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山东省水土流失经济损失与生态价值损失评估   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
赵善伦  尹民  孙希华 《经济地理》2002,22(5):616-619
介绍了山东省水土流失现状,分析其危害,重点探讨了水土流失经济损失和生态价值损失的计算方法,建立经济损失计算模型,提出水土流失生态一经济面积边际比的概念,计算山东省县域边际损失比,并对其进行区域分布规律分析。  相似文献   

区域水土流失的社会经济分析——以湖南省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土流失的社会动力是经济环境条件下市场调节失灵造成的成本外摊和收益外泄.以货币化形式综合评价区域水土流失的经济学影响,是完善生态环境恶化的预警机制和生态风险评估体系的根本趋势.文章在土壤侵蚀实物型损失估算基础上估算出湖南省土壤侵蚀的货币型经济损失,并分省、市(州)、县三个层次对其进行了社会经济分析.结果显示,全省水土流失的经济损失巨大,其中土壤侵蚀造成的养分流失经济损失最大;水土流失的经济损失地区差异明显,造成其地区差异的原因中,自然条件起决定作用,社会经济因素起放大作用;各县水土流失经济损失值的社会经济因子相关性排序为人均农业产值>人均GDP>农村人均纯收入>人口密度>人均耕地.  相似文献   

大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用修正人力资本法,分析大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失的影响因素,估算大气污染引起的过早死亡人力资本损失和大气污染造成的慢性支气管炎发病人力资本损失,并以广东省为例,估算出大气污染对人体健康影响的经济损失约为112.1亿元。  相似文献   

本研究结合黄委会黄河水土保持工程清涧河项目,运用生态经济系统健康分析方法,在分析清涧河流域生态经济现状的基础上,探讨了生态经济系统各要素之间的关系,并结合流域实际情况,选取3大类24种生态经济系统健康分析指标,采用AHP法计算各指标权重,并用熵技术对其进行修正,进而对流域生态经济系统进行健康分析.结果表明:清涧河流域所处的黄土高原丘陵沟壑区生态经济系统较为敏感,属脆弱区,水土流失严重,生态环境支撑能力差.这就要求在水土保持项目实施的过程中应注重项目区的生态环境建设,逐步治理水土流失,加快环境整治和生态修复.  相似文献   

吴东国 《城市建设》2010,(2):41-41,43
澜沧江为一条我国西南地区的重要国际河流,本文通过对澜沧江流域云南境内地质构造(含地震)、降雨分布、植被分布、人为加速侵蚀和水土流失现状等水土流失影响因素的综合分析,确定中游地区的隆阳、云县、昌宁、风庆、巍山为水土流失影响关键区域。  相似文献   

澜沧江为一条我国西南地区的重要国际河流,本文通过对澜沧江流域云南境内地质构造(含地震)、降雨分布、植被分布、人为加速侵蚀和水土流失现状等水土流失影响因素的综合分析,确定中游地区的隆阳、云县、昌宁、风庆、巍山为水土流失影响关键区域.  相似文献   

随着城市建设地加快,建筑施工噪声的污染越来越严重,对城市经济和环境带来了巨大的损失。为了更好地治理和解决噪声污染,首先必须对其带来的损失能够量化。从环境经济学的角度,介绍两种建筑施工噪声污染经济损失估算的方法即损失费用法和防护费用法。  相似文献   

水土流失是指土壤侵蚀造成水土资源和土地生产力的破坏和损失.在工程实践中.永久性的水土保持措施都能够完成,而对施工过程中的水土流失重视不够,通常不会采取相应的防治措施,导致水土流失量很大,若再不采取有效的措施,将对环境产生严重的影响.本文分析了高速公路水土流失的成因,提出了防治水土流失的对策建议.  相似文献   

宋帮才 《大陆桥视野》2016,(10):208-209
水土流失是导致土地资源退化、破坏的一大主要原因,其不仅对侵蚀区的土地利用有非常深刻的影响,还会对侵蚀区外的整个流域产生重要的影响,同时也是导致生态环境恶化的关键因素.因此,本文对丘陵地区的水土流失现状及治理方略做了进一步的分析.  相似文献   

