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Statistics show that China‘s low-income groups or regions have a higher marginal propensity to consume out of income than do high-income groups. Contrary to this general observation,however, Chinese farmers‘ consumption rate is persistently lower than that of the urban residents for most time periods. Even with equivalent income, the farmers‘ consumption rate is still low compared with that of urban residents. The most deeply rooted reasons are government industrialization policies and relevant institutional arrangements, which have been extensively discussed by a wide range of scholars and thus will not be explored here.This paper will concentrate on the multiple factors that have directly caused this long-term phenomenon: low cash income of the farmers, uncertainty of income expectation, underdeveloped consumption infrastructure, and a traditional mentality which embraces austerity.  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the potential impacts of bio-ethanol expansion on agricultural production, food prices and farmers' incomes in different regions of China. The results show that increase in demand for feedstock to produce bio-ethanol will lead to large increase in the prices of agricultural products. The increase in prices will trigger a significant rise in the production of feedstock at the cost of lower rice and wheat production. The study also reveals that the impacts of bio-ethanol on farmers" incomes vary largely among regions and farmer groups. Given the expected expansion of bio-ethanol production in the future, and the limited land resources for feedstock production in China, the viability of different crops as feedstock for bio-ethanol requires careful analysis before a large-scale expansion of China's bio-ethanol program. Bio-ethanol production in China should be relying more on the second generation of bio-ethanol technologies (i.e. using celluloses to produce bio-ethanol), and China's government should increase research investment in this field.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that farmers' earnings are hard to be increased because farmers' material capital and manpower capital are very low. Solving the farmers' problem of little growth in income doesn't merely satisfy farmers' currency increase, but has the strategic eyes to increase the growth speed over that of citizen. This paper has evaluated four kinds of thoughts of increasing farmers' income discussed at present. It points out that relying on external forces to develop agricultural industrialization and regulate rural economic structure, lead to the income that farmers get from is limited. Merely lightening the burden of farmers can not be the main approach to increase earnings, only investing more in agriculture may create condition for increasing income and diverting country redundant labors. But we must improve farmers' culture quality and capital accumulation firstly. At last, it proposes thoughts and suggestions to solve the problem.  相似文献   

I. Introduction The difficulty of improving local governance in contemporary China has recently aroused a great deal of attention from both academics and policy-makers. Among the many issues needing to be addressed, inefficiency in the work of local administrative agencies andshortcomings in the delivery of public services rank as the most significant. Many Chinese farmers, especially those in less developed regions, have been plagued by excessive tax burdens, insecure land property rights an…  相似文献   

潘兆恩 《魅力中国》2014,(20):12-13
Today's confusing conciseness exhibits the urgent needs for social transformation in China
In today's society, tremendous social problems emerging endlessly that vastly make bad influences to people's life. The problem of food safety, environment pollution, political corruption, increasing aging population, and academic plagiarism, all make the public doubts about this society's justice and equality. What on earth account for these problems? Is it is the unsound social institution or the public's low-level morality? Both of them are the problem makers. It can be said that individuals have lost themselves in this chaotic social environment. Especially for today's youths in China, they burden the responsibility of social development with their beautiful dreams, but usually become powerless in the hard "reality". So the China society really needed to be transformed under the quick economic developing tempo, otherwise it will out of sequence. Building the healthy social institution and improving the public' moral level are two basic methods to achieve the social transformation, which also are the purpose of social transformation. The social transformation aims at letting individuals  相似文献   

American economist Charles M. Tiebout (1924-1968) argued in 1956 that as state and local governments compete through general tax and spending programs to attract people and businesses, these government entities are led to produce the desired level of public goods.Tiebout notes that people can vote with their feet and choose to live in the community that provides them with the public services for which they are willing to pay. As a result, people in effect reveal their true preferences, and st…  相似文献   

