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新古典经济学是研究既定制度下个体理性行为的学说,而社会制度的确立原则不同于属于个体的行为原则,因为社会制度涉及到众多社会性因素。不幸的是,流行的新制度主义恰恰舍弃了包括伦理、历史和权力等社会性因素,而试图把制度分析纳入新古典经济学框架,它或者基于博弈均衡来分析和解释那些正式规则,或者基于理性建模的互动行为分析来构设社会制度。正是基于这种抽象思维,新制度主义必然不能真正剖析制度的产生和演化,舍弃权力结构的博弈均衡所构设的社会制度。  相似文献   

现代主流的新古典经济学承袭西方社会的自然主义思维,并在自然主义基础上赋予一定的信念形成伦理自然主义,而对存在的认知又衍生出伦理实证主义,它们把存在当成合理,并极力根据供求力量决定的均衡来设立社会规则和制度安排,并为现有制度进行辩解,从而形成了为强者利益服务的理论。然而,国内一些"主流"经济学家却心甘情愿地接受西方主流经济学合理化既定制度的根本性思维,把一切制度都看成是力量博弈的结果,以供求均衡来设计社会制度,从而产生完全有利于强势者的社会分配体制。他们不但对当前这种扭曲的事态熟视无睹,而且还总要站在强势者的一方为当前社会上出现的一些丑陋现象百般辩护。事实上,在当前中国,"虐穷"心理和"虐穷"行动远比"仇富"心理严重和广泛,但"主流"经济学家却在大肆抨击所谓的"仇富"心理。  相似文献   

技术创新联盟成员之间的契约是不完全的,这种不完全契约很大程度上增加了联盟成员采取机会主义行为的概率,从而严重影响了联盟的稳定性。将正式治理机制(契约、法律)与非正式治理机制(声誉)结合起来,针对技术创新联盟过程中的机会主义行为防范问题,运用演化博弈理论方法讨论了战略联盟稳定性的影响因素。研究发现增大联盟退出成本、加强相关法律体系保护力度和强度,选择互补而非竞争性战略伙伴,提高联盟退出成本,能够有效防范联盟中的机会主义行为,从而提高联盟的稳定性。  相似文献   

生态工业园企业合作非正式契约的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业间稳定的合作关系是生态工业园顺利成长的前提条件.要保证这种合作关系就必须有强有力的制度保障。新制度经济学理论提出将长期契约用来代替纵向一体化经营,同时将长期契约分为正式契约和非正式契约。由于正式契约的非完备性和未来的不确定性,提高了它的实施成本,因此,非正式契约在规范园区企业行为方面提供了强有力的保证。本文对防止园区企业机会主义行为的非正式契约进行了博弈分析.着重用不完全信息下的动态博弈理论阐释非正式契约运行的内在机理,并对如何规范园区企业间合作关系提出了建议与对策,以期有助于生态工业园的健康成长。  相似文献   

马克思经济学从根本上是代表弱势群体的利益,反映弱势者对社会正义的要求,从而不承认现实的合理性。相反,现代西方主流经济学是为既得利益服务的,它用伦理实证主义价值观来为现实进行解释和辩护,以供求均衡来合理化社会制度,从而具有强烈的保守主义倾向。  相似文献   

金融契约的不完全性与企业融资行为:一个案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈洪波  朱绍广 《当代财经》2003,(9):49-52,60
金融契约是资本供求双方有关资本交易的约定,它是企业融资行为的基础。由于人的有限理性和机会主义倾向,金融契约不可能是一个完全契约。在金融契约不完全的情况下,融资行为是融资双方之间的博弈过程;管理者根据投资者的行为来选择努力水平和私人福利,而投资者则根据对管理者行为的预期来决定是否投资。案例分析表明,经济行为的契约化、契约完备程度以及社会履约环境与保障机制,对交易的规模和效率有着重要影响。  相似文献   

