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制度分割、产业集群与跨国公司区位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,产业集群快速发展,并已成为跨国公司的新区位,对文献的回顾也证明集聚经济已成为跨国公司新的优势来源。本文从经济组织角度研究了产业集群对于跨国公司区位的意义,特别注重制度分割对于产业集群的组织属性、效率边界及演进动力的作用,以及这种作用对于跨国公司区位的影响。最后提出发展中国家应以制度分割推进产业集群建设来制定引资战略的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study argues that improved working practices acquired from intra-firm technology transfers are a crucial source of organizational sustainability. This study used 252 subsidiaries of foreign-based multinational corporations located in Peninsular Malaysia as a quantitative data source. The findings revealed that market environment, cultural factors, and absorptive capacity significantly improved working practices, which in turn significantly and positively affected the social and environmental sustainability of firms. We recommend that the government of Malaysia formulate and adopt more market-friendly policies while simultaneously providing both insight on the various cultural norms of foreign nations and higher education and training for its citizens to maximize knowledge transfer following foreign investment, which is beneficial for both the host country and the organizations involved.  相似文献   

The economies of Central and Eastern Europe were hit particularly badly by the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009. This raises the question of whether the severe economic downturn had any effect on the strategic orientation of foreign multinational corporations operating in Central and Eastern Europe. The purpose of the study is to contribute to the discussion of the effects of the recent crisis on strategies of multinational corporations. The crisis brought the successful economic catching-up process of the reforming countries over the previous decade to an abrupt halt, shattering the image of Central and Eastern Europe as a growth region. Multinational firms are now in the process of reviewing their original internationalization strategies for the region. The author argues that the business model that guided the expansion into Central and Eastern Europe still remains valid.  相似文献   

The geographic dispersion of multinational corporations (MNCs) implies that while it gives them access to new and different knowledge from diverse localities, it also adds to the costs and complexities of managing that knowledge and its effective dispersal across geographies. The purpose of this article is to examine how knowledge is transferred within MNCs and provide a framework for this process, particularly focusing on the role that distance (external) and organizational (internal) factors plays therein. A qualitative study is utilized, focusing on two technology companies from different cultural home countries and the technology transfer process with their South African subsidiaries. We find that the standardization of knowledge impacts the creation and diffusion of knowledge; expatriates impact on the creation, diffusion, and adoption; and, finally, relevance and localization impact on the adoption and utilization of knowledge. We present a conceptual framework around trust and rationalization as regards transferring knowledge within MNCs and find some evidence of the impact of distance, particularly cultural, on the methods employed in this transfer. The article illustrates the practical ways in which MNCs organize their internal resources and overcome various dimensions of distance in ensuring knowledge transfers. By choosing companies from such divergent home countries (one industrialized and one newly industrialized, with very different cultural settings) and examining their knowledge transfers with their South African subsidiaries, we are able to unpack various dimensions of distance and how organizational mechanisms affect this process. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the ethical judgment of consumers in the United States and other industrialized countries has received considerable attention, consumer ethics in Asian-market settings have seldom been explored. The purchase and making of counterfeit products are considered common, but disreputable, attributes of Southeast Asian consumers. According to the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia ranks third among the leading countries of counterfeit items in Asia. Retail revenue losses attributed to counterfeiting amounted to US $183 million in 2004. Therefore, elucidating the ethical perspectives of Indonesian consumers is an effective means of clarifying an important cultural influence on consumer behavior. This exploratory study of 230 Indonesians has many meaningful findings. First, certain personal attitudes apparently affect the ethical judgments of Indonesian consumers. Second, Indonesian consumers who exhibited high ethical concern over actively benefiting from illegal actions had high levels of materialism and idealism, as well as low levels of relativism. Third, materialism, idealism, and relativism significantly influenced whether benefits were created from actively engaging in some questionable activities (DELEGAL). Analytical results indicated that Indonesians with high materialism and relativism were more likely to engage in actions that were questionable but legal. Finally, consumer ethics were compared by applying demographic variables such as gender, age, education, religion, and occupation, indicating that all variables significantly varied except for religion.  相似文献   

In the recent auto world,if we make a rank,the hottest word is possibly granted to "the alternative energy car".It is hot not by fads but by trend,a trend orienting the future of the auto industry.To fuel the cars with alternative energy other than the conventional fossil fuel has been the common concern of the countries all over the world.  相似文献   

The ‘corporate veil’ refers to the separation oflegal identity between parent firms and their subsidiaries,which gives the parent protection against the liabilities ofits subsidiaries. Fearing that such liability protection wouldfacilitate illicit activity, early twentieth century courts,especially in America, would sometimes ‘pierce’the corporate veil. This article explores Adams v. Cape (1990),in which American plaintiffs attempted to persuade the Englishcourts to lift the corporate veil and impose liability for industrialdisease on Cape Industries, a leading U.K. asbestos manufacturer.This landmark case shows how corporate strategy can be closelyintertwined with international corporate law and occupationalhealth and safety issues. It also highlights how limited liabilitylaw and separate legal personality can result in significantinjustice to claimants against multinational enterprises.  相似文献   

赵钧 《WTO经济导刊》2010,(11):79-80
“尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们,第三届中欧社会责任圆桌论坛现在开始。大家知道,今年9月12日ISO26000正式获得通过,ISO26000社会责任国际标准将于今年11月1日发布,所以我们此次论坛的主题就是ISO26000与全球供应链社会责任。”  相似文献   

