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罗玉民 《济南金融》2002,(10):25-26
融资难是当前制约县域民营企业发展的重要因素。本文从信贷主体、现行信贷管理体制及经营风险等方面分析了民营企业融资难的金融制约因素,并提出了改善民营企业融资机制的建议。  相似文献   

文章基于江苏省的调研分析发现,民营企业长期面临处于产业链中低端、创新能力较低及高端技术人才缺乏的发展困境,导致其在核心零部件、关键设备及技术掌控等方面较为薄弱,产业链竞争力不强。为此,在“双循环”发展背景下,需要从加强政策激励、加速创新要素集聚、积极利用国内国际市场优势等方面加快推进民营企业转型升级,进而实现对产业链的自主可控。鉴于此,文章以江苏省2403家民营企业为调研对象,在梳理民营企业产业链发展现状的基础上,剖析民营企业产业链优化升级的制约因素及成因,对促进民营企业转型升级、提升我国产业链现代化水平具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

加快转变政府职能对于优化民营企业发展的制度环境具有重要意义.我国政府职能历经多次变革,在优化民营企业发展制度环境方面并没有取得根本性推进,主要根源在于政府职能的承担主体多元化没有实现.因此,文章建议转变政府职能从而优化民营企业发展制度环境,应该从政府、市场与社会三个方面进行资源配置体系的重构.  相似文献   

民营企业再发展需要新的驱动力,自身发展是重要的内部驱动力,利用资本市场发展则是重要的外部驱动力。本文回顾了中国民营企业和资本市场的发展,对民营企业与资本市场现实困境给予合理的解释,指出亟待通过资本市场法律制度变革推动民营企业发展,以此为指导,通过构建包括法律支持体系、法律保障体系和监管与自律体系的资本市场法律制度体系,实现民营企业与资本市场有效对接、良性互动、同步发展的理想图景。  相似文献   

一、建立第二板市场的必要性 首先,建立第二板市场,是发展我国中小企业和民营企业的需要.在我国现有投融资体制下,企业在市场上获得资金的主要渠道一是银行贷款;二是上市集资.而无论是中小型企业还是民营企业,难以获得银行贷款.目前绝大多数金融机构在体制上存在着对中小企业和民营企业信贷歧视,由此形成了中小企业和民营企业筹资困难的普遍现象.另一方面,按照现有的<股票发行与交易管理暂行条例>和<公司法>规定的上市条件,对中小企业和民营企业来说,也是无法逾越的门槛.目前上市的公司中绝大多数脱胎于原有的国有大型企业,中小企业较少,而民营企业被拒之门外.这种融资上的困难目前已经造成民营企业普遍受到资金不足的困扰,严重束缚了中小企业和民营企业的发展.所以,开辟一个为中小型企业和民营企业融资的新渠道就显得格外迫切.第二板市场作为针对相对规模较小、风险相对较大企业所设立的特殊融资场所,有条件为我国中小企业和民营企业的发展提供有效的资本支持,使得中小企业和民营企业也能享受到证券市场带来的融资、风险分担、扩大知名度以及规范化企业运作等益处.  相似文献   

湖南民营企业发展的融资环境在改善,但融资难问题较突出。企业自身素质不高,金融机构信贷管理体制、运行机制与民营企业融资需求不太适应,中小企业信用担保体系建设相对滞后,是形成我省民营企业融资瓶颈的主要原因。要从提高企业素质、优化信贷结构、加强金融创新、完善中小企业信用担保体系和拓宽融资渠道等方面,来缩小民营企业发展的融资缺口。  相似文献   

湖南民营企业发展的融资环境在改善,但融资难问题较突出。企业自身素质不高,金融机构信贷管理体制、运行机制与民营企业融资需求不太适应,中小企业信用担保体系建设相对滞后,是形成我省民营企业融资瓶颈的主要原因。要从提高企业素质、优化信贷结构、加强金融创新、完善中小企业信用担保体系和拓宽融资渠道等方面,来缩小民营企业发展的融资缺口。  相似文献   

民营企业在国民经济中占有重要地位,但由于体制和信息等方面的原因,民营企业在发展中普遍面临融资难的问题.要解决这一问题,必须在融资渠道、政策扶持和融资方式等方面采取措施. 一、建立政策性融资渠道 1.建立和健全对中小企业融资的信用担保体系.  相似文献   