基于内部控制中的信息不对称的公司治理结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内部控制作为实现企业一定目标的过程,是由构筑一系列内部契约以及履行这些契约来实现的。人的有限理性和机会主义行为倾向使得信息在契约双方的分布是不对称的。而契约中不对称信息的存在,影响着内部控制作用的发挥。要降低由于契约中的信息不对称的影响,有效地抑制契经方的机会主义行为是一条有效的途径。公司治理结构中权力的制度安排对艳约中的机会主义行为产生影响。因此,合理的公司治理结构对抑制内部控制中的信息不对称产生积极的影响,使内部控制有效地发挥其作用。  相似文献   

一、政府预算的契约命题由信息不完全和信息不对称所引致的机会主义行为既可能发生在市场,也可能发生在组织内部,还可能发生于政府规制之中,因此,任何市场经济都必然会面临以下激励约束机制设计问题:给定信息不对称,什么是防范机会主义的最优社会契约安排。按照现代经济学的分类,把关于非对称信息情况下最优社会契约安排的理论称之为契约理论。现代契约  相似文献   

赵亮  郭慧敏 《生产力研究》2005,(3):30-32,71
目前我国存在普遍的诚信危机,契约方面是一重灾区,究其原因,在于“失信”机会主义行为的效益性,及“失信”违法行为成本的低廉性。本文试图从经济学和法学相结合和学科角度,以契约方面的“诚信危机”为例,从经济学和法学的角度探讨一种“去效益”和“失信”违法成本加大,并倡导法律建立“信用权”等综合性的策略。从而克服由诚信危机带来的契约主体和“囚徒困境”和社会经济秩序的混乱和低效率运作。  相似文献   

专利联盟是实现专利应用和科技成果转化的重要平台.由于不完全契约的影响,中国专利联盟运营效率较低.不完全契约引发"搭便车""敲竹杠"等机会主义行为,并引发二次"反公地悲剧"效应,抑制了联盟效率.理性经济人下的严格自利偏好无法解决这些机会主义问题,同时,制度经济学理论也未给出可行的方案.在行为经济视角下,互惠性理念与行为是解决专利联盟不完全契约问题的有效手段,值得深入探索和研究.  相似文献   

This article assesses the usefulness of transaction cost economics when we view economic organizations, such as firms, as complex adaptive systems. Modern complexity science is radically different in orientation to neoclassical economics, which deals with decision making in contexts that are presumed to be simple and, therefore, disconnected from complex reality. However, transaction cost economics can be related to aspects of modern complexity science: bounded rationality, opportunism, and asset specificity are all associated with behavioral complexity. Furthermore, the emphasis of transaction cost economics on hierarchy and organizational rather than technological considerations is also consistent with complexity science. Drawing on literature in psychological economics, this article synthesizes transaction cost economics with aspects of complexity science in a manner that offers a new research agenda, not only in the context of the organization of production but in economics generally. Such theoretical developments are vital if policy makers are to have at their disposal analytical perspectives that are coherent and applicable in complex historical settings.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the factors that influence the opportunistic behavior observed in the automotive fuel distribution sector (ethanol and gasoline) and the way this behavior has affected the stability of transactions between distributors and retail gas stations in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The methodology we adopt in this study is logistic regression. Contracts analysis showed good results in reducing opportunism through fuel adulteration (-68.6 percent), and enforcement by distributors proved effective in curbing opportunism through noncompliance with agreements. We also found that time in the market is a factor conducive to opportunistic behavior, while the application of higher prices is a factor that discourages opportunism.  相似文献   

基于演化博弈的和谐社会构建模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济学在社会科学中的主导性地位决定了经济和谐是和谐社会构建的基础。以"理性经济人"假设为基础的正统经济理论与和谐社会的本质内容存在着一定程度的差异性,因而不能够为和谐社会的存在性构建起科学的理论体系,而行为经济学为和谐社会的实现提供了现实性的理论依据。互惠性偏好是行为经济学的基础性假设之一,基于互惠性偏好的个体行为博弈可以改善博弈双方的经济利益,从而为演化博弈环境下群体经济行为从自利型向互惠型的演化创造了条件,最终为经济学视角下和谐社会微观经济理论体系的构建提供了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

