by expatriates and the established HRM processes introduced by the Western parent, were counteracted to a significant degree by the Russian spetsifika – the peculiarly Russian way of thinking and doing things. In contrast, developments were absorbed faster in the more authoritarian Russian-owned company. The research adds to the theoretical debate about international knowledge transfer and provides detailed empirical data to support our understanding of the effect of both organizational and cultural context on the knowledge-transfer mechanisms of local and multinational companies. As the analysis is based on the perspective of senior local nationals, we also address a relatively under-researched area in the international HRM literature which mostly relies on empirical data collected from expatriates and those based solely in multinational headquarters.  相似文献   

This study analyzes factors determining the profitabilty of 750 of Canada's largest manufacturing firms, both domestic- and foreign-controlled, over the period 1968-1972. It is found that US-controlled firms were more profitable than either Canadian- or other foreign-controlled firms, when various firm- and industry-specific factors are held constant. In addition, the higher was the degree of non-resident (presumably American) ownership, the more profitable were US-controlled firms. The reverse was true of other foreign firms. These results for US firms are consistent with the Hymer–Caves and internalization approaches to the multinational corporation. However, the results for other firms are not, thus suggesting that a ‘general’ theory of the multinational corporation has yet to be forwarded.  相似文献   

This paper constructs models to investigate the rationale for a multinational corporation to enter into a joint venture to serve a host market. In particular, the model examines the impact of profit sharing, cost reductions, risk reductions, and competition reductions on the profits of international joint ventures. The results may explain the ‘recent’ popularity of international joint ventures. The models show that (1) a joint venture is the dominant entry strategy when there is a formidable local competitor and the risks of operation are high, (2) a wholly owned subsidiary is preferred if a multinational corporation has a significant cost advantage, (3) a joint venture is preferred to a wholly owned subsidiary if significant cost reductions can be achieved through combining the strengths of a multinational corporation and a local firm, and (4) multiple licensing is preferred if the number of local firms is large.  相似文献   

以在中国大陆跨国公司为对象,实证研究发现经济制度距离与文化制度距离对跨国公司在东道国的社会责任表现具有消极影响。当母国的法律制度质量明显优于东道国时,法律制度距离对跨国公司在东道国的社会责任表现具有积极影响;进入模式对法律制度距离和文化制度距离与跨国公司在东道国的社会责任表现之间关系具有负向调节作用;跨国公司在东道国的经营经验对法律制度距离与其在东道国的社会责任绩效之间关系具有负向调解作用。  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium accounting and transfer pricing policies in a multinational duopoly with price competition in the final product market. We find that the firms in a duopoly can benefit from strategically using the same transfer price for tax and managerial purposes instead of using separate transfer prices for both objectives. According to our results, the practice of one set of books should be the prevalent accounting method in markets with a small number of competitors and similar products.  相似文献   

随着汇率之争愈演愈烈,贸易保护主义迅速抬头,中国跨国公司竞争力问题愈发成为中国经济实现又好又快发展,提高国家竞争力的重要问题。没有一大批拥有自主知识产权、主业突出、核心竞争力强的跨国公司,中国将无法摆脱全球产业链的低端位置,无法实现制造业强国的目标。国外对跨国公司竞争力研究较多,但对中国跨国公司竞争力培育问题则研究较少。我国学者对中国跨国公司竞争力研究起步较晚,但也形成了一些重要的研究成果。  相似文献   

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