China has entered a new stage of social and economic development,having eliminated absolute poverty by the end of 2020.Common prosperity will be a new goal in this new development stage.There are domestic and international reasons for China to promote common prosperity as a new development goal.Domestically,the reform and opening-up policies over the past 40 years have promoted rapid economic growth and a considerable improvement in Chinese living standards but the problem of unbalanced development has not been solved effectively.This problem is manifested in all aspects of social and economic development,including excessive income inequality and unfair income distribution,regional disparities,a significantly large urban-rural gap,and unequal access to basic public services among different population groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is attempting to examine the feasibility application of the concept of enhancing the Direct Regional Agriculture, Aquaculture and Tourism Entrepreneurial Marketing (DRAATEM) and the Small and Medium Agro Marketing Enterprises (SMAMEs) in Malaysia. This collaborative marketing concept will solve the local agro-aqua and tourism fraternities' plight where they are constantly preyed by the marketing scavengers or middleman and the possibility of entrepreneurial ventures by the farmers themselves. The methodology used is to determine the feasibility of Direct Regional Agro-Aqua and Tourism Entrepreneurial Marketing (DRAATEM) in SMAMEs that comprising local farmers in agriculture, aquaculture and its association, Ministry of Agriculture (agencies including district agriculture department, irrigation department, FAMA) and Tourism Industry (local tourist agencies and operator). Local agro-aqua farmers' demographic factors (gender, race, academic level, knowledge and experiences of agro and aqua) will also examine to determine the feasibility of Direct Regional Agro Aqua Tourism Entrepreneurial Marketing concept. This study found that, there is a significant difference among factors stated with the enhancing of Direct Regional Agro Aqua Tourism Marketing Entrepreneurial concept in the Small and Medium Agro Aqua Tourism Marketing Enterprise management. The initiatives and eagerness to be successful in this concept depend on the inter-relatedness and collaborative of the tri-party of agro-aqua and tourism fraternities which constitute to the improving of their income, livelihood and generate national economy. In addition, the leadership quality of local farmer's cooperative, networking facility and agro-aqua knowledge are another three essential factors found to be the strong fundamental of improving the income and livelihood of local farmers. The implication of this study is upgrading of farmers income and livelihood minus the role of middleman by enhancing Direct Regional Agro-Aqua Tourism Entrepreneurial Marketing concept which is a pivotal role in managing agro sector effectively. This could contribute since agriculture is considered as the third engine of growth in the Malaysian economy. The devised models could be used to achieve the goal. As well as to provide further groundwork to assist existing and would be agro managers; entrepreneurs or agro-agencies to upgrade farmers' income and generate country's economy by enhancing Direct Regional Agro-Aqua Tourism Entrepreneurial Marketing (DRAATEM) concept in Small and Medium Agro Marketing Enterprises (SMAMEs).  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to discuss the differences between the process-oriented management in public sector organizations and private sector organizations. It is also to present the consequences of implementation of this approach and to suggest areas for further research. The process management is based on the assumption that actions should be optimized by taking into account processes, which create the dynamics of an organization. These processes are constituted by sequences of activities, which turn ideas and efforts of members of an organization into an outcome expected by a client. It seems that the implementation of the process-oriented management in organizations of the public administration may facilitate the following current clients needs and identifying new ones, which are due to changes in needs of citizens or legal requirements. The paper gives an account of the process-oriented management approach and consequences of its implementation in public sector organizations. It also discusses the obstacles to the process-oriented management implementation, primarily in the public sector. The paper is theoretical and the presented ideas need further empirical investigation. The findings can be used to enhance process-oriented management systems both in the public and private sector.  相似文献   

The crisis of 2008 has shown the unsustainability of the global imbalances centered on the US-China symbiotic relationship that characterized the previous decade. This has revived the so-called growth-rebalancing debate. In particular, the new emerging consensus calls for a re-orientation of the US economy away from consumption and toward exports, and for policy shifts that can help China to reduce its dependence on external demandand inefficiently high rates of capital accumulation. We discuss the economic and political feasibility of the proposed patterns of re-adjustment by focusing on the short-term and long-term trade-offs faced by the policy-makers. We argue that the rebalancing will be gradual and partial because of the costs associated with a radical shift in the growth models adopted by both countries. We believe that this scenario will be consistent with a world economy expanding at lower rates than over the past decade.  相似文献   

张凯强  台航 《南方经济》2018,37(7):75-95
文章基于我国1998-2006年的县级面板数据,分析财政支出结构对经济增长波动的影响机制。理论分析表明,我国地方政府偏好生产性支出的特点,将提高经济增长波动率;实证结果有力地论证了上述结论,即生产性公共支出占比提高10%,经济增长波动率将增加0.42%。稳健性分析发现中西部县级地区较东部地区经济增长的波动率更大。此外,我国生产性支出偏好对经济增长波动率的影响具有明显的顺周期特征,在繁荣时期,经济增长波动率的增加幅度将超过0.8%。文章的结论可为推进和完善中央与地方财政事权和支出责任划分提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Based on literature study and case studies, this paper attempts to establish an indicator system which will facilitate public supervision of government efforts to improve basic health protection for the rural population, especially the poor. The basic health protection system mainly consists of public health, medical relief and basic health insurance. The level of social and economic development in a region, and the capabilities of the local government,essentially determine the priority order of these three focus areas. For the less-developed regions, where the financial and administrative capabilities of local governments are weak,the most feasible option is to intensify public health and medical relief in order to reduce the vulnerability of farmer families, especially poor families.  相似文献   

近年来长三角地区经济增长引人注目,然而,公共服务却不能与之匹配。文章从经济增长与公共服务一般理论出发,分析该地区在一体化中两者动态关系,建立公共服务供给、政府竞争与经济增长的实证模型,并进行检验。研究首次发现,该地区公共服务供给增加初期会扩大地区间经济差距,但之后却有利于缩小差距,公共服务与经济差距呈现倒U型关系;且经济增长有利于公共服务供给增加;而地方政府间竞争则与公共服务供给呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