伍军 《新疆金融》2004,(5):31-32
民营经济是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,也是我国中小企业最具有活力的一部分。改革开放20多年来,我国民营经济有了长足的发展,在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。然而我国的民营企业自产生以来即面临着政策、市场、产权和融资方面的约束。社会主义市场经济体制的确立及党的十五大以后,为民营经济的发展拓展了空间;但由于历史的原因,民营企业在筹资、融资方面仍存在着渠道狭窄,融资难的问题,资金短缺已成为我国民营企业发展的大问题。  相似文献   

李敏  李晓军 《财政科学》2020,(3):106-111
改革开放以来,我国民营企业蓬勃发展,民营经济由小到大、由弱变强,在稳定增长、促进创新、增加就业等方面发挥了重要作用,已成为推动我国国民经济发展的重要力量.但是,随着外部环境的深刻变化和受到国内经济下行等多重因素的影响,我国民营企业,尤其是西部欠发达地区的民营企业普遍面临着成本增高、终端市场受限、融资难融资贵、税费负担重等发展瓶颈制约问题.如果这些困难和问题长期得不到有效解决,将会严重影响民营企业的健康发展和阻碍民营经济的快速发展.财政是国家治理的基础和重要支柱.财政部门要充分发挥职能作用,积极支持民营企业健康发展,要以降税减费为主攻方向,减轻民营企业发展中的压力,帮助民营企业做大做强,实现民营经济高质量发展.本课题以四川省达州市为例,提出财政部门支持民营经济发展"1234"工作思路和对策措施,积极推动民营经济发展动力强起来、发展质量高起来、发展速度快起来,为达州加快实现"两个定位"和争创全省经济副中心做出积极贡献.  相似文献   

Technological innovation and initial public offerings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article shows how both technological and competitive risksaffect the timing of private and initial public offerings inan emerging industry. Early private financing occurs in industriesthat are perceived to be risky, with high development costsand low probability of being displaced by technologically superiorrivals. Early public financing occurs in industries perceivedto be viable, with low development costs and low probabilityof displacement. Due to feedback effects between financial andproduct markets, the value of investors' proprietary informationis greater in private than in initial public offerings. Thishas implications for underpricing.  相似文献   

Arguments are presented in the case of Eastern European transitioncountries for combining the restructuring of insolvent pay-as-you-goretirement systems with the introduction of mandatory, private,funded pensions. They involve the reduction of dead-weight loss,the return to formal activity of gray markets, and the developmentof capital markets. With the proper financing, such policiescan also increase national savings. Lack of public knowledgeabout financial instruments for saving argues for making participationin the private funds mandatory. A combination of a reformed pay-as-you-gosystem with private, mandatory funds balances concern for politicalrisk and real wage variability with concern for the variabilityof real financial returns.Animportant caveat is in order. Implementing such a policy requiresa capacity for effective enforcement of prudencial regulationsand a commitment to macroeconomic stability. If these are notpresent, reform should be limited to restoring balance to thepay-as-you-go system.  相似文献   

In the past 20 years local governments have increasingly looked to financial markets for capital financing. The markets want local governments to change their accounting systems and become more transparent, in order to offer information that is more appropriate to private sector investors. The authors argue that this approach is only a partial solution, and that local government and financial institutions would both benefit from changes in their relationships. The article identifies a double knowledge gap that needs to be filled if the public and private sectors want to work together as long-term financial partners.  相似文献   

We compare initial offer prices in privatizations to initial prices in public offerings of private companies. The evidence indicates that government officials in the United Kingdom underprice IPOs significantly more than their private company counterparts. In Canada and Malaysia, however, the opposite is true. There does not appear to be a general tendency for privatizations to be underpriced to a greater degree than private company IPOs. We provide additional evidence on the determinants of privatization initial returns. Our findings indicate that initial returns are significantly higher in relatively primitive capital markets and for privatized companies in regulated industries.  相似文献   