道德风险来自人的机会主义倾向,是给他人和社会带来不利后果的人为风险。道德风险在社会保险领域发生的频率最高、分布最广、造成损失最大、防范难度也最高。被保险人试图利用自己掌握的信息优势,在追求自身效益最大化的同时做出损害保险人利益的行为。道德风险在社会保险的所有项目上都存在相应的表现及危害。针对社会保险中道德风险产生的原因,应从完善社会保险立法、增强查处力度、设计约束与激励并重的机制、建立信息对称机制及诚信自律机制等方面遏制社会保险的道德风险。  相似文献   

The intention of the article is to explore trends in economics and sociology, as well as other science disciplines, like history, psychology and anthropology, and investigate the interdisciplinary exchanges that have taken place, leading to convergences and divergences between academic subjects. The “imperialism of economics” is increasingly approaching traditional academic fields of history, psychology, and sociology. However, the article concludes that sociology’s public reputation may have declined, while simultaneously economics is shifting its attention to the social dimension of economic behavior and moving toward the other social sciences; a process which has been coined “social-scienciation.” The argument is that those developments can also be seen as chances to upgrade the social sciences “around” economics. The described process also aligns with recent talk about a need for interdisciplinary studies when this article adopts a different take on the issues of interdisciplinarity and embeddedness.  相似文献   

女性主义经济学与中国经济学的本土化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济学研究的是具体社会关系下人的理性行为以及人类行为造成的经济现象,因而具有强烈的人文性;而且,随着经济学研究领域的不断拓宽,人们已经开始引入了制度、文化等社会性因素,经济学的人文性已日益明显.正是基于这种人文性特征引发了人们对具体社会中人之理性的重新审视,以及对社会中人之行为的关注,并导致20世纪80年代之后女性主义经济学的勃兴;经济学领域的性别差异又进一步引发了社会性的思考,从而引发了对经济学本土化的探讨.事实上,不同社会文化下的经济学是有差异的,经济学本质上无法像自然科学那样科学化、客观化和通用化,而是具有强烈的本土化的色彩;而且,如果经济学理论没有本土化,就没有根植性,也就没有创新性,当然也就没有现代性和世界性.  相似文献   

In spite of its use to explain market processes, neoclassical economics still has not integrated entrepreneurship into its analyses. This explanatory gap is the consequence of the analytical closed-endedness of the “market” processes described by the neoclassical framework, where social interactions do not result in new unpredictable information. However, entrepreneurship as profit-seeking under uncertainty is an open-ended process characterized by a creatively reflexive and emergent interactive behavior in society. This open-endedness involves the generation of novel, complex, and extensive future information that is not what anyone intended it to be. Neoclassical economics, with its predetermined assumptions on economic behavior, cannot really account for the fundamental uncertainty of open-ended processes because it cannot explain reflexivity or emergence. Therefore, it cannot explain entrepreneurship as either an innovatively cohesive or disruptive behavior that converges toward future market situations.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, when most African countries gained independence, they had an opportunity to select new political and economic institutions to promote growth and development. After more than three decades of political autonomy, it now appears that the opportunity made possible by decolonization was wasted and never fully utilized to promote sustainable development in the continent. As a result, after more than thirty years of independence, most of Africa remains poor and highly deprived. Political economy in the continent is characterized by opportunism, promoted by political coalitions whose primary objective is to subvert the rules to generate benefits for themselves. The end of the Cold War and the subsequent cessation of superpower rivalry, in addition to the demise of apartheid in South Africa, has provided policy makers in Africa another opportunity to choose new institutions to lead Africans into the twenty-first century. Public choice and constitutional economics provide guidelines that can be utilized to develop efficient and self-enforcing institutions to enhance development and effect significant increases in social welfare in Africa in the next century.  相似文献   

The goal of economics is to understand human preferences. Most research focuses on adult humans and does not take an evolutionary approach. In biology experimental evolution has been able to shift the preferences of animals. As an example, artificial selection for friendly behavior toward humans results in a syndrome of changes that strongly resembles differences between wild and domestic animals. These domestication experiments have revealed precise genetic and neurobiological systems that are altered by the selection and linked through expanded windows of development. Similar evolutionary experiments selecting for a range of social, risk or discounting preferences could push economics toward consilience with biology. Prospects for a unified theory of economic behavior would be drastically improved.  相似文献   

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