庞娟 《改革与战略》2010,26(3):25-29
当前,我国地方政府在事权和财权上都有了较大的自主权。在地方公共品供给中,当地方政府和中央政府目标不相一致时,中央和地方的博弈便不可避免。在政治与经济双重竞争的博弈背景下,地方政府作为公共品主要提供者的角色常常被忽视了.地方公共品供给出现结构失衡。因此,在中央与地方博弈的视角下,针对我国地方公共品供给的困境,研究地方公共品有效供给的激励模型,规范地方政府行为,形成地方公共品有效供给的激励制度是当务之急。  相似文献   

方茜 《华东经济管理》2012,26(5):128-130
转变基层管理者对发展基本公共服务与发展地方经济相冲的认识,对全面推进基本公共服务均等化具有重要意义.经济增长与经济发展是两个不同的概念,基本公共服务作用两者的路径亦不同.2000-2010年,我国基本公共服务水平与经济增长高相关,与经济发展从低相关向高相关过渡.2005年,我国基本公共服务不均等问题有了明显改善.2005-2010年,我国基本公共服务均等化与地方经济增长、经济发展的方向逐步一致,发展基本公共服务与发展地方经济并非势不两立,拥有共赢的空间.  相似文献   

曹胜 《科学决策》2010,(8):28-37
政府应该在经济发展中扮演怎样的角色是发展中国家普遍面临的问题。当前中国出现的农地征用中地方政府的积极介入行为为我们分析这个问题提供了具体的事实案例。在农地征用过程中,由于地方政府掌握着土地征用权,所以它们构成农业用地向城市用地(包括公共用地和商业用地)流转的唯一中介,从而积极地介入到土地流转的过程中。地方政府在农地征用中的权力运行有着内在的政治逻辑,这是与当前中国的政治经济体制所分不开的。地方政府积极主动介入农地征用的行为是当前压力型政治经济体制下应对自上而下的政绩压力的产物,也是地方政府谋取自身利益的必然结果。地方政府的这种行为在一定程度上为促进地方经济发展作出了贡献,但是也带来了一系列的社会问题。要促进中国经济的健康发展,就必须对这种体制进行及时主动的变革。  相似文献   

刘哲希  任嘉杰  陈小亮 《改革》2020,(4):100-115
在提出测算地方政府隐性债务新方法的基础上,基于所测算的数据,从债务规模和债务结构的双重视角,全面分析地方政府债务对经济增长的影响。结果表明:就债务规模而言,当地方政府债务率相对较低时,增加债务有助于促进经济增长,但是当地方政府债务率相对较高时,进一步增加债务对经济增长的推动作用将会减弱。就债务结构而言,当地方政府的隐性债务占比过高时,地方政府债务的扩张会对经济增长产生更为显著的负向影响,这主要是因为隐性债务对民间投资的挤出作用更强。因此,防范与化解地方政府债务风险,不应采取"一刀切"的策略,而应从债务规模和债务结构两个视角综合考量,为各地量身打造防范与化解债务风险的最优策略。  相似文献   

张金清  聂雨晴 《南方经济》2020,39(11):13-27
结合中国地方政府财政反应特征,文章在债务可持续性分析框架中,首次识别了基础盈余主动调整的有效性条件作为分析前提,进而完善了债务不可持续性的定义内涵和度量方法,最终建立了地方政府债务违约风险评估模型。凭借此模型,对中国地方政府债务违约风险进行了评估,主要结论如下:在经济增速不稳定背景下,施行顺周期财政政策的中国地方政府,容易落入基础盈余主动调整无效的境况,因而在对地方政府债务可持续性进行分析时,有必要考虑基础盈余主动调整的有效性;通过检验发现,新构造的债务不可持续概率和条件期望债务空间指标,均能较好反映地方政府债务违约风险,而单纯的债务率指标对地方政府债务违约风险无解释力;在2019年,天津、贵州和青海等地已处于财政疲劳引起的债务不可持续状态,内蒙古等六省的条件期望债务空间不足20%,其余省份的条件期望债务空间仍相对充裕;最后,通过考察债务可持续性的改善渠道又进一步发现,财政透明度的提高可有效降低地方政府债务违约风险。  相似文献   

非生产性努力、政府规制与私营经济发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文认为,地方政府的规制水平不同,使得不同地区私营企业家的非生产性努力程度有差异;在企业家能够自由流动的条件下,规制条件好的地区会对企业家产生集聚效应,促使地区私营经济快速发展;私营企业家的集聚使私营经济的力量得到壮大,更能影响政府的政策和规制条件,因此经济朝着优均衡的状态发展;如果地区私营经济向地方政府寻租,造成偏私性资源配置,那么私营经济发展就会走向劣均衡。  相似文献   

王晓军 《特区经济》2012,(4):166-168
和谐的金融生态环境对于区域经济和金融的发展具有重要的现实意义。近年来,湖南金融生态环境得到了一定改善,但还存在经济基础欠佳、地方金融发展滞后、信用中介市场发育缓慢、地方政府公共服务缺失等问题,因此,优化产业结构、加快地方金融发展、培育信用中介市场、完善地方政府公共服务等,对优化湖南金融生态环境,实现湖南经济与金融发展的良性互动至关重要。  相似文献   

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