吉林省民营经济发展中的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省是全国整体发展水平的“标志性省份”,主要表现为国土面积、人口数量、GDP总量三大指标均约占全国的2%左右。在全省经济发展格局中,民营经济已成为推动地方经济发展的一只劲旅。但是,在民营经济发展过程中仍存在着一些不容忽视的问题,我们必须从思想认识、体制保障、发展路径等方面,为民营经济的持续健康发展创造良好环境。  相似文献   

刘向东  常德鹏 《南方金融》2012,(7):53-56,60
近期,出于对股价低迷、支付费用高,或长远战略调整、转换场地上市等因素的考虑,中国海外概念股开始集体主动回归,阿里巴巴、盛大、小肥羊实施私有化退市。然而,中国境外上市企业私有化退市面临着代价过高、程序繁杂、回归A股困难以及潜在诉讼等风险。因此,我国应结合本国实际,适时推出国际板,完善主板、创业板双向退市制度,推行国有上市企业私有化,引导企业理性上市融资和私有化退市,确保投资者与经营者之间合理分配报酬,实现全员共同富裕。  相似文献   

Financial development and innovation: Cross-country evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine how financial market development affects technological innovation. Using a large data set that includes 32 developed and emerging countries and a fixed effects identification strategy, we identify economic mechanisms through which the development of equity markets and credit markets affects technological innovation. We show that industries that are more dependent on external finance and that are more high-tech intensive exhibit a disproportionally higher innovation level in countries with better developed equity markets. However, the development of credit markets appears to discourage innovation in industries with these characteristics. Our paper provides new insights into the real effects of financial market development on the economy.  相似文献   

本文利用2010-2016年中国A股上市非金融企业的面板数据,实证检验了政府债务对企业杠杆的影响。结果表明,随着政府债务的扩张,企业杠杆率有所下降,同时相比于投资者投资组合对企业债券融资的挤出路径,政府部门对企业信贷融资的挤出路径影响更强。进一步研究发现,在不同地区和不同类型企业之间存在异质性,在股票市场发展较不完善的地区、对金融机构贷款依赖较高的地区和金融开放度较低的地区,挤出效应相对较强;在小规模企业、非国有企业和非从事公用事业的企业,挤出效应相对较强。在现阶段发展的背景下,地方政府应合理控制债务规模,在实现稳增长的同时减少对民营企业融资资金的挤占,重点关注国有企业的杠杆问题,发挥市场在资源配置中的作用。  相似文献   

While the U.S. still accounts for about two‐thirds of the world's total private equity fund‐raising and investment, other countries have been adopting American practices and are experiencing significant growth in their private equity markets. In fact, a case can be made that a global market for venture capital and private equity is emerging, at least in Western Europe and North America, where venture markets are seeing significant convergence in funding levels, investment patterns, and realized returns. To date, however, the European Union has had little success in establishing community‐wide commercial laws, taxation regimes, or corporate governance policies, so each country's private equity funds are organized in segmented national markets, and investment also tends to be largely localized. The Asian markets are even more fragmented: venture capital shows no sign of taking root in Japan, and China lacks the basic legal infrastructure needed to support a vibrant venture capital market. Venture capitalists create value through their role as active investors, and government and business leaders around the world have come to realize that venture capital and private equity investing can be a significant force in promoting economic development and technological progress. In general, countries with English common law codes offer greater protection to inves‐tors; the ratio of venture capital spending to GDP for common law countries is nearly double that in civil law countries. Government efforts to promote venture capital would probably be better focused on eliminating regulatory road‐blocks, lowering taxes, and provid‐ing a favorable investor climate. In the meantime, it appears that pri‐vate equity fund‐raising and invest‐ment have hit their cyclical lows and are poised to surpass $250 billion globally within three or four years and to reach one‐half trillion dollars by the end of the decade. The author also predicts that India, whose history as a former British colony has given it a common law framework as well as system of elite universities and technical institutes known for the quality of its gradu‐ates, should become one of the five leading venture capital markets by the end of this decade.  相似文献   

中国民营银行发展模式的目标定位和战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国民营银行的发展同时面临着机遇和挑战,因此,民营银行应从辩证的角度进行目标定位。通过对其发展的现实条件的分析,其发展战略有以下选择:放松市场准入;吸引民间资本对现有的中小银行进行民营化改造;准确定位民营银行;尽量减少政府干预。  相似文献   

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