2011年12月8日,山东省气象台发布大风寒潮黄色预警。在位于德州市平原县的500千伏华德线78号、79号、80号铁塔下,一面面印有"招之即来、来则能战、战则必胜"的彩旗猎猎舞动。零下七摄氏度的当天,国家电网山东电力集团公司(以下简称"山东电力")一场模拟山东北部遭遇雨雪冰冻灾害,造成数条高压输电线路故障,导致德州城区及周边多处停电的应急实战演练打响。  相似文献   

在中国已经加入世贸组织的新形势下,贸促商会的工作任务将越来越重,作用和地位也会更加突出.我们要进一步认清形势,明确职责,抓住机遇,开拓创新,充分发挥贸促商会的桥梁和纽带作用,为黑龙江省扩大对外开放,实施"走出去"的发展战略作出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

前言 在时代高度发展的今天,人们并不局限于物质生活条件的优越和满足,而更把注意力集中在了精神需求上,用旅游来度假的休闲方式日渐升温,并成为一种全国性的趋势.同时,人们对旅游文化市场的感知和品位逐渐提升,需求也日益多元化.  相似文献   

The PRIME Institute of the College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, recently released preliminary research findings indicating a trend of extraordinary pharmaceutical industry pricing of drug products in the United States (U.S.). According to researchers at the PRIME Institute, such extraordinary price increases are defined as any price increase that is equal to, or greater than, 100% at a single point in time. In some instances, PRIME Institute researchers found that drugs exhibiting extraordinary price increases are categorized as “orphan drugs” (or blood-related biologic treatments) and often life-saving or life-sustaining for treating the cause or symptoms of diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S., or where there is prevalence of less than 5 per 10,000 people afflicted with a disease or symptoms in the community. Because of extraordinary price increases for orphan drugs – some exceeding 1000% at a single point in time – this article addresses two interrelated questions: Are extraordinary orphan drug price increases socially responsible behavior? If so, are the pharmaceutical industry's policies providing orphan drug access to American consumers in dire need of available life-sustaining and life-enhancing pharmaceuticals considered “socially responsible” behavior? The author concludes, after an interdisciplinary analysis of the legal, economic, sociopolitical, and ethical dimensions of orphan drug pricing, that they are not socially responsible – unless justified by cost and availability of health care marketplace/patient options. Furthermore, the author recommends a socially responsible industry strategic approach to insure that patients ultimately receive – regardless of cost – timely access to life-saving and life-sustaining orphan drugs.  相似文献   

崔征 《WTO经济导刊》2006,(10):84-86
当前能源和环保已经成为制约人类可持续发展的两大关键,是全球面临的共同难题。在我国进入“十一五”,落实科学发展观、实现可持续发展和构建和谐社会的战略目标下,国家各相关部门已经对企业的节能降耗、安全生产等进行了全面部署,《国务院关于加强节能工作的决定》发布,第三届中国国际安全生产论坛暨中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会9月19日在北京举行……中国的能源浪费和环境污染问题亟待解决,而多起化学品厂爆炸、矿难事故和工人职业安全事故的曝光,也越来越让企业和全社会意识到,节能降耗、安全环保是企业尤其是化工行业企业所必须应对的问题。  相似文献   


Collaborative skills that promote cross-functional dynamics, boundary spanning, and inter-firm cooperation are essential to every marketing manager. Most courses in the business curricula do not address the development of relational skills and competencies that support the ability to cooperate and reconcile diverse interests and objectives as needed in real world practice. I propose that we revise the fundamentals of our educational models to support the development of collaborative, cooperative and relational competencies in our business graduates. A “values” driven perspective is a must. It entails understanding, examining, reflecting, externalizing, discovering, accepting and challenging about our past experiences and beliefs as we refresh our perspective about things, people, situations, and options. New dimensions a business curricula that sustains a “values” driven perspective must include are: (1) Design curriculum from a systems thinking perspective, (2) Develop leadership potential and management capabilities, (3) Nurture and rehearse the use of different types of intelligences, (4) Foster deep approaches to learning when validating educational goals and academic achievement, and (5) Incorporate value driven decision-making and a sense of spirituality.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a study of purchasing and supply management professionals in India conducted to identify the key ethical issues they face in carrying out their work related responsibilities as well as to determine the extent to which various factors appear to be helpful or to present challenges to their efforts to act ethically in the course of their work. The Indian findings are then compared to those for studies conducted among purchasing and supply management professionals in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. Key findings for the four studies are summarized and implications for business and the professions are presented.  相似文献   

On July 6, a top forum themed with financial innovation and regulation is to be held in Renmin University of China (RUC). This forum is sponsored by Hanqing Advanced Institute of Eco- nomics and Finance (Hanqing Institute) under RUC and the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is a top talk in the financial world.  相似文献   

在省委深入开展“两风”建设,大力实施振兴老工业基地战略,扎扎实实地推进各项工作任务落实的大环境、大背景下,省商务厅请示利民副省长同意后,召开这次全省商务工作年中会议,主要目的是,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻落实省政府第三次全体会议精神,认真总结上半年工作,全面分析省内外形势,按照省委深入开展“两风”建设的指示精神,进一步统一思想,明确任务,真抓实干,确保完成今年的各项指标。这次会议是我省机构改革组建商务厅以来,全系统内外贸合一召开的第一次会议。会议通报了上半年全省商务工作运行情况,以及各地进出口指标完…  相似文献   

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