沱江污染经济损失初步核定为3亿元人大代表提出应当追究责任人的刑事责任震动全国的沱江特大污染事故损失已初步核定:直接经济损失约3亿元,生态环境恢复需5年时间。今年2月至3月,位于长江上游一级支流沱江附近的四川化工股份有限公司第二化肥厂,违规技改并试生产,设备出现故障,氨氮含量超标数十倍的废水倾泻而下,导致沱江流域严重污染,造成简阳市、资阳市、内江市、资中县等地近百万群众饮用水暂停供应,沱江鱼类大量死亡的严重后果。四川省副省长刘晓峰说,据事故损失的初步调查表明,内江、资阳等沿江地区近百万群众饮水中断时间为26天;沿江…  相似文献   

Crop rotation and other input management practices are of particular interest for their potential impacts on economic and agro-environmental components of potato production. Although crop yield and experimental impacts of rotations of grains, oilseed and legume crops have been published for several experimental studies in Canada there are few models related to the economic and environmental dynamics of potato production. We describe a dynamic model which integrates environmental and economic processes in potato production. The potato rotation model consists of interconnected modules of irrigation and precipitation, soil characteristics, soil erosion, soil water, phosphorus, nitrogen, soil organic matter, farming operations, crop yield and the related calculation of economic return. While not all aspects of crop production have been interlinked, including nitrogen carry-over, this model is the first step in the analysis of experimental data for irrigated potato rotations conducted in southern Manitoba.   相似文献   

通过定量分析的方法,研究新疆经济与环境状况及其发展的可持续性,试图得到新疆2006年的水污染、大气污染、固体废物污染的实物量损失,从而算出新疆2006年经济增长的环境代价。通过研究,为新疆经济与环境发展的可持续性评估提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is one of the most important of today’s environmental externalities and a major threat to sustainability of agricultural system. It constitutes the most widespread forms of land degradation throughout the world. The aim of this paper is to estimate the amount of soil erosion generated by the current cropping systems in Tunisia and to assess the economic and ecological impacts of policy instruments designed to handle this problem. The analysed policy options are based on soil conservation practices and direct incentive farming anti-erosive measures. The selected measures are the reduction of tillage, the avoidance of bare fallow and the use of legume-based crop rotation. A bio-economic modelling framework coupling the biophysical model EPIC to a non-linear dynamic programming farm model was used for this impact analysis. It was performed in a set of representative farms belonging to a region in North-Eastern Tunisia (Zaghouan) strongly affected by this phenomenon. The main finding of this research is the non-convexity of the crop yield—soil erosion space. That is, the use of more intensive techniques to increase productivity (i.e. crop yield) may be accompanied by rough changes in soil erosion (damage) curves, manifested either by non-monotony or non-convexity. In term of policy options and because of giving up convexity assumptions, incentive anti-erosive measures appear more efficient than conventional environmental policies such as Pigouvian taxes or quota systems. The implementation of soil conservation practices would leads to a net decrease in soil erosion and an increase in farm income. However, with the current interest rate of 7% the possible rise in income is not enough to stimulate farmers to invest on these practices. A maximum rate of 4% would be necessary to make this policy option more effective.  相似文献   

运用生态应力指数计算法、国民经济核算方法和典型指标对比法,对西藏与内地以及三大地带、七大经济区等整体和不同产业的发展成本进行了分析,结果显示,西藏与内地整体以及三大地带、七大经济区的发展成本存在显著差异,三种计算方法计量出的西藏经济发展成本与全国平均水平的差异具有一致性,但不同计算方法下不同产业的发展成本及其与全国平均水平的差异则比较大。  相似文献   

While soil degradation has long-term consequences, static models which form the bulk of studies on this topic in Africa, do not account for the inter-temporal dimensions of optimal resource management. This paper used an inter-temporal optimisation framework, which considered soil in a time-dependent resource extraction perspective. We have demonstrated that soil degradation is causing an enormous reduction in productive value of smallholder land in Malawi. Current user cost of soil quality among smallholder farmers, which represents annual loss in productive value of land, was estimated to be US$21 per hectare. Based on this value and land area under smallholder agriculture in Malawi, economic costs of soil degradation among smallholder farmers were estimated to amount to 14% of the agricultural GDP for Malawi. Although smallholder farmers’ current practices are sub-optimal to Steady State solutions, they are above static solutions. This demonstrates that smallholder farmers have some private incentives to invest in the soil quality stock. Smallholder farmers internalise some of the dynamic costs of soil degradation under the current practices. However, a sensitivity analysis on a slightly higher discount rate indicates that SS solutions closely resemble the prevailing smallholder farming practices. This suggests that smallholder farmers may be overexploiting soil quality stock because they have a high time preference. That is, they value the current consumption more than their future consumption and wellbeing. High levels of poverty in Malawi and serious lack of viable alternatives to subsistence farming may be influencing such behaviour. Promoting more viable land use alternatives than subsistence farming and formuling policies that help transform smallholder agriculture into a profitable enterprise will not only increase the cost of degrading the soil, but also encourage farmers to invest in the soil quality stock.  相似文献   

本文通过分析盱眙县低山丘陵区水土流失状况、形成原因及危害,提出低山丘陵区水土保持治理的主要技术措施:山顶林草防治、山腰经济林带整治、山脚坡改梯治理。并着重论述水土保持治理的生态环境效应:具有明显的保水、保土、保肥作用,改善生态系统的环境效应和提高生物多样性功能,为低山丘陵区的生态环境恢复和农业可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

Aiming at studying soil conservation function of alpine grassland in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, this paper simulated soil erosion changes under different degrees of human disturbance in a wind tunnel laboratory. Three types of grasslands were selected, which include alpine meadow (QH-1), alpine steppe meadow (QH-2) and alpine steppe (QH-3), and the soil erosion rate was taken as the index to measure soil conservation function. The experimental results show that the soil erosion rates of three grassland samples increase with wind velocity under different treatments but the increment of erosion rate varied greatly. Under original status, soil erosion rates are in turn QH-1 < QH-2 < QH-3, which indicates that the soil conservation services are QH-1 > QH-2 > QH-3. When the aboveground vegetation was cut, the soil erosion rate change of QH-1 is the same as that of QH-3 and compared with the original status both of them changed a little. And when the root system was destroyed the erosion rates range in turn as QH-1 < QH-2 < QH-3. So the data suggest that soil conservation service for the three types of grasslands should be QH-1 > QH-2 > QH-3. The economic values of soil conservation were estimated, which include the values of organic carbon fixation, nutrient retention and reducing soil disuse.  相似文献   

Recent development in the use of the environmental radionuclide caesium-137 for documenting rates and soil redistribution on the cultivated or uncultivated land and estimating rates of sediment deposition on represents an important advance that overcomes many of the limitations of the conventional techniques commonly applied in such investigations. A study on soil redistribution (including soil erosion and deposition) was carried out in the Dian Lake catchment, Yunnan Province, using ^137Cs and selected chemical properties. The average soil erosion rate was 1,280.2 t km^2 yr^-1. Soil erosion rate occurring on different parts of the slope was significantly different on different parts of the slope, increasing.from the top. the bottom to the middle slope. The average soil erosion rate is also different with the land use type and that of the cultivated land (1, 672. 8 t km^-2 yr^-1) is higher than oJ the uncultivated land (1.161.2t km^-2 yr^-1 ). The result shows that landform, slope gradient and land use type are key factors that influence the size of soil erosion. In addition, we also find the SOC and TN contents and amount of the soil erosion to be correlated in the soil. With the soil erosion occurring, there are land degradation and the local eco-environmental problems, such as water eutrophication in Dian Lake.  相似文献   

紫色土山丘是我国主要土地类型之一,分析了紫色土山丘区生态背景和区域经济特征,论述了湘、黔两省合作实施"紫色土山丘综合治理配套技术研究与示范"项目,创造并推广紫色山丘植被恢复技术体系,水土流失治理技术体系,农林牧渔发展和土壤改良技术体系的方法,总结了紫色土山丘综合治理对促进区域生态改善和经济发展的主要成就,提出了大规模治理紫色土山丘的主要途径和建议.  相似文献   

The way central banks react to exchange market pressure is likely to affect the subsequent economic development and the associated economic costs. In a situation of currency pressure the central bank can in principle decide to let the currency float freely, to maintain the peg or to implement a managed float policy, i.e. a mix of depreciation and intervention. As the central bank's choices are subject to self selection and endogeneity, we use propensity score matching to adequately cope with these methodical challenges. We find that monetary authorities have two options to keep down the economic costs in terms of output, namely stabilizing the exchange rate or letting the currency float freely. In contrast, a managed float under currency pressure is accompanied by the worst possible outcome with an average loss of gross domestic product (GDP) between 5% and 6%.  相似